Rangers rumours 26511


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15 Jun 2024 02:26:02
Goldson has been a huge problem in the dressing room for the past few months. Kelly basically done, barron close but has choice of 3 or 4 clubs, rahmani 100 percent one that we spoke to but NOT happening . Garcia was agreed until signed new deal on better terms with penarol. Our captain and vice captain will not be with us by close of transfer window.

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15 Jun 2024 06:27:55
No reason to doubt your info Billybgyt, as any information is appreciated mate ?So if Rrahmani isn't happening, have you heard which striker we're possibly signing ?There seems to be a trend here if the guys mentioned were definitely true and we were after them, then there definitely seems to be a trend developing of us missing out on a few now ?I wonder ?.

15 Jun 2024 12:33:21
I disagree SWS, there is reason to doubt it. Such as the gaffer coming out and saying Goldson would be kept around the dressing room due to his influence when asked about his season being over due to the injury.

You could claim it's managing the situation, but why would the gaffer come out and make a statement about an injured player being kept around the dressing room on match days rather than just saying he's injured and out for the season.



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