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29 May 2024 18:06:39
Evening all,

It was myself that shared the rumours about upcoming players we are looking at and look at back on the 18th May of both the LB - Thomas Galdames and LW - Lenny Lobato. My source today has confirmed we have now submitted offers for both these players and being aggressive to get the deals done!

Furthermore, my same source has also confirmed we are stating talks with defensive midfielder that Koppen really likes and he's from Penarol in Uruguay. Name that I was advised is Damian Garcia.

Will continue and happy to share my info, when I think is concrete and solid enough. C'mon WATP ??????.


1.) 29 May 2024 18:26:40
Great informative post mate. Thanks for sharing ??.

2.) 29 May 2024 18:28:43
Good info, seems we really are targeting the South American market. I’m surprised with Lobato, though stats aren’t great seems to be a bench player.

3.) 29 May 2024 18:48:16
Thanks for sharing mate.

4.) 29 May 2024 19:11:01
Spyder, that info is on Rangers News.

5.) 29 May 2024 19:11:38
Yeah these ain’t filling me with much confidence.

6.) 29 May 2024 19:14:23
Good info, any idea the sort of money we'd need to spend.

7.) 29 May 2024 19:15:16
brilliant info spyder thanks a lot mate!

8.) 29 May 2024 19:29:38
Excellent info

All young players look around the 1.5 to 2 million pound mark each

Don’t know anything about any of them though
Hopefully all future superstars play well na snake is a fortune lol.

9.) 29 May 2024 19:32:02
Damian Garcia excites me. Could be a gem for us.

10.) 29 May 2024 20:38:20
If we are going down the found of younger players we ddfo need experienced guys to help gel them and we all know young players tend to be inconsistent so fans need to be patient.

11.) 29 May 2024 20:41:38
Interesting info Spyder, thanks for sharing. Will keep an eye out for these ones.

12.) 29 May 2024 20:56:30
South American Market is one that Koppen will know very well as Feyanoord have a solid scouting system in various countries there. We get the right players and we mix them with a solid British based contingent we could have the best of both worlds. I'd like to see us sign a spine with solid connection to our game up here or down south.

13.) 29 May 2024 21:14:24
Excellent information, cheers.

14.) 29 May 2024 22:10:49
@baxterboy can't say I've seen these on rangers review apart the Chilean boy Galdames coming out in the last couple of days. I posted about him way few weeks back. so, if you've seen on Rangers review or able to send a direct link to it I'll most gladly go and have a read!

@Coully, there are nothing wrong with these guys, Koppen knows the markets all too well and we should be trusting his judgement. Therefore, that should be inspiring enough. Trust in him and let Koppen bring or at least attempt to change the ways of our previous failings!

15.) 30 May 2024 00:54:34
I think it’s a pity we are targeting players from distant continents, when scotland is in front of us, please, buy Shankland, …even at chrstmas on the cheap, we need to have a scottish backbone.

16.) 30 May 2024 05:23:43
Koppen brought in silva so his judgement is up for debate.

17.) 30 May 2024 05:47:26
Ah, the weekly Shankland post, same time next week? I’ve got Ferguson before Saturday and Conner Barron before Monday. Expecting to see a weekly Lennon Miller post as well.

18.) 30 May 2024 06:27:52
Think most of his posts talk about him who must not be named, getting tedious now?.

19.) 30 May 2024 08:39:25
I don't get why so negative about shankland, dado. Best striker in Scotland for seasons. Certainly best Scottish striker. We keep overlooking the guy for foreign imports who for seasons don't cut it.

Lammers, Silva (a 15 mill player), or shankland. Give me shanks all day long.

Goals guaranteed, Scottish quota, International, wants to come, knows what our team is all about. l'd take him all day long over anybody else. Else why all above.

20.) 30 May 2024 09:27:52
No negativity towards a hearts player I just don’t understand why people get a chubby at a guy who failed when playing at a higher level and can’t get a game internationally.

Its becoming boring and if we wanted him we’d have signed him, why not let our leadership team decide what’s best to do for Rangers?

I just can’t see how he’d fit into a young, forward pressing team that PC is trying to build? You’d think he’s super Ally the way people speak about him.

21.) 30 May 2024 09:44:19
Good post ? keep it coming mate.
Agree bluedreamer. If we sign another striker that doesn't hit the heights, it won't be a good look with shanks being there the whole time. I'm trusting he knows what he's doing though ?.

22.) 30 May 2024 11:02:47
bellshilllad83 Koppen was at PSV mate, Feyenoord are a different team, for sure Koppen has serious contacts all over the footballing world, anyone doubting what he will bring to Rangers given time, go watch PSV in 2018 when he joined them as a talent scout for there youth team, he was so good in that role, he was promoted to head talent scout for the main PSV, then watch PSV in 2023, in 5 years he rebuilt that team into a quality champions league level team, change takes time, most of want that kind of change in a season, but it quite simply is not possible, even with all the money in the world, Chelsea are a great example of that, look at how far we went with a team that cost Gerrard less than 15 million to assemble and that took 2 seasons, that team went to the Europa final, when really it should not have made it out of the group stage.
The team were puincgin well above there weight, and playing brilliant football, with the attacking tiki taka, etc.
Koppen has a solid track record of uncovering young skilled quality players.
If we do get the 2 dutch guys on our coaching team, one of them is a former coach at Jong Ajax, one of top producing academies for new youth talent in europe.
Certainly looks like we are headed down a more productive player trading path, and that means quality young raw talent that can be improved at the club and sold of for a tidy profit.
we need a big clear out this season.
Though to be fair there is a talented group of younger players already at our club, so the rebuild is around 10 new players IMHO.

Not fussed about the Champions league money, as we are miles away from that level, and would rather see us go into the latter stages of the Europa League which is more the level we are capable of these days, plus we make good money in that competition, better to be in europe for most of the season, rather than get destroyed in the group stages of the Champions League and out at the first stop.

If we are bringing in another LB and LW then it's clear Matondo and Sima (if we buy him which we should) will go back to there correct roles of RW.

Silva didn;t hit his best form sure, but was he ever played in his main role, no despite Clement clearly saying he was brought in as a short term replacement to cover CF and LW, the lad barely got a chance at CF, due to ongoing injuries we never really saw if he still had the skill and power that saw him get his move to the EPL albeit for a silly fee.

Fun fact - KRC Genk has a connection to 3 people currently on Rangers payroll.

Koppen - Former youth coach.
Clement - Former Player, Former manager.
Hagi - Former player.

23.) 30 May 2024 11:15:18
Forget about Shankland, he is the right level for hearts, but not what we need with the new squad rebuild that started last season.
Miovski would be a far better fit for us, younger, faster, with sell on potential.

We already have one older striker in Dessers 29 we don't need anymore, they either stay for there full contract and walk on a free, or end up crocked too often, where a younger lad could have shone and made us some money.
Older players are harder to sell, certainly once they hit 30.
Club should be focusing on raw young talent in the 17 - 23 range, Europe, Africa, South America have all been rewarding areas for clubs to find players in that range, with raw talent.

24.) 30 May 2024 11:56:35
What higher level hashe failed at he's doing it in our league when guys we have wasted millions on haven't, silva ment too be a 15 million pound player $, shanks is way better, I'm sick a throwing millions away season after season we fail with foreign imports overlooked
Scottish guys like portuous, ferguson
Shankland cause they play in Scotland its our bread n butter n why we fail as rather go for a high priced foreign players who just don't cut it.

25.) 30 May 2024 12:56:32
Bluedreamer we play a totally different style than hearts, it could work and could be a dud deal, that is one of the pitfalls / bonuses of new players some excel, some crash n burn, ideally a club wants more of the former than latter.
to be realistic though, i can't see Shankland ever in a Rangers jersey.
Hearts want too much and he has no resale value in a 2-3 seasons.
Besides Danilo is a better striker, and he has a european pedigree with Ajax and Feyenoord, something Shankland is lacking, and at his age if he was rated highly he would have mad a name for himself in europe.

26.) 30 May 2024 14:30:11
Does 'aggressive', mean overspending? ?.

27.) 30 May 2024 14:32:53
All I'm saying is put shanks out the window, we are miles behind, because of our so called signing protocol. We have overlooked really great Scottish players, n it's where we fail.

We need to win the league here with players who cope in Scotland , we have let Scottish guys go and brought in guys that can't.

Ferguson because he was at Aberdeen
Portus his ext
We need a core of guys from here, who we know can do it

Not go season in and out hoping these guys we waste time on work. It's been apparent for seasons, mate.

Tedious or not, we need players to bring the league home. Not just hope we can punt then have no trophy or cups

I say what I see whether I like it or not but I try n be truthful.

28.) 30 May 2024 14:38:45
I can’t see us going for Lennon Miller. He would cost too much. We already tried hastie and rice from Motherwell. big reputations and not done much yet we have to give the actual youth we have games before putting hurdles in their way.



18 May 2024 01:39:46
Evening bear?⚪️?

I was shared some info today regarding towards incomings for us and was advised Ben Johnson is definitely still considering the offer from Rangers which could be one of the Three unnamed coming to us. In addition to this i was told we are in talks with GK for backup to Jack Butland, a LB which isn't Jefre as the deal has become complexed and and young LW. The three names I got were GK- Paul Nardi (Belgium), LB- Thomas Galdames (Chile and LW - Lenny Lobato (Argentina)


1.) 18 May 2024 07:22:44
Good info mate
Ben Johnson would be class but I think Tav would need to go imo which I would be happy with.

2.) 18 May 2024 07:50:06
I thought the thing with Johnson was he was asking for 50k a week at West ham and they refused so that's why he's leaving?

3.) 18 May 2024 08:19:37
I'd be surprised if he comes to us. If he does you'd have to think Tav will be away.

4.) 18 May 2024 08:45:33
Good info spider, we r certainly working hard re south america.

5.) 18 May 2024 09:38:17
Tav needs to go if we go into next season with Tav at right back and still our captain then we will be playing 2nd fiddle once again.

6.) 18 May 2024 11:06:07
I'm into bringing some talent in from SA but hopefully not to much of it. We are about 10 years to late in the market now as all the best leagues in the world are going out there to pick the best 1s up.

7.) 18 May 2024 17:17:10
Cammy the elite from South America we can’t afford anyway. We can’t afford elite from the majority of places so don’t know what you expect us to do.

8.) 19 May 2024 13:56:06
I doubt these unless rehab fc is still in full force bardo had a really bad injury nardi was a decent shot stopper been a while since I’ve seen him though.

9.) 19 May 2024 23:00:11
We've fi ished 2nd and basically handed then the title from a good position. What season am I talking about? Could be any one of the last 5, woth exception of 55. I've said before that looking for answers lie with common denominator. So who is failing, the board, the coaches, the manager? None of them has been constant so it's the players. It's the same players who have continually let us down. They get themselves into a position of strength and then rubbish the bed.
We need to get rid of the dead wood.



10 May 2024 20:39:38
Was speaking to a close friend today who's an ex-director within Utilita Energy and both are on the same pension scheme. I asked the question of potential investment and confirm that Jim McColl is in very advanced talks with buying out both Park and King's shares and that Ian Bennetts proposed plans have helped with the involvement. This is one main reason Stuart Gibson wants to acquire more shares.

All is sounding positive and mainly all board members are aligned with the changes which is great to hear.


1.) 10 May 2024 23:15:08
McColl is not a name that I have heard mentioned at this time. Would be nice though given his current wealth.

2.) 11 May 2024 07:32:40
Likewise Berkshire, I assume guy means John Bennett.

3.) 11 may 2024 08:14:00
long been rumblings about McColl getting involved, i believe he was very close a couple of years ago, and i think he's just biding his time.

4.) 11 May 2024 11:34:03
Can't quite remember exactly but did he not come out and say he was never in line to buy us after the Liverpool owners had approached him?

5.) 11 May 2024 11:56:59
55 yes Jim McColl. Did say that, but these guys imo play cards very close to my chess.

6.) 11 May 2024 12:10:20
Their chest.

7.) 11 May 2024 14:44:42
You may be right John he was nearly involved before. He was intrigued by moneyball in football b4 I hope he's not the equivalent of fat Ashley fingers crossed though.

8.) 11 May 2024 16:27:29
The Investor wouldn't happened to of owned a few Taxi Companies ?
Just seen said Gentleman leave Ibrox.

9.) 11 May 2024 18:26:17
The name I’m being told is James Easdale ?.

10.) 11 May 2024 18:58:34
Broxi, do you mean Stevie m?

11.) 11 May 2024 19:24:28
The Easdales surely not where they not chased out before.

12.) 11 May 2024 19:42:11
Onewalter what did the easdales actually do wrong?

13.) 11 May 2024 21:32:47
Loads of dough, just won a court case against some blogger who said they were drug dealers or gangsters, some ? like that can't mind exactly. Would we take their poppy.

14.) 11 May 2024 22:41:02
Where they don't part of green group and King was able to remove them.

15.) 11 May 2024 22:42:04
55 what did they do to benefit the club bearing in mind the mess we were in when king and his group took control.

16.) 12 may 2024 05:45:32
they never took a penny out

that’s about all i know as fact.

17.) 12 May 2024 09:45:30
I'm not sure about the Jim McColl links. He made a royal person of things when he took over the Fergusons ship yard. He may have a lot of cash but, that doesn't mean he would be good for our Club.

18.) 12 May 2024 14:26:21
John, same name popped up again yesterday, initials BW, (also tied in with the Edinburgh reference from previous but the gentleman himself is West of Scotland. (Also fits with the South African interest) .



07 Apr 2024 23:32:34
Evening bears,

Was a good game overall to watch today and was happy with a point in the end (and would have taken that at start of match aswell)!

While at game today, I was told we are talking to two players which are in last six months of their contracts and talks are progressing well. The first name I was told is Ben Johnson of West Ham and the second was Benjamín Domínguez of Giminasia.

Not sure if anyone has any names, but I'm happy to share what I was informed of today ??⚽️.


1.) 08 Apr 2024 07:29:23
Spyder- thanks for the share bud.

Dont know these guys much but if we're in talks, i trust the manager that they will improve us.

2.) 08 Apr 2024 07:44:18
Good info spyder, 24 and a FB and 20 and LW/ Fwd. Fits our profile going forward ?.

3.) 08 Apr 2024 08:53:16
2 very good players, dominguez especially. I'd hope he'd be brought in alongside cortes and sima.

Argentine contracts end in november/ December though I'm sure.

4.) 08 Apr 2024 11:24:35
Johnson would be a good option. Would also like us to go for Jaydon Bogle.

5.) 08 Apr 2024 13:13:09
BR bogle would also be an excellent shout.

Think we may hit the south american market hard, plenty bargains I the argentine division.

Would like valentine gomez, young left footed centre half. Believe he may be in his last year.

6.) 08 Apr 2024 13:51:30
Good on you mate for giving us names. The boy Johnson is he not a RB? maybe there is truth in Tav to Saudi.

7.) 08 Apr 2024 16:32:49
What's with your name RTG, RTG55 and now R.T.G, are u one and the same or like a kebab shop, 3 in one??.

{Ed033's Note - 3 is one.

8.) 08 Apr 2024 16:58:42
Sterling is a rb rtg.

9.) 08 Apr 2024 17:23:13
Tav would need to be off for Ben Johnson to come in he is not going to come to Scottish football to sit on the bench will be interesting to see if the tav going to Saudi are true.

10.) 08 Apr 2024 17:54:02
Cheers Ed ?.

11.) 08 Apr 2024 19:52:02
Good information and encouraging that we are looking for an upgrade on what we already have. This summer will be exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing the names that we are linked to in the coming months.

12.) 09 Apr 2024 14:48:56
There’s a gym in Asia who’d have thought ?.



04 Feb 2024 14:16:31
Hearing that the 2 OOC players we are in discussing with are Steven Alzate and Connor Barron. These are the 2 which are identified and will replace Lundstrum and Jack as our midfield options.


1.) 04 Feb 2024 14:38:09
Id be very surprised if Lundstrum isn't offered a new contract.

2.) 04 Feb 2024 14:38:10
I'll be unhappy if Lundstrum goes.

3.) 04 Feb 2024 14:48:20
Pretty sure we would keep Lundstram been exelllent since the manager came in and he is one of the first on the team sheet, would expect him to sign new contract, Jack is on a year deal and as much as I like him when fit once again this season he misses a lot of football.

4.) 04 Feb 2024 15:00:33
Barron is a great young player. He was outstanding second half against them yesterday. Interceptions, Vision and passing range was outstanding for a 21year old. I hope we get him as he has years ahead of him and will be levels above both Lundstram and Jack ??.

5.) 04 Feb 2024 15:20:22
Lunny has been offered a new deal has he not. ?

Pretty sure we were just closing the window before finalising it.

6.) 04 Feb 2024 15:44:37
I think John said that the contract just has to be signed by Lundstrum. Here’s hoping.

7.) 04 Feb 2024 16:02:43
I think lunny will sign a new contract all good having new young signings but you need a couple vets as well and lunny should be 1 of them.

8.) 04 Feb 2024 16:09:42
Agree about lunny, but is he maybe after a payday down south or just not got round to extending with us?

9.) 04 Feb 2024 16:18:40
I hope Lundstram signs new deal, but it will all come down to the wage he is offered, his last big payday.

10.) 04 Feb 2024 17:42:54
Don’t think age means anything.

11.) 04 Feb 2024 17:47:00
Clement said the club and lundstram are apart on finances.

12.) 04 Feb 2024 17:59:53
Lundstram stays and again for me he dictated the game for us yesterday. Barron is a good player and I was surprised that the gaffer decided against bringing him in Jan.

13.) 04 Feb 2024 18:58:57
I`ve never seen any interview where Clement said that the club and Lunny were apart on finances, in fact he always refuses to talk about these things.

14.) 04 Feb 2024 19:11:48
Barron natural replacement for Jack. Great playmaker Barron. Would Keep Lundstram on the clubs financial terms but not on his.

15.) 04 Feb 2024 21:42:08
WSL he literally said the below after the dumbarton game, so feel free to listen or research:

"It’s a financial thing between John and the club. Both parties have shown an interest to do it (sign new deal) - that is clear. But we will see in the next couple of weeks and months. "

16.) 04 Feb 2024 23:22:10
Can’t see the Alzate thing happening.

17.) 05 Feb 2024 11:46:41
Lunny has been great since PC came in. Absolutely bosses games so hopefully we can keep him.

Barron would be a great signing though.

18.) 05 Feb 2024 12:38:47
PC has made no comment on Lunny staying and or his wages!

19.) 05 Feb 2024 13:16:26
Aye he did in interview after Dumbarton game, what is it on here when a manager gives interviews to tv or press that it's doubted, un f#@c#nbelievable.

20.) 05 Feb 2024 14:21:13
Any time PC is asked about contracts he does not divulge details. He always makes it clear that the finances are not his job! I've watched all interviews and have never seen or heard him mention Lunny wages was an issue! I've watched all Dumbarton and he certainly does not entertain anything on any contract and Lundstrum wasnt even discussed at all.

''Its a financial thing'' in no way says there is a difference on his wages!

21.) 05 Feb 2024 14:26:59
Tjn1872 you are 100% correct almost verbatim what PC said, only bit u missed was " he's free to sign elsewhere" just rewatched it literally 2 mins ago. ??.

22.) 05 Feb 2024 15:07:51
Lundstrum is the only one of those at the end of their contract that should be offered a new contract. The others should go along with a few others, (if we can get those others off our wage bill) .
We need to continually upgrade the quality of player in the squad and for me we need to bring in a left full back, two centre backs and a striker.
If we can get a couple of young lads like Barron that is a major bonus.

23.) 05 Feb 2024 15:28:10
Tjn1872 never mentioned wages, neither did clement as you said its a "financial thing" between lunny n the club. Finance equals wages although clearly not mentioned. You obviously didn't see said interview, or choose to ignore it for your own narrative. It's as was stated " a financial thing between lunny and the club", you brought wages into it when no one mentioned them. Read the posts n watch the correct interview.

24.) 05 Feb 2024 15:30:57
He also stated that "it will be resolved in the following weeks or months" its there on camera, up to you if you choose to acknowledge its been said.

25.) 05 Feb 2024 18:44:15
I was all for lundstrum leaving under gerrard and Beale but has been brilliant under Clement and he must stay now.

Only dip under Clement was when he was carrying the injury.

26.) 05 Feb 2024 23:00:12
Just shows difference the right manager makes.




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29 May 2024 22:10:49
@baxterboy can't say I've seen these on rangers review apart the Chilean boy Galdames coming out in the last couple of days. I posted about him way few weeks back. so, if you've seen on Rangers review or able to send a direct link to it I'll most gladly go and have a read!

@Coully, there are nothing wrong with these guys, Koppen knows the markets all too well and we should be trusting his judgement. Therefore, that should be inspiring enough. Trust in him and let Koppen bring or at least attempt to change the ways of our previous failings!




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22 Jan 2024 22:09:10
Three (3 mobile to become our next sponsor? ) ?‍♂️?⚽️.




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10 Aug 2023 22:15:45
Spot on Iheard. I stated mentioned beginning this week about Kamara and was told be done and dusted by Sunday, same as I posted about the week before and Sakala info.

Most source had strictly said once Sakala and Kamara gone, we on moving on to get Luis Palma.




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08 Aug 2023 21:02:55
Yes, I posted at the weekend about this. we have reignited our interest and definitely interest into bringing in Luis Palma. Had a source confirm at the game against Kilmarnock confirm that we are speaking with his club but no bid will be done until Sakala and Kamara are sold (1 is already away and Kamara expected out by weekend) .

There is strong interest in Palma from Rangers, Stoke, Watford and Malaga. Stoke making strongest headway and trying to negotiate a fee, but no bids have been accepted yet and we can still get this one done MB thinks as Stoke are along at negotiations.





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