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14 Oct 2023
New image uploaded to the
Rangers Player Sightings page entitled,

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1.) 14 Oct 2023 13:19:54
Didn`t realise he is actually English not Australian . That might mean that he doesn`t need a work permit and could start right away if appointed.

2.) 14 Oct 2023 13:50:47
I thought he was Australian aswell wsl ?.

3.) 14 Oct 2023 13:58:02
Surely not taking wiki as gospel? ??. Anybody can update that.

4.) 14 Oct 2023 14:19:12
Anyone can change wiki this means nothing.

5.) 14 Oct 2023 14:19:32
To be fair what nationality footballers are considered to be in football is totally different to real life a lot of the time.

6.) 14 Oct 2023 14:20:42

Exactly what means. He can reside here, no period, and work from kick off as it were.

7.) 14 Oct 2023 15:07:12
Anyone can edit a wiki page mate.

8.) 14 Oct 2023 15:14:14
Very interesting miller, yes born in England but held Maltese citizenship followed later with Australian citizenship.

9.) 14 oct 2023 15:22:43
i was born in surrey and raised in maryhill, great mix.

10.) 14 Oct 2023 15:59:36
Fair point anyone can change a wiki, but why?

11.) 14 Oct 2023 16:12:54
Oops I didn't see the part it said he was with rangers, the part I was referring to was place of birth.

12.) 14 Oct 2023 16:16:10
Boyblue people do it all the time because they think it’s funny when it’s sad and pathetic.

13.) 14 Oct 2023 16:24:17
Perhaps he was born in England and moved to Australia?
It’s not that out of the norm?

14.) 14 Oct 2023 17:05:35
No one changed it on Wiki Muscat was born in England moved to Australia as an infant - he has an Australian passport as he is an Australian naturalised citizen so no way to circumvent visa rules.

15.) 14 Oct 2023 17:29:26
Big Tel - They are referring to the part that describes him as the Rangers manager not where he was born etc.

16.) 14 Oct 2023 18:22:35

Some people are British automatically, without applying. You should check if you’re already British if you:

have a British parent

were born in the UK or a British overseas territory

were born in a British colony before 1983. Believe that includes Malta and Australia.

Hope clarifies.

17.) 14 Oct 2023 19:23:18
Fantastic miller. So his dual citenship does not count.

18.) 15 Oct 2023 09:00:10
I may be wrong John, but is it not the case that the preferred Domiciliate for Tax purposes is what the work permit approval looks at.



30 Sep 2023 20:57:23
When MB was manager of QPR they had a brilliant start winning with his style of play then they fell apart and started dropping points. Think back to when MB became our manager the team was Gio's and we played better. Then he made his own side and everything has fell apart. I don't think he is the right person for the manager of our wonderful club times up for me thoughts.


1.) 30 Sep 2023 21:56:38
“We played better” - Lost every Champions League game, we’re o points behind Celtic, and had been scudded off them 4-0 ?

Beale comes in and wins 14 of his first 15 games but we were worse off ?‍♂️.

2.) 30 Sep 2023 22:42:17
Yes verdant we are worse off, take yer head out of yer arse.

3.) 01 Oct 2023 01:09:57
Verdant. Some on this site constantly uses stats to enhance their argument. They have so many assists, so many wins etc etc. Our right back is a great goal scorer for example that’s positive spin. Negative thinking, he can’t defend and our front line is mince. You seem to put positives using this ridiculous % of wins.

SG in 4 years won 1 league title and did not bad in Europe

Gio came in before Christmas won 1 cup, got to a Europe final and qualified for Champs League in 1 year

Beale came in before Christmas and has well.

So unless the board are confident in him bring trophies and only trophies they must let him go. Here’s my stat. I believe our capital spend on projects will and is having an effect on our player budget. The club off the field is constantly puffing out the chest of Edmonton house, the club deck, the stadium expansion, what about 2 trophies since 2012. That’s a negative stat.

4.) 01 Oct 2023 01:32:05
When we are o points behind and getting pumped 4-0 by Celtic THEN we will be at a similar level to when GVB was canned. I think in his final game we put in 70 crosses in 90 minutes. The entire horse shoe and just cross it in to a penalty box poacher was a disaster.

5.) 01 Oct 2023 10:10:47
Mate the board when appointing the bold Micheal we went back to the Gerard days. Beale then went after players who in those days they were after. Celtic have brought in Rodgers. So by reckoning we should win the league in 2026. ?.



14 Sep 2023 12:16:14
What happens if we drop points at St Johnstone on Saturday and don't win the opening Europa league game. Do the board give more time to MB or what.


1.) 14 Sep 2023 12:44:44
What happens if we win them convincingly? Do the fans start supporting the manager a little?

2.) 14 Sep 2023 13:19:01
Saturdays game is a MUST win for the players and Mr Beale AND the supporters . I’m hoping / praying we give St Johnstone a thrashing and move forward from there ???.

3.) 14 Sep 2023 13:28:14
Whilst Beale is manager we have to back him, certainly ask questions of him but we as a club need stability.

4.) 14 Sep 2023 14:41:30
I'm pretty sure that some fans on here will say it's OK to drop points against St Johnstone as Celtic did similar ( just like the excuses for the Killie defeat - the last time the well organised, exciting, force to be reckoned with Killie won a league game ? - after they knocked Celtic out the league. ) . ?.

5.) 14 Sep 2023 15:16:19
What you on about tattie . In your zeal to knock the club you missing that we played killie before Celtic and it was the league cup they knocked them out .
Take a breath before you try and annihilate I would suggest ?.

6.) 14 Sep 2023 15:40:08
If if if let's just see what happens the board have made Thier decision so let's get behind Beale and team Saturday

I'm not a big fan of Beale but if he's there then I want him to do well as if he does well then rangers are doing well simple.

7.) 14 Sep 2023 15:44:59
Although we myself and others do not believe Beale is manager material, if we start smashing it off the park I will happily apologise and admit I am wrong and so will others but how much time does this guy need. The 6 weeks during the World Cup shutdown. The 5 months playing second best to a Celtic team ( all be it a good one) the 8 weeks of preseason or the elimination from the champions league and 2 defeats within a month of the season restarting.

8.) 14 Sep 2023 15:54:15
You need to read the post again Mols.
The structure of my post is maybe a tad confusing for you.
The text between the - you take away in context from the main sentence.
Always happy to impart my knowledge.
Take a breath before you try and annihilate I would suggest ?.

9.) 14 Sep 2023 15:58:11
We all want rangers to win and a bit of decent football as well, let's hope MB can provide this, until proven otherwise we need to support team and manager, maybe too much to ask for people to at least be courteous to each other everyone entitled to thier opinion, instead of calling people back stabbers,

10.) 14 Sep 2023 16:13:24
You seriously are saying we are on the same level as that PSV team? That beat gratz 7.2
Let’s see how PSV do against Arsenal etc . I would be shocked if they don’t qualify. Plus they had a grudge and something to prove as we stole a result against them last year.

11.) 14 Sep 2023 16:14:57
If drops. points v stjohnstone he's gone.

12.) 14 Sep 2023 16:41:20
No sorry tattie still can’t see it as English … a bit jumbled for me . Is it killie your slagging or rangers? Or Celtic or all three … or the whole world …? The universe …or just me?
Sorry can you just go back to giving us your useless stats …. It was much easier that way ??.

13.) 14 Sep 2023 16:41:47
If we don’t beat st Johnstone I believe he will be gone by Monday.

14.) 14 Sep 2023 18:06:15
Stevie he won’t make it to Monday but it’s a just win.

15.) 14 Sep 2023 19:20:24

No we don't. If we don't get result gainst bottom St Johnstone you're going to back him? If this case he should have good grace to pack his bags. I'm reading all this c### bout backing mgr good or bad. I'm old enough to remember great John Grieg getting marching orders, why not him?

16.) 14 Sep 2023 19:34:00
The fact that the board haven’t even addressed the fans wanting him to leave would suggest they don’t see it that way and believe he’s still the man for the job so he will have a couple of defeats and draws to go until he leaves……unless there is a new SHREK movie and he can play donkey as he seems to have the credentials for that. Probably wrote a book on method acting.

17.) 14 Sep 2023 18:41:15
Mols this chris sutton style arrogant patter you’re so keen on is honestly sucking the life out of me. Especially towards fellow bears. Embarrassing to read tbh and it’s very evident you have a real issue accepting any opinion other than your own. You get your day in having a go at people?



04 Sep 2023 16:43:53
Very Very poor service quality teamwork. The team has went backwards not good enough for me don't like to have a go at our club but yesterday's game should have been the time to hammer them they let everyone down with their display.


1.) 04 Sep 2023 17:54:17
Is losing 1-0 to Celtic only due to a refereeing decision a sign that we are going backwards? Under GVB we were losing games 4-0 against them. We’ve came along since then and the games have been far more competitive. I think the last 5 Old Firm games have been decided by a single goal. When you consider we had Roofe’s goal, and the Morelos one wrongly ruled out last season, things could’ve been quite different.

Had the Morelos and Roofe goals stood Rangers would only have lost 2 of their last 5 Old Firm games under Beale.

2.) 04 Sep 2023 23:59:46
Verdant I agree with the broad thrust of your post. I liked Gio and he had some plus points but his two hammerings at Parkhead had a lot to do with his demise. No fan can forget these humiliations.



31 Aug 2023 09:43:33
Disappointed with last night's result. Think the Europe league is our level at the moment. If only we could have a striker who can put the ball in the net. Desser/ Danilo/ Lambert don't do it for me. Maybe we should offer Hearts money and Lowrey for Shankland who is one of the best strikers in Scotland. What do you think.





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02 Jun 2024 16:50:54
I think tav should stay he is only 32 and loves being at our club on wards and upwards remember Davie Wie was in his late 30s when he sined for our wonderful club and look how that turned out for him.





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06 Sep 2023 14:50:00
Bobby Russell Brian Laudrup Tom Forsyth would be my 3.




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12 Jul 2023 06:59:03
57 for me Bobby Russell.




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07 Jul 2023 20:25:12
5million minimum for Glen Kamara. Finland International. The money getting thrown about in the English leagues for average players is unbelievable so Rangers should have a 5million price tag on him. W A T P.




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