Rangers banter 103332


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15 Jun 2024 16:00:34
Anyone not sure about Connor Barron check out his highlights playing for Scotland U21. He is exactly what we need in midfield - a terrier.

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15 Jun 2024 17:00:08
Hearing a lot of good things about this kid. hopefully we can get him in this window. we need that type of player in our midfield.

15 Jun 2024 20:31:24
He absolutely is and I’m delighted by this signing……if it comes off of course. I’ve heard a lot of people on X a YouTube say we’re getting another Jack! But 10 years younger and less injury prone, I really liked Jack when he played but I don’t remember Jack ever being quite as mobile. It will just be the Aberdeen thing.

Although I’d definitely say we need another midfielder in there, with a different profile someone who can score a goal but not a number 10, and this is just me but do we need a number 10 in there next season if we have the correct balance in midfield and goals with our midfielders chipping in and guaranteed goals from our wide men and our striker? I’m not so sure but depends on what PC has in mind.



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