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30 May 2024 17:15:39
So that’s James bisgrove left the club. I wonder if it’s the start of a takeover. A few mates have said that Jim Mcoll is reading a consortium to take over.


1.) 30 May 2024 17:41:24
Heard these rumblings too Robbie. We need fresh investment and a new vision that helps us gain success on the pitch. McColl certainly has the funds available so fingers crossed ??.

2.) 30 May 2024 17:53:00
I’m not sure mccoll will get involved, the initials Berkshire mentioned have merit along with one other an and Stuart Gibson.

3.) 30 May 2024 17:53:16
I think it was more he got offered a bit of cash and took it simples.

4.) 30 May 2024 18:00:05
55 in his time at rangers he has been close to some high profile positions, many thought he was going to get head of Australia cricket

I don’t think anyone can turn down the Saudi money.

I’m not convinced we need a CEO if Bennett is going full time in August.

5.) 30 May 2024 18:10:35
John was bisgrove a good ceo? He over saw the mb fiasco but what else did he achieve. Honest question iv no idea.

6.) 30 May 2024 18:43:53
Commercial wise brought a lot of money into the club.

7.) 30 May 2024 18:50:28
Yip john they can offer more than us fair play to him wish him well.

8.) 30 May 2024 19:13:49
How did he oversee the Michael Beale fiasco? Robertson hired him and Bisgrove fired him. Bisgrove appointments where Clement and Koppen.

9.) 30 May 2024 19:18:41
Robbie, was it yourself who had said bisgrove was on his way out la couple weeks ago or was that someone else?
If you good info mate

who were the initials Berkshire had mentioned sorry missed that post?

Seems a lot could happen this summer.

10.) 30 May 2024 19:39:51
Rabbi he was the 1 who allowed mb to spend over 20m without much oversight that was a fiasco.

11.) 30 May 2024 20:14:06
Posted on 30 May initials BW.

12.) 30 May 2024 20:24:39
Thanks Copland01

Do we have any in-cling who’s initials that could be?

13.) 30 May 2024 20:47:17
Onewalter bisgrove isn’t a football man he is business man. What did you want him to do with Beale?

14.) 30 May 2024 20:49:59
I only searched for the post by Berkshire, but have no idea who the initials could be.

15.) 30 May 2024 20:54:52
Billy Walker Scottish Whiskey guru born in Dumbarton ???.

16.) 30 May 2024 21:37:00
Correct Carluke.

17.) 30 May 2024 21:46:32
What’s your gut instinct on new investment over the summer, John. Do you think it will happen?

18.) 31 May 2024 12:26:39
Beale didn't spend 20 million. Sold 12 million bought 15.



30 Sep 2023 21:16:58
Is it true that Beale contract has a clause that he can be sacked within a year with only £500000 compensation to be paid. If so he need to be removed asap. We are a joke and going nowhere fast. We deserve better and need a manager with experience not a project who hopes his signings work.


1.) 30 Sep 2023 21:56:13
Somebody suggested that on here but it was never verified.

2.) 30 Sep 2023 22:02:25
He’s going no where the board have no back bone we’re winning **** all this season.

3.) 30 Sep 2023 22:17:19
Think it was John his info is usually good tho.

4.) 30 Sep 2023 22:23:02
Listening to his presser, he ain't going anywhere. "It will be someone else's decision to make. " says all you need to know. The board will have to pull the trigger if we want him out.

5.) 30 Sep 2023 23:00:24
Foolmonty, do you remember the other week, Beale stated in his presser, he didn’t need assurances from the board as regards to his future . For me the board have to come out now and either back him or sack him . I’m hoping he’s going to be summoned to the Ibrox departure lounge ??.

6.) 30 Sep 2023 23:11:55
He’s going… going….

7.) 30 Sep 2023 23:46:05
BrummieGer one thing is certain Beale isn't going to resign.

8.) 01 Oct 2023 01:06:54
I see McInnes getting mentioned again on twatter and fudbook, well I will be divorced if I smash another thing in this house, so it's no just Beale that's under pressure, I've even had my hammer confiscated / hidden.

McInnes? come on now I will be homeless just get them to stop it .

9.) 01 Oct 2023 01:12:19
Oh aye and could we get shot of super quiff the Elvis impersonator CEO gobskitter, what does he know about football? No football people running the club right now get at least one in, anybody at all.

10.) 01 Oct 2023 07:33:42
Foolmonty would u resign from a two million a year job

Mo’s send why get rid bisgrove. Best around.

11.) 01 Oct 2023 08:08:22
Don’t know why Bisgrove is getting flack off people. It’s got nothing to do with him. Since he’s been promoted we’ve changed most departments and it doesn’t seem like he’s scared to make big decisions. He’s backed the manager heavily this summer. What else can he do? It’s not his fault the players signed are rotten.

12.) 01 Oct 2023 08:56:13
if mb leaves or gets pushed who do we replace him with i doubt there
is another walter smith out there
and if the board go looking it plunge us further behind the other
mob went brends tried and trusted and hated by some of their own but dad to say he has delivered the league mention the name mcinnes
and some are ready to don green and white tops aye some fans the famous.

13.) 01 Oct 2023 08:59:15
Hey John227, Certainly would not unless it was affecting my health. You don't hear of many, if any managers, resigning these days. My point really is that the board will have to act if they are to part with Beale.

14.) 01 Oct 2023 09:11:03
That’s fine, the board have started looking after Celtic game. We have sounded three already.

15.) 01 Oct 2023 09:20:28
It's a pity Rino has just taken the job at Marseille. We need someone who's got wide experience and fire in their belly. (I know he's not got the best track record as a manager but we need someone with experience and a lot of passion/ fight)

{Ed001's Note - he won't be there long.}

16.) 01 Oct 2023 09:30:05
He not going to resign and he shouldn’t, we have him the contract and I’m afraid he’s entitled to that contract, it’s obvious now that the fans have made their mind up and are not behind the manager or the team it’s a toxic atmosphere I have been a season ticket holder for over forty years and this is as bad as I’ve seen in term of toxicity I’m just not enjoying it I have to drag myself to games the football is dire plus the atmosphere is horrible, I can’t see anything happening before Thursday and probably not till the international break but this can’t go on, I’ve sat and scratched my head for a replacement but I have no ideas but if the board decide his time is up they have to get this right as we can’t get it wrong again but the way it stand I’ve no confidence left in this team or management I’m not looking forward to the two games before the break I will never boo the team but watching the dire displays makes me sad and angry, its the first day of October and I fear the league is over I hope I’m wrong but I just can’t see is pegging back seven points and after all the anticipation for this season it’s sickening I’m sorry for this rant but I’m gutted ?.

17.) 01 Oct 2023 10:11:49
So to sum up neither Bisgrove or the board of entirely non football people do not agree with the customers with regard to Beale, is that correct?

For reference go on to QPR rumour or banter and ask them for their thoughts on the matter re Mr Beale.

He was the moosh in Shepherds Bush for a while innit?

If I hear him say "listen" again that's the laptop through the windie .

18.) 01 Oct 2023 10:27:38
He can’t be sacked until after Thursday at the earliest as iam pretty sure nobody outwith his inner circle holds the correct qualifications and badges to manage a team in a European competition.

19.) 01 Oct 2023 10:31:34
If that clause is there then he has to be sacked and replaced with the international break… if not this season is over.

20.) 01 Oct 2023 10:40:29
We need to sort this out sooner rather than later, it's obvious he has lost the support and you can't carry on after that. The board need to take action now. hope I am wrong but I think they will try to get to the next International break.

21.) 01 Oct 2023 12:18:12
He is out his depth and the other 2 in the bus shelter are too, and we do not have a football brain above him, business people yes but football certainly not .

22.) 01 Oct 2023 12:26:21
And where in the rules does it say you have to have a manager for a game? In Europe.

All you have to do is put someone up for interview I'm sure there are many people who would take us on a interim period.

23.) 01 Oct 2023 13:12:01
Advocaat still got his marbles and looking at a job in some cartoon country, could he come in with some fresh faced guy to do the legwork, we might even have someone on the books just now to assist him and ease his workload . do media etc . You ain't quite dead at 75 .

I wonder why Gerrard didn't make an effort to take Beale to Saudi? and the other 2 yes men / nodding dogs .

24.) 01 Oct 2023 14:05:04
So John227, going by your solid info mate, our board has already spoken to 3 possible manager's to replace michael beale ?I think if we're intending of appointing a new managing director/ director of football we should do that first and then he should have a big say in who our next manager should be, if he wanted to replace michael beale ? Would that not be the most sensible thing to do ?.

25.) 01 Oct 2023 14:52:03
They have sounded out agents after Celtic game

It’s what Bennett wants dof first, a number have rejected us.

26.) 01 Oct 2023 14:58:25
It is time Beale Boy and his assorted plonkers were shown the door, the signings have been awful and there is still no organisation at the back or a plan to break down defences . I have decried a lot of potential managers on here but at this point I would take anyone ( except McInnes ) . A good experienced manager should be able to put together a team to compete with Celtic for the trophies in Scotland on our budget. They may have more resources than us but it is two defeats to teams that we should beat that have put us 7 points behind.



22 May 2023 21:49:56
I’ve heard it’s Tillman on a 5 yr deal for £5.2 million and a 15% sell on clause That’s been announced on Wednesday.


1.) 22 May 2023 22:15:31
I hope so. People talk a load of mince about Tillman but the facts don’t lie. He had more goal contributions than Joe Aribo did during his best ever season at Rangers. He had more goal contributions than Arfield did during his best ever season at Rangers. He was also leading the team in terms of tackles won thanks to his pressing game. Won Scotland’s YPOTY. That’s worth £5m all day long.

2.) 22 May 2023 22:22:47
Hope your correct Robbie.

3.) 22 May 2023 22:56:35
Tbh as good as he has the potential to be, I justvdont think we can justify that sort of money on him. There are other areas of the team need serious money spent before another attacking midfielder.

4.) 22 May 2023 23:05:45
Tillman at 5m is easy a 15m sale in 12-24months time.

5.) 22 May 2023 23:13:05
Was the money not ringfenced so that shouldn't impact signings this summer.

6.) 22 May 2023 23:14:04
I agree I don’t think Tillman was as lazy as people thought. Looked easy for him I agree Lawrence coming bk hagi bk we have players there but as a business and class Tillman is worth the 5 mill. If true and that money and sands was ringfenced it’s a no brainier for me. Hearing Arfield possibly to hearts or coach/ player at Falkirk.

7.) 22 May 2023 23:16:50
I believe Tillman has quality in him just had to show it in the big games I feel he hides a little against the puddle drinkers. No denying his stats we would be way more points behind it be wasn't in our team. Red is a bit much but I think he may pay that back going forward, maturing and learning.

8.) 23 May 2023 00:43:33
I’m pretty sure Bayern have a buy back policy of about 10 million. They’re not daft. So if he does well and there is interest from other clubs they will resign him and sell him for much more. If he flops then they’ve still made 5 million from us.

9.) 23 May 2023 01:49:47
The guys 20 year old from a foreign country if any one of our youth produced what he produced this season we would be going nuts, there is a lot more in the tank from big malik a very talented player and with more attacking better players round about him he could be a brilliant asset, if it is ring fenced its an absolute no bainer for me, my only thing is how bad is his injury and is it the recurring injury he sustained at bayern, honestly can't believe boys don't rate him he's 20 years old man haha probably the moat he's played he will only get better in my opinion.

10.) 23 May 2023 04:23:59
Agree with the above. He’s only 20. Plenty talent and physical for a young lad. Seems to love playing for us.

11.) 23 May 2023 07:20:08
I hope this is true and the announcement on wed beale was talking about, i also heard the deal that funds tilman had already been ringfenced,
This could be a phenomenal bit of buisness if true, a player of his calibre from a team like bayern 5 million all day long is a great deal , if he was at man utd, or city, it would be upwards a ten - 15 maby more, hitting these levels

I think he will be a great addition to the team, n get better as the games go on n with better players around him too.

12.) 23 May 2023 07:33:20
I'll be disappointed if we do sign Tillman - I'm hoping we're going to sign pacey powerful wingers and go back to 4-3-3 next season.

Signing Tillman will burst that bubble.

13.) 23 May 2023 07:34:28
Not as impressed as many with Tillman. Has massive talent and no doubt will improve, especially with better players around him. Do feel we need to spend the cash on other areas of the pitch. Strikers and wide players needed big time. All opinions tho.

14.) 23 May 2023 07:40:52
Blue I disagree. bayern wanted a buy back in the contract but no price set.

15.) 23 May 2023 07:56:57
They could have mate but if he comes in and contributes too us retaining the title, winning cups, a decent run in europe it then becomes £5mil
Well spent, we can't tell the future

But going on what he's brought too the table so far looks a good signing if he dose come.

16.) 23 May 2023 08:32:35
I tend to think some of the comments on how Tillman has performed against Celtic are a bit wide of the mark. Remember, he was asked to play almost as a RW in the 4-0 hammering. He played well in the draw at Ibrox, was doing a decent job of marking Calum McGregor before he got injured in the semi. In most of the OF games he's been asked to perform with misfiring or uninterested players, like Kent and Morelos, so I think the levels of criticism are undue.

17.) 23 May 2023 09:20:56
I thought the buy back was 20m.

18.) 23 May 2023 09:25:54
He is 20!, already put some of our 'stars'to shame with most of his stats, first full year in a first team, and NONE of our b team come close
This is a no brainer for me.

19.) 23 May 2023 09:30:32
£5.2m? I bloody hope not?!

20.) 23 May 2023 10:10:45
Not for me. Had some influence and played some great parts in games but too often disappeared.

21.) 23 May 2023 10:46:05
We will spend in other areas, it won’t affect that.

22.) 23 May 2023 10:52:34
i don't want him. hiwever if we do sign him and bayern want him back its irrelevant unless he agrees to it. which he won't do just to be sold. if his stocks high the money he would be handing bayern would ultimately be coming iut his pocket overall if u get me. he's not going to agree to go to bayern for £10m so they can sell him for £30m as potentially rhat extra money is his.

{Ed001's Note - a player receives 5% of a transfer fee, so two moves would benefit him if anything.}

23.) 23 May 2023 11:22:38
is that right ed? good to know mate cheers.

{Ed001's Note - yes, unless he hands in a written transfer request. If he does that, he forfeits his right to the 5%, which is why players so rarely do that.}

24.) 23 May 2023 14:09:06
For me, he's not worth five million. There is a potential player there, but he's not at a £5m level at the moment. As for this £15 million in the future, look at two of the players dancing out the door this summer who were going to bring in that level of transfer fee. It'll never happen.

25.) 23 May 2023 14:41:30
That was down too gers not too sell
For whatevr reason we will never know.

26.) 23 May 2023 14:43:10
So cause morelos n kent contract ran down don't sign tilman

Not his fault.

27.) 23 May 2023 18:30:17
John27- Do you know if the money to sign Tillman is ring fenced?
I am sure this info was posted a couple of months ago.

28.) 23 May 2023 19:30:01
Copland that’s what we were told, but I have no inside info re Tillman/ Sands money.

29.) 24 May 2023 00:18:58
It's definitely not tilman Beale said won't be talking to them until weekend.

30.) 24 May 2023 10:56:06
Too much for Tillman. Done well against Hibs etc, was posted missing on the games that really mattered. We need to sort the spine out before anything else.



16 May 2023 19:04:16
I see that there’s posts on a certain media platform that’s saying souness and Brian Kennedy have a consortium that's supposedly putting a takeover bid in for £200m. I heard this about 2 weeks again but thought it was a wind up. Anyone else’s heard this?


1.) 16 May 2023 19:47:42
Absolutely no way in hell is anyone paying 200 million for rangers. Newcastle who are in the richest league in the world, have a massive fan base and a huge stadium were bought for 300 million.

2.) 16 May 2023 20:21:31
John27, are you hearing anything to these stories about souness coming to rangers in some capacity mate ?.

3.) 16 May 2023 20:29:28
Cannot see that for a second and a lot of people getting reeled in by WhatsApp nonsense. Would love to see Kennedy heavily invest but the speculation and figures mentioned here are laughable. (If I’m wrong I’ll of course be delighted! ) £200m…. ?.

4.) 16 May 2023 20:41:45
That’s bait for Celtic fans to wind them up, don’t fall for it.

5.) 16 May 2023 20:51:36
I was talking about this today at work. The information the guy told me was the overall investment was 200m. That would be 125m for the club and 75m to put everything in place. This would be appointments from board room to academy. Improvements to both stadium and training facilities as well as playing squad. We would have an elite level academy eith our own full time scouting staff for both youth and first team. Youth training academies in various countries to explore new markets. His information is American and Asian for youth academies.

6.) 16 May 2023 21:10:03
So a Brian Kennedy and Souness consortium couldn’t afford us when we went into admin in 2012 but now they’ve got a ‘consortium’ that’s going to pay £200 million for us? Sorry but I don’t think any of this is real. Souness left Sky sports because he was basically let go, not to come back to us. That’s rumours today saying he’s going to be a non-exec director, a board member, director of football, coming in as the ‘Rangers face’ of a takeover group and now back with Brian Kennedy again. Also that he was apparently in some big meeting at the training centre today (based on the fact that the players weren’t training today) . The fact that there are so many differing rumours/ stories, suggests that it’s basically just folk with wishful thinking and unlikely to have any truth in them.

7.) 16 May 2023 21:20:47
What massive fan base. Their capacity at St James Park is only just over 1000 more than ibrox.
Takeover talk I don't believe for a minute.

8.) 16 May 2023 21:48:09
This is a great rumour. Kennedy and Souness wanted Rangers way back in 2012. Interesting times ahead perhaps.

9.) 16 May 2023 22:04:54

10.) 16 May 2023 22:44:48
Davieb1996 we are by far a greater size club than Newcastle before and after the buy over. Can’t believe anyone would class us so far below.

11.) 16 May 2023 22:51:11
The money payed for Newcastle is purely the league. Nothing to do with fan base, no comparison to rangers. How much do u think it would cost to buy cellic? Do u think that would be less than 200mil? Don’t think for a second that we couldn’t switch positions with them over a season. Any given season for me rangers or cellic are far more valuable than 200mil.

12.) 17 May 2023 01:39:40
I never said we weren’t a bigger club I simply stated Newcastle have a big fan base and a big stadium. Are either of those incorrect? What that means for an investor is you don’t need to spend hundreds of millions building a new stadium and then have to worry about being able to fill the thing.

Broxy, take your blue tinted specs off for a minute. If you had £200m to invest you’re telling me you’d choose rangers or Celtic over any premier league team? Rangers record turnover is £86.6m and at the very minimum you get over £100m for just being in the English premier league not even including season tickets, kit sales etc. If you win the SPL you get about £5m. No way are rangers or Celtic worth anywhere near £200m. You’d be lucky to get half of that.

13.) 17 May 2023 05:58:44
For those talking about the size of our fan base, how big do you think it is? Globally, how many fans do the posters on here think we have throughout the world? I'd be interested to know.

14.) 17 May 2023 07:02:30
Bigger than most would imagine big Ben. Absolutely huge, dwarfing a club like Newcastle tbh.

15.) 17 May 2023 07:30:00
We're definitely bigger than Newcastle, Seeker with regards to fan base, trophies etc, that part isn't up for debate, however, when it comes to investment, and who is the most attractive, and economically viable, then it's Newcastle all day long. That's why they have billionaire owners, and we don't.
Also, there's a myth around our global fan base, where ridiculous numbers get banded around, but the reality is, it's less than 10m. Put that into context against clubs like Liverpool, Man U, Barcelona etc, then add in that we play in a very poor league, which generates buttons, then the truth of the matter is, we're small fry. Massive in Scotland, but there it stops!

16.) 17 May 2023 07:38:37
Davie you said they have a massive fan base and a huge stadium. As I said their stadium holds about a thousand more fans than ibrox so it's hardly huge. I'd bet any day that our fan base is bigger.
The takeover cost was based mostly on epl earnings.

17.) 17 May 2023 07:52:15
Correct guys ?.

18.) 17 May 2023 09:45:50
200 mill? To put all if those changes in place, as well as recruitment and salaries for 4 or 5 years?
How would this be financed? On an ongoing basis.
There is wishful thinking and there is deluded, I suggest the latter.

19.) 17 May 2023 11:13:05
Why would ANYBODY put £200 million into a Scottish football team? The payback is going to be a tiny fraction of that at best and we are tied to an abysmal TV deal until 2029.

20.) 17 May 2023 17:40:27
Because we are tremendous value and the club is only going up rangers football club would be seen as a appreciating asset.

21.) 17 May 2023 17:43:41
Big Ben 10million fans for 1 single club in Scotland is massive there won’t be any other clubs that have near double the fan base than the full population of there country.



24 Apr 2023 23:11:47
Being reported that jack butland is sighting.


1.) 25 Apr 2023 00:17:35
Like all the so called signings, Wait until the ink is dry.

2.) 25 apr 2023 01:46:53
what, you mean don't talk about it jim,

3.) 25 Apr 2023 03:51:42
It’s everywhere, looks nailed on.

4.) 25 Apr 2023 07:00:46
Tom exactly. Might as well shut site down if we can’t chat.

5.) 25 Apr 2023 07:33:53
This is std of quality player we need . Fingers crossed ?.

6.) 25 Apr 2023 07:35:05
C'mon, Jim, lighten up! You're on the Rangers RUMOURS site, so what are you expecting?! ?.

7.) 25 Apr 2023 08:53:19
Fingers crossed, as think he'd be a great addition.

8.) 25 Apr 2023 09:24:13
I carefully read the a JB story yesterday on Ibrox News, LOL, and could see it was a hash up of unconnected obvious points. The way they construct the argument is very lazy to make click bait stories, I only read after someone posted were not signing JB yesterday evening.

JB could be expensive - doh
Rangers have a limited budget - doh
Foreign goalies could be cheaper - doh
Rangers can't afford JB and now look for a cheaper foreign goalie.

MnS can be expensive - doh
TJBB has a limited budget - doh don't we all.
Lidl is cheaper than MnS - doh
TJBB doesn't have enough money to shop in MnS and will have to shop in Lidl - WTF are you on about! Give me 5 Colin the Caterpillars.

9.) 25 Apr 2023 10:01:57
Jim I don’t really talk on the rumours page as I have none ? But it’s good to get the info. See it as that. If Helander is off then it’s a saving on wages or the salary for a free C/ H. Good info. ?.

10.) 25 Apr 2023 10:04:38
I hope this is rue. For me it would be a statement of intent on our part that the Board is finally supporting the manager with the quality of player that we should expect to see at Rangers.

11.) 25 Apr 2023 10:13:05
If true that's 3 very good players Beale has brought in since appointed. i'm as gutted as any1 with this season, but if we can get another 4/ 5 of this standard, I feel we can start to challenge again.




Robbieg69's banter posts with other poster's replies to Robbieg69's banter posts


25 Jun 2024 22:56:18
I see butland is poised to be our new Captain. When we had the great Walter smith our team had 11 leaders on the pitch. We had a team that fought for each other and wouldn’t be afraid to have a go at teammates if they were slacking. We need 11 guys on the pitch that are wiling to run through brick walls but unfortunately we don’t have that at the moment. Hopefully Clemente realises this.




20 Jun 2024 09:27:58
Is it just me but I can’t get behind a Scotland team with Clarke as manager. I find him arrogant and dour. He got a few lucky results and the tartan army think he’s the messiah.


1.) 20 Jun 2024 11:35:26
Managers and players come and go that I may not like but I still back scotland and every player that dons the shirt fir 90 mins but fck the sfa.

2.) 20 Jun 2024 12:14:25
Although our team doesn't seem to be playing all that well. A big shout out to all our travelling fans. They are the toast of Germany so far.

3.) 20 Jun 2024 12:59:42
‘A few lucky results’ - didn’t feel lucky drinking Rodri’s tears, didn’t feel lucky looking at Haalands face after the Norway game.

League tables don’t lie and luck was never a factor in qualifying.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 13:58:45
Never been able to follow Scotland like a used to since Roxburgh was manager, yes like them to win but no hurt or joy involved anymore.

5.) 20 Jun 2024 13:58:58
Don't think any the tartan army think he's a messiah, not sure what makes you think that. Nothing lucky about it, that's what we are up against people like you calling it luck when we do something good.

6.) 20 Jun 2024 14:00:33
Well said Dado, Scotland were excellent in qualifying and deservedly got to the finals.

Not a fan of Clarke but he was exactly what we needed. We have been a soft touch since Craig Brown days and he has made us difficult to play against.

PS Is Ralston the actual worst player at the tournament. I think so, would play literally anyone instead of him.

7.) 20 Jun 2024 14:49:53
I get it - the big bad SFA put us down the leagues therefore we'll support any team sho plays Scotland. 2012 is in the past and it should stay there. I'm a ramgers fan, but also Scottish and proud to support my country. Just can't get my head around Scottish Rangers fans who'll support England over Scotland or Scottish Rangers fans who were supporting Northern Ireland in the friendly with Scotland.

8.) 20 Jun 2024 14:57:16
Be honest guys, it's harder NOT to qualify these days, although has to be said we give it a good go lol!



12 Jun 2024 14:35:02
I see there’s a few Aberdeen fans unhappy at Barron potentially signing for us. Saying he’s poor and not good enough. Funny how he was possibly one of their better players.
What a strange breed the sheep are.


1.) 12 Jun 2024 15:51:05
Think the boy has something but only thing that worries me is the injuries reports of a few problems

We simply have to have domestic trained players so will and should always be looking at these players.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 18:04:01
Carrick1949 the club have spent around 5m and the window not open yet, how do you think our dealing show we've no money?



31 May 2024 14:28:22
So that’s the dodgy pitches been banned in the premier league. What’s the chances of the dodgy refs bring next.


1.) 31 May 2024 15:30:00
Can't see celtic agreeing to that.

2.) 31 May 2024 16:15:05
Cracking news, finally comment sense is applied.

3.) 31 May 2024 18:39:22
2 years from now I believe.

4.) 31 may 2024 18:55:37
my girl was on a summer ball with kevin clancy last week, she sent me a pic with him waving at me, , deleted.

5.) 31 May 2024 18:56:48
They had no choice really or negligence could be levied at clubs once cancer from plastic pitches tilling goes through American courts and then spreads around world.

6.) 31 may 2024 21:25:00
aye right ok, that won't happen though will it.



23 May 2024 22:31:04
With lammers scoring for fun in Holland Is he worth another chance if he’s playing in his favourite position?


1.) 23 May 2024 23:31:07
No. Sell him and recoup our money and use it to buy better.

2.) 24 May 2024 00:32:22
Give him s chance.

3.) 24 May 2024 01:54:43
Massive no. The weight of the jersey was too much. Utrecht have zero pressure to deliver.

I don’t understand the “playing him in his position” argument. If someone rounds a keeper and can’t score from two yards out changing their position isn’t going to make him a better finisher.

4.) 24 May 2024 02:04:46
Would be too big a gamble to hold into him. Take money while his stock is high.

5.) 24 May 2024 03:48:20
He’s another one that wants the extra touch, he still missed sitters. Hopefully we are not daft enough to just want our money back now though he’s definitely went up in value while on loan.

6.) 24 May 2024 04:43:12
I’m hopeful we make a profit on him, looks like we’ll have a fair bit of interest in him.

7.) 24 May 2024 06:53:48
He had came back from a long injury lay off. Confidence and sharpness needed to be built up. I think give him until the window shuts.

8.) 24 May 2024 07:53:24
Definitely not! The guy just isn't suited to our league, and if we bring him back, he fails again (he will), then we're back to square one. Sell him now while his stock is high in Dutch football.

9.) 24 May 2024 08:12:47
It would be madness not to cash in on him now.

10.) 24 May 2024 08:27:38
Looks to be only decent in dutch football. Flopped Italy, Germany, Scotland. Way he's playing over there we won't lose money anyway.

11.) 24 May 2024 12:19:18
He’s having a nice wee purple patch, sell immediately.
Pretty much how it should be with all our players.




Robbieg69's rumour replies


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25 Aug 2023 11:21:45
More chance of daisy duke from the dukes of hazard signing.




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18 Jul 2023 12:36:46
John27. Your opinions are probably more valued than anyone on here. Most of your info is usually on the ball and more than most enjoy your input. Don’t let the few get to you. Your one of the good guys on here. Chin up.




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22 Jan 2023 13:01:21
Probably has a grudge to bare as he was rotten when he player for us.




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10 Jan 2023 17:05:53
He has a house in Hamilton that he let's out and could be moving into it. As the couple that were there have moved.




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12 Nov 2021 14:25:26
It was definitely him he is a regular visitor to the coffee shop that I go to.





Robbieg69's banter replies


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08 Mar 2024 15:04:58
I heard that the ice asked to be put on Sterling.




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11 Feb 2024 09:29:44
Raskin will just have to up his game if he’s to be a starter. Can only be good for us if we have competition for all places.




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08 Feb 2024 17:53:47
So if you get booked for a cynical foul you will be able to come back on after having a rest and be refreshed and be more of a threat. Well thought out from uefa.




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30 Jan 2024 22:36:41
Paul I’m not forgetting that. He came here to be a
No1 which he wouldn’t have been at Man U and on a free. I’m saying if he was playing at any EPL team his value would be at least twice what it is in Scotland. He is a top keeper and top keepers go for top money. What value do you think he is. Imo he’s at least £15m.




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04 Jan 2024 09:15:02
Owen beck going back to Liverpool. I’d be keeping yilmaz. There ls definitely a player in yilmaz just needs games.




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