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27 Jun 2024 14:06:32
Elephant in the room, I have not seen much mention of the fact that Murrayfield does NOT have VAR And Rangers will most likely have to pay for its installation especially for cl games.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 14:57:23
Murrayfield isn’t nailed on as yet.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 15:42:15
You can buy the VAR system that the SPFL use on ebay for a fiver or we could just use the system that is fitted in Ibrox and refit it in Murrayfield.

3.) 27 jun 2024 15:49:45
i wasn’t entirely sure the club paid for the actual installation of var but you could of course be correct mate, maybe the ed could clarify that?

4.) 27 Jun 2024 16:00:18
When scotland rugby union are playing a six nations game, they use var for those games so surely they fo have it, or am I wrong.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 16:06:01
Think the TMO system is probably better?.

6.) 27 Jun 2024 17:51:42
Maybe we should give murrayfield a try ?.

7.) 27 Jun 2024 18:10:04



29 Apr 2020 12:43:32
Looks like due to some Dutch teams threatening legal action because of promotion/ relegation and euro qualifications being disrupted the Dutch look like reversing their decision on null and void and having to have a rethink on the status quo and maybe going the French way of calling league on current positions or waiting until it is certain of any future football being able to be played.




07 Sep 2017 08:18:44
Keep reading on various sites about how suspect Celtic defence is and wonder where people get this notion.

League. Celtic score 8 concede 2
Rangers score 7 concede 5

League cup Celtic score 5 concede 0
Rangers score 6 concede 0

Europe. Celtic score 13 concede 4
Rangers score 1 concede 2
This with a makeshift team of 2 boys and a mid playing in this dodgy defence.


1.) 07 Sep 2017 09:04:46
how is this relevant?

2.) 07 Sep 2017 09:38:55
It's relevant because some fans believe the myth that there defence is dodgy and can be got about with pressure. all I am saying is yes in Europe against really good teams and the makeshift defence due to injuries they are vulnerable but some fans still maintain they are rubbish defensively and the figures above sort of dispell that myth. also last season with basically the same team domestically they outscored every other team had the best defence record won an undefeated treble even the league cup without conceding a goal. in Europe yes they will be destroyed and prob embarrassed but against psg and Bayern what Scottish team wouldn't. all I am saying saying they are average only makes some on hear feel good not that it is necessary true

3.) 07 Sep 2017 10:22:46
Think st Johnstone manager gets best out of o halloran maybe if we had a real manager o halloran would be better player

4.) 07 Sep 2017 10:42:08
Not conceding a lot of goals doesn't purely come down to having a good defence it also helps when the whole team press high up the park which they do well in all areas. if any team in the world stand off and allow crosses to come into the box there bound to concede at least once as its the hardest thing to defend when a balls whipped into the box and you have 5 guys running towards the goal. I've seen Barca, Real etc all lose goals from set plays but not often because the very rarely let opponents get crosses over

5.) 07 Sep 2017 13:13:25
johnny g i take it your a stats man?
this isn't fifa!
if u watch their games their weakest part of their team is defence but that is because celtic are never under pressure in the spl.
thats why those stats state that and not to do with actual defending .

suggestion; try actually watching football

6.) 07 Sep 2017 14:30:37
Peds, sorry to keep disagreeing and replying to your post, but you do talk some crap.
Everyone knows the defence is the worst part of their team, but it was still well capable of dealing with anything the SPFL threw at them, as you state yourself. Therefore, you would have to agree that the problem is not with their defence, but with the quality of attack in the teams they need to complete against to win the league, i. e. SPFL.

7.) 07 Sep 2017 14:31:15
Pedsl1 I do watch football and don't know anything about fifa ( too old for games) it is irrelevant regarding teams putting pressure on in Scotland the point I was trying to make was some on here and other sites like to claim they are pish they are average they have a poor defence they are lucky. well they play the same teams as we do but seem to perform so much better. it is people that believe these claims. all I am saying you can't go 53 games ( domestically ) undefeated if you are pish, average poor defensively or lucky. and people are deluding themselves thinking they have all these faults. only trying to be realistic and remember they still have their first choice defenders and striker to come back from injury. how do you think we would fair with first 2 choices of defenders and top striker unavailable since beginning of season?

8.) 07 Sep 2017 15:29:57
Ridiculous post. Absolutely nonsensical.

You're talking about their defence and include goals scored. Why?

You've also bizarrely posted rangers goals scored and against.

Are you trying to show they've had a better start to the season? We all know that they have since they've got more points,

That you wasted so much time writing this makes me laugh though. I can only assume you're trolling.



14 Aug 2017 14:49:02
What a morally offended club we have become now we are the supporters that can't stand a manager who celebrates his team scoring against us . we are going all out to be the pariahs of Scottish football we have fans convicted of racial abuse ( sinclair) and fans running after opposition players and yet utterly mortified that an opposition manager should celebrate a goal or a Win. If Pedro now runs the length of the touchline to celebrate a Rangers goal which he does often will 30 or more opposition fans go to cops and complain . this will turn into a farce and of course our morally offended fans can take credit for it all happening. well done. Get a life.


1.) 14 Aug 2017 15:07:06
I don't agree with everything you say but the reaction from quite a lot of fans over the past couple of days have in all honesty left me a little embarrassed.

Lenonn's celebration was silly (I was in the main stand) . He was not just celebrating a goal he was goading the fans. However what idiots are so thin skinned to report it to police?

The referee had a poor game, by no means the worst display I've ever seen, but to create a petition?

Let's just focus on our team and get behind them. For me there has been enough evidence to suggest we could have quite a good team this year and I still fancy us to finish second. We all want to win league titles again but second has to be our realistic target.


2.) 14 Aug 2017 15:39:47
The only thing I would say is that there is a difference between celebrating a goal and goading opposition fans with 'get it up yae' gestures. You can't honestly argue that this is acceptable behaviour for any manager of a football team to direct towards the opponents fans.

Yet again refereeing decisions were laughable at times but some of the reaction like signing a petition is a bit over the top. I thought Caixinha handled it well in his post match interview by inviting the referee to have a look at the footage after the game and to hold himself accountable, without getting into any sort of war of words with the match officials through the press.

3.) 14 Aug 2017 18:28:00
The first goal was down to Kenny miller letting the ball run by him. And let's be honest if we dish it out we must learn to accept it

4.) 14 Aug 2017 18:33:49
Tbf I hated Neil lennon long before that hibs game!

5.) 14 Aug 2017 19:10:08
I have a feeling hearts are going to feel the brunt of what happened in the hibs game. The players should be well fired up to make sure that doesn't happen again

6.) 14 Aug 2017 19:11:00
JohnnyG, the most sensible post on this matter on these pages. Its all turned into a circus, someone really has to have a word with whoever allows the press releases by your clubs supporters group. Maybe an idea to put a warning on season tickets, telling fans that some of the language and actions "may offend" just to cut this easily offended mob ( which all clubs have) out.

7.) 14 Aug 2017 20:15:38

Yeah good post mate and it's embarrassing that one of our supporters groups has come out calling for police action against Lennon. The abuse given to him was shocking yet the supporters club neglected to mention this and went onto praise the support. Some fans were happy to dish out abuse but get offended when someone gives a little back.



07 Jul 2017 09:21:42
Every year at this time people on here berate the whole of Scottish football for falling at the first hurdle in Europe and how it harms the co-efficient and how Scotland suffered when we were in the lower leagues. Well that's 2 x Diddy teams ( to coin a phrase ) out already and again co-efficient not improved. it's left to the other 2 x Diddy teams to hopefully make inroads . p.


1.) 07 Jul 2017 10:02:19
Scottish football needs to move to playing summer football with a complete winter shut down. A two week summer shutdown to allow players to refresh. This makes sense weather wise and also would attract more attention and marketing to our game. There is no football in the UK at all. People would watch due to the lack of it. This would enable us to get rid of artificial pitches as well. No idea how to integrate this with the Euro Championships or World Cup. The Scandinavian countries manage it, why can't we?

2.) 07 Jul 2017 10:30:13
Agree 100%, it can't carry on the way it is. It's very easy really the answer is simple. sfa have to go to SKY ( the real authority of British football) and say what would you like us to do we are at your mercy, make our product appealing, sky know what they're doing on a humongous scale, the sfa don't and no one can disagree.

3.) 07 Jul 2017 13:13:35
Will never support them or the northern vermin so the coefficient can take a running f*** as far as i"m concerned




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03 Apr 2020 12:57:08
Glasgowranger. as to your take on celtic not covering themselves for cancelled games. I see it differently celtic like other industries say concerts if I buy a ticket and it is cancelled then I am due a refund or ticket valid for alternative date, that is how I see celtic position and see the rangers position of if games cancelled TOUGH! So unlike you I would prefer my club to be ultra fair to its supporters.




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02 Feb 2020 10:11:22
To blue 89. Hagi has been loaned out from Genk just as they have taken the celtic midfielder misfit on loan. ( yabousse) spelling. so will reserve judgement on that one.




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18 Jan 2016 09:00:49
Billy -p . having faith is one thing but i am a realist. big money backers next year? don't think so fat arseing about with £100,000 bids eventually getting close to the mark after about 2 weeks of haggling. legal bills rising, no share issue and not one likely for some time, living on loans to keep the lights on still in the clutches of Ashley. as opposed to celtic. Not good in europe but still cashed in on euro gates and tv money, top dollar sponsorship, extra domestic tv money and prize money for premier teams, that is what makes me think they will have more money to spend than us IF they choose to obviously. this week 1.5M + wages on Danish international. I can't see your big money backers putting too much in for free. or on the promise of shares if and when we can issue them.




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17 Jan 2016 12:47:47
Barrymiddleton. aye like he is ripping celtics defemce to shreds just now while playing for a premiership team who incidently tore us a new one. check the st J scores against celtic . and as for their defence have you looked at their goals against. some on here thinl we are going to steam roller them next season
. sorry but I think a lot of disappointed bears. they will strengthen in summer in preparation for us and don't forget they have more money to spend than we will.




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13 Jan 2016 14:13:56
Head in sand syndrom Cee. don't believe because you don't want to believe. its well documented that wi fi comp are in court looking for ring fence to be extended from dec 31st to next year. where is evidence of counter suit from Rangers.
rangers lawyer even defending saying more lending is in place so please don't ring fence £300,000.





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08 May 2020 17:55:16
Molsgoals. you think they should ignore and laugh. I fear they will now that they have basically destroyed most of the points in the Rangers dossier. and now after the other 41 clubs have heard the spfl rebuttal I fear the only outcome of the vote come tue will be be against any enquiery. and furthermore sanctions may be brought against Rangers and their md for breaking company law re. Confidentiality.




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08 May 2020 10:56:20
TJBB. as you are quoting company law. how do you feel about our own md breaking said law by disclosing sensitive and confidential information to his own club in order to manufacture a revolt against the very governing body that he is supposed to represent. also reneging on a board meeting he was duty bound to attend in these difficult times. he could and should be brought to task for breaking company law! But alas that seems to be the Rangers way as of late.




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29 Apr 2020 13:04:58
Looks like null and void is a np goer. even Dutch are having to rethink their decision due to threat of legal action from a number of their clubs. France have gone with league finished with current standings. ( spfl with as is standings ) don't see any other way unless it is played on the park which is getting is getting more unlikely every day.




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24 Apr 2020 16:52:43
Truebluesotrue. rangers evidence not supplied. surely it is up to Rangers to supply said evidence as they say they are the only ones that have it. maybe there wasn't any to start with.




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16 Apr 2020 22:54:55
Paulellen. not to burst your bubble but for the 4 years that rangers and the blue pound were not available to these diddy clubs although some did struggle. I would ask how many went to the wall/ administration or even incurred massive debt It seems they just cut their cloth to suit and managed to carry on regardless and I feel this is why the threat of boycotts and refusing tickets now fall on deaf ears.




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