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Blueandproud's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Blueandproud's rumours posts


26 Dec 2023 19:02:35
Talks for Morelos opened. He wants back to Glasgow - Russia is an option.

If Clement wants him then who are we to say no to it.


1.) 26 Dec 2023 19:31:19
Oh oh here we go. Is he fit and ready to go?

2.) 26 Dec 2023 19:45:17
If Alfie goes to Russia it proves he has absolutely no o scruples.

3.) 26 Dec 2023 20:15:29
Morelos won't be back at Rangers.

4.) 26 Dec 2023 20:41:39
If we open talks with Morelos to return, shows we have absolutely no scruples!

5.) 26 Dec 2023 20:42:03
Theres no chance were taking morelos back. Were looking for a prolific striker. Not someone who can't be arsed to keep himself fit.

6.) 26 Dec 2023 20:55:20
Morelos back to Rangers is not going to happen.

7.) 26 Dec 2023 20:58:24
Surely he chases the Russian vodka?

8.) 26 Dec 2023 21:15:13
Would he even be able to meet Clement fitness requirements when he couldn’t even meet beales or gerrards low standards.

9.) 26 Dec 2023 21:50:33
Don’t get me wrong loved Alfie but would we get the same hunger from him when he knows teams don’t want him.

10.) 26 Dec 2023 21:53:26
I'd rather take Van veen.

11.) 26 Dec 2023 22:51:30
Arguably 1 fit striker, and potentially bringing in a player who knows the league, the pressure, the culture and had years of absolute hate From everyone and even an element of own support for free? Aye sounds like a terrible idea, yes had some problems, yes made a person of it at times but for 1 million or so an absolute outstanding signing.

12.) 26 Dec 2023 23:40:46
Alfie not happening, why would Clement throw away the chance of lifting the league title, as for the scruples of joining a Russian team REALLY, a suppose it’s alright to go to the US tho, don’t think the football clubs have anything to do with the war machine of either country.

13.) 27 Dec 2023 07:50:37
Morelos will not be back. Clement will do his homework and see half the time he couldn't be bothered to get himself fit.

14.) 27 Dec 2023 08:00:23
Morelos has said himself he is happy at Santos and isn't looking for a way out, he would like to stay and help them fight too get back up.



15 Dec 2023 13:35:42
Morelos back to Ibrox…Rangers have supposedly reached out. Let’s see how it transpires.

Everyone please remember, football is a business and ultimately it was the fault of the club for allowing him to leave for free. You are all employed and I’m sure you have some days/ weeks/ months when you don’t like your job, employer, life etc.

We are all human.


1.) 15 Dec 2023 13:47:44
Tis the season to be jolly. Not stupid.

2.) 15 Dec 2023 14:11:37
Were needing a prolific scorer. Would be a massice mistake going back for him.

3.) 15 Dec 2023 14:18:40
B+P - Most of us don't like or haven't liked our work at some point over the years - but most of us were not on 33k per week so my heart bleeds for the small Columbian but unless PC is a head shrink and feels that there are enough matches or time to get the wee guy fit then I would say someone is pulling your Xmas cracker (and not in a nice way) -he had his time here and I worshipped the ground when he was fit and interested but that was in the past - fresh blood needed for Ibrox imho!

4.) 15 Dec 2023 14:27:43
Just can’t see it to be honest.

5.) 15 Dec 2023 13:53:09
Would love to see him back, let’s be honest by the sound of what PC wants in a striker it sounds a lot like Buff.

6.) 15 Dec 2023 14:44:48
I for one am genuinely curious what PC could get out of Morelos if he came back. PC won't tolerate some of the nonsense Morelos pulled in the past. So this could be interesting.

7.) 15 Dec 2023 15:15:26
Anyone want him back have very short memories. He hasn't been good for years. Was a free agent for months and No1 wanted him says a lot.

8.) 15 Dec 2023 15:16:16
Absolutely not happening. Morelos will not be back at Rangers.

9.) 15 Dec 2023 15:44:21
Definitely have him back on the right terms.

PC is big enough to motivate Morelos back to his best but we won’t pay the money he was on before.

6 month deal with an option for a further 3 years if he screws the nut.

10.) 15 Dec 2023 17:01:20
A new poster spouting nonsense about Morelos. Cave missing man…….

11.) 15 Dec 2023 17:03:22
Rob are you coldo?

12.) 15 Dec 2023 17:07:48
Honestly I would have the wee man back in a heartbeat miles better than what we have and if pc gets the best out of him the other strikes in the league don’t come close to him her terrorised some massive clubs in Europe.

13.) 15 Dec 2023 17:08:37
I think PC could get the best out of any player given time, he has a track record of turning players back on to there best form.
We paid 8 million for 2 forwards who either can't score or rarely score.

Where is the risk in taking back a player for free, who is our all time european top goal scorer and in the top 5 goal scorers ever in the europa league, has the best scoring record for any player in the last 11 years.
Perhaps we should wait until messi's 45 when we can afford his 5 pounds a week wages lol

There is little to no budget for PC to buy anyone in January,
So we will have to look at other options.

14.) 15 Dec 2023 19:12:42
Won’t happen. Suspect someone has their fishing rod out ?.

15.) 15 Dec 2023 19:18:50
I wouldn`t have a go at him for leaving, he felt he could better himself ( he was wrong ) and that's part of life and football . It is his attitude and performances over the previous season which would make me object to his return. He showed himself to be unprofessional and we don`t need that at the club . I wouldn`t want him back but he would need to take a big drop in wages to return . He has proved that he doesn`t have better options elsewhere so no more of the billy big time wages.

16.) 15 Dec 2023 19:49:55
Lh do you know our budget?

17.) 15 Dec 2023 20:15:13
I think they could give Clement at least money earned in Europa League but we need to be careful what we spend in January all depends on how old firm match and games up until then go.

18.) 15 Dec 2023 21:00:47
buff could still be back at ibrox, but will be playing for another team, not us.

19.) 15 Dec 2023 22:03:25
Here for the christmas nights out and turkey.

20.) 15 Dec 2023 22:11:34
Big Phil will not suffer prima-donnas like Morelos, done well at times when he was here but that is in the past. We are just starting to see the best of Dessers, been much better on last three appearances.

21.) 16 Dec 2023 02:49:16
So we sign a new coach and football director of recruitment and we are suppose to believe they are looking at former players to UPDATE our squad? He may stop by to say hola but that's about it. Love him but his time passed.

22.) 16 Dec 2023 07:27:41
I'd take him back if he lost two stone and passed fitness medical and signed the pledge. Plus laid off kebabs and McDonald's.

23.) 16 Dec 2023 14:21:11
Think Buff is back in Glasgow for interview with the company "Just Eat" - driver or tester we are not too clear yet?

24.) 16 Dec 2023 16:42:39
I loved Alfie but now we are in last 16 wants back no thanks.

25.) 16 Dec 2023 16:43:35
If he is willing to take a wage cut an we have option to terminate his deal then maybe.

26.) 17 Dec 2023 11:01:23
He is getting £2.3 million pay off from Santos due to the length of his contract and his relegation clause so expect to see him lounging on the beach in Carthagena de los Indios soon.



13 Nov 2022 04:24:41
From a very close contact and was told at start of season - Morelos not to play starting 11 as "punishment" for not signing new deal. It is to pressure him into signing.

Also, no contact has been made by the club for many months regarding new contract. Recent press release by Wilson stating "in talks" is lies.

Our club is a shambles and the top brass need cleared out.


1.) 13 Nov 2022 10:08:27
Morelos shouldn’t be playing because he’s been terrible never mind a contract did you watch the game yesterday totally not bothered.

2.) 13 Nov 2022 10:40:49
Not going to be true tho, as kent is playing every game in tje same contract situation. thd reason he's not playing is he is in horrific condition, and has not been working hard enough, as confirmed by manager. Plus the form of colak who hit the ground running.

3.) 13 Nov 2022 10:46:09
Morelos isn't fit. A blind man can see that. I really don't believe that Gio knows how to manage him and not having a new contract isn't helping. That particular matter should have been sorted months ago. It hasn't been!

4.) 13 Nov 2022 12:36:32
And was that a gio decision or the board? Surely a manager wouldn't potentially cost his team points by not starting his top striker at that time.

5.) 13 Nov 2022 14:19:59
Not playing certain players is a rangers thing. Not good idea imo.

6.) 14 Nov 2022 02:40:44
Bassey I agree with you on this I was a big defender of mo previously but he's totally uninterested now time to go was at start of season before he became a problem.




Blueandproud's banter posts with other poster's replies to Blueandproud's banter posts


28 Feb 2024 08:50:21
Travel to Portugal:
Anyone flying out to Faro on the Sunday and making a holiday of our game with Benfica?


1.) 28 Feb 2024 19:08:12
Wednesday to Friday for me.



31 Dec 2023 16:45:55
@John227 regarding Morelos and Bearsden. He did live it Bearsden but the rental was given up and everything moved out.


1.) 31 Dec 2023 17:27:02
Does he not stay in Brazil now.

2.) 31 dec 2023 17:27:19
go out and find giamakis, , the greek, tell him we heard celtic players slagging him off in the tunnel

and let him take his revenge, , anything but kent morelos, years of that rubbish was hard to take, , think we need back to basics, a spine, we have butland, for now

a new ch is coming
a playmaking mid
and a prolific scorer, i'm still confident, but we can't lose games now,

3.) 31 dec 2023 18:08:23
you are correct blue, moved to the riverside in town i think,

4.) 31 Dec 2023 18:09:30
It's definitely not Morelos!

In an ideal world;

Offer Hearts Lowry "and" Dessers for Shankland and it's a done deal! :)

All joking aside, Lowry has done nothing at Hearts and won't do anything at Rangers if he's recalled, so why not use him to our advantage here and now.

5.) 31 Dec 2023 18:34:47
Cool blue.

6.) 31 Dec 2023 19:04:14
Giakoumakas would be a dream. terrific centre forward would bang goals in for us.

7.) 31 dec 2023 19:40:39
i agree hwg, and a very happy new year to you and yours.



11 Jun 2023 04:43:38
The amount of dislike and hatred towards Morelos since it was known they couldn't agree on a new contract is absolutely appalling.

Steven Gerrard came into the club and very quickly the role of Morelos changed. No longer was he allowed to run the channels and cut inside along the by-line. He was asked (and I know this) to hold the ball up and drop back to bring others into play in the SPFL.

Every single one of you criticising him overall during his time here need to take a long look at yourselves. That boy has given us the best moments of our lives over the time he has been with us.

Yes he also gave us some awful moments with the red cards but overall, a fantastic servant to the club.

I have spoken with multiple players who have stated they will miss him and that nobody will every know how much he has done for the club and how misunderstood he really is.


1.) 11 Jun 2023 06:57:39
I agree Blueandpround, remember they are speaking about our topscorer in Europe like he's nothing, zero respect from some, they give Colak more a man that can't play with a slight injury and not nearly as good a cf as him.

2.) 11 Jun 2023 07:14:26
Totally agree with you Blueandproud?I've said as much many times on here myself mate! I'll always be grateful from alfie's time at rangers and i wish him all the very best and thank him for some terrific memories??He like you said, is our top european goalscorer of all time and that's why he'll always be spoken about for many years to come ???.

3.) 11 Jun 2023 07:37:26
Correct Blueandproud.
They can voice their opinion all they like.
But his name will live on in the record books for his European goal scoring achievements.
And we have some great memories from ❤️Morelos❤️ Time at Rangers.

4.) 11 Jun 2023 07:43:02
Aye mate Al take a long look at myself lol scored goals he should have been scoring paid a lot a money, alfie fan club mail about Kent too lol, assist the assist move on with your life random mails about ex players you no he didn't get offered a contract lol, he could have stayed off the pies n still been at this beautiful football club good riddance.

5.) 11 Jun 2023 07:45:31
If anyone knows me on here, they'll know how much I thought of him, and how much I backed him, when others were tearing strips off of him, however, he was an absolute waste of space last season, and basically sh*t on us when we needed him most. Same as Kent did!
So please, spare us the sob story for a player who we backed to the hilt, made him a millionaire, and hero worshipped, only for him to string us along, and not give a flying you know what in a season we really needed him!

6.) 11 Jun 2023 07:52:38
I can't understand the bitterness towards Morelos from certain so called Rangers fans, a one million pound signing that scored over 100 goals for the club, I'd love another Morelos type player this summer.

7.) 11 Jun 2023 08:09:29
I can hear coldo sharpening his wee pencil already.

8.) 11 Jun 2023 08:16:01
A few hated him before they new he wasn’t signing a new deal. Some hated him from his 1st season.

9.) 11 Jun 2023 08:35:52
Loved Buff with all his swagger and huffs . Sorry to see him go.

Reckon he will look back one day and regret moving on .

10.) 11 Jun 2023 09:00:21
The problem I have with Alfredo is, I honestly don’t know if he liked playing for Rangers or not? Even when he left we never heard an interview or nothing saying he will miss the club or had a love for the club? He played with us for a long time and surely had som affection for us?

11.) 11 Jun 2023 09:09:19
Ah the new role, glad MB decided not to offer el coo a new deal. Complete waste of a jersey.

12.) 11 Jun 2023 09:25:18
I have been a fan of both Morelos and Kent from the beginning am I glad they have moved on yes. Their time was up they hadn't bettered themselves. But I am glad they wore the shirt and can call them rangers. Could they have done more I thought so but it didn't happen, I bid them farewell and wish them good luck. No disrespect from me Bears. When our players behave like leigh Griffiths then they deserve to be ridiculed. To all the players leaving they deserve credit for any small part they have played. ❤️?? ONWARDS AND UPWARDS RANGERS.

13.) 11 Jun 2023 09:28:40
Ah the Tim patter. Glad I’m not as cringey using that to describe Morelos. Complete riddy of a Rangers ‘fan’???.

14.) 11 Jun 2023 09:36:52
I believe dessers will be playing his role now.

15.) 11 Jun 2023 10:17:22
On the night Morelos broke the Euro record Gerrard himself kind of downgraded him by saying he hasn’t had the career Coisty had, of course he hadn’t, what a ridiculous thing to say when one of your players has just achieved something.

16.) 11 Jun 2023 10:22:46
Correct, MPH! Anyone has the right to criticise, or in Coldo's case, over criticise, but to use a term started by the tims, and used by every fan in Scotland who despises us, is an absolute embarrassment! Hang your head, coldo!

17.) 11 Jun 2023 10:59:19
Kent and Morelos in their prime and when their heads were in right place definitely added greatly to our team and success- what is not ok is that we allowed 2 top sellable commodities to run down contracts and leave for zip - Those up top must learn for future and learn quickly - ie when Cantwells stock rises and he has given plenty to the team then we NEED to make money on these guys and REPEAT - only way forward. Club must be bigger than any player who walks through our doors and must strive to progress buying and selling at RIGHT TIME!

18.) 11 Jun 2023 13:12:29
People don't understand the criticism of morelos? OK so he cost a million pounds and overall wasn't a bad signing, including goals in europe (which incidentally won us nothing) but his awful discipline at first got him suspended from cup semi finals etc which couldve potentially cost us winning cups at the time, he didn't score one meaningful goal in an old firm game in 6 years and his crowning glory, he rocked up at the start of last season 2 stone overweight which counted him out of champions league qualifiers which again couldve cost the club millions (it didn't but no thanks to him) letting down his teammates, the management team and most of all the fans who pay hundreds of pounds a season with the least they expect being a team who all turn up fit and ready to play, if we say that's OK does that mean it's ok for every player to show up too heavy at the start of this season? A complete lack of professionalism and respect from morelos which warrants any criticism coming his way, I don't wish him any ill will going forward, however I won't miss him or ever consider him a rangers great in any way.




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20 Jun 2024 13:56:44
Why would be travel through to Edinburgh and not be playing at Hampden?

Although could clash with QoS home games.





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14 Feb 2024 21:52:19
You forgot Beale TJ.




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17 Jan 2024 13:55:08
Exactly Gers58. Let’s not forget that our board has done this countless times and not allowed players to leave for a very good return on investment. Yet our fans turn on the players that leave for free when contracts expire - which is their very right do so.

Football is a business. End of.




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24 Mar 2023 21:19:00
Dado Prso and Nacho bullied that big idiot!




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22 Mar 2023 07:53:28
The boy has been told he has no future with Rangers and will never be in first team. Rangers looking to offload him.




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23 Nov 2022 22:46:40
My toy?




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