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28 Apr 2024 11:22:30
I'm in Turkey just now and have seen a few newspapers with pictures of JL.
Dont speak or read Turkish so not sure what they say.

Just thought I'd share.


1.) 28 Apr 2024 12:30:25
The Turkish Media is of the view that Lundstrum has already agreed to sign and will be moving to Turkey next season. The press comment appears to stem from beIN Sports who claim “an agreement in principle” has been reached between the player and club and discussions are now at an advanced stage with an annual wage of €2m having been agreed.

2.) 28 Apr 2024 13:28:20
Yeah I read he's agreed a deal and tbh his time is over at rangers good player but we need better in that area of the pitch.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 22:14:07
We will get better in the door.




Bunnet's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bunnet's banter posts


22 Jun 2024 17:20:18
Been a few players in so far, what's the thoughts on outgoings?

I was wondering about Cantwell, can't figure out if PC fancies him or would be happy enough if he moved on. It seemed everytime he subbed him he gave him a touchline cuddle, so not sure the gaffers thoughts on him are.
Also thinking about Lawrence, Davis, Wright, Hagi and Lammers to name a few. Or is it simply a matter of waiting on offers for players under contract?


1.) 22 Jun 2024 17:53:12
Bonnet window does not open till 1/7.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 18:23:24
Thanks John, wasnt sure about window, was just wondering if those players were in PCs plans for the future, l couldn't get a handle on it at end of last season.

3.) 22 Jun 2024 19:11:45
The window opened 14th June until 30th August lads.

4.) 22 Jun 2024 19:38:28
Correct Walter that’s in Scot

However players can’t be registered till 1/ 7.

5.) 22 Jun 2024 19:43:03
International deals are from 1/ 7.

6.) 22 Jun 2024 22:02:20
Cheers John.



19 Jun 2024 15:56:32
I know it's not even transfer window and apologies if this has been discussed previously, lve been away a lot,
Is there any indication who we may face in Europe next season?


1.) 19 Jun 2024 16:20:30
Check the sighting page Storm posted a picture of the breakdown of teams involved?.



11 May 2024 16:51:32
It makes this seasons games against them so much harder to take, when lots say they are not very good, where does that put us then?


1.) 11 may 2024 17:03:24
it says both are a poor reflection of previous of teams, our team has died a death, they have another title and even more cash.

2.) 11 May 2024 17:14:22
They're starting 11 is better than ours, by some margin.

It puts us back to the start again next season as we need to start another rebuild.

3.) 11 May 2024 18:46:13
Astonishing those beginning to turn on the manager.
He had very limited options today at the back, wing and up front. Sterling is so good at filling multi roles, which unfortunately means he ends up covering where we are short. IMO macausland is a good young player but appears to lack the physical edge of a sterling or Sima which is why I don’t think he started. Davies is in because of a lack of players. The only questionable choice for me ‘on form’ is Barisic over Yilmaz (but again if the manager doesn’t feel he’s 100% am sure he expects a seasoned international to be good enough to cover) . Lawrence over cantwell (read into that what you will), as he never got off the bench at any point and that looks like a relationship on the out. Plus you cannot legislate for the hot headed play of Lundstram. He effectively ended any chance of a comeback

I agree we need to give a run to those younger players (who are fit) as well as the likes of raskin, but the bottom line is we cannot go hung ho in summer and will need to try and move out those unwanted (if we can find homes for them), and hunt for bargains. Sad to say but financially at this time we cannot compete with the green half and unless we get to CL we could well lose the likes of Butland.



10 May 2024 09:33:57
Still in Icmeler Turkey, the shops are awash with what they say is next seasons tops.
All with full guarantee (till you get out the shop)


1.) 10 May 2024 10:14:05
Went for a day, when in Marmaris. Market well dodgy. Lovely wee place though. Enjoy mate.



28 Apr 2024 14:48:39
Not pretty today.
But how many games has Jack Butland basically won for us. I have loved the goalkeaping tradition we have, and, Mr Butland you have held that torch high.
I'm sure the goalie is smiling.


1.) 28 Apr 2024 15:21:53
Bunnet. Butland is the only reason our defensive record isn't a helluva lot worse. That was painful to watch. I thought we still had something to play for but going by that I'm obviously wrong. Gogic showed the meaning of desire today, thought he was immense motm. Our players could take a lesson there.

2.) 28 Apr 2024 16:22:52
Dado, tav started the game poorly i admit but common he steadied and had a decent game after his shaky start ?I most certainly don't agree with you whatsoever pal with your opinion that tav was brutal ?There was a lot worse performances from some of our players, much worse than tav's ?
But as usual with some tav is the whipping boy and everything is his fault ? Not a good team performance at all but we got the 3 points, which was a total must ? We now move on to next sunday at home to Kilmarnock and no game is easy, especially at this stage of the season ?.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 16:44:50
Because the cross apart SWS he was gash bud, u may see it differently mate, unfortunately I don't, he's not the same player imo.

4.) 28 Apr 2024 17:25:01
Coops, he was brutal.

5.) 28 Apr 2024 17:25:53
Walter, Tav was brutal. God help us if he has two / three years in our first 11.

He was also in part to blame for the goal we conceded.

Most want better. Butland apart every one very poor.

6.) 28 Apr 2024 19:19:00
Thought Balogun might be the player who was at fault.
Still 3pts ?.

7.) 28 Apr 2024 23:11:20
At this stage of the season all I care about is winning games, we are all aware of the short comings, but nothing can be done just now, they aren't any great shakes either TBH, so we keep focussed and see where it takes us.




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22 Jun 2024 18:23:24
Thanks John, wasnt sure about window, was just wondering if those players were in PCs plans for the future, l couldn't get a handle on it at end of last season.




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22 Jun 2024 14:22:44
Just getting back into the swing of things, reading all this stuff about Tav and Goldson, some saying Tav has agreed terms etc. Is there any definite info regarding this or is it still a wait and see situation?

On another subject spent 4 weeks in Icmeler April into May and most of the locals l spoke to really really rate Yilmaz, some where gutted when he left Turkey for us. I asked about his injury record and was mainly told he did not have a bad record of injuries.
Wonder if this is true, if so how do we seem to have so many on the treatment table during the season?




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17 Jun 2024 14:48:19
He is a delight to watch and he seems to be a thoroughly decent young man.


{Ed001's Note - a very good guy, even his celebration for the goal was about thanking the backroom staff - the chefs, physios etc - for their work.}



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17 Jun 2024 14:40:03
A bit late to this party but thought I'd ask Ed001.
If and it's a great big if anyone could prise him away from Madrid, how much would that cost?

Such a talent and only 20, the world at his feet and a smile that lights up the whole stadium.
Ed you sure he doesn't have a Scottish granny?


{Ed001's Note - he is not going anywhere, this was his dream move. Madrid would not even take a second look at any offer under about £300m at least.}



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11 May 2024 16:48:08
I don't understand that lunge TT.
It looked to me like I'm out of here type of tackle. He is a professional footballer, launch yourself at that speed, looking for trouble. It didn't even look like he attempted to pull out which may have saved him, hmmm.




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