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24 Jun 2024 10:45:55
Danny Armstrong to be announced this week.


1.) 24 Jun 2024 11:48:10
Hope not. Not that I don't like him as a player, but don't think he improves us enough, and I don't think he even qualifies as homegrown due to his time at Wolves so he couldn't even take Wrights spot on the bench.

2.) 24 Jun 2024 11:55:14
Not good enough imo we need better.

3.) 24 Jun 2024 12:11:16
ffs danny armstrong.

4.) 24 Jun 2024 12:12:10
Would be very surprised if we sign him. Would be even more surprised if we signed him with out a peep in the Scottish press about it. Fair enough them
Not having a clue about our signings abroad but they would get wind about this.

5.) 24 Jun 2024 12:44:55
Danny Armstrong definitely good enough for a squad player what planner are folk on who you think we’re getting as back up.

6.) 24 Jun 2024 13:27:34
Watson at Killie would be a good addition to our squad.

7.) 24 Jun 2024 13:52:49
I would also go for Lewis Fiorini the Scotland under 21 midfielder at Man City.

8.) 24 Jun 2024 13:56:42
Danny Armstrong is a far btr option than both Matondo and Wright. I cannot go another season with them. He is also proven in the SPL. I would be happy if we signed him. Cheers for the info?.

9.) 24 Jun 2024 13:38:15
If he's better than Scott Wright, then he improves us.

10.) 24 Jun 2024 14:12:21
Barney rangers could not afford fiorini they quoted Ipswich 10 million.

11.) 24 Jun 2024 14:18:00
Hes better than wright matondo and mccausland.

12.) 24 Jun 2024 14:56:58
Is he better than Cortes or Kadabayi though?

Keen to see if we get Angel Torres the Columbian lad and former Porto B team youth who has ripped the A league up last season, lad has mad skill, and superb penalty kick taker, sends the gk's wrong way every time, scores amazing goals from from all ranges and angles, absolutley wasted in that gash league.

13.) 24 Jun 2024 16:48:13
Laudrup, stay well clear that league very sucess stories very poor league. Jason cummings also tore that league. Celtic bought a world beater from that league didn't play 1 game. And less said about matt mckay the better.

14.) 24 Jun 2024 17:31:47
Ripped the league up lol. Aye ok.

15.) 24 Jun 2024 17:50:30
Absolutely no way is he better than oscar cortes for me, from what i've already seen from our young colombian left winger ?I've not seen kabadayi but i'd hazard a guess that he'll also be better than armstrong, on the assumption that he's at bayern munich in the first place ?.

16.) 24 Jun 2024 20:03:38
Hope we stay clear of that angel torres, quick look on Transfermarkt and turns out he is on a suspended setence for rape and common asault and has been suspended by his current club.

17.) 24 Jun 2024 21:01:32
Just asked about that Iamthedado on the other stream. Was unsure, vaguely remembered it n cheers for confirmation ??.



23 Jan 2023 00:08:14
Hearing a bid for Nisbet imminent, Morelos will be off this window too.


1.) 23 Jan 2023 01:55:56
Pass on this one.

2.) 23 Jan 2023 06:34:13
Nisbit is one i really don't reckon will ever end up at Rangers for a few good reasons

1-Hardball, hibs notoriously make it harder for us too get any their players
2-AskingPrice- Hibs and our values on him will never match ever
3-Dont think they would sell to team in Scotland if they can help it (unless celtic)
4-he is men too be a Celtic follower
6- is just 6.

3.) 23 Jan 2023 08:06:40
Tic signed a striker ohhh you guy hyeon so i don't think tic will b looking for another.

4.) 23 Jan 2023 08:47:09
Would be fantastic to get some money for Fredo this window and equally fantastic to get Nisbet in.

However, just can't see either happening - hope I'm wrong though.

5.) 23 Jan 2023 09:38:00
Swapping Morelos for Nisbet that will ever happen unless we want to go back the way.

6.) 23 Jan 2023 09:40:47
If we could sell Morelos during this window that would be good. It could potentially fund his replacement. I doubt he’s staying beyond the summer anyway.

7.) 23 Jan 2023 10:11:18
As is the case every window there is zero interest in anyone signing Morelos, that’s why he is still here. His lack of form, petulant nature and injury have put paid to any transfer. No doubt someone will take him on a free in the summer.

8.) 23 Jan 2023 10:25:31
sell Morelos to fund Nisbet, really.

9.) 23 Jan 2023 10:45:39
To improve we have to replace the players going out with better players coming in. That’s been the problem recently, we haven’t upgraded when trading. Btw Nisbet is not an upgrade on Morelos.

10.) 23 Jan 2023 11:04:31
Would much rather shankland if any of the 2. 20 goals so far this season.

11.) 23 Jan 2023 11:05:25
Not a chance in us selling Morelos and bringing Nisbet as a replacement only if our club wants to go back the way, Nisbet will never be our main striker just my opinion, decent back up that's all.

12.) 23 Jan 2023 12:59:45
Totally agree blue dreamer.

13.) 23 Jan 2023 13:03:50
I think the nisbet stuff is stupid this boy is a professional and will see a challenge abroad as next step I think every Scottish player will be looking at the likes of Ferguson, hickey, doig and thinking go for it.

And it's about time our players got that mentality.

14.) 23 Jan 2023 13:28:21
Nisbet ain't going to Rangers . ever, ask him he'll tell you .



25 Nov 2017 08:14:03
Alex Neil will be our new manager, set to be named this coming week.


1.) 25 Nov 2017 08:36:55
That would be a better option than McInnes IMO but I just can’t see it. A new appointment would certainly give the players a lift, they are crumbling at present, all except big McCrorie, hasn’t let the mistake last week get him down, turned up on the wing to fire the cross in which led to the equaliser last night. If only they all had the same heart!

2.) 25 Nov 2017 08:55:00
highly doubt that

huge jungle who has shown his severe distaste for us in the past

3.) 25 Nov 2017 14:37:30
God I hope no that's the answer to Brendan rogers it's getting worse should be aiming higher than him if we ever want to compete

4.) 25 Nov 2017 21:26:23
Ex rangers player at hamilton game was saying mcleish is getting job as mcinnes compensation was goer but not willing to give the compensation money to his assistant and you know who he is? Just passing it on guys but.

5.) 25 Nov 2017 22:14:35
Albertz apparently that Aberdeen assistant has knocked us back before I believe. Former player at the Hamilton game? Must've been Barry?



14 Jul 2016 21:13:45
Bradshaw signed 4 year deal St Barnsley.


1.) 14 Jul 2016 21:52:30
saying dodoo signed 4 year deal. just to sort out cross border fee with lester. happy days.

2.) 14 Jul 2016 22:14:03
Iv heard the speculation from a few fellow Bears to say the Leicester boy will be signed on permenant transfer in next 48 hours and Mariapa deal not entirely dead.

3.) 14 Jul 2016 22:40:34
Would love Dodoo to happen he looks good. Him and marriapa would be class.

4.) 14 Jul 2016 23:12:53
marriapa and dodoo and another striker and I would be delighted with the transfers this summer.

5.) 14 Jul 2016 23:23:15
Well mariappa hasn't signed for anyone else yet so who knows. Hopefully he sees sense and signs for the famous. Let's get this dodoo boy in too. Well done warburton, weir and of course the silence assassin frank macparland.

6.) 15 Jul 2016 02:49:56
Who gives a toss about Bradshaw Barnsley is his level. very happy with the dadoo deal tho and hopefully Marriapa will still sign.

7.) 15 Jul 2016 07:20:42
Aye good. who cares about Bradshaw. but Mariappa who is looking for a better option would be welcome. double standards!

8.) 19 Jul 2016 03:09:41
Really looking forward to Dodoo arriving and I bet Leicester will have a first refusal on him! read somewhere that we have put in a minimum 5m release clause, well done Warbs and of course wee Mcparland. Think we need a song for this man! Haha.



17 Jan 2016 14:12:13
O'Hallaron set to sign on with a 4 year contract, done deal I'm hearing.


1.) 17 Jan 2016 14:28:48
Where you hear this?

2.) 17 Jan 2016 15:44:20
Great signing. Now hopefully the DM from Brentford and we'll be laughing.

3.) 17 Jan 2016 15:53:33
alby1212,I think you're jumping the gun a wee bit as regards to us signing michael o'halloran when we haven't yet agreed a transfer fee with st. johnstone, I'm not saying we won't sign him but I can assure you it ain't done yet and this is coming from me the guy who posted on here around 3 months ago that rangers were wanting o'halloran and warburton was even sounding out how o'halloran lived off the park as well as his ability on it, as I've repeatedly said on here a very good friend of mine knows o'halloran and members of his family and he gives me the reliable info on it, so there you have it mate.

4.) 17 Jan 2016 17:11:57
With odowa now gone even with the 2 signings that are close I wonder if we will sign another young player from the epl, that would I imagine our January work done, I would be happy with that squad to win this league, then the hard work starts in the summer, what does other fans think?

5.) 17 Jan 2016 19:06:49
If o'halloran does join like as expected
He will probably join on a 3 nd a half
Year deal.




alby1212's banter posts with other poster's replies to alby1212's banter posts


25 Dec 2023 10:37:29
Merry Christmas fellow bears.




15 Apr 2018 16:24:06
I don't want the roof or anything around the stadium fixed, I want my bloody team fixed Mr. King.


1.) 15 Apr 2018 16:28:17
Start Halliday, Murty is the man for the job! Just some of the rubbish posted by Supercooper recently. You have no clue

2.) 15 Apr 2018 16:35:09
Question, we have had 2 failed managers in Warburton and Pedro. Murty is a rookie and was thrown into the deep end, although i was a fan and wanted him to succeed. King has wasted our money. what's his next move? Is he going to waste our money again as we slip further and further behind Celtic. What loan signings would we keep? Its as if we are moving one step forward then 2 behind. All eyes are on you King.

3.) 15 Apr 2018 16:35:36
After this it's a no for Murty from me. Never felt so embarrassed and disgusted at a performance.

4.) 15 Apr 2018 16:56:19
Was hoping Murty would be the man but not anymore. No experience and what Jimmy nicholl is doing I'd like to know.

5.) 15 Apr 2018 17:11:16
As soon I seen haliday on team sheet i knew we were in for tough game. Had to get in their faces from the start instead other way about. they wanted it more. of course it helps if you’ve got better players and manager who knows what he’s doing. clear out again new manager, how many times we said that!

6.) 15 Apr 2018 17:30:47
For all the clamour to have a pop at murty. Most fans have been having a pop at windass and alves. Well they dudnt start and we were no better when they came on.
This all goes back to Caixana and the idiots who santioned his signings. Transution takes time. ! But those decisions have set us back a year.
Sadly 3 years b4 we are realistically going to get near celtic in league
One of the cups is a possibilty.
With these players. I doubt it



22 Aug 2016 23:02:11
Could Tom Hately becoming to Rangers.


1.) 23 Aug 2016 02:32:56
alby1212 He's supposed to be signing for celtic reserves (Hibs) anyway CB's are what we need and quickly.

2.) 23 Aug 2016 02:35:36
No chance. Midfielder who is being linked with hibs. We've got more than enough midfielders after the summer signings.

3.) 23 Aug 2016 09:55:43
we should've signed him when we went down.

4.) 23 Aug 2016 10:29:36
Id rather his da.



02 Feb 2015 23:13:54
Remie Streete signs and more to follow , young NI left sided player also set to come in





alby1212's rumour replies


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04 Oct 2019 10:27:31
Aribo wasn’t even on the bench!




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07 Jan 2019 17:27:17
I thought this was a poem to start with 😂.




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22 Jan 2018 19:30:36
Hamilton will not budge on their valuation of £650k, if we are to seriously consider stopping 10 in a row then in my opinion we should be snapping guys like Greg and similar prospects around us, over the road in the east end are not all they are cracked up to be, so if we are serious then pay the going rate, we are the people, pay them and get one of the outstanding prospects of Scottish football




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27 Jun 2017 18:46:36
Hahahahahahahahaha did he aye, just happens to ask the chef for a low down on a player
Gee piece man




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19 May 2016 08:16:01
Pure comedy gold mate Pmsl.





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