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18 May 2024 14:42:02
Are we ready for an adult conversation about getting Tav out the door?
His general play is nowhere near good enough and he simply cannot defend.
Take away set pieces and there’s not a lot there!

Tom the mod

1.) 18 May 2024 14:53:49
Total liability.

2.) 18 May 2024 15:02:34
Him and Goldson will still be here next season.

3.) 18 May 2024 15:04:07
Tom, exactly.

4.) 18 May 2024 15:09:09
I'm now for letting tav go his defending is awful and u can see he's lost some pace but we cannot hope to be successful with such a weak fullback and captain.

5.) 18 May 2024 15:19:55
SirStruth, how can you say that without the steam coming out of your ears, they may be here, but, I sincerely hope neither is near the 1st Team, otherwise, it'll be over again before it's started. Not have a dig pal, but we must get rid of both.

6.) 18 May 2024 16:22:46
Sir struth it will be another season of being 2nd then.

7.) 18 May 2024 16:23:58
Tav has been an excellent player for us and some of the criticism over his rangers career has been totally unwarranted.

However I am sick to death watching his sub par performances. He is in serious danger of over staying his time with us even for fans like me who have rated him as a player.

8.) 18 May 2024 17:41:58
Storm - I agree, it will be another season of being second, however we need to be realistic about potential buyers for them. Goldson only resigned as he had no offers from other clubs so what makes us think there will be bids this time. I honestly fear we'll be stuck with them next season.



05 May 2024 20:30:15
What are your thoughts on Tav going forward? … he clearly can’t defend and lacks legs going forward.
I think we’re watching the end game… he has G/ A numbers but I’d counter that by adding their full backs don’t score 20 goals per season and win the league consistently.

Tom the mod

1.) 05 May 2024 20:39:28
Tom I think he's got at least 1 more season but we'd need a mobile right ch to cover but if a Saudi team come in with anything 5m or above we should take it.

2.) 06 May 2024 08:51:32
After his service and his cost I'd let him go for 2m +. His time is drawing to a close. He has his faults but he's been a great servant and deserves our respect. However we need a better RB who can defend.



04 May 2024 17:50:50
What do people think of the job the current board are doing?
Given that we look to be coming up short again….

Tom the mod

1.) 04 May 2024 18:03:31
Doing a fantastic job keeping us afloat and out of ma

2.) 04 May 2024 18:07:15
I'm fairly happy with the job they're doing Tod, thought they did well in the manager search, believe they backed Beale then acted quickly when it became untenable.
Got advice from Souness but made their own minds up and I believe they have a good manager and scouting team. Behind the scenes seems to be going well, just need to reenergise a team about 3 years after it should have been, done but they weren't in charge then. Onwards and upwards for me.

3.) 04 May 2024 18:19:27
Not the boards fault it’s the players that bottled it.

4.) 04 May 2024 18:50:44
I think they got a great appointment in the new manager at a time when we all thought the league was over and he’s made a decent fist of it. He’ll need backed next year though but if we don’t win the league the financial difference will be huge so it’ll be a tough ask.

5.) 04 May 2024 18:50:48
I think the board are doing a decent job tbh Tom and imo have appointed a very good manager in philippe clement, although of course results will determine this ?We have to allow clement to do his rebuild and build his own team and then judge how good a job he's done fully ?What i will say is this, if we do come up short and don't win this league, we can't be lagging behind again in the league next season leading up to christmas, or make no bones about it, clement will come under serious pressure ? However i most certainly trust clement to do a very good job for us and of course he has to ?If clement were to lose the league again next season and although i would give him time, he won't be our manager for the following league campaign imo, such is the pressure and need for us to start winning the league ?.

6.) 04 May 2024 18:57:16
It's literally the first year with a new management structure that most of the fans wanted.

Are we really going to add sacking the club management annually to our yearly football manager sacking.

We now have a new manager that most of us trust in, along with Koppen on the recruitment side who we need to give a chance to prove himself.

If we as fans want to actually see progress from here we need to show patience with this whole brand new management structure at the club.

We have seen what changing the manager yearly has brought us. Very few trophies and a poor squad with no balance at all.

I will probably be accused of being an apologist but I have been asking for this for years. Sacking the manager year after year wins nothing in the short term and leaves you no further forward in the long term.

I have already seen talk of PC under pressure if we don't get off to a flyer next year. This despite the second summer in a row with what looks like another rebuild in the making.

We showed patience with Stevie G and it paid off in the end, let's do the same with our shiny new management team.

7.) 04 May 2024 19:05:03
I've no problem with how the board are running the club.

8.) 04 May 2024 19:23:30
Cant fault them up to this point.

9.) 04 May 2024 19:30:48
If all we want is keeping MA out and finishing 2nd then great personally I'm fed up being 2nd.

10.) 04 May 2024 19:31:19
Different board, same bunch of bottlers on the park. Never mind we've always got next season.

11.) 04 May 2024 19:41:05
Board are doing fine imo. we don't have a Saudi prince or a sky moneybox, so ok for me.

12.) 04 May 2024 21:33:29
The current Board under Bennett is just in its first year however for me there is little doubt that under the leadership of Bennett and Bisgrove we have the best leadership that we have had for many years.
I am also excited that Bennett is coming on board full time and the appointment of Clement and his management team appears inspired.
This does not mean that we should become complacent and I do believe that we could do with new blood in the Boardroom and the removal of the previous CEO and timeous departure of Wilson and Park was most definitely an added bonus.

13.) 04 May 2024 22:26:56
PC is the man to lead us for years to come if he chooses to stay! Please keep the belief in him.

14.) 05 May 2024 05:58:09
The board in its 1st year too early to say they can’t just wave a magic wand and transform the players into being able to handle the pressure.

15.) 05 may 2024 08:03:16
flyd, if he doesn't win the league next season he won't be here, 2nd is last, and sadly pc will know he needs a clean sweep of players who aren't used to winning, mediocrit set in and some have become millionaires from coming 2nd, not even winning cups bar the odd one, . in fact how many finals have thet reached, time for drastic change, but, i strongly believe pc has made a monumental blunder by telling some players they're no longer welcome, that should not have been spoken about, imo.

16.) 05 May 2024 09:01:10
Walter does anyone mention wanting to be second, are you actually saying you would ake Ashley if h. we won league.



13 Jan 2024 17:48:12
Regarding Kent…. would we take him on loan?
Personally I would rather get a player in who buys into what we’re building…. not sure loans do that.

Tom the mod

1.) 13 Jan 2024 19:21:53
Not for me Tom. I feel he really let us down last year and I wouldn’t trust him to earn his wage.

2.) 13 Jan 2024 20:32:40
Absolutely not. Rangers would become a laughing stock bringing guys like that back.



10 Jan 2024 14:07:54
Hi folks,
Long time reader, thought I’d get involved.
I look forward to engaging with you all!

Tom the mod

1.) 10 Jan 2024 14:40:23
Good stuff Tom, enjoy.

2.) 10 Jan 2024 14:46:25
Welcome to the mad House.

3.) 10 Jan 2024 14:51:27
Thanks Tom. Lovely to have you with us.

4.) 10 Jan 2024 15:17:57
Tom enjoy the banter. ?.

5.) 10 Jan 2024 15:23:27
Welcome Tod.

6.) 10 Jan 2024 15:26:49
Welcome aboard.

7.) 10 Jan 2024 15:43:39
Welcome Tom, make sure to wear a hard hat pal. ?.

8.) 10 Jan 2024 15:53:09
Hi Tom enjoy.

9.) 10 Jan 2024 15:55:02
Yup definitely mad house this time of year.

10.) 10 Jan 2024 16:09:46
Welcome Tom, hope you've got proof your a gers fan ??.

11.) 10 Jan 2024 16:18:03
Welcome Tom ?.

12.) 10 Jan 2024 16:30:02
Welcome Tom, enjoy.

13.) 10 Jan 2024 17:46:30
Welcome Tom. Bring body armour too. ? For your proof of being a bluenose think outside the box. My gers memberships, season ticket and good old witty banter encorporating your favourite party songs ain’t good enough for some on here. Good luck ????????.

14.) 10 Jan 2024 18:03:24
Trying far to hard at convincing gaz, welcome Tom.

15.) 10 Jan 2024 18:20:37
It’s getting embarrassing now Mystar. I am just not bothering with his rubbish now.

16.) 10 Jan 2024 18:28:42
Don’t need to convince anyone my star. I shall be in Louden next Tuesday from half 6 if you fancy dropping in there and debating my loyalties ????????.

17.) 10 Jan 2024 20:01:46
Wee bit disappointed it’s not Tod the prod but welcome mate ?.

18.) 10 Jan 2024 20:15:40
Debating my loyalties.

19.) 10 Jan 2024 20:29:06
Beale clearly the guys a bear man.
Everyone needs to get aff the guys case it’s going to put people aff staying in the page man.

20.) 10 Jan 2024 22:31:13
Gaz u will get papped out wearing hoops mate ?.




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26 May 2024 01:44:56
Tav is finished, if people don’t want to believe their eyes then that’s their problem.
His general play is miles off it, take away pens and the odd set piece and he’s a shell of a defender.

Tom the mod



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26 May 2024 01:41:14
I think if we had more with the desire Cantwell shows then we’d be fine.
The squad is badly assembled, the board a shambles in a footballing sense and Clements last 6 weeks are horrendous.
If he loses the first OF game next season then he’ll struggle to hang on. I have serious doubts!

Tom the mod



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11 May 2024 23:23:50
Not one for slating our club but it needs addressed,
Our defense is weak, the midfield lacks mobility and up front is non existent.
The whole team lacks aggression and looks badly coached if at all.
Clement has had a dreadful last 6 weeks and is not making the most of a lightweight squad.
He will come under severe scrutiny should we lose the cup final.
The squad is poor and mentally weak which needs addressed also…. where the funds are coming from may need to sell our best assets.
Which brings me to our board…. it’s my opinion that they don’t have what it takes to take our club forward.
This is been evident time and again and I feel it will come to a head very soon!

Tom the mod



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02 Mar 2024 23:56:54
We’ve set the bar and today was levels below that. PC has got the last 2 starting 11’s wrong and a lot of
Old habits resurfaced.
It’s not looking good.

Tom the mod



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14 Jan 2024 12:36:21
SWS I agree with you, like everyone also I’ve headed the rumour we asked Shankland to push for the move.
Right now it seem we have lots of irons in the fire!
Hopefully we’ll find out soon enough.

Tom the mod



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