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10 Jan 2024 12:18:02
I'm hearing Lammers is in holland today to sign a loan deal with option to buy.


1.) 10 Jan 2024 12:45:18
I'm not usually one for making offerings to the transfer gods but today is special and big Sam needs to go pronto. If the gods can make this deal happen then i will offer them all a wee dram and some of my homemade soup and haggis pakora.

2.) 10 Jan 2024 13:36:03
Mmm! Haggis pakora count me in.

3.) 10 Jan 2024 13:37:53
Three Cheers, there is no way that this doesn't happen now that you've offered Haggis pakora!

4.) 10 Jan 2024 14:54:12
Three Cheers luv Haggis Pakora. Had it when I was back in August at the Karma Indian Restaurant in Whitburn.

5.) 10 Jan 2024 16:06:35
Ya beauty it worked. I think the haggis pakora sealed the deal lads. The club have confirmed he is gone until the end of the season. woo hoo party time. What a window we are having.



05 Aug 2023 23:11:15
Very poor today. I'm not overly concerned about the players, we've done well this window, I'm more concerned about Beale, Walter told us he'd written coaching manuals before he became our manager, I doubt Pep or Jurgen will be looking at them.


1.) 06 Aug 2023 00:49:04
Any man and there dog can see we need wingers.

2.) 06 Aug 2023 01:48:01
Beale need players that fit into his system what ever that is?

3.) 06 Aug 2023 02:13:30
Same tactics we had when Gerrard was manager without the wingers and that was as predictable as the lack of virgins in a maternity ward.

4.) 06 Aug 2023 02:20:10
Beale has players to play his system and good players as well. Whether it’ll take time to gel or not we should still be beating Kilmarnock. The players Beale has brought in are good players and I think we will be just fine this season, frustrating yes panic time no.

5.) 06 Aug 2023 02:29:41
Hes replaced Colak and Fashion 30+ goals with Dessers and Sima and you ain't worried? I'm lost for words.

6.) 06 Aug 2023 08:04:34
Not seen anything from Dessers yet to suggest he's an upgrade on Colak.

7.) 06 Aug 2023 08:30:05
I disagree, I think there's a real imbalance in our squad which is going to make us one dimensional and predictable to play against.

Strap in, as it's going to be a tough season.

8.) 06 Aug 2023 09:07:14
Agree EHL. Anybody with half a footballing brain can see this.

9.) 06 Aug 2023 09:20:14
I've a mate who follows QPR and he's giving me pelters "told you so " and general wind ups, Mick "talks a good game " and much more including some very bad words .

10.) 06 Aug 2023 09:22:03
Yes I will panic fans saying he’s got a style of play don’t panic I don’t see it happening with this bunch of players or the style of play he wants to lament they look terrible like we’ve went back years . also dessers looks worse than Alfie and colak his touch is terrible 3 games I’ve watched him so far.

11.) 06 Aug 2023 09:27:08
@Cammy, have faith my friend. Lammers scored 2 in 34 last season, Dessers 10 in 32 and Sima 6 in 37. 18 goals between them in 103 games. They may score more in Scotland as it's a far weaker league so fingers crossed.

Honestly though I'd rather Brighton kept Sima, he was rotten at Angers.

Time will tell with these players. Onward!

12.) 06 Aug 2023 09:32:02
If I see the name Lundstram listed again I'm going to need a new living room windie, what could Beale possibly see in him? Barasic? well that's even way beyond the Lundstram mystery .

Sima could settle and be worthwhile but am no holdin my breath on that, right now he's like a bigger Sakala .

13.) 06 Aug 2023 10:49:59
I’ve previously said this, we’ve no identity, a squad full to the neck with foreign players who don’t know what it’s like to play for rangers! Who still get paid regardless of performance. I doubt many of them would have lost any sleep over this result.

14.) 06 Aug 2023 10:53:59
It's like we could do with a player like Malik tilman who could beat a player with ease.

15.) 06 Aug 2023 10:59:24
Let me start by stating the obvious that Rugby Park pitch is a horrendous surface but we were taught a harsh lesson on workrate and effort!
If we had put in same effort and desire that all Kille players showed we would have taken something from the game. No matter how expensive a player is if the desire and workrate in shutting down is not there we will get zip from every game.
Another defensive blunder cost a goal but if were in any way creative we should be goals up by that time and an error can be lived with - my concern is lack of creativity and chances.
Going by that display Cifuentes and Danillo should walk into that team and not look back. The ball cannot be allowed to drop in the box especially from a schoolboy long throw-in - it must be won in air and cleared.
Our use of ball in possession was bad but the running off ball when going forward was worse - none running channels well or even getting in behind their defence.
I know that Sakala is not a top player but in that game he may have given different dimension along with Lowry who obviously is not favoured but in my eyers when the lad played he could see a forward pass - Raskin looked very frustrated at a lack of movement in front of him and cannot blame him. Most deliveries into box by Tavs and Borna were verging on schoolboy and can only remember about half a dozen crosses that gave any forwards some crumbs of hope.
MB needs to show that video back to players and let them see how a team SHOULD work and fight for each other and things must change IMMEDIATELY or we are staring another doomed season in face.
Several on here rant at how its only one game and that Killie will do us favours by beating Celtic there - last season Kille beat every team at home EXCEPT the Old FIrm ( game 1 stopped that rot for one side of Glasgow) - well I for one don't want to rely on them beating the Eastenders as a banker.
Only pass marks from me were a frustrated Raskin- Souttar ( in possession good and at least drove forward and was unlucky with ball in box for goal) and Butland - is Sima a player I also ask as still wait to be convinced. Our midfield was outplayed and outfought for long periods. Also Colak would have been a great sub to bring on but wonder if that will bite our arse as season goes on?
I can take a beating when the team turns up but that did not happen yesterday - MB this is your NEW team of players who FIT YOUR system - make sure they turn up and play like they know what they are doing and at least give us 100% on and off the ball - SIMPLE AS THAT.

16.) 06 Aug 2023 11:15:21
Have another look at that goal, Soutar expected one of them to get a nut on it and they didn't, this was a throw in not a cross at pace and 2 of them had no clue, Barasic didn't know what he should be doing just in that constant daze we have seen for a long time.

Btw that boy Armstrong is a handful, never stopped and grafted but of course up against dopey most of the time, don't sort that left side then things will continue to go wrong. It's like a goal of a start for anybody.

17.) 06 Aug 2023 11:26:05
Sima=Sadiq. What's the point in signing players and sticking with the ones who are rubbish?

18.) 06 Aug 2023 12:02:12
Personally think the game was lost on the lack of midfield presence. It was Raskin Vs 5 Killie players and I don't think we won a single loose ball the only time we looked "dangerous" using that very very loosely was when Soutter stepped in to the midfield beside Raskin.

I'm okay with lundstram starting but he has to be CM next to Raskin not RCB.

19.) 06 Aug 2023 12:44:05
There are some regulars who are all decidedly quiet?

A lot of posters sounding like me now.

But I know nothing apparently just because I'm not a sheep cheerleader.

Tried to warn you all about half this team and what we were letting go.

20.) 06 Aug 2023 12:54:00
The result v Killie was a sore one but did MB have a game plan?
We always seem to blame the pitch but that’s a poor excuse as Killie followed their game plan 100% in closing down the space and Rangers struggled to create very few goalscoring opportunities.
Thought Lewis Mayo had a very good game for Killie.
The tempo we played at was very pedestrian, and no width or pace in the forward areas.
Questions must be asked why Cantwell didn’t start and also Cifuentes could have featured in the last 20 minutes as MB said he can operate as a box to box midfielder.
Sakala might have been a player who could have made an impact from the bench but there are rumours that he could be leaving, which could be a mistake by MB.
It’s early in the season so hopefully we can learn from yesterday’s game sooner rather than later, because at Rangers you are always one defeat from a crisis.
Onto our next game v Servette so ?we can get a result on Wednesday to take to Switzerland.

21.) 06 Aug 2023 13:28:45
With no width yesterday would Sakala have not been the type of player we could have done with.

22.) 06 Aug 2023 13:43:50
said my piece re colak n sakala n i kept getting pelted about how terrible sakala is or was,
we replaced him with sima -a injury confidence lacking player

20 goals a season compared to sima

n colak a prolific proven goalscorer

too bring in lammers

iv heard its early n blah blah blah

but we got rid of good proven players too
bring in guys too fit a so called system i keep hearing about its nuts
said time n time again
selling colak n saka is a majour risk
too bring in players we don't know

n don't start me on our defence
total nosence or non defense

well so far that's us 3points behind
n being laughed at already

n i'm sick of excuses its not good enough

first game a the season
n we are chasing.

23.) 06 Aug 2023 13:58:34
Lol on the guy with the living room winds haha I thought the same when I saw lundstrums name. I’m still speechless after what I saw yesterday, I can honestly see Beale sacked if he doesn’t get the next few games right, I’m looking for positives guys but I’m struggling to see any.

24.) 06 Aug 2023 14:24:53
If he is stubborn and does not change the teams style of play and the intensity that play at he’s gone for start of September imo.

25.) 06 Aug 2023 14:44:05
It was like the dodgems in the Killie box, and if we can't defend a telegraphed long throw then somebody needs to find a defensive coach, maybe from a primary school team? If the left back wants to hide then sod off and hide somewhere else .

26.) 06 Aug 2023 15:01:10
WHAT? Is Mbs system?
I can't see one.

27.) 06 Aug 2023 15:01:46
Jester J was that not same tactics that won 55 yes or no.

28.) 06 Aug 2023 15:06:33
Explain the point of Lundstram to me please, we have had many dumplings in the past but he's up there dumpling wise.

29.) 06 Aug 2023 15:18:14
lunny n Baracic, showed now they are non starters brought us nowt yesterday

piss about with formations when your 3 nil up n always play your strongest team

i think he under estimated kilmarnock n all credit too them

but what worries me is too little too

we need too change tatics quickly in a game when our backs are against it

even when we did we have no impact subs colak. fasion

no wingers

we looked predictable n teams know this style as we played similar gerrad seasons

worked great in Europe
then leage we where poor
as had runners in kent
baracik was playing way better.

30.) 06 Aug 2023 15:34:00
Start looking for Beale replacement. Utterly lost yesterday.

31.) 06 Aug 2023 15:34:02
I can`t say I rate Sakala and I don`t think he is good enough consistently enough, but to sell him and replace him with Sima is a disgrace. I get it if he had signed for Brighton and couldn`t get a game but he had a season in France where he scored 6 goas and hardly set the place alight . That should be where we judged him not games against us 4 seasons ago. We keep loaning these players that are hopeless (exception being Tillman) . When are we ever going to get our scouting and recruitment right . I blamed Wilson to a large extent but who scouted and okayed this latest crop of mediocrity . Beale himself?

32.) 06 Aug 2023 15:37:32
This obsession with 55 is laughable as it is over and done with as we have done it and it is in the past and big deal Gerrard won title but wasn't a good manager and using Beale's predictable tactics isn't helping. He needs to develop a plan B and fast before we end up out of Europe and the title race by the next OF. It is one game in and I'm not pressing the panic button but Wednesday is massive for both him and the team.

33.) 06 Aug 2023 16:16:46
Armstrong who apparently isn't good enough for us was yesterday looking like Mbappe because of who and what he was up against, he shouldn't be good enough for Rangers but he was good enough against Rangers yesterday.

Btw Lammers didn't fancy the pitch, he was not involved at all, Dessers maybe thinks he's Pele so Danila should advise him he isn't.

Sima, well that beats me at the moment .

34.) 06 Aug 2023 16:22:57
Watch Lowry yesterday, Hearts delighted with him, we had him getting booted up and down the gaff in the hammer throwers league.

Mayo, man of the match so who is assessing these players and what is his Labrador called?

35.) 06 Aug 2023 16:29:54
The players acquired are good players but there can be no excuse for yesterday's result and 100% of the blame rests with Beale.
We cannot use the excuse of new players needing time to settle down, Kilmarnock had 8 new players in their team, we only had 5.

We cannot blame the pitch, yes it is the worst in the league but we had more players that have played competitive games on that pitch arguably than Kilmarnock.

For me, we started the wrong team, we have brought in a lot of new players but our defence with the exception of our keeper remains as was, and our defence was one of the weakest parts of the squad last season.

As for choosing Lundstram ahead of Cantwell, that is nothing short of a joke. Lundstram should be no where near the starting 11.

The lack of game time for players is also a pretty lame excuse especially since he left his two most recent signings on the bench and they have probably played more minutes than the others.

Those that said that Beale was not the answer may well be proved correct. Another poor result on Wednesday and any more defeats before the end of September and our Season could be over very early on!

We need to hope that Kamara, Sakala and ideally Lundstram and Barasic, can be moved on quickly and that we can bring in a winger, a quality left sided centre back and a left back without delay.

36.) 06 Aug 2023 17:01:55
Berkshire, excellent post.

37.) 06 Aug 2023 17:04:11
Players are rubbish. Season over.

38.) 06 Aug 2023 17:45:09
What a defeatest Robotman, wouldn't like you in the trenches beside me.

39.) 06 Aug 2023 18:56:17
Season not over but things need to change asap if we lose the auld firm will be really hard for us to come back from that.

40.) 06 Aug 2023 19:37:43
Jester, you are well named, Gerrard won the title but wasn`t a good manager? He`s the only decent manager we have had since 2012 when Walter retired. He rebuilt the football side of the club, restored our place in Scottish football and our reputation in Europe. Unless of course you are forgetting the fight for third the year before he came and the Progres result. Even the season he left, he left us 6 points ahead. The myth that Beale was the reason that we won under S. G is being well and truly exploded. He is no tactical genius although he does seem to be good at self promotion.

41.) 06 Aug 2023 19:51:23
If you look at way team is set up I actually think Beale is trying to copy man city.

42.) 06 Aug 2023 19:58:58
The players seem to be lost with beales tactics sirna runs about like a headless chicken dessers looks though he needs a preseason again to catch up with fitness going to be a long season if the manager sticks with constant 4-3-3.

43.) 06 Aug 2023 21:02:24
Who would all the moaners have played at LB yesterday if Barasic is soo bad?

44.) 06 Aug 2023 23:41:16
Gofor you were on here telling us all that Rangers didn’t need a new CM. We were sorted in midfield and could wait until January to get Cifuentes. You talk mince the same as everyone else.

45.) 07 Aug 2023 01:16:23
Barisic is one of the best LBs in Scotland. The guy had the 5th highest average match rating of every player in the SPFL last season. 9 assists and a goal in the league. People rave about Yilmaz but the fact of the matter is Barisic is keeping him out the team. GVB seemed to prefer Barisic more too and if anyone knows a LB it’s him.

46.) 07 Aug 2023 12:48:58
I thought barasic was out most consistent performer last season mate, then cantwell came in and prob took that from him but he still had a decent season.

47.) 07 Aug 2023 15:18:37
Verdant so you think raskin cantwell are not good enough?

I didn't quite say that I said we had numbers and should be selling first I even said about all the midfielders example.


I'm sorry but if Beale can't get a player capable of cm from that lot or even move some on before bringing in cifuentes then it's incompetent running of club.

And maybe you should stick to the facts of my points rather than creating your own narrative of what I said.

And i said I was really exited for cifuentes but we could wait and not pay fees that we don't need to on bosmans all the time not necessarily cifuentes just bosmans in general I also listed the amount of money that has went out door in fees for players in Thier last 6 months when we could have got them for nowt

I also said we should keep a hold of sakala and colak long before anyone else on here

Verdant so answer the question are raskin and cantwell not good enough?

48.) 07 Aug 2023 21:01:23
We needed an upgrade on Sakala and Colak, just as we needed an upgrade on the other players leaving. Whether those players that have come in are one or more levels up we will find out as the season progresses. Unfortunately, in replacing Sakala we needed to bring in a class winger, that hasn't happened.

Based on our defensive performance last season surely Beale's priority should have been to sign a quality left sided centre back. If Davies wasn't the answer then, before we spent funds on strikers, should we not have been buying a centre back. We criticise Borna and defensively he is weak, but given his proven ability going forward should we not have been concentrating on midfield reinforcements that can provide cover for when he ventures forward, and if we were offering a new contract then should he not have been given an ultimatum to sign or go.

Same with Lundstram, although God forbid that we give him a new contract. He is showing all the same traits as he did at Sheffield United which ensured that the fans were glad to see the back of him. I am still of the view that, in the main we have a good squad of players, yes a couple need to go and quickly and we need to sign a quality centre back and a winger, but here is the conundrum, will the Board want to give Beale any more funds, before they have the opportunity to see whether he actually can take us forward, especially if they had doubts in his appointment in the first place. In their position I certainly wouldn't at present!



02 Jul 2023 23:25:18
Reading Matondo has been told he can leave, clubs in England interested.


1.) 02 Jul 2023 23:58:38
Rangers haven't said any of this mate.

2.) 03 Jul 2023 00:15:24
I’d like to see Matondo given a chance this season with a full pre-season under Beale. If we are to let him go i hope it’s only on loan because there’s definitely a player there.

3.) 03 Jul 2023 00:23:36
Shame think he would of been a decent player this season.

4.) 03 Jul 2023 01:37:55
Good idea.

5.) 03 Jul 2023 03:57:42
We’re trying to win a league, we don’t have time to give people chances, he’s been here a full season and done hee haw. He can run fast that’s about it. He misses scoring in front of open goals. He’s had his chance and didn’t take it.

6.) 03 Jul 2023 06:03:53
What open goals did he miss?

7.) 03 Jul 2023 06:23:40
Matondo plays his best football on the LW. Would you rather have him there or Sakala or Sima? Matondo just isn’t good enough.

8.) 03 Jul 2023 06:45:57
Not giving people chances?
Seems a good time to sign 8 newbies at once then!

9.) 03 Jul 2023 07:50:34
Azul Barisic first season was a disaster and he was outstanding in his second. The lads season was interrupted by injuries. He is a talented player that the coaches rate. I personally think we would regret it if we sold him.

10.) 03 Jul 2023 08:01:36
No time to give people chances but we’re giving people who haven’t performed (let’s be honest) chances, Lammers scoring record, Dowell injury and not playing, Butland been a bench warmer for a while even Cantwell wasn’t at before he got here! Not being a doom merchant I like the look of Lammers, Butland think Rabbi deserves the season to prove himself along with these guys think there’s a player in him.

11.) 03 Jul 2023 08:40:27
There's a guy at Notts Forest who likes Matondo could he work out a deal for Panzo with Matondo a makeweight?

12.) 03 Jul 2023 08:49:35
Ok let’s give him another season to find out if he might be good. Storm I can’t remember who we were playing but he beat the keeper, then shot the ball way wide of the target. Basically an open goal.

13.) 03 Jul 2023 08:53:50 But what was the difference between kent and rabbie, at least rabbie tried to take that over giving up.

14.) 03 Jul 2023 10:04:53
If Matondo is being given another chance then who leaves instead? Just a bit top heavy in forward areas now even more so if Danilo signs. Something has to give. Matondo/ colak/ wright are expendable.

15.) 03 Jul 2023 11:15:10
Yes Bigdado.

16.) 03 Jul 2023 11:52:53
And what about his man of match performance v stjohnstone when he scored and played well from left? He didn't get many opportunities on left side due to Kent when he's use simply as a pace winger to cross he's better. He's terrible on the right wing.

I think he deserves a chance still young but I don't think he will get it and instead will be moved on think Beale intends on a more creative flexible frontline.

17.) 03 Jul 2023 12:05:34
Low blocks don’t suit him, pace to burn but lack of space to run into is a big problem for him as he’s not a link type player. I’d punt him if decent offer received or use as a makeweight.

18.) 03 Jul 2023 12:34:00
Glad to see Matondo go, he is fast but I`ve never seen a player who falls over so much when trying to run with the ball. I don`t remember a MOTM performance from him at any time but I do remember him trying the same trick 4 times to beat the Livvy left back at Ibrox and losing the ball every time. We won`t miss him, he`s right up there with the worst signings we`ve ever made imho.

19.) 03 Jul 2023 21:24:38
Schalke dropped £10m on Matondo, I would have seen that as a clue.



03 Jun 2023 20:19:20
Reading that up to six clubs are looking at Kamara, Sheffield United and Southampton are two of the clubs, he looks certain to leave this window.


1.) 03 Jun 2023 21:09:56
Hopefully get 4/ 5m still plays very good for Finland.

2.) 03 Jun 2023 21:58:25
I would now sell glen kamara.

3.) 03 Jun 2023 23:17:19
Glad a few interested. Been a good player but kept on too long and values plummeted. £3-4m as good as get I expect.

4.) 03 Jun 2023 23:19:15
Kamara £1m max is what he will fetch, probably Nice but if he has a choice of that or Sheffield and he picks the latter we will know he's mental.

5.) 04 Jun 2023 00:05:48
He goes for more than 1m fort.

6.) 04 Jun 2023 01:25:21
Fortissat, you're having a giraffe mate, I'd say 2-3m minimum.

7.) 04 Jun 2023 05:54:07
6 teams competing for him I bet you we get a lot more than £1m for him what a stupid figure to say.

8.) 04 Jun 2023 07:25:21
Why would he be mental to go to Sheffield utd. Many ayers want to play In the epl. Nowt wrong with ambition.

9.) 04 Jun 2023 07:25:33
I believe we will regret the decision to let Kamara go in the long run as he needs games to get confidence and in the right team he will flourish, he needs to be in a team that plays possession football so sheff utd probably not a good fit. Look at Billy Gilmour playing with Norwich he was in a team getting humped every week never having the ball chasing players all day long tackling, put him in a team like Brighton that have most of the possession and play football the right way and he does the damage with his ability to pick a pass which is exactly what Kamara needs if he goes although he should choose his team wisely or he will simply disappear like Aribo, good player wrong team.

10.) 04 Jun 2023 08:20:22
I tend to agree mcm. I'd like to see Glen stay.

11.) 04 Jun 2023 09:27:16
If we sell, Kamara, the most we'll get is 3m! Sounds mental, but for a player who is playing poorly, and not featuring much, can we expect any more?
Before anyone starts, I think he is worth more, but I have to be realistic. After seeing that R McCrorrie will leave for 3m, the thought of Kamara going for the same sort of money is mental, but I believe that's all we'll get for him.

12.) 04 Jun 2023 09:57:13
3.5m plus add ons is what Rangers want.

Romano stating that Rangers are pulling off a great move for Cifuentes as many English clubs are keen on him.

13.) 04 Jun 2023 10:14:10
Sincere apologies I really did mean to type £2m I think that's fair given the length of contract . (1 and 2 are close thegither on my device and I type with a toffee hammer.

14.) 04 Jun 2023 10:16:38
Oh aye the Giraffe thing someone mentioned, never seen one up close but do wonder how they would wear a tie . up top or doon the bottom of neck?

15.) 04 Jun 2023 11:23:21
Bottom fort lol.

16.) 04 Jun 2023 11:36:55
I probably am being ambitious looking for 4/ 5m I'm just trying to cover Olaru fee lol.

17.) 04 Jun 2023 11:51:09
Beale it looks a bit daft either way .

18.) 04 Jun 2023 12:10:18
Seen one at a safari park fort, i think it would be cooler at the bottom ?.

19.) 04 Jun 2023 12:50:02
Beale i would go with 5 mill pounds for Kamara he was on Arsenals books for 4-5 years, before dundee fc somehow managed to nick him on a free, clearly there was some connection to the club or someone at the club managed to convince him, before Gerrard made his move knowing Glen's qualities, Just cause we got Kamara cheap doesn't mean we sell him cheap, 5 million pounds is fair, he is valued at 6 million euros right now, roughly 5 million pounds, sell him and buy Solbakken with the money, That way we get Solbakken for 50 grand technically, now that's a deal and a half, bye Glennnn ;) .
He will end in up the french premier league i reckon suits his style of play and he is good enough for that level, he still has 2 years left on his contract and in his prime at 27yrs old, a french team were going to spend more than 5 million quid not too long ago.
We have Raskin, Jack and soon Cifuentes to cover the CDM role.

20.) 04 Jun 2023 13:28:24
I really like Kamara as a player, but don't think he fits in to MBs system - so would like to see him move on.

I still think we can get around £5m for him.

21.) 04 Jun 2023 14:34:41
We can't expect bargains on players running down a contract then expect fortunes for players who we have that are doing the same . bit hopeful that. Btw what's Barisic worth, when he's awake of course .

On the Giraffe problem, would a scarf be better? saves using a shirt then we would need to find 2 pair of troosers .

22.) 04 Jun 2023 16:38:54

Wont be upset if goes. Prefer 5m disposable to perhaps add to cost of CF and CH.

23.) 04 Jun 2023 17:33:36
Barisic is currently valued at around 6 million Euros, however things to consider, he is now 30 years old, in the last year of his contract and not playing at his best of late, so i would say realistically around 3 million.
In 12 months he is a freebie for any suitors, more profit walking away for free unless he is sold.

24.) 04 Jun 2023 22:23:52
£3m for Barisic? yep take that sharpish.

25.) 05 Jun 2023 10:17:33
Tillman has told rangers he does not wish to play in our league.



17 Aug 2022 11:45:24
John have you any info about incoming or outgoing players? I'd imagine we'll do nothing to after the psv game, I'd like Roofe sold, long hard season ahead, we can't expect Morelos and Colak to play every game, roofe rarely seems available and gio doesn't seem to rate Sakala so imo we need another striker in regardless what euro competition we're in.


1.) 17 Aug 2022 12:12:57
Who would you like to sell him to? Who do you think will buy him?

2.) 17 Aug 2022 13:09:20
Roofe/ Sakala/ Kent? / Morelos?
not aware of any interest in any of them - -cant sell if you don't have a buyer.

3.) 17 Aug 2022 13:25:16
Yes mark next week should be busy. There is interest in several our players.

Alf and kent I’m told still resigning.

4.) 17 Aug 2022 13:26:43
If we can get rid of Jack Simpson, we can get rid of Roofe.

When Roofe was linked with Derby their fans couldn’t believe their luck. There are clubs that want him it’s just a case of finding somone who can afford him. Maybe a Championship will cover some of his wages and we can put him out on loan.

5.) 17 Aug 2022 13:43:06
100% correct re roofe Verdant.

6.) 17 Aug 2022 19:40:18
Hope that's true in Kent and mo I'm doubtful with how long it's taking and starting to think it hinges on champions league.

7.) 17 Aug 2022 20:12:04
Mark44 what sort of striker would be happy to sit as third choice, maybe not even making the bench on some occasions? Nobody who is currently getting a game at any decent level, I'd presume.

8.) 17 Aug 2022 20:17:46
I like how your statement connected to after qualifiers John ??.

9.) 17 Aug 2022 21:13:05
tavsonloyal long season ahead, we're going to be in 4 competitions, there's no way Morelos and Colak can play every game, we need to rest players, plenty of game time available for another striker.




Mark44's banter posts with other poster's replies to Mark44's banter posts


27 May 2024 18:48:06
I see Sakala has scored 17 goals in the Saudi pro league this season, making him the third top scorer there.


1.) 27 May 2024 19:07:46
Should have kept Sakala and Colak Mark, god knows what Beale was thinking.

2.) 27 May 2024 19:16:55
Blue river no we should not have, Colak feigned injury all the time. Struggle to get minutes in league two Italy.

3.) 27 May 2024 19:31:21
Colak was a bad egg whom made himself unavailable on several occasions, he’s went on to score about 3 goals in seria b . We done well to get him off the wage bill.

4.) 27 May 2024 19:37:25
BR i think he was told he must raise funds before he could spend. The net spend was low but when you look at it now maybe the board did the right thing not just giving him a pot of money without first raising some, as the ones he did spend money on haven't improved us. Sakala was a bit of a joke figure at times as well but he at least caused celtic some worries with his pace.

5.) 27 May 2024 19:44:38
Colak was an imposter and we did well to get rid.

6.) 27 May 2024 19:50:02
Bgate w, colak could score goals in scottish football that's not fabrication mate its fact ? I don't know how anyone knows definitely that colak feigned injury because there's absolutely nothing concrete to suggest that ?The guy was a natural penalty box finisher, simple as ?.

7.) 27 May 2024 20:20:56
I liked Sakala and Colak.

Overall though I'd say Sima and Dessers were an upgrade.

8.) 27 May 2024 20:47:33
I think that was more to do with Beale's management. So yes we should have kept Colak. I thought both Colak and Sakala's interviews were eye opening.

9.) 27 May 2024 21:30:49
Sakala shat the bed in big games.

10.) 27 May 2024 21:46:38
Sakala should have stayed tbh, felt it was a mistake at the time, he was a pain in the arse at times with his offside and erratic finishing but he scored 14 league goals last year, he was the only one that looked like scoring in pre season and you regardless of who we were playing he always gave 100% and played with energy.

We never replaced his pace and energy, he could also play wide or through the middle, beale wanted to play with 2 strikers who were also comfortable in the wide positions and sold one of the only players we had that was comfortable in doing so. The two big misses against celtic were huge negatives against him though.

11.) 27 May 2024 22:13:28
Selling Sakala was a mistake defo.

12.) 27 May 2024 22:45:22
Sakala had a great song and seemed like a nice guy. Otherwise, a headless chicken. Colak flattered to deceive albeit scored the winner in Holland to get us into the CL group stages.

13.) 27 May 2024 22:58:15
Sir Walter, with all due respect if I played as a poacher only I’m pretty confident I’d score plenty for rangers and I wasn’t even a striker my good friend. My issue was he made himself unavailable when he was fit to play.

14.) 28 May 2024 01:42:16
Sakala couldn’t do it in the big moments just like Dessers. Stats look good but the big moments usually mean more for Rangers.

15.) 28 May 2024 05:23:19
With all due respect bgate w, how do you know colak made himself unavailable to play when he was fit mate ? My impression was he was always desperate to play for rangers and didn't want to leave rangers ?.

16.) 28 May 2024 06:01:17
Mark44 no offence to the Saudis but i’d fancy my auld Gran to get at least 5 in their league having watched a few games.

17.) 28 May 2024 07:30:20
Walter well known FACT. Plus only scored three in Italy.

18.) 28 May 2024 08:37:52
31 games 19 goals and 6 assists was sakala stats for the league this season.

19.) 28 May 2024 09:30:08
Is that how bad Dessers is? that he makes fans think that Sakala was good?

WOW guys!

20.) 28 May 2024 10:32:12
Walter it was embarrassing, widely spoken about. Even youth players were talking about it. Senior players were unhappy about it along with coaches and staff. Very limited player ??.

21.) 28 May 2024 10:37:41
John please provide evidence that what you say if a FACT? Colak stated in an interview that he loved the club, wanted to stay and felt forced out under Beales management as he would only get 5-10 min here and there. There is NO Evidence to prove what you say is FACT. If so then please show us? .

22.) 28 May 2024 10:39:46
Also it does not matter what he has done in Italy, it only matters what he did with us and he was a goal scorer with us and would have scored a lot more given the chance.

23.) 28 May 2024 19:48:34
Blue I don’t need to do as u say, we got rid as he cheated the club.



25 May 2024 18:45:09
Gave a decent account of ourselves today, but tbh I didn't expect us to win. glad this season's over. the club have got to make huge changes this summer on and off the pitch. We need about 8 quality signings, also 8/ 10 players need to leave. there's something badly wrong with our medical department.


1.) 25 May 2024 19:06:38
More than 10 Mark. 14-15. We’ve all named them.

2.) 25 May 2024 19:11:58
There is not a lot between the teams the difference is they have two or three players who are born winners they are leaders and when the chips are down the their team can depend on those players to drag them out of a hole we need winners, look at our teams of old we had Butchers, Gough’s, McCall’s, McCoist, Ferguson, Davis I could go on but players who would have pinned other players to the wall if they didn’t give 100% yes we played better today especially second half again but it means nothing the trophy is across the city and history will not show that we played ok it will only show we got beat, we need players in who will run through a brick wall for this team as next season is massive.

3.) 25 May 2024 19:52:57
They attack at pace, have runners into spaces, where we dither in midfield and always look like we have 4 or 5 players less than the opposition. Let's just hope big Phil now gets the board's backing this summer!



18 May 2024 17:39:00
Tbh, I'm starting to have doubts whether Clement will be a success . if he starts Tav in the final they'll increase. Sterling should start rb in that game.


1.) 18 May 2024 18:13:32
Rome wasn’t built in a day mate he needs time the same as whoever else we brought in who wouldn’t get time if he lost the league next year. You can’t keep sacking managers and expect to win things.

2.) 18 May 2024 18:20:44
Agreed- we keep hearing "wait till he gets his own team". How many managers have we being saying that for and the outcome is always the same.

3.) 18 May 2024 18:52:15
We've played sterling in just about every position bar his NATYRAL position. And he's excelled in all of them. Its time to play him RB. Tav needs to go anyone who says different doesn't want to progress as a team. It will only get embarrasing for him and title will be gone next season again before xmas.

4.) 18 May 2024 19:51:27
Mark, next week is probably not the time to drop tav, the issue will be if he keeps him and Goldson.

5.) 18 May 2024 19:31:12
PC is an experienced manager and no fool. If backed and Nils does his job, we will mount a serious challenge.

6.) 18 May 2024 19:33:09
I'm scared what his own team is going to be like. Very worrying times imo.

7.) 18 May 2024 20:50:32
Sir struth so you saying we should just sack him then? Because if we do I will guarantee you will be posting the same bs this time next season as they win 4 in a row.



18 May 2024 15:13:17
Can't believe we finished so far behind them. what went so wrong in the last 6 weeks, I'll never know. that defence has got to go. We can not start next season with it.


1.) 18 May 2024 15:22:05
When defenders can't defend it's not hard to find the problem.

2.) 18 May 2024 16:20:38
Tav and the rest need to go no bottle no
Fight serial losers.

3.) 18 May 2024 18:06:32
Storm absolutely nothing to do with bottle, They have no ability,



12 May 2024 09:35:24
Very disappointed with Clement in the last number of weeks. team selections have been poor to say the least. he doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes, which is a real concern.


1.) 12 May 2024 10:17:31
Agreed, we have no real tactics other than passing the ball back to our centre half’s. The team don’t appear well conditioned or coached.

Big summer for him and the first old firm will make or break him.

7 points behind when he took over, 6 points today, are we really any better? Not convinced and his only saving grace is this is still Beale’s team, he won’t have that excuse come August.

2.) 12 May 2024 10:17:56
Dont think he has a lot of room to change things Mark. was maybe lucky to get tune out of them for a few months, but reality is what we have is poor and no back up to change team or system.

3.) 12 May 2024 10:22:44
Cortez, Danillo, Sima, Matondo, Balogun, Goldson out injured, Yilmaz coming back from injury, McCausland, Dowell, Wright all on bench deemed not good enough, he went with Lawrence instead of Cantwell, and Diomande preferred for Raskin.
He wasn’t going to drop Lundstram or Tav so played Sterling out on right to protect Tav and stop
Taylor from getting forward, we know he dosent see Sterling in midfield.
So what should he have done differently, play with three in the middle? Well at times we did, issue is lack of options and quality available.

4.) 12 May 2024 10:38:51
100% agree - the reason we were in a title battle in the 1st place was because Celtic dropped so many points over a short space of time. His team selections and media interviews in the last few weeks have been a bit concerning. The SC final is huge for him because if we lose that and the first OF game next season at Celtic Park and if we lose that, he could be looking at not winning an OF game in 5 attempts.

5.) 12 May 2024 11:53:43
Mark, it’s down to injuries and underperforming players.

6.) 12 May 2024 13:45:41
He's had a decimated squad to choose from, and the players we do have available have been underperforming constantly. He needs time to bed in a squad that he's helped build.




Mark44's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 17:18:16
Wright will never be good enough for us. I don't understand why we ever signed him.




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26 Jul 2024 09:43:40
Hopefully this is the start of a good number being sold. Says a lot when Clement says that only Butland isn't for sale.




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26 Jul 2024 08:38:45
Gaz, very poor from you. We have several posters on here with various health issues which they mention from time to time. Mb for some coming on here is a way of getting away from it for a while.




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25 Jul 2024 18:16:26
Orange, I agree.




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25 Jul 2024 16:42:21
The more clubs linked with him the better.





Mark44's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 17:41:33
Walter, most of these players are serial losers who need to go for the good of the club. Although I don't agree with toxic posts, I can understand the frustration from our fan base. These players have badly let the club down.




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26 Jul 2024 16:22:04
Now let's move Tav on.




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25 Jul 2024 16:47:44
I'm unsure about the design, but as long as we win, I don't really care.




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25 Jul 2024 16:45:16
Soccerfan, I don't think any of the four players you mention are good enough.




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25 Jul 2024 10:47:34
24jamger, if Tav was a better defender we wouldn't need to score as many goals. Both Tav and Goldson have to go from that defence. Our current defence is the worst I can remember with us playing top flight football. To think of the defenders we've seen at Ibrox, this current bunch wouldn't make it into the top 100.




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