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20 Feb 2020 22:43:19
Amazing. Just amazing. What a game and did we actually see a plan B?


1.) 20 Feb 2020 22:56:27
I've said it b4 and will say it again, wee Hagi is an absolute steal if we can get him signed up.
Has done more in a month than some have in a year.
Oh my days, I need to go and lie down after that one.

2.) 21 Feb 2020 07:30:49
agree 72 - the lad looks an absolute superstar.

2 footed, great attitude and goals too, we need to sign him - he’s a proper no. 10, we can build team around.

3.) 21 Feb 2020 08:41:13
I have to say as well, hagi was the game changer also aribo as a LWB looked amazing added a different dimension to the team and can defend.

4.) 21 Feb 2020 09:41:30
Big Joe was just brilliant. Just saying!

5.) 21 Feb 2020 16:19:44
Would love to see us try 343 in a game. Think our players would thrive in that formation. Aribo was surprisingly good as lwb but barisic is made for it tav is perfect rwb. Would be interesting to see.



28 Jan 2019 10:51:34
That to me (bar worrell for goldson) was our true first team. Defoe and Davis will need to prove they are good enough to claim a spot.


1.) 28 Jan 2019 11:11:47
We lost our edge when kent went off. We need width👍.

2.) 28 Jan 2019 17:40:12
Finty tint Davis and Defoe don't need to prove anything what did arfield do that Davis couldn't do better.

3.) 28 Jan 2019 22:21:52
Momentum, if you have it why disrupt it.

4.) 28 Jan 2019 23:01:15
arfield had a hand in all 3 goals mate

i like davis and think he’ll be good for us, but for now scotty has the jersey.

5.) 28 Jan 2019 23:40:49
davis > arfield. Just me that finds arfield sluggish? Often caught on heels etc and just not a natural 10? Movemenr is laboured at the best of times for me. Davis is the best mf in the league if fit imo.

6.) 29 Jan 2019 01:34:10
We missed Arfield through suspension and injury in November time was it? And I remember we struggled without him. He’s not flashy but he is a link between Morelos and the holding mids. He’s also a hard worker and suits a high press.

He was unreal in the Old Firm game. Won his battles vs Brown.

What’s Davis shown so far to take the jersey off him? Don’t get me wrong I’m delighted to have both players. Strength in depth is key.

7.) 29 Jan 2019 12:48:03
Bear is right on this subject, as an Ulster guy I love wee Davis, but I wouldn’t drop Arfield if the guy is doing his job, Stevie Davis will have to earn his place on the field, and I’ve no doubt he will, he’s a class act.



28 Sep 2018 22:41:03
With regards to the striker situation for semi final. I could personally see him forming a rotating front 3 in a 433. Middleton/ kent/ grezda being my choices as its obvious by gerrards comments that sadiq is not getting on the park anytime soon.


1.) 28 Sep 2018 23:33:10
I like the way you are thinking fintytint 3 rapid and skillful players, I think they would cause havoc.

2.) 29 Sep 2018 11:07:17
Candias has to play.

3.) 29 Sep 2018 17:51:08
Fintyfint, exactly what I said two days ago.

4.) 01 Oct 2018 12:56:00
Candias has shown nothing this season to suggest that. Been poor more often than good.



08 Aug 2018 12:43:53
I think at 6pm tomorrow gerrard will know if he can get anyone else from liverpool ie solanke.


1.) 08 Aug 2018 20:50:27
Fintyint i'd prefer the two Bosnian lads signed instead of loan deals.



02 May 2018 10:18:41
Hate doing this but I was told by someone that seems to be in the know. That yes Gerrard is coming and that King is stepping back to just be on the board and be a shareholder. Investment is coming from USA. No idea who, no idea how much. didn't have much time to speak to the guy. He did say its expected to all be done within the next 2 weeks so am assuming end of season. Just passing on.


1.) 02 May 2018 10:35:25
We all have our own assumptions of King but he is a very astute and competent businessman. Can't help but think there is shrewd reason as to why he's missed the share deadline and is there a bigger picture regarding what you have mentioned.

2.) 02 May 2018 10:49:16
Letting himself be dragged through the courts in SA for years due to his tax dodging wasn't very astute. And his dealings with the Takeover Panel haven't been very competent have they?

3.) 02 May 2018 11:21:44
We've met to have huge investment for the for the past 2year n still waiting lol

4.) 02 May 2018 17:59:45
And an astute business man would have money king has stood up in a court of law and says he has none. So he's either skint or a conman. No room for either at our club in my eyes

5.) 02 May 2018 19:56:01
What do we all think will happen if big investment is made in our club? That the investors are just putting money in because they have a few quid spare in the bank and won't miss it? If the stated 25-30mil investment is coming what is it going to be brokered against. That is my only concern. An for that matter i'm sure that 30mil wouldn't be far off what would be needed to buy our club at this point in time. i'm not buying into this whole situation.




fintytint's banter posts with other poster's replies to fintytint's banter posts


26 May 2024 12:26:11
I think not matter what you take on the result, that this was one of the worst officiated games. Sterlings yellow for a great tackle, the arguement over goal or no goal, the clear push on sterling that wasn't seen. Macgregor demanding players be booked. The linesman running onto the park with a red card in his hand. It's maybe not out league that's Mickey mouse. It's just our officials.


1.) 26 May 2024 12:49:38
Yeah I’ve no idea what happened with the red card, it’s like he’d missed his queue to book / red card a rangers player. I didn’t even know they carried cards. Sterling’s tackle was cracking, great tackle.

How did McGregor stay on the pitch? Oh yeah, because Walsh was the referee.

2.) 26 May 2024 13:32:45
Can heart on hand say I thought the officials handled the game well.

3.) 26 May 2024 14:12:03
They got a few decisions wrong ehl push on dessers and Sterling booking but they got the big decisions right our goal and Davies handball.



07 Apr 2024 17:23:29
I am god smacked at this attack on beaton. He gave us a goal. Var chopped it off for foul, fair enough. He books out player for diving but vars involvement means it's a penalty to us. At what point is beaton cheating? It was huge for us getting the draw as we looked like it was going to be their night.


1.) 07 Apr 2024 19:23:21
Lundstrum was poor today as were others. The big problem now is can we go to their back yard and achieve a win or even a draw? I’m doubtful which could very well see the title going to them. Either way a draw suited them more than it did us today. Don’t get me wrong I’m very happy we didn’t get beat and we’re still in this but we’ve made it very difficult now.



08 Oct 2023 13:10:59
The managers job should never have been given to Davies, not in a bad way, the idea a squad player is picking a team that has already lost and after this is expected to go back into the squad as a player is just our usual. Should have been Alex Rae as manager and Steve as assistant.


1.) 08 Oct 2023 13:34:58
I’m sure Alex Rae is helping him as much as possible. Davis is who I would’ve picked as interim because the players should respect him and the fans certainly do. But now we see that the players won’t play for anyone so the team needs to be ripped up again.

2.) 08 oct 2023 13:41:59
i understand what you say mate. but
i think rangers expect to beat arising and saints with this team no matter who was in charge, steve was the obvious choice, and i don't think he will be back in the squad myself, they expected to get through the 2 or 3 games untouched and we should have been beating limassol easily, it backfired because of awful players, not manager imo.

3.) 08 Oct 2023 14:04:34
Thank goodness some of us have a little faith .
20 quid 3.0 220 back thank you very much.

4.) 08 Oct 2023 14:28:21
Well done mols. I had same on tav first goal.

5.) 08 Oct 2023 14:31:04
Let's face it the only reason Davis is still at the club is his serious injury or he would have been away with arfield and McGregor but regardless of how things go under Davis I won't hold it against him he's doing us a favour putting himself in position when he has very little manager experience.

6.) 08 Oct 2023 14:31:37
Mols you should start tipping verdant score he needs help in that dept.

7.) 08 Oct 2023 14:50:31
How much did you get John? I admit the sending off saved my bet . But I was due one … just trying to get the bottle to cash in.



07 Oct 2023 14:42:27
I think now we have entered the 'he is here for a couple of seasons' territory. Money will be scarce and time will be needed. Hopefully who ever it is can get a song out of the players. But no matter who it is time has to be given.


1.) 07 Oct 2023 15:22:10
Realistically two windows to see improvements and results, if not that’s probably as much time as they will get.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 22:03:23
I'd give him this season as a free hit and ask him to try bring some decent youth into squad so they can help team next year.



05 Oct 2023 20:03:14
Am not so much disappointed as I am angry, angry that they get the privilege or wearing our shirt and they just don't care. We care. If they can't do it or don't care then don't put the jersey on again.





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01 Feb 2024 21:33:35
If that's it then it's been a poor window. No striker baffles me. They have a massively better front line already. Sima, long term, Danilo on crutches, Silva can't be judged yet, dessers has just come onto a game but could go backwards again. I would have thought after out striker less run to the final they would have acted.




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02 Oct 2023 08:25:13
Biggest thing for me is I want a winner, a manager with a proven past to get over the line. Not a Beale or a Gerrard try and see manager we need a serial winner. We can't bash any league a manager wins in as our league is terrible compared to most.




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05 Sep 2023 12:49:08
Muscat and gattuso are not what we need. Potter or knusten are what the club needs.




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31 Aug 2022 12:46:30
Not a leftie but that is a pathetic attitude. ‘Bawz’ to you mate.




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31 Jan 2022 13:09:23
Raman at the airport is hilarious.





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09 Apr 2024 13:19:19
As long as Silva doesn't wear our top again. That pitch will be a huge factor in who is picked. Could see sterling moved into diomadnde position and I think Lawrence will start over cantwell.




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13 Sep 2023 19:28:02
Sorry but boo'ing a national anthem is fair game. They were boo'ing ours. What set me off was singing about the queen and the booing of Ryan jack.




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29 Jul 2023 15:42:30
Beale might be the same as me and my mate. No idea who to start as not one has shown anything bar lammers. To be fair. I don't think any of the players no what they are supposed to be doing. Someone explain our tactics and formation plz.




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28 Mar 2023 21:09:05
He needs sacked now. If that was any workplace you wouldn't be in the next day. No different. Disgraceful thing to do.




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03 Jan 2023 11:36:16
Was just coming on to ask the same type of thing. I thought we had a pay cap. Numbers am seeing like 45k is way above what I thought it was. Living within our means was the way to go not huge wage packets for player who aren't even performing.




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