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25 Jun 2024 20:50:35
Told today by a reliable source who works in Tavs kids school that they haven't been enrolled for next year.

Jimmybell loyal

1.) 25 Jun 2024 21:10:01
The plot thickens.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 21:12:48
Told few weeks ago he wouldn't be a Rangers player this season, tremendous signing he's been for us, if he does go i wish him all the best.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 21:33:42
His kid is also not renewing with the youth team either this season according to the rangers journal on twitter.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 21:53:51
A few different sites are posting that Butland is likely to be new captain. I would assume from that PC is not looking to humiliate Tav, which makes me think there is a good chance he is moving on.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 22:37:52
Might just be looking into it a bit much but someone at a school telling others that information just seems a bit morally wrong. Might just be overthinking it a bit tbf. If I had a say after hearing that a teachers gave out sensitive info I’d want them stripped of there teaching title and removed from the position/ school.

6.) 25 Jun 2024 23:01:37
Not a fan of keeper captains.

7.) 25 Jun 2024 23:57:49
Why not Coisty. Buffon, Casillas, Canizares, Neuer etc.
I’m a fan of any captain that helps win trophies and conducts themselves in the image of the club.

8.) 26 Jun 2024 00:59:23
Im not a fan of tav as captain.

9.) 26 Jun 2024 02:07:51
I like the idea of Butland as captain. He looks made for it.

10.) 26 Jun 2024 04:10:33
Plenty of great keeper captains. I just want one who shows a winners mentality and that it hopefully rubs off on the rest of squad.

11.) 26 Jun 2024 05:13:07
Let's hope Butlands celtic record improves. Don't think he's had a clean sheet after 5 games. Is this a record for a goalkeeper in the fixture?

12.) 26 Jun 2024 07:34:00
Dessers have a day off. so a teacher said a kid isn't currently enrolled next term. absoloutly nothing wrong with what they said and you want them stripped of there teaching position ? ? ? ? ?.

13.) 26 Jun 2024 08:18:12
If you have a keeper as captain, then you need a strong vice captain in the outfield.

14.) 26 Jun 2024 08:19:50
Ridiculous statement DessersFORgoalkeeper, in fact actually embarrassing, I never mentioned it was a teacher, the kids pals have said their goodbyes and won’t be seeing each other again, maybe have a word with yourself about wanting people sacked in a world where most people are struggling.

15.) 26 Jun 2024 08:52:27
A captain in what he wins trophy wise is only as good as the players he's played with within the team ?Before just having a go at what tav's lifted as a rangers captain, check the full picture and all the ingredients that make a rangers captain and the trophies he's lifted ? It's most certainly not james tavernier's total fault he's only lifted the small amount of trophies he has lifted common think ?.

16.) 26 Jun 2024 09:34:23
you don't need to enrol your kids every year or am i missing something. i don't go to school and say my son will be there. maybe if i was leaving i would be saying he won't be there but i don't think you have to enrol every year.

17.) 26 Jun 2024 11:17:44
Correct geesa!




Jimmybell loyal's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jimmybell loyal's banter posts


25 Oct 2022 16:48:49
A wee request, can the guy in the union bears that plays the drum constantly at the games give it a rest for a few weeks, your doing my head in mate, it's bad enough watching the games just now without you banging away, let's see if you stop and we start playing better, go on, give it a chance.

Jimmybell loyal

1.) 25 Oct 2022 17:06:43
You at the wind up?

2.) 25 oct 2022 17:39:24
naw, get yourself some earplugs.

3.) 25 Oct 2022 17:40:58
That's about the only thing from a Rangers perspective that gets beat every week.

4.) 25 Oct 2022 17:43:45
Don’t know if at wind up or not made me laugh though ??.

5.) 25 Oct 2022 18:13:55
Ub are more entertaining than the football being played mate. Can ye no moan abt the temperature of the bovril or how much it is for a blue nose burger or the likes. ?.

6.) 25 Oct 2022 18:17:45
That's the only entertainment at the moment especially the new air horn.

7.) 25 Oct 2022 18:20:09
If it wasn't for him there would have been zilch atmosphere at ibrox the last few games.

8.) 25 Oct 2022 18:31:25
I’m serious lads, had a few pints in the wee rangers club on Saturday before the game, sit down on my seat and then he starts, bang bang bang, gies peace man, I love a good sing song like all the rest but there’s no need for his constant drumming, left with a right sore head and never enjoyed my bottle of wine when I got home ?.

9.) 25 Oct 2022 18:49:50
JimmyBell- good luck with that mate.

10.) 25 Oct 2022 19:30:24
Don’t know I ended up in Lisbon was meant to go to Napoli am I close?

11.) 25 Oct 2022 19:37:40
See If I was the boy from the UB's with the drum, and you came up to me and asked me to stop, I'd tell you to beat it. Boom! Boom!

12.) 25 Oct 2022 20:12:28
Jimmy you’re better off talking to a wall. Leave the young team alone and stop giving us loud n proud old ones a bad wrap.

13.) 25 Oct 2022 20:44:34
I’ll ask him to bang it louder next time ??.

14.) 25 Oct 2022 20:53:02
They all drink in wee rangers. Ask him on saturday ??.

15.) 25 Oct 2022 21:37:50
Change your seat to the club deck, you can hear a pin drop up there.

16.) 25 Oct 2022 22:18:02
Could the Union Bears and the rest of our support at the games maybe sing a rangers song and give the UVF, uDA, , the gallows etc a permanent rest. That’s what does my head in.

17.) 26 Oct 2022 07:02:25
Baz the bear european games and celtic games its a lot more than the UB.

18.) 26 Oct 2022 09:40:21
Jimmy, your taking p###. Its raising atmosphere at very least. Get ear muffs mate.




Jimmybell loyal's rumour replies


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26 Jun 2024 08:19:50
Ridiculous statement DessersFORgoalkeeper, in fact actually embarrassing, I never mentioned it was a teacher, the kids pals have said their goodbyes and won’t be seeing each other again, maybe have a word with yourself about wanting people sacked in a world where most people are struggling.

Jimmybell loyal



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30 Dec 2023 21:18:23
I will answer your question raskinloyal, feels like a bit of a snowflake question but I will give u a real answer, they lack heart, they lack skill, and they aren’t suited to our game, call me what u want but it’s true.

Jimmybell loyal




Jimmybell loyal's banter replies


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01 Apr 2024 20:55:33
Davidb get a firestick mate, £60 a year and you don’t miss a game, and before anyone jumps on me I buy myself and my boy the home top every year and go to games when I have spare cash so our club gets plenty of my vastly underpaid wage every year.

Jimmybell loyal



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31 Mar 2024 08:09:34
To quote kevin keegan, I really want to beat them, I want to shut them all up, all the greeting and excuses, I just want to beat them and go to my bed next Sunday happy, most of that was me and not Kevin Keegan ?.

Jimmybell loyal



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25 Feb 2024 23:25:47
I never expected celtic to drop any points. Motherwell were 3-0 up against a very bad Aberdeen team and couldn’t win so no way were they holding out against Celtic, we win this league by winning our own games, we need no one else, just us.

Jimmybell loyal



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24 Feb 2024 21:59:11
?much as I like the man ted let’s calm down lad, long way to go, and as the father of your future children says, one game at a time ?.

Jimmybell loyal



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25 Oct 2022 18:31:25
I’m serious lads, had a few pints in the wee rangers club on Saturday before the game, sit down on my seat and then he starts, bang bang bang, gies peace man, I love a good sing song like all the rest but there’s no need for his constant drumming, left with a right sore head and never enjoyed my bottle of wine when I got home ?.

Jimmybell loyal



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