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20 Dec 2023 18:01:57
Was talking with a mate and we decided to name our 'Greatest ever Rangers team' from players we have seen play, during our time watching/ supporting.

This was my team. Would love to see yours.

GK - Goram
RB - Tav
CB - Gough
CB - Amorouso
LB - Numan
RM - Laudrup
CM - Ferguson
CM - Gazza
LM - Albertz
CF - Boyd
CF - McCoist.


1.) 20 Dec 2023 18:23:40
A few big calls in that team Kris lol.

2.) 20 Dec 2023 18:25:16

3.) 20 Dec 2023 18:29:59
This is in your own opinion.

4.) 20 Dec 2023 18:37:53
Have studied Gers history many years and my Father used to name me great teams so this way before my time but still close to heart

SHAW (capt)

As said, sadly never saw, way before time, but would have loved to see, some say greatest Rangers X1 ever but always open to argument.

5.) 20 Dec 2023 18:47:31
No player in the current side is anywhere good enough to play in the Rangers best 11.

6.) 20 dec 2023 18:56:04
might seem churlish to say this at this moment but tav wouldn't be near our top rb imo and much as i love boydy neither would he, but that's only my opinion mate.

7.) 20 Dec 2023 19:03:53
GK- woods
RB- jardine
CB- butcher
CB- Gough
Lb- Numan
CM- Doddie
CM- B. Ferguson
LW- Copper
CAM- Gazza
RW- laudrup
CF- McCoist.

8.) 20 Dec 2023 19:15:49
Tav bougherra weir Albertz
Laudrup b. ferguson gazza McCann
Wallace prso

Tried to change few faces but had to involve the usuall greats,

9.) 20 Dec 2023 19:33:25
Tav gets nowhere near best 11 he couldn’t lace gary stevens boots and boyd ?‍♂️ won’t even get in the building.

10.) 20 Dec 2023 19:42:02
Barry Ferguson

11.) 20 Dec 2023 19:50:10
Not an easy choice with so many great players over the years.

12.) 20 Dec 2023 20:12:18
Astounded nobody has John Greig in their team . shocking.

13.) 20 Dec 2023 20:15:26

14.) 20 Dec 2023 20:35:38
Me and raisetheroofe must be from the same era. The only change I would make is bomber at left back as I just loved his drive.

15.) 20 Dec 2023 20:42:58
@BigTel. i'm not old enough to see John Greig play so can't pick him in my team.

16.) 20 Dec 2023 21:59:31
Hutton Gough Butcher Numan
Ferguson Souness
Laudrup Gazza Hately
Mcoist Lammers.

17.) 20 Dec 2023 22:05:19
Storm, read the original poster's post mate ? He states from players he's seen play ? He's probably been too young to have seen gary stevens playing ?.

18.) 20 Dec 2023 22:13:06
GK- The Goalie Goram
LB - Davie Robertson
RB - Sandy Jardine
CB - Big John G
CB - Richard Gough
CM - Gazza
CM -Barry
LW - Davie Coops
RW - Brian Laudrup
CF - Super Ally
CF - Michael Mols

Mixture of guys I watched when I was just under the age to remember some that I remember fondly. My fave players of all time are Davie Cooper and Gazza as I think the short time Gazza was at Ibrox was his best years playing football.

19.) 21 Dec 2023 00:01:33
David Robertson
Richard gough
Terry butcher
Barry ferguson

20.) 21 Dec 2023 00:08:19
Fergie 1, stormtrooper
Why don't you guys get involved, instead of telling people who shouldn't be in there rangers best 11, that wasn't the question.
Big tel you could have done yours and put him in.



30 Aug 2023 08:36:44
My team for tonight







1.) 30 Aug 2023 09:00:32
Don't think you will be far away with that team. Keep Matondo for off the bench again.

Only change i could see to that team is maybe Lundstram instead of Jack if we wants the option to drop into a back 3 during the game.

2.) 30 Aug 2023 09:03:38
Sorry I meant Matondo instead of Sima.

3.) 30 Aug 2023 09:24:04
Think Danilo before sima for me.

4.) 30 Aug 2023 09:36:41
Danilo for desserts.

5.) 30 Aug 2023 09:48:55
Danilo and Dessers have both played in Holland before and scored against PSV. I think both of those guys will start due to their experience.

6.) 30 Aug 2023 10:06:25
I've a feeling he may go 4 in the middle with Lundstram the extra midfielder as we got over run in the middle and out wide last week.
This would allow Lundstram to drop into CH at times with the CH helping the FB's when required along with Jack and Cifuentes.
My team in a 4-4-1-1
Tav Goldson Souttar Barisic
Cifuentes Raskin Lundstram Jack

7.) 30 Aug 2023 10:09:26
I would possible leave Matundo for the last 30mins But say you are pretty close Ger.

8.) 30 Aug 2023 10:22:15
Lundstram will play instead of Jack so he can drop in to go 3 at the back.

9.) 30 Aug 2023 11:59:17
I like the team posted by gers fan Chris, Danilo instead of Sima, just so we keep possession better, then make subs around 60 minute mark- throw on Matondo and Sima together, giving there defence something different to think about!

Danilo is due a game soon- most expensive signing that I’m starting to get concerned about, because I know there’s a player in there, every striker in the world has missed chances, coach needs to stick with them or they loose confidence.

10.) 30 Aug 2023 12:09:57
Whatever formation we play our midfield must cover our full backs a lot better than they did last week and i'd play lunny tonight because he's able to drop back into defence to form a back 3.

11.) 30 Aug 2023 13:16:14
Sima had quite a few opportunities in the first half to go forward but failed due to his lack of ability/ pace.
Matondo if given those same opportunities would hopefully have done better so I would start him.
And then who is to say Gers don't win that game by a goal or 2.

12.) 30 Aug 2023 14:43:41
I've just posted your exact team, mph. Great minds etc lol.

13.) 30 Aug 2023 17:09:54
Old heads, Seeker???.



18 Aug 2023 11:00:03
Just had a Rangers memory pop up on my FB feed.
On this day 2001 we signed Michael Ball from Everton for 6.5M.
Apparently as part of the contract if he played 60 games, every subsequent game after he had to pay Ranger £4k. What a crazy contract.
Does anyone remember any other deals done for Rangers or any other team with something mental added to the deal?


1.) 18 Aug 2023 12:23:33
A believe big boumsong got £1m signing on fee for us and then 10-20% of the fee when we sold him to Newcastle which was £8m so anything between £800k and £1.6m. Not bad for a seasons work and that’s not including his weekly wage which was likely about £30k a week

Did I read that correct mate? Mick ball had to pay rangers 4k for every game he played after playing 60games? So if he played 2 games a week he paid us £8k from his wages? Sounds a bit ridiculous mate I think someone’s having u on mate.

2.) 18 Aug 2023 12:59:33
Yeah. pretty sure that wasn’t it. Think it was that after a certain number of games (thought it was 50 but could of been 60) a clause was activated where WE then had to pay Everton more (which as we know from current deals and add ons is fairly standard) . That was the period where we had started to cut back as were posting massive losses so basically couldn’t afford to play him so that we didn’t reach the number of games and activate the clause. He spent most of a season in the stands because of it.

3.) 18 Aug 2023 15:00:19
I thought after Michael Ball had played 60 games for us we had to pay Everton a further 500k or something so we stopped playing him?
I could be wrong though.

4.) 18 aug 2023 15:23:09
that's close to the truth goughy. we would have owed everton, i know that.

5.) 18 Aug 2023 16:00:03
Was this under big eck and that’s why we couldn’t play him? I remember that now.

6.) 18 Aug 2023 16:03:00
Correct goughy.

7.) 18 Aug 2023 16:23:54
What i'd give to have another player like boumsong in the team right now thought he was class for us.

8.) 18 Aug 2023 17:11:22
Just shared what i ready. The post said Ball paid us 4k per game after 60 games. Sounded ridiculous to me too when i read it.

9.) 18 Aug 2023 17:17:29
Gers fan, u r not wide off mark, if he played 60 games we had to give Everton a 500k add on plus 4K per game

Ball alleged Murray asked him to pay the 4K or we would not play him, rangers refute this version of events.

10.) 18 Aug 2023 19:23:26
That’s making a lot of sense now he’s maybe been asked to lose 4k a week from his wages in orders to play?
What an embarrassing state of affairs to get ourselves into.



15 Jun 2023 18:10:00
Lammers Deal Done. Welcome to Gers. Smash it.




13 May 2023 20:31:49
Our midfield today was unreal, energy all over the pitch. Todd Cantwell tho was on a different level. A total performance from him.
This may have been a 'meaningless game' to everyone else but to us and our players it was all about pride and we got that. Looking forward to.


1.) 13 May 2023 21:46:33
Thought we were very good today. Win was overdue. Atmosphere was superb. Cantwell raskin solid and excited about beales next signings ??????.

2.) 13 May 2023 22:40:34
The movement from forwards is better without tilman and Morelos been saying this for a while and being rubbishd it showed today. sometimes you need guys that play more for the team than individual plaudits.

3.) 14 May 2023 02:05:08
Thats the Rangers we all want to see week after week, not ince in a blue moon.
Yesterday we played the way we all know we can,
Onwards and upwards from here on, very reminiscent of Gerrards 433 attacking tiki taka, retain possesion, tire out the opposition, create space and attack on the break, overload the box, dominate the midfield, solid defending. Was an absolute joy to watch.
The fact it was against our arch rivals made the victory so much sweeter :)




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23 Jul 2023 18:46:21
Daily Record reporting we have reached an agreement with them for Danilo. Looks like this 1 will move forward now.





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03 Jun 2024 10:33:46
Rangers have tweeted that we have an 'Obligation to buy' at the endnof this next load deal. He looked a player in the short time he got before his injury.




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24 Feb 2024 20:29:30
I have to say, i have been 1 of his biggest doubters, especially in the 'Live Chats' but the big man has definitely proved me and everyone else wrong. 1 thing i can always say is he never hides in any game he plays, always gives his all and can't wait for him to score the goals that bring home the league flag for us.




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21 Jan 2024 18:11:04
Owen Beck just came on for Liverpool today. That stops any rumours for him until the summer.




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20 Dec 2023 20:42:58
@BigTel. i'm not old enough to see John Greig play so can't pick him in my team.




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20 Dec 2023 18:29:59
This is in your own opinion.




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