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30 Jun 2024 14:33:35
Rangers are still very much interested in Albion Rrahmani.

The talks of him going to Slavia Prague for €3m are completely wide of the mark.

Rangers are waiting for Rapid to lower their value of the player which will likely happen soon as they are resigned to Rrahmani leaving this summer but still expect the cost to be around €5m-€6m.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 14:49:56
Any more on Ramon Mierez ITK?

2.) 30 Jun 2024 17:09:32
That the boy from the team we got borna from?

3.) 30 Jun 2024 19:16:58
Cbeers for the update ITK.

4.) 30 Jun 2024 21:14:20
How do you know that?

5.) 30 Jun 2024 21:41:22
@Still Blue

Good Question mate.

Osijek are really trying to keep him and offered him a new contract. Croatian media reported that Dynamo Zagreb really wanted him but Osijek are refusing to sell him to another Croatian team.

As of Friday, Rangers have not yet followed up on their interest. They are still really keen on Rrahmani and quietly confident on getting him.

6.) 30 Jun 2024 21:41:30
Yes fork and the great Eros Grezda.

7.) 30 Jun 2024 23:32:24
Lol AC mind someone mentioned Mierez a while back bud? Grezda?.



25 Jun 2024 14:31:01
Az Alkmaar are interested in Sam Lammers.

He is one of the players they want to replace Pavlidis who is close to joining Benfica.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 15:35:29
Benfica about to pay €20m for the Greek striker so should be looking to get a profit on big sam hopefully.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 15:37:46
Seen that a few days ago.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 16:24:14
just wondering with the players alresdy left the club it surely
hsd a big impact on the wage bill.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 16:50:03
Let’s hope so.



25 Jun 2024 13:07:36
PAOK/ Dessers Update:

PAOK are prioritising trying to sign Martin Braithwaite from Espanyol. He can be has for free but they are multiple offers from Europe and Saudi for him.

PAOK have not made any formal offer for Dessers as they have only enquired. PAOK are not in 'advanced negotiations' with Dessers. They won't make a move until they are certain they are not getting Braithwaite.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 15:23:08
Folk want us too waste over 6mill on rhamdine a kosovan who scored 18 in an leauge we don't know much about goals last season but say dessers is mince who scored 22 not as our main striker, genuinely our fans are never happy, , with what we have, we always seem too chase guys who realisticly do well n like our club
Sakala for instace

So what are they hoping for

2.) 25 Jun 2024 14:43:51
It's a shame if he does leave as he is a decent all round player brings a lot to the table n has been made the fall guy for poor team performances, he's a decent worker.
Good player to have around and a decent first season
Would like to see him in a full season under clement.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 15:09:03
Chris Clark from rangers review says different and negotiations are at an advanced stage.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 14:28:43
Interesting fact (maybe! ) is that due to his off field business interests, Braithwaite is one of the richest footballers in the world. Maybe we should sign him as player/ owner!

5.) 25 Jun 2024 15:28:55
Dessers numbers are decent but for anyone who watched him the full season knows that number should have been double. Missed so many “easy” chances. Need a guy who just knows where the net is.

6.) 25 jun 2024 15:59:25
bd, don’t fall into the “ same people who said this now say that “ nonsense, it’s likely not the same people, many people say this like it’s even remotely true. fir the recited i think desserts is an awful footballer with extremely limited skill set, he should have scored 49, but, he scored 20 odds, i would like to see him sold somply because i think he’s terrible. i understand some disagree and that’s fine.

7.) 25 jun 2024 16:06:39
btw bd, i also thought alfie was an extremely limited footballer, he proved he was as soon as he left here, very limited indeed i thought, we seemed to have been taken in by alf, some of us anyway, maybe because we had forgotten what a good footballer looked like, my opinion of morelos never changed, , he hit a purple patch along with kent fir a wee while, but nobody wanted him, no matter the mythical french offer.

8.) 25 Jun 2024 16:09:49

They aren't mate. Nowhere near that stage.

9.) 25 Jun 2024 16:21:17
Where’d you see anyone from rangers review saying that? Can’t see it from Chris Jack or Derek Clark on twitter.

10.) 25 Jun 2024 16:39:05
TT i agree with you on both dessers and morelos. Had many arguments with friends over the latter.

11.) 25 Jun 2024 16:43:57
People are all allowed oppions n that's fine but our fans hound our players for misses n stuff on social media, n I bet this has a detrimental effect on form, n I honestly think its why some do suffer on the field, can you imagine being booed n hounded at work in a new place by your own piers
I'm sure we would all dip
Maby that's why he's missed so much
As pressure n no support from his own fans

People tend too do better with cheers n praise fact
Negativity makes you worse n we as a fanbase are the first too turn on players n managers also fact in scotland
Dessers ain't had much of a chance without our fans hounding him.

12.) 25 jun 2024 17:06:11
we forgot what great rangers players are dado, we allowed very ordinary players who couldn’t get a game anywhere after scotland to dictate to us, hold us to random and eventually embarrass our club, we have had very ordinary players every year fir a long long time but some on football sites can’t see past the jersey and anyone who scores a few goals against motherwell, desserts is awful at the very basics of football, so was morelos, and he has scarcely scored a goal since he left us because he believed the people who hero worshipped him, i honestly struggle to describe his poor these guys are at actually playing football at the top level, they don’t come close, we must somehow find real quality because celtic can afford to spend big and they will at some point.

13.) 25 jun 2024 17:26:00
bd, that’s the life of a footballer who’s always in the news

the million a year usually helps the pain.

14.) 25 Jun 2024 18:32:43
Tom dessers trys mate n it's guys like you who are living in the past thinking we will sign gazza, n Laudrup n yeah score against motherwell it's our league it's who we play against
Are you for real
What you expecting or really wanting
I agree some don't fit our Jersey but give them a chance mate
N the service he was getting at times was dia
I think at times you're expectations are way too high n trust me 22 goals for any player is a great return some missed loads a chances do did many others n he was our best players when guys like lunny gave up
I'm sorry but we won't see greats again cause we don't give them the chance no more

If u don't like him . Fair enough.

15.) 25 Jun 2024 20:04:22
Big dado, I couldn't believe the cult following morelos got at ibrox and the comments he dominates a full back line etc. I also used to argue with pals over him, he done well in europe bit his record in spl was absolutely mediocre, couldn't wait for him to go elsewhere. He was never going to do well no matter where he went, a lazy footballer that thinks, along with many our fans that he's better than he is. Found out in the end.

16.) 25 Jun 2024 20:34:01
There is many reasons why dessers just isn't good enough.
Poor ball control, always offside, for a big guy he's poor in the air and not strong enough to bully defenders (morelos could that's the one thing he did best) hold up play is poor. he's not particularly quick and zero natural skill. Finishing is shocking and wants too many touches.
Best you can say for him is he tries and gets in good positions but he's extremely wasteful. He baffles me beyond belief.
Im old enough to have seen many average strikers at ibrox who at least had some of these traits/ abilities but he has none.

17.) 25 Jun 2024 20:40:00
Bb4, i know mate and morelos was a joke figure to celtic fans as well. I just hope we find a deadly finisher who can score regularly against them and make the small margins turn in our favour.

18.) 25 Jun 2024 21:37:45
Go watch rangers review posts from today he says it or my ears are painted on. I'll await your responses.

19.) 25 Jun 2024 22:37:33
This leaves Rangers in a very difficult position if Dessers has indeed held in a transfer request. We could end up with an unhappy player on our hands. A player made unhappy due to poor fan treatment. It’s an embarrassment if true.

If Dessers is indeed unhappy then he should be allowed to leave, and the club should not stand in his way. It’s best for him, and the club, to simply part ways. The same goes for Tavernier, Butland, Cantwell, or anyone harassed outside the stadium or on social media. If they have had enough, and are no longer happy at Rangers, let them go.

When Cantwell and Silva started shushing their own fans towards the end of last season I got the impression a few of the players weren’t happy.



25 Jun 2024 10:16:03
I didn't think this would need to be said but Rangers are NOT in talks with Kevin Denkey.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 10:22:58
Itk and who said rangers were, we inqre price.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 10:50:45

4lads podcast mentioned it and social media running with it.

Just making sure people know that the information is wrong and we are not signing Denkey. We did not even enquire about him.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 11:05:25
might have been "sell the donkeys"

4.) 25 Jun 2024 11:07:10
Did we not enquire about him in January tho but his price had skyrocketed, possibly the reason the rumour.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 11:38:29
if we couldn't afford him January, we certainly won't be able to afford him now. Shame, he looks a decent player and I think we need someone robust up top.

6.) 25 Jun 2024 11:43:28
4 lads said it was one we were linked with previously, it was an opinion of one of the hosts, that is all.

7.) 25 Jun 2024 11:53:57
Cool itk, not seen these posts, he was first pick for pc, but they would not sellin January, we checked price few weeks ago allegedly nearer 18 million

We 100% did enquire.

8.) 25 Jun 2024 12:38:41

I meant we have not enquired this window. He may have been enquired about in January or last summer but in this window we have not made any contact or enquiry.

9.) 25 Jun 2024 13:13:41
wow chill out.



25 Jun 2024 09:45:48
As we can see the, news has broken regarding PAOK's interest in Dessers.

PAOK are really interested and enquired about Dessers but 'advanced talks' is not true.

PAOK has not made any formal bids as of yet for Dessers.

PS: @GiovanniRFC on FF. Stop trying to take credit off my posts ya moocher ?.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 10:30:36
but but but you’ve only recently starting posting?! you can’t be in the know surely keep up the good work mate!

2.) 25 Jun 2024 10:31:06
If losing Dessers means we get Rrahmani I'd take that.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 11:25:43
apparently he has agreed terms according to reports over there and they say Dessers agents are happy with the salary.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 11:39:02
Any knowledge of how much we're getting ITK?

5.) 25 Jun 2024 13:22:19
regardless of who we get in, Dessers needs to go.

Would be better playing Tav up front.




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30 Jun 2024 21:41:22
@Still Blue

Good Question mate.

Osijek are really trying to keep him and offered him a new contract. Croatian media reported that Dynamo Zagreb really wanted him but Osijek are refusing to sell him to another Croatian team.

As of Friday, Rangers have not yet followed up on their interest. They are still really keen on Rrahmani and quietly confident on getting him.




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25 Jun 2024 16:09:49

They aren't mate. Nowhere near that stage.




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25 Jun 2024 12:38:41

I meant we have not enquired this window. He may have been enquired about in January or last summer but in this window we have not made any contact or enquiry.




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25 Jun 2024 10:50:45

4lads podcast mentioned it and social media running with it.

Just making sure people know that the information is wrong and we are not signing Denkey. We did not even enquire about him.




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24 Jun 2024 23:53:17

PAOK made an enquiry around 2 weeks ago for the player. Rangers are open to selling him but no formal bid has been made as of now.





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