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bimotablue's rumours posts with other poster's replies to bimotablue's rumours posts


07 Jun 2022 19:53:01
Latest paper talk is Macgregor will sign up again. Great keeper but I'd prefer someone who will come and hold or punch crosses. No idea why Macgregor doesn't have that in his locker, but it has cost us.
Happy to have him as 1st choice, or promote Maclauchlan?


1.) 07 Jun 2022 20:15:10
No point clinging to the past so I’d like to see us get another no1 in and build for the future. Greegs is worth another year on reduced terms and a good number 2. Would be good to seem him in a coaching roll.

2.) 07 Jun 2022 20:19:01
I would have McGregor as no2 said many times he qualifies as club trained for euro squad. Also could prolong his career a little. And McLaughlin deserves a shot. And agree he is decent at coming for crosses.

3.) 07 Jun 2022 20:43:01
Just paper talk he won't be signing a new deal.

4.) 07 Jun 2022 21:21:59
I think he will sign a new deal tho I think it’s time to retire.

5.) 07 Jun 2022 22:04:11
Why not give him another year? Still the best keeper in Scotland last year and Performed really well in Europe.

6.) 07 Jun 2022 22:18:20

7.) 07 Jun 2022 22:39:34
Tomthumb12 not the case Heart and hand has reposted he hasn't.

8.) 07 Jun 2022 22:58:02
Ah Tom is that you posting it like it’s a fact? I thought this was a rumour site and not a fact site or is it just you contradicting yourself again?

9.) 07 Jun 2022 23:53:05
Beat keeper in Scotland last year was craig Gordon mcgregor may edge it due to euro performances tbf but listen would anyone be opposed to signing craig Gordon if mcgregor isn’t staying on as a player?

Another one I thought of today was kelleher from liverpool.
Ed what’s the oppinion of him down there and what would he cost if we offered him no1 jersey?
Is he good enough to be our no1 atm?

{Ed001's Note - if Kelleher became available he would have a lot of options. He has looked more than good enough to be a number 1 just about anywhere, he is just unlucky to be up against the best keeper in the world.}

10.) 08 Jun 2022 00:03:59
Irrespective of whether McGregor signs a new contract we need to bring in a quality keeper. If there is any truth in the rumour that Crystal Palace want Aribo then perhaps Butland would be part of any deal?

11.) 08 Jun 2022 00:28:58
1 year extension player/ coach prior to full transition to the coaching team

McGlauchlin first choice SPL with McCrorie/ McGregor back up

That transition was agreed prior to McGlauchlin signing his deal last year

The only variance was if McGregor would extend or we looked for a new goalkeeper.

12.) 08 jun 2022 02:12:36
the fact is that he has an offer, what isn't fact is that he has or hasn't taken it up.

13.) 08 jun 2022 02:14:44
btw. i never, ever post rumours of signings, i posted what i was told today by a rangers supporting football journolist, i don't post names etc, mainly because I've lost touch with most of football aquaintances .

14.) 08 Jun 2022 07:21:20
Heart and hand closer to the info than journalists. don't think he has been offered a new deal tom. Few rangers fb pages also reporting this.

15.) 08 Jun 2022 08:11:56
McGregor has not been offered a deal.

He is still mulling over what he wants to do and will tell the club if he wants to keep playing. If he does, the club may offer him a deal but it won’t involve a coaching role.

Just my opinion, no inside info.

16.) 08 Jun 2022 09:27:10
No announcement about McGregor whether he will retire or get another year, I would have thought we would have heard by now.



05 Oct 2020 23:12:04
Talks sport radio:
"Strong whispers Jack Wiltshires next destination is Glasgow Rangers"
If SG can get a tune out of this fella, and he can avoid injuries, we've won a watch.


1.) 05 Oct 2020 23:37:27
Not a chance in hell. JW will not be able to train at the intensity that SG demands, we’ve seen fitter players fail over the last few seasons.

2.) 06 Oct 2020 00:25:01
Yip i think stevie g will go for wiltshire.

3.) 06 Oct 2020 09:19:19
Listening to Harry Redknapp last night giving Wilshere a glowing review and saying if he was managing in the premier league, he has to be worth a punt! I’d love to see it! It’s always a gamble with players who are prone to injury but he says he’s been fit and ready to play for 8 months- so get this boy happy and playing, at 28 his best days could still come- he has major pedigree and I think Gerrard could get more outta him, he’s got to be worth a chance even on some pay as you play type deal! 🙌.

4.) 06 Oct 2020 09:19:59
Cant tell you how much it bugs me that nobody spells his name correctly 😂😂😂😂.

5.) 06 Oct 2020 09:41:43
8 month fit to train is 8 month with nobody putting a hard tackle on him. First decent scud he will be back on the treatment table, as usual. Shame as he's some player.

6.) 06 Oct 2020 10:02:25
Pay as you play contract, I would 100% take a punt on this guy. He is world class when uninjured!

7.) 06 Oct 2020 10:39:31
Just posted this mate. Most definitely 👍.

8.) 06 Oct 2020 11:56:29
yes PUAL68 I agree.

9.) 06 Oct 2020 12:42:06
If Jack comes to Rangers, and stays fit, he's 100% most talented footballer in scotland!

10.) 06 Oct 2020 12:49:49
I said it weeks ago! Jacky boy will be up on a one year pay as u play deal.

11.) 06 Oct 2020 17:56:42
If - and it's a big if - he was to come it would have to be a short-term contract, low basic wage, high game time incentive and a minimum percentage game time contract renewal. This would protect us if he somehow did stay fit and played, for example, >60% of games. Otherwise no chance.

12.) 06 Oct 2020 18:37:12
Could we even afford half of his previous wage it was supposed to £100k lot of money for someone who's injury prone.

13.) 06 Oct 2020 20:48:48
I saw this guy play for arsenal and when fit he is an outstanding talent. Would be outstanding if he could stay fit, easily best signing in the country. I don't think wages would be an issue as by the sounds of it he just wants to play football and prove his doubters wrong.

14.) 06 Oct 2020 21:47:57
Bellshill lad I think the majority of us seen him play for Arsenal 🤦‍♀️.

15.) 06 Oct 2020 22:42:20
He’s just had a 4 million payout think he would pick game time over cash say we can offer him 30k on a one year contract with the club having a option to extend his contract by another year even if he never plays then we have only spent 1.5 million getting him in and paying his wages makes sense to me well worth a punt at 1.5 million for a year.

16.) 07 Oct 2020 19:41:17
I still can’t understand why people still mention pay as you play contracts. genuinely when was the last time you heard someone getting signed on one of those for Rangers or anybody really for that matter. especially a boy that just come off a £100k pw contract and could realistically sign something similar in China, Qatar, USA etc?

If it’s not just about the money though and he’s just desperate to play, there’s still no need for him to entertain a pay as you play contract when I’m sure there’s some PL teams and plenty from the Championship that would consider even a 1yr contract on money in the bracket a player of his CV demands regardless of injuries. Hopefully we’re considering something along those lines.



01 Mar 2020 05:38:48
Been awake half the night, raging at that debacle at hearts. I'm convinced we have a split within the dressing room that SG is unable to solve. It may or may not revolve around a certain torn faced wee columbian. However, I AM convinced our complete lack of a leader on the park is a huge part of our downfall.

I have said before that this group have proved their ability, you don't get to the last 16 in Europe AND destroy your main rivals without the tools in the locker to do so. SG either has not or cannot recognise this.

I don't see anyone in the current squad with the commanding persona, so with that in mind, who do you guys think is out there that we could realistically get to fill that "Barry Ferguson, Terry butcher", Red face, snot bubble, finger pointing, ass kicking roll next season?


1.) 01 Mar 2020 08:30:14
Arfield is your man.

2.) 01 Mar 2020 08:53:39
Nail on the head, these things fester within dressing rooms when there isn't a leader to nip it in the bud.
With a real leader and presence any disruptions would have been identified and removed. Which surprises me with the likes of mcgergor in there but then again he is neither captain or vice captain.

3.) 01 Mar 2020 09:52:20
For me we should be looking in bosman market down south bringing in a couple players in there late 20s not mid to late 30s. We need to stop the 10 players a year and bring in 3 or 4 top quality players.

4.) 01 Mar 2020 14:09:54
anyone think ross mcrorie would improve our midfield

big strong aggressive quick tackles bullies pressures scores odd goal. sure he can work on his touch and distribution but he gives you everything and is still young

teams bully us - we don’t have many willing to scrap

it’s that simple.

5.) 01 Mar 2020 17:38:43
Anyone think Greg Docherty would improve our midfield too?

6.) 01 Mar 2020 18:30:59
Sir Struth I don’t think Docherty would improve our midfield, he done very little when he got games for us.



27 Apr 2018 20:44:33
I'm told by a pal who has a link to Robbie Keane that SG is a cert and is bringing Mcallister and someone called Tom Culshaw. He's a big sellik fan, so could be a wynd up.


1.) 27 Apr 2018 21:43:25
A like how u have a bike as your picture because your pal is taking u fur a ride

2.) 27 Apr 2018 23:59:48
Smodge81 he's no bullshittin

{Ed0333's Note - I hope he comes to Rangers I really do.

3.) 28 Apr 2018 04:01:34
I don't understand the Gerrard bashing. If there's one thing his team will compete and be more physical

4.) 28 Apr 2018 05:39:44
The only Gerrard bashing is coming from the Tim’s Fraz!
Listened to a bit of SCB on way to work last night and they are seething of the thought of him coming to the Teddies?

5.) 28 Apr 2018 11:22:21
Well morning my fellow bears can a confirm that bookies have priced us up to have no chance tomorrow sitting at 7/ 1 fingers are crossed but this is the time player need to stand up and be counted and leather these c@&£.

6.) 28 Apr 2018 16:48:41
I was sceptical about Gerard for us but I am convinced now that he could do a good job. He is all about hard work and fitness, we need this badly. Players can't run for 90 minutes that Scottish football needs. The fact that that nugget Sutton et al are saying its a bad move, further convinces me its a good move. I only wish that someone like Souness would help out, or Walter or even Ally, just to give him more knowledge of Scottish football. Possibly exciting times ahead teddy bears.



19 Nov 2016 13:20:26
Finishing off work at a Rangers player house this week, won't name him as I don't want my collar felt. Heard him on his phone correcting someone about the spelling of a player that "might be coming in January". Harry Winks
Never heard of him but according to the conversation he is or was an England youth?


1.) 19 Nov 2016 18:35:45
he is in spurs first team against west ham tonight better trade your tools for a hearing aid.

2.) 20 Nov 2016 02:08:40
why would anyone need help spelling that name?

3.) 20 Nov 2016 03:26:56
Ivlark, some people get their vowels mixed up sometimes.

4.) 20 Nov 2016 21:18:17
The day we start getting excited about loan signings is the day we should call it a day. Watburton had pretty much disregarded the youth set up at Rangers and loaned out some of our best prospects. We need to let our youth flourish and show some faith in them. This english loan deal set up is not what we need to get back to the top.

5.) 21 Nov 2016 09:21:25
bryan there is a lot of negative talk about what we are doing with the youth squads but no one is giving the system time to work.
there has been an overhaul with our youth system and it will take time to get the results but that's not what is important to us first team supportsers .
whats important for the first team is that when the youth does start to play well in that system that the better players are given their chance and others loaned out for some much needed experience . will take a few years I think for this to take full effect.

6.) 21 Nov 2016 22:06:17
Would that be the same harry winks who played and scored for spurs against west ham?

7.) 21 Nov 2016 22:22:52
Maybe he said harry winks at all the women.




bimotablue's banter posts with other poster's replies to bimotablue's banter posts


30 Dec 2023 19:17:13
I was 100% against signing him but Mr Dessers has helped convert me. Unless PC has a younger better option ready to go, then we should have him leading the line against killie.


1.) 30 Dec 2023 20:35:09
So you only want him because Dessers is bad? Some of the stuff on here is getting ridiculous. One loss in 16. Let’s not go overboard.

2.) 30 Dec 2023 21:42:11
Celtic have a lot more duffers on their books than we have at the moment. Forget about anyone else for now, I would rather have had Colak or even Sakala leading the line today.



30 Dec 2023 14:50:57
If we had a striker on the books, we could have won today.


1.) 30 Dec 2023 15:27:23
If we could defend we could have won the day.

2.) 30 Dec 2023 15:39:33
We need Shankland in now, and offload a few failures in this window (if we can) .



29 Oct 2023 11:50:12
Email from Rangers TV offering today's match. Ideal, but no info on how to watch it. Is it only available on my mobile or can I download an app for my TV?
Thanks in advance.


1.) 29 Oct 2023 12:52:23
Go to RTV buy game on any device and press play. If you want on TV, download an internet browser and go to RTV. Or you could mirror from a phone to smart tv.



01 Oct 2023 22:00:10
Despite cash being an issue, the board must bring in a proven winner as boss. Not a project, not because he's a rangers man and not someone just desperate to get back in the game. Our managerial appointments over the last decade have been poor. Get this one wrong and the financial disparity with celtic will have us 2nd best for years.


1.) 01 Oct 2023 22:21:37
The board have made this decision and it’s really bizarre. Steven Davis and Gavin Rae. Another former player and a pundit. Will we ever learn?

If this is another Murty season and we end up as Brendan Rodgers plaything again I dread to think what happens. Beale should not have been sacked unless a clear and obvious candidate is there, and ready to come in. If that is not the case then we are about to become the basket case club I feared.

If it does turn out to be as bad as Murty the board must be removed. Sacking a manger, with nobody else in place again, so soon after the last humiliation. We will need to start over again from top to bottom.

2.) 01 Oct 2023 22:23:04
A good manager in theory could pay for himself by the increase in value for the players.

3.) 01 Oct 2023 22:28:30
Does Davis or Rae have a pro euro license. take it one of them have.

4.) 01 Oct 2023 22:29:14
Good interim choice in my opinion let’s back them ??????.

5.) 01 Oct 2023 22:32:47
Beale couldn't remain in place Ibrox was toxic yesterday simple the man had to be removed for us to move on.

6.) 01 Oct 2023 22:36:24
Sorry Verdant, but Beale and his backroom staff had to go given the results.
To secure a quality manager with a credible track record we might need to look at managerial candidates that are currently under contract, only time will tell.
In terms of interim managerial appointments, Steve Davis knows what Rangers are all about and I would expect him to make sure the recent acquisitions understand exactly what it means to play for us. Whether they are capable of doing so, only time will tell.

7.) 01 Oct 2023 22:39:48
I am glad it's done, was only going one way, would feel sympathy but he did not have any for Gio so what goes around comes around.

I do agree with Verdant in regards to having multiple options ready to go. There should always be plans in place for a new manager, not having that would be an act of incompetence.

Would be criminal if we don't have a proper new manager in over the international break. Rangers are too big a club to have an interim manager in place for an extended period.

Also why we should have sorted a DoF by now, that's been too long and is too important a role. Who on our board are actually qualified to chose a manager.

8.) 01 Oct 2023 22:55:02
It’s not a manager we need, it’s a master turd polisher to get a tune out of the Tom kite we’ve assembled.

9.) 01 Oct 2023 22:56:54
Verdant, we don't know situation. This been on cards for month. Easily most unpopular mgr in my 50 yrs supporting gers. Board might already have shortlist, in fact would be surprised if plan B has not already been discussed at senior level. Well part one implemented binning Beale. Part two dream team including SD got me salivating.

10.) 01 Oct 2023 23:02:07
It’s veRy difficult have a list of managers ready because circumstances for each are changing every month. We couldn’t start to sound out other managers while Beale is still there because that would have filtered back and caused even more unrest in the dressing room. The correct decision has been made we can now approach possible replacements without putting them in an awkward position. The way Beale was appointed was poor because everyone knew exactly why he attended Ibrox including his employers at the time QPR. We are better than that.

11.) 01 Oct 2023 23:09:51
Verdant we have already lost the a chair been replaced, members of the board, our CofE has been replaced, coaching and recruitment changing and now our manager. So it’s been happening.

12.) 01 Oct 2023 23:38:41
‘Davis knows what the club is all about and will tell the players’ - I hear this stuff all the time but what does it actually mean. A tour guide could tell the players the history of the club.

Do you want Steven Davis to tell the players to try and win games of football? Don’t you think they already know that?

When David weir came as Warburton’s assistant people said the exact same things. He’s a big Rangers man, he gets it, knows what the club is about. He was a rubbish coach and our team were awful. It's one of those soundbites that sounds good, but means nothing.

13.) 02 Oct 2023 08:15:55
Because Verdant’s Messiah has been removed he’s now hoping what ever happens next is problematic or a failure so he can say “ I told you so “

Give it up Verdant, Beale is gone because he couldn’t hack it, just face the facts. Rangers was too big a job for him. The board has done the right thing. Beale has probably already thrown our season away. So let’s see what the board can come up with between now and then. If Beale had have stayed he would have been Brenda’s plaything as a matter of fact he already was.



30 Sep 2023 17:44:17
How many of those chances today does shankland, Boyle or colack get today?
That's why he has to go.


1.) 30 Sep 2023 18:01:27
None because they don’t play for us.

2.) 30 Sep 2023 20:07:32
Safe to say, in true Dessers style, you've missed the point.




bimotablue's rumour replies


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05 Jun 2023 17:13:16
Buttland will be a fantastic signing
Fair enough, it wasn't yesterday, but when you see him in action he is very commanding, holds crosses and rips into his defenders when needed. Really hoping this is a signing that happens.




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21 Nov 2022 14:31:29
Dyche would be a disaster.




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05 Feb 2021 14:23:34
I'm not fully behind the big names going in the summer debate. There can be no argument that football clubs are struggling more so this year than any other, and for that reason sale prices will drop as will pay deals. But if you are Kamara for example, why go in the summer? He and the others can get CL here, like all top flight players there income has not suffered a jot, so why move this year on less than you could get next? Not saying no one in world football will shift, but this window shows that there has never been a worse time for a top talent to move.




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02 May 2018 09:09:28
"he is already in the process of contacting the South African revenue to let them know that he would like to move some undeclared income out of the country"

"undeclared income" Good luck with that!




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27 Nov 2017 11:39:32
If that's true, then we are well and truly screwed financially! Never mind that his skill set has NO chance of advancing the team, but if after all this time we end up with a fella who has been begging for the job for as long as I can remember, it means we don't have a pot to piss in.





bimotablue's banter replies


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25 May 2024 21:34:44
We did score.




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30 Dec 2023 19:19:33
Folks are upset, angry etc. Just letting off steam, it's what sites like this are for. And yes, swap shankland for Dessers and we prob do win today.




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30 Sep 2023 20:07:32
Safe to say, in true Dessers style, you've missed the point.




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21 Nov 2022 14:33:39




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06 Nov 2022 13:30:08
If, If m Beal could be persuaded to return, do you reckon Kent and morelos might resign and be coxed back to form? If so, it would more than cover the cost to bin GVB and hire Beal.




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