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01 Aug 2023 12:31:15
A name mentioned to me is Dutch LCB/ LB Terence Kongolo. Final year of his contract at Fulham, Transfermarket as him at £900k

Not sure how much truth in it but thought i'd see if any of the more in the know guys have heard this name mentioned?


1.) 01 Aug 2023 12:55:01
Just shy of 40 million euros of transfers in 5 years now valued at 900k sounds like his career has fallen of a cliff.

2.) 01 Aug 2023 12:56:53
Read something about him today mate and club value him at £4m. Might have been sky sports news app.

3.) 01 Aug 2023 13:10:41
@Burt1872 - Moncao to Huddersfield for £20m sounds like a transfer straight out of a late-stage game of Football Manager. Good indication of how crazy the transfer market is these days.

Only 4 games for Fulham over a couple of seasons. And by the guy's injury history he looks to be made of glass too. All in all I'm getting a bit worried all the CBs we're being linked with are just going to be a poorer version of Helander at the moment.

4.) 01 Aug 2023 13:49:44
I agree Helander was easily the best cb we had.

5.) 01 Aug 2023 14:06:07
How we could do with big Marvin Andrews.

6.) 01 Aug 2023 14:15:47
Helander was a very good defender but he has mangled his foot be lucky if he's ever fit again.

7.) 01 Aug 2023 14:20:25
Is it true that we never lost a game that Helander started? I know he only played about 3 games but still ?.

8.) 01 Aug 2023 14:48:49
I saw Helander play at Livi, nightmare performance he really didn't fancy the cheap carpet they have .

9.) 01 Aug 2023 15:41:08
Kongolo has a terrible injury record.

10.) 01 Aug 2023 16:35:50
Helander had a crazy record at Ibrox I don't think we lost many if any domestic games with him at Home I'm sure.



20 Sep 2019 12:22:13
rumours doing the rounds that Niko and Connor had a massive argument and has caused a bit of a rift so Niko been dropped.


1.) 20 Sep 2019 12:39:07
maybes, can't see SG putting up with that though.

2.) 20 Sep 2019 12:44:23
Yeah I had heard that as well.

3.) 20 Sep 2019 12:47:12
I've spoken to Connor a few times as he stays in Bishopbriggs as well as myself and I've met him a few times at the retail park. Obviously he wouldn't say anything to me about that but when I last seen him a few months back tail end of last season I mentioned about Worrall getting played ahead of Niko and his response was that Niko was working extremely hard in training and he got on really well with both of them, he did feel that Worrall got some amount of stick based on one mistake he made. Would be awful if there's arguments amongst squad and it would be even more awful if Katic has been dropped based on that. Gerrard said he was dropped purely for tactical reasons anyway.

4.) 20 Sep 2019 14:16:06
Absolute nonsense.

5.) 20 Sep 2019 14:29:51
Saw Niko and Conner arguing against Livingston . Think it was at a Goldson mistake and Niko lost the plot with him. It’s good though it shows passion . Ps Worral one mistake? Was that every half or 15 mins.

6.) 20 Sep 2019 16:05:00
Goldson is a better football player than Katic.

7.) 20 Sep 2019 16:19:24
Katic is a better defender than Goldson.

8.) 20 Sep 2019 16:27:41
@molsgoals When he said to me about the one mistake I told him it was more than one and he just laughed. I asked him who his hero was and his response was the gaffer hahaha.

9.) 20 Sep 2019 16:41:28
Katic is a better defender than goldson souness, which is a really important attribute in their position🤷‍♂️👍.

10.) 20 Sep 2019 16:44:44
Brilliant Kyle that’s a great bit of banter.

11.) 20 Sep 2019 16:56:11
Goldsons a bombscare he got away with the same mistake twice as he did for the mhanks goal, if the Dutch players had taken their chances better he would have been slaughtered on here, katichp a far better defender than him.

12.) 20 Sep 2019 17:49:01
I think SG has hard decisions to make at CB, Katic has improved considerably, Edmundson has looked good as has Helander, so where does Goldson rank as in my eyes he is the least convincing.

13.) 20 Sep 2019 17:50:41
From what I’ve seen so far this season Goldson maybe the worst centre back out of the 4 in the 1st team, yet SG always plays him? Think he must have a clause in his contract that he plays every game even!

Would like to see a Helander Katic pairing but might have to wait until SG leaves or Goldson breaks a leg but think SG might wheel him out in a wheel chair.

14.) 20 Sep 2019 19:55:58
Katic isn’t better then Goldson. Both aren’t playing well but Katic is still raw and learning where as Goldson has just lost a bit of confidence but will come back strong again.

15.) 20 Sep 2019 20:42:59
I was a big fan of connor goldson,
still am, but i do admit he's not playing his best at this moment in time. In fact, connor goldson hasn't been the same since his injury lay off, after we beat celtic 1-0 at ibrox last december. I thought goldson was absolutely immense against celtic that afternoon! For me anyway he hasn't reached the same levels, as he was out for a spell injured, immediately after that game in december, going into the winter break. I still rate the guy though and more importantly so does steven gerrard. I hope and think he'll get back to that performance level, when he first signed for us!

16.) 20 Sep 2019 21:19:55
Goldson is the first name on the team-sheet after MacGregor. He's played in every European game, so clearly Gerrard thinks he's better and he chooses the team. It's good we have 4 good centre halves innit :)

17.) 20 Sep 2019 21:49:19
Katic before any defender in the SPL, everyday of the week and twice on a Sunday.

Our defensive should be built around him! OPINION! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿.

18.) 20 Sep 2019 23:57:27
Katic offers more for me, both decent at this level but Goldson won’t improve any from here and Katic will a great deal, yes he’s raw but as the gaffer says he’s a threat at both ends. I’m happy Goldson has put the OF error behind him already and he played well last night!

19.) 21 Sep 2019 00:06:15
goldson is a better footballer than katic,

really Souness, at what giving the ball away in big games

take the ‘kent’s not coming’ varifocals off pal goldson a liability.

20.) 21 Sep 2019 00:08:31
Someone on here said before . Conner will do something dodgy then something world class .

21.) 21 Sep 2019 09:56:50
I felt that Helander was brilliant on Thursday, and the only mistake he made, he corrected although he gave away the foul because of it, but was still willing to throw his body on the line. I would like to see Katic and Helander together. Seems most teams know that if we are knocking the ball about the back line its CG that’s going to play the long hopeful World Cup pass attempt and fail 9 times out of 10.

22.) 21 Sep 2019 11:16:57
Point is goldson is the vice captain, he's the only vocal centre half we have, Oki maybe katic and helander may be better but communication is key and goldson is always shouting to everyone around him. You don't see katic doing that much.

23.) 21 Sep 2019 15:29:19
As I have stated before Goldsons delivery of the ⚽️ is absolutely 💩 to many passes going astray; For me Katic is a far better football player, Have a great weekend folks, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇦🇺.

24.) 21 Sep 2019 22:06:21
For me, Helander is the classiest of our centre backs, with Katic 2nd, and Edmundson, then Conor Goldson, I don't feel confident when Conor's got time on the ball.

25.) 21 Sep 2019 23:43:54
Edmundson better than Goldson? A couple of games against weak opponents like St Joseph’s might not be the yardstick by which to rate a players performance, perhaps? Honestly, some of the guff I read on here is jaw dropping.

26.) 22 Sep 2019 12:45:40
Souness the only guff is on your posts. as opposed to trying to rate Edmundson on the opponent's he's played against, u rate him on his ability to defend against a human - quality or not u still get bumped and kicked and harried. And pass to his own team, and be composed on the ball.
And secondly, and probably most important, u rate goldson! Who has played against all levels of opposition, and to be honest his performances are declining already.
Katic may not roll the ball over his feet like Sergio Ramos, but he does the basics properly. He does his job, does not lose a header and gives the ball to someone else who will spray the ball with a better chance of reaching its target. And why SG brought him into Connors mistake against Celtic I do not know. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Goldson sold him down the river by attempting to do things he cannot do.

27.) 22 Sep 2019 15:21:28
Think its it's right time to try edmondson and hilander together few games goldson and katic been bit shaky recent games.

28.) 22 Sep 2019 21:44:54
Shaky having to do two jobs 😂.




jbf500's banter posts with other poster's replies to jbf500's banter posts


25 May 2024 22:35:54
Seriously annoys me when folk say " beale has better win rate than clement"

Yea because when beale took over he took iver a squad that had went to a european final! PC took over an unfit squad full of guys not fit to wear jersey

PC rubbed a turd in glitter, took in to end in league, won LC, final SC and last 32 europa!

Yes mad some mistakes but upgrade and when he has HIS PLAYERS to play his GAME then judge.


1.) 25 May 2024 23:57:46
100% agree think major mistake was Clement telling players they were not wanted before end of season think he was trying to be decent and give them time to find good moves but it backfired.

2.) 26 May 2024 00:42:16
I agree but I think a lot are missing the boat with him getting HIS players. We need a philosophy as a club on the players we want, not what a certain managers players are. That’s what happened with Beale and then you get the next manager and they don’t fit his style. Then you have to start all over again. There needs to be a continuity in the overall philosophy of RFCs style of play and that dictates which manager we get and what players we recruit.



28 Nov 2023 14:09:21
Lot of chat on here recently about needing a natural goalscorer, lower leagues england etc and there's one name that i think we should take a punt on. Loads will disagree but i think would be good addition to squad and would cost peanuts

Macauly langstaff - Notts County

41 goals in 45 games in national league last season

14 in 19 in league 2 this season

Yes can argue the quality in those leagues but you put him in a team like ours in SPL that dominates possesion and creates loads chances he would tuck them away. there is gems to be found in those divisons

26year old so good age, goals, low wage, low fee

For europe probably not but i believe SPL he would be a great success.


1.) 28 Nov 2023 14:13:14
Paulmullin for wrexham?

2.) 28 Nov 2023 14:34:49
Paul Mullen is good but I can’t see Wrexham selling him he’s too important for them. In the documentary he also spoke a lot about wanting his family close so not sure he’d move to Glasgow.

3.) 28 Nov 2023 15:04:22
We can't keep using the 'he will score for fun with the chances we create' statement, which comes up here regularly. We don't actually create much and very seldom have more than 1 player in the box in open play.

4.) 28 Nov 2023 15:38:25
Jbf500, nothing is guaranteed, but didn't vardy get snapped up from non-league. He's not done too bad!

5.) 28 Nov 2023 18:17:24
Vardy is the exception not the rule how many from the lower leagues have turned out to be lower league level?

6.) 28 Nov 2023 18:39:16
Bar your spot on people looked at Dessers record ad said same every player needs scouted butscorig in league 2 is diff from turning out in front of 50k every 2 weeks needing to score against teams who sit soo deep.

7.) 28 Nov 2023 19:14:45
Correct bar72. The way we play sometimes haaland would struggle to score ??.

I don’t think they are the answer mullin wouldn’t come to Scotland.

Also they would both cost more than peanuts.

8.) 28 Nov 2023 20:03:31
Mullen definitely wouldn't come up here due to his son. Longstaff outscored him last season and doing so this season.

Notts county aren't backed like Wrexham either so wouldn't cost a lot

I'd take a punt.

9.) 28 Nov 2023 20:04:59
Valued 500k.

10.) 29 Nov 2023 00:02:56
You don't get a vardy coming along very often.



13 Jul 2023 11:46:36
asked this yesterday and seemed to get lost in the mix

regards Aaron Trusty. Lots people saying on here that he isn't making decisions until after internationals, 17/ 07 before talks etc etc

With him being american and gold cup on this makes sense, but having had a look he isn't in the USA gold cup squad so am i missing something?

anyone enlighten?


1.) 13 Jul 2023 12:53:29
Jbf500 - thought that myself after looking at a few of their lineups and couldn’t see his name. Maybe waiting for Arteta to tell him if he’s in his plans or not.

2.) 13 Jul 2023 13:14:29
hes in Germany way arsenal.

3.) 13 Jul 2023 14:15:12
yea just seen on twitter him traingin with arsenal couple days ago so don't get all the alk on here. love to see him come but doubtful on this.



12 Jul 2023 16:38:22
might be wrong but looking at all the chat around Trusty, folk saying decision to be made after international duties.

have had a look at USA line ups in Gold cup and he hasn't been in starting eleven or subs?

anyone any info?




14 Jun 2023 18:58:44
Seems Souttar "injury" was nothing as he's back training today and fit to play Saturday. Long may it continue.


1.) 14 Jun 2023 20:16:15
great news . I jumped on that one originally with obvious disappointment as I do seriously rate the big fella. I guess i have a treatment room chip on my shoulder . thx jbf500.

2.) 14 Jun 2023 21:33:05
Me2 deecee!
I will reserve judgement however till he plays 40 consecutive games ??.

3.) 15 Jun 2023 02:34:30
deceeeeeee. ?????????? at the time I wasn't having a go at you as you intitialy thought.

4.) 15 Jun 2023 15:15:26
If there is one player that I hope goes-on to great things at Ibrox it is Souter. This season is a new start for him and his team-mates will all be young guys and so I expect he will step-up and show us all what he can do.

5.) 15 Jun 2023 19:54:55
Well i hope scotland pay his wages if he gets a long term injury playing for then cause forsure hell come back to treatment table.




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22 Jun 2024 13:38:17
Hope he's a success but does anyone else have Alegria vibes about this lad?




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21 Jan 2024 15:04:07
Posted about Longstaff weeks ago on here. Think would be great addition.




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14 May 2023 13:56:31
2 goals in 22 games. no thanks.




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21 Jan 2023 09:49:20
Undav would be an interesting shout. Done well in belgium and looks a player.




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26 Nov 2022 15:54:48
EasyTiger was sayin the same thing mate, Kanno looks a baller. 28 and still playin in suadi league so assume just had cupl good games but has looked bangin.





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19 May 2024 16:58:04
Its on bbc.




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15 May 2024 13:28:20
Davie1980, we needed Lisbon not to win the league, so direct qualification is no longer possible.




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04 May 2024 11:16:48
Parma at home was levels above anything!




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04 Apr 2024 19:40:08
Tannadice isn't an option as the ground ain't set up with var.




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04 Apr 2024 19:39:02
No var so not allowed.




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