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15 Feb 2024 01:05:25
Was it three more assists for Tav tonight? Will be interesting to see what his numbers are when he eventually does hang up the boots!


1.) 15 Feb 2024 07:10:10



14 Nov 2022 21:09:45
I know that there is good reason to believe that Gio is on a shoogly peg, but it’s really bad how the rags try to sensationalise every little thing. ‘Gio on the brink - live! ’ There’s been nothing said. It’s the same with every ‘exclusive’ that takes some little comment from some pundit or ex player from one half of the old firm and they use it to create arguments or divide people more. Poor, lazy and ignorant journalism.


1.) 14 Nov 2022 21:25:53
worst site from them all is newsnow, absolute garbage.

2.) 14 nov 2022 21:45:17
, hi mate, look, before social media and the rise of instant comms almost everyone wqas running out to buy a paper with these headlines, it made sport exciting and the whole world loved it

now were all smartarses who slaughter journalist for doing what journalists have been paid to do for centuries.

the posiible sacking of a rangers manager is sensational, and i want to read everything i can about it, so do millions of others . suddenly journos are the devils spawn

was it ever thus.

3.) 14 Nov 2022 22:13:28
I understand where you are coming from TT - we all want to know what is happening, refresh all the feeds etc. Me too. Worth noting that there are levels of journalism, some of which is actually base on facts, ? But there is a difference between reporting on what is actually happening and manipulating the way people think by creating a narrative that doesn’t exist. Anyway - we watch and listen with interest to see what does or doesn’t happen next!

4.) 14 Nov 2022 22:24:24
Argyll, why are ten rags at fault when the same is being said on here by our fans?

All the posters with trusted inside information have been quoting Gios departure for weeks now.

Todays board meeting, then tomorrow’s etc.

If fans can’t support the manager why should the media not play games?

5.) 14 Nov 2022 22:38:55
Can’t have it both ways when Lennon was struggling with them the barrage from press and media was constant.
Unfortunately our turn now.

6.) 14 nov 2022 22:42:51
your correct of course mate, the standards of journalism might have dropped, but believe me it was pretty low back in the 70s and 80s

you have to remeber they're competing nowadays with hundreds more outlets on and offline . they need to grab attention.



01 Nov 2022 21:59:11
It may be sour grapes, but I really wish the players would be more angry. They should be. I know we are much weaker than any of the teams in this group, and I am sure they care and have some personal pride, but I would rather see them look furious. We now have the worst record in the group stage history. I don’t think we are the worst team - the group was tough, but that is a record that will be hung around those players necks for many a year…just wish there was more passion in display even if it is only petulance. I am rambling a bit but you know what I mean lads… ? Anyway, as my old papa used to say, never mind son, the bluebells are still blue.


1.) 01 Nov 2022 22:41:03
Unfortunately as fans we will be reminded of this fact long after any of these players stop playing and Rangers are only a memory to them.



01 Nov 2022 20:26:20
Tillman is so good and so frustrating in equal measure. Great feet and so clever but then just seems to lose concentration.




01 Nov 2022 20:19:20
Sakala like a new man.


1.) 01 Nov 2022 20:29:53
Aye maybe so but he needs to start tracking back he’s getting left for dead!

2.) 01 Nov 2022 20:39:43
2 awful goals to lose. Poor from king.

3.) 01 nov 2022 20:42:08
we need 10 new men, i really do fear for gio if this gets worse,

4.) 01 Nov 2022 20:43:33
Correct Paul it started with an easy ball over Tav for the 1st also.

5.) 01 Nov 2022 20:46:52
He is just a young lad and he has been thrown in at the deep end and while that in part is due to the injuries to Davies and Goldson if want to compete at this level we need to have an overall better quality of squad or accept that we are also rans at Champions League level.

Only time will tell whether we can compete with Celtic, (whoa re nothing special), in Scotland or whether we are going to spend another number of years trophyless.

6.) 01 Nov 2022 20:53:35
Tom why do you fear for Gio. We may have a record we don't want but we have banked 15 million. As it been reported on this site, the building job will hopefully start in January. I don't see gio going after this game.

7.) 01 Nov 2022 20:53:39
Storm that’s now Livi, Aberdeen and now Ajax he’s been done like that it’s a joke opposing mangers know he’s the weak link.

But it’s ok for some on here he scores lots of penalties ??‍♂️.

8.) 01 Nov 2022 20:56:58
We need 2 full backs that can defend, the space that opposing teams get against us out wide is abysmal. We stopped playing and just started watching after 15 minutes.

9.) 01 Nov 2022 20:59:53
How many times does Tav get caught wrong side of man.
He can't defend and gives the ball away a ridiculous amount of the time.
But folk will say his goals are good.
Well i'm sorry, never been a fan and never will be.
It's just not a coincidence that we've hardly won a thing with him at club.
He's toilet.

10.) 01 Nov 2022 20:59:56
Our captain has been found out at this level although I do see he's not 100% git.

11.) 01 nov 2022 21:05:19
windy, are you saying don't fear for gio . because if ever a manager was on a shaky peg its gio

diabolical results revererate across europe, i like the guy and wish he was a success, . but the results are eye wateringly bad now

leon king is above blame, the guys 18 . the people who get themselves booked for selfish stupidity and the ones constantly injured are far more liable than an 18yr old boy thrown into facing cl clubs like liverpool and ajax.

12.) 01 Nov 2022 21:31:28
I don’t fear for Gio because sacking him would not make no financial sense. If we finish second we get another crack at champions league. That’s it. 15 million banked.

Boards don’t think with their hearts.

13.) 01 Nov 2022 21:44:35
No one (? ) really expected Rangers to top the group!

But even allowing for injuries and bad luck there was a reasonable expectation that Gio would make a better fist of it and not be so spineless. Zero points and a goal difference of minus 20 with 45 minutes to go is unacceptable.

The worst Championship League team in history coming up. This would wash off!




Argyllbear's rumour replies


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11 May 2024 11:30:50
Well done wishy…spot on with the team. I am anxious about barisic starting…but there is no Abada anymore at least….




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18 Sep 2022 20:49:28
Where you hearing that? I really don’t think there is any danger of that happening….




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31 Jan 2022 22:17:42
All the rumours said loan with option to buy, but not mentioned in the official announcement. Is it just a straight loan in the end, or do we have the option to make it permanent? 🤔🤔.




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29 Aug 2021 14:56:16
Where you seeing that bankie?





Argyllbear's banter replies


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15 Feb 2024 08:03:02
Thanks Ed 033!




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09 Jan 2023 19:14:36
No, in my opinion. Luxury player that doesn’t seem that fussed anymore - not what we need. Was class at one time but seems to have chucked it.




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14 Nov 2022 22:13:28
I understand where you are coming from TT - we all want to know what is happening, refresh all the feeds etc. Me too. Worth noting that there are levels of journalism, some of which is actually base on facts, ? But there is a difference between reporting on what is actually happening and manipulating the way people think by creating a narrative that doesn’t exist. Anyway - we watch and listen with interest to see what does or doesn’t happen next!




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03 Nov 2022 14:38:24
The biggest miss for me has been Lawrence. He is always looking to drive forward and be positive. We have missed his creativity and experience in attacking areas.




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01 Nov 2022 20:17:30
You just need to be clearing those…he will be kicking himself for that.




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