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Brunkendastard's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Brunkendastard's rumours posts


25 Feb 2016 19:04:51
For all those asking what happened to Tarik Fagrach, the striker from Feyenoord. He is training with Excelsior in Rotterdam. Don't know whether he has signed for Rangers and he's been punted out on loan till end of season or whether he has signed for Excelsior over here.


1.) 25 Feb 2016 19:42:59
The signing fell through.
We did not originally see there being a transfer fee but Feyenoord added it in.
He is currently still at Feyernoord trains with u18's at their varkenoo academy.

2.) 28 Feb 2016 05:37:31
Thanks both. It's odd as there were several sites that had added him to the Rangers U20's. Transfermrkt I think?




Brunkendastard's banter posts with other poster's replies to Brunkendastard's banter posts


25 Aug 2022 15:21:53
I live in Netherlands, and speak Dutch. It is absolute meltdown on the PSV forums. ??Scotland ???????.


1.) 25 Aug 2022 15:46:04
Pretty evenly matched teams over the two legs.

Biggest difference for me was McLaughlin Vs Benitez.

2.) 25 Aug 2022 16:06:36
What are they all saying
Team were hackers and bad losers in my opinion.

3.) 25 aug 2022 16:29:21
is your name dutch mate.



06 May 2022 09:35:38
Watching the post match celebrations over and over again this morning, and the one thing that stood out, just as he did on the pitch, was Lundstrum!

Everybody else, dancing, singing and celebrating. But Lundstrum just stood and looked at the crowd and the stadium, soaking up the atmosphere.

The look in his eyes just said it all!


1.) 06 May 2022 09:59:29
Glasgow Rangers from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. 🍻🎉🎉👏👏🇬🇧.

2.) 06 May 2022 11:18:44
Jonny lundstram, welcome home.

3.) 06 May 2022 11:44:12
When Ibrox is bouncing it’s a breath taking scene to witness.

Should be added to the wonders of the 🌎



4.) 06 May 2022 11:57:59
Chilled big guy. Loved watching him swagger out of parkhead as the gargoyles are shouting at him. Great player. Wrap him up in cotton wool for the final.



24 Feb 2022 21:56:47
Just baffles me how we can't produce this in the league. We have almost dominated a top European team who are 2nd in the Bundesliga but we drop points against Dundee UTD and are embarrassed against that mob.

Guys were incredible again this evening. Organised, disciplined and hungry.


1.) 24 Feb 2022 22:07:40
As you say brunk, baffling and annoying as hell. This defence givesme the heebs as the wife would say, but I'll take that. Well done lads.
Ps, anyone want to buy some nailclippers because mine are redundant.

2.) 24 Feb 2022 22:14:25
Did you hear Ibrox tonight? If we we made noise like that every week it would certainly not hurt!

3.) 24 Feb 2022 22:15:35
Because most teams in Scotland park the bus and a European quality team comes to win.

4.) 24 Feb 2022 22:16:08
I cannot believe the first comment I come to on here is so negative. Why can't you just enjoy the moment for what it is and give your head a rest?

5.) 24 Feb 2022 22:41:18
Not negative tavs. Jubilant but non plussed. Over the feckin moon mate.

6.) 24 Feb 2022 22:44:03
Excellent Rangers, Kent and Alfie suberb👏👏👏.



17 May 2021
New image uploaded to the
Rangers Player Sightings page entitled, Burj Khalifa 🔴⚪️🔵


1.) 17 May 2021 13:05:02

2.) 17 May 2021 13:42:43
Beautiful. I heard Ed001 had the privilege of switching on the lights! 😁.



07 Aug 2020 08:39:34
Wasn't really expecting a win last night, but what I did hope to see was a team with heart. But yet again it just wasn't there.

SG can scout players and find skillful players that will wear the Rangers jersey, he can teach them to play well. Passing, tackling, positioning etc. But what he doesn't seem to be getting through to them is that desire and fight to chase everything and give everything for the team. SG is a player that played with his heart on his sleeve, but this lot just don't seem to get it. We have no heart.

We've always had managers and players who fought for everything. Walter knew how to get that out of players. Barry Ferguson was one that was always chasing everything and dragging the team forward.

I'm not saying we need someone who bleeds blue and all that stuff. Just someone in that team to lead them and drive them forward. Just wish that McGregor had been an outfield player because he seems to be the only player on the field with that passion.





Brunkendastard's rumour replies


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13 Nov 2018 08:58:00
Yeah but are we still paying his wages?




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08 Sep 2018 05:45:21
Hes in Glasgow today for the Petrov charity game. Nothing about him signing. Papers say he was heading to Turkey.




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25 Jun 2018 20:51:40
Torres father is reported as saying that his son will not be playing in europe next season. China or US.




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10 May 2018 11:15:50
Regardless of whether we win, the tic are going to roll over and let Aberdeen win. there's no way they will let us finish 2nd. We should have won some of the 'easier' games and we wouldn't be in this position. Its our own doing and they will want to embarrass us.




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05 May 2018 19:51:41
Most of the rumours are with him going to them.





Brunkendastard's banter replies


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05 May 2024 19:16:54
And goalie was off his line before kick.




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02 Jan 2023 14:39:44
As soon as sands came on I said that the game is over for us. He is 100% a liability.




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02 Jan 2023 14:34:31
I would have said it was Sands fault initially.




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02 Mar 2022 20:15:26
Goldson has been at fault for many goals this season. Domestic and in Europe.




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28 May 2021 16:56:16
Dick Advocaat has just retired. Maybe they could persuade him 😂😂😂.




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