25 Jun 2024 15:14:36
I have never claimed to be ITK and I will say right away I don't know the validity of this claim but a friend has just sent a message to me from a mate of his who claims to have a mate that works within Rangers and they say McLean has signed.

I understand this is a mate of a mate of a mate type situation which usually means nonsense but may as well pass it on as this is at the end of the day a rumour page.

Also I am aware that he'll really not have been back home for long so the logistics of the claim are very tight.

1.) 25 Jun 2024
25 jun 2024 15:53:45
i think it’s very valid indeed.

2.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:02:49
Ayrshire with a legitimate rumour on a rumour site, they’re rare. Cheers, I’ll sit on the fence on this signing (if it becomes one) and see how her gets on. Wouldn’t say I’m thrilled but would t say he hasn’t got something to add that we don’t have.

3.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:05:09
I've also heard McLean has signed.

4.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:30:49
2 years contract left with option of an extra year. How much would that cost Rangers? John what's your opinion on this rumour?

5.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:35:23
I think it makes sense on many fronts - except the potential for a decent fee for him. If they can work something out so the fee is minimal then I'm all for it. I think he'd be a good guy to have around the club and help bring on the younger players we're singing.

6.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:47:28
Don’t be afraid to post stuff like this, this is exactly what this site is for. The story seems to have gathered pace so could be a goer. Cheers for posting it.

7.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:50:49
I think I could be in the minority here and think this could be a very good move for us.
He is a fan of the club which we've had a distinct lack of for a long time.
He played near every game last season for Norwich in a much more competitive league so no snobbery about this.
It just depends on the cost and I reckon he'll put in a transfer request to help push it through.
Fact they will be desperate to keep him says something.

8.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 17:12:48
He’s a good player and would do a job for us but only if it was at a very cheap price given his age.

9.) 25 Jun 2024
25 jun 2024 17:23:01
he will/ would be a good move imo.

10.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 18:02:06
Thanks for the info Ayrshire always welcome on here ??.

11.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 18:30:13
Does that mate of a mate of a mate work for menzies aviation lol. Just kidding. For me I like McLean and I think he could be that old head in the dressing room. Coming off the back of a disappointing season for Norwich but for me a good season for him personally. Great addition if the money is right.

12.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 18:50:43
It’s a rumour you heard Ayrshire so a rumour sites the best place for them.

13.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 19:25:16
Not a scooby bellshill lol. Literally got sent the pic and thought I'd share it.