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31 Aug 2021 19:15:21
Anyone hearing Nisbet?


1.) 31 Aug 2021 20:23:30
That’s what I have just heard too….

2.) 31 Aug 2021 20:40:11
Never worth 5mill so that's a naw.

3.) 31 Aug 2021 20:57:45
Ye he with scotland squad.




TheStruthHurts's banter posts with other poster's replies to TheStruthHurts's banter posts


20 Sep 2022 08:20:24
How about a, should Ross Wilson be sacked poll, Ed.


{Ed033's Note -

Ross Wilson poll

1.) 20 Sep 2022 13:50:05
The truth, I believe Wilson is under certain constraints by the board. his no1 target being, find players the club can make a profit on rather than what the team actualy needs.

2.) 20 Sep 2022 16:20:22
Get that with yilmaz and matondo and but the rest are hardly going to make us a profit. His number one target should be to improve our starting 11, and sign players the manager will actually play. Last two windows have shown it isn’t working between Wilson and gio. Let the manager sign the players he wants. He picks the team.

3.) 20 Sep 2022 18:48:34
Interesting poll which shows the support divided almost equally over Ross.

4.) 20 Sep 2022 19:00:06
We're not going to have a good CL and that's more or less a nap. However, a good league campaign is still possible and once the team starts playing again then they are all worth money.

Give Yilmaz and Matondo time. I really don't understand why they are not playing because everyone who knows them says they are good players.

I would be happy to drop a few to the bench for a time. Kent for example. I understand that you have to keep selling players and that is the nature of the environment we work under.

5.) 20 Sep 2022 20:03:52
Nice have spent a fortune on transfers over the summer and have had a terrible start to the season. We've qualified for the CL and are still very much in this league. Nice are considering moving for Pochetinno next by the way and we're considering Calum Davidson?



13 Jul 2018 09:53:38
It is only the second game for the gaffer and we do look more solid at the back in the rare tests that have been put upon them. But the same old problems are still there, no creativity from midfield and no support to the striker! Windass needs to be dropped or sold he is a squad player at best he doesn't suit a formation of 433! Candelas for all his effort won't cut it in a middle 3 and if he is to play further forward won't support the striker which leaves Morelos isolated! We still need a creative attacking midfielder a quality winger and another striker on top of the cb Stevie is looking for! Hopefully we have a bit of money to bring in quality that is required.


1.) 13 Jul 2018 10:04:37
Struth. Agree re candies think at best bench player, will be replaced by coulibally.
Very impressed with Flanagan, I'd gamble with Middleton and try bring in loan winger

2.) 13 Jul 2018 10:47:38
The quality winger is already on our books, GLENN MIDDLETON! This young man is going to be special, i feel!

3.) 13 Jul 2018 11:07:28
Guys let’s not rush to judgement and let’s give the manger opportunity to shape the best blend. Also let’s not forget we won 2 nil and almost through to the next round. My main observation last night is the that Candelas cannot play inside and if he plays must be played on the right wing. At this stage in the season would not criticise Wndass or Morelas too much about bad misses and sure they will be working hard now in training to rectify. Looking forward to return leg.

4.) 13 Jul 2018 11:08:39
shaquiri having medical at liverpool today, hopefully we could get wilson, middleton on the left and wilson on the right now i like the sound of that

5.) 13 Jul 2018 11:48:57
Think we need to give Middleton a good few games to see how he performs before saying how good he is



18 May 2018 21:27:39
He conquered all of Europe
And he's never going to stop

From Germany to Turkey
He won the ****ing lot

His name is Stevie Gerrard
His assistant Gary Mac

He's the manager of Rangers
And he comes from Liverpool

Allez Allez Allez
Allez Allez Allez.


1.) 18 May 2018 22:02:10
He conquered all of Europe
And he's came to Glasgow toon

He’s came to bitch slap Brenda
And pummel wee Scott Broom

His name is Stevie Gerrard
His assistant Gary Mac

He's the manager of Rangers
And the titles coming back



13 May 2018 13:27:43
Glad to see wee rossiter back him tav and alves only ones I could imagine gerrard would want to keep in squad! The rest are shocking and nowhere near the standard we are looking for.




08 May 2018 20:39:34
Andy Halliday must be up there with the worst players ever to wear a rangers jersey!





TheStruthHurts's rumour replies


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30 Jun 2024 13:08:43
I'd pay sheffield wednesday a quarter mill to take him.




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26 Jun 2024 21:24:13
We will need more than 2 first team starters if we want to win anything.




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01 Jun 2024 12:45:53
What about Scott Wright john? Any news on him, surely his time is up.




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28 Aug 2023 13:45:30
Copeland you hearing anything regarding any winger/ forward or you think our only business will be a cb if davies moves on.




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18 Aug 2023 14:48:15
Could possibly be Luis Palma now Aris are knocked out of Europe.





TheStruthHurts's banter replies


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29 Sep 2023 11:18:29
It's the club who email the fans not castore. Wouldn't matter if we had nike as our kit maker, emails will be the same. That was part of bisgrove coming in as marketing manager and trying to increase revenue. The club will dictate to castore what they want and they will supply it.




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23 Jul 2023 10:40:04
Then that is both understandable and disappointing john.




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04 Jul 2023 13:22:43
I'm sitting here thinking dessers might be announced later today.




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12 Apr 2023 21:59:00
Maybe the silly fans are the ones who thought he was doing a good job ?.




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10 Mar 2023 06:02:21
Wilson wasn't here when gerrard was appointed, it was Mark Allen. Agree think it was king who brought Gerrard to us.




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