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Tomthumb1212's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Tomthumb1212's rumours posts


14 may 2024 19:16:25
so, sky says soutter out with a ' knock', strange that.


1.) 14 May 2024 20:46:47
Maybe a knock to the jaw Tom?

2.) 14 may 2024 21:13:08
haha, possibly bgate, certainly not a hammy as some said,

omg, why can't dessers just hit the ball.

3.) 14 may 2024 21:28:48
must say scotty wright definitely has a lovely finish in him, always capable of a goal, that was a lovely finish.

4.) 14 May 2024 21:33:37
Sky also said he wasn’t injured in sat and were wrong ?.

5.) 14 may 2024 21:39:13
and i'm going to give Cantwell the benefit there, the way he struck that ball, the power behind it

i think he fancied the keeper was leaving a big gap, get it over him with some curl and pace, yes he meant it, unless he says he didn't.

6.) 14 May 2024 21:48:23
Nice goal tom but it was his first league goal for 2 years. So always capable isn't really the right wording mate ?.

7.) 14 May 2024 22:02:14
Tomthumb. his first league goals in 2 years but he is always capable of a goal?

8.) 14 May 2024 22:09:31
always capable of a goal but that's his first and second in 2 years in the league. Not good enough but good tonight ??.

9.) 14 may 2024 22:16:39
yes always capable is correct, because he is and always has been capable of scoring, whether he's done it or not is another debate, how much has he played compared to kent fir example, far better goal record, , just lacks confidence i think, maybe hasn't ever believed he could be a rangers player, but he finishes very well when given the chance.

10.) 14 may 2024 22:24:35
erm, yes m he's always capable of scoring, am i in another universe tonight

wright has been capable of scoring goals his entire career, or are you saying he only became capable today, he's as capable of scoring goals as i am capable if putting the kettle on

has capable got a new meaning now?

11.) 14 may 2024 22:26:17
hiwzat, think maybe a rethink of the word capable is needed mate, if he scored in the scottish cup final a few years ago he must have been capable back then too eh.

12.) 14 may 2024 22:33:30
irv, i think a couple of guys dint know what capable means. i didn't say likely, probably or usually, i said capable,

13.) 14 may 2024 23:03:47
id better get a few hours sleep before i'm incapable, , have a great cup final day all.

14.) 15 May 2024 10:35:37
See souttar and lundstrum sitting next to each other at the game last night.

15.) 15 May 2024 11:15:36
TT you didn't say likely, probably or usually. you said “always capable of a goal” ? Which would implicate you’d expect goals. As i said, good tonight but need better overall.

16.) 15 May 2024 15:07:59
Banging your head off a wall, Tom. My view is the lad is a good player and very capable. Seems to have niggling injuries that hamper his progress. Definitely a confidence player which has probably been knocked up and down the place, hence the inconsistency. And you were right, his second goal was a brilliant finish.

17.) 15 May 2024 15:57:13
The guy is rank rotten and just because he scored 2 goals last night doesn’t change the fact he has never been good enough for rangers.

18.) 15 May 2024 17:42:17
Not rank Rotten at all. The guy has skill you could only dream about, mate ?.

19.) 15 May 2024 22:21:21
Storm you are very angry a lot, but in this case i'm fully behind you ?.

20.) 16 May 2024 09:21:53
Scott wright has everything in his locker - pace, skill, shooting ability however he doesn't have a football brain and consistently chooses the wrong option on the park. Unfortunately i don't think you can train that into him do ultimately he's not good enough for us.



13 may 2024 20:26:44
i might be completely wrong here, it's very late, but i was told today from a coach friend that lundstrum had smacked soutter at half time.

As far as i know he was clear, lundstrum hit soutter. i know sky said there was no injury reason for soutter being removed, that intrigued me because they're usually correct.

Anyone heard anything similar?


1.) 13 May 2024 21:19:16
Nope, but I'm sure John said it was a hammy as souttar pulled up 30 mins in, if I mind correctly.

2.) 13 May 2024 21:38:56
I don't know if this is true or not but I did notice I don't know if anyone else seen it as soon as he scored the og he clearly looks at someone and I'm sure he said that was your fault or something along those lines.

3.) 13 May 2024 21:51:53
Souttar pulled his hamstring on 25th minute that’s why he came off. Coming from Souttar himself.

4.) 13 May 2024 21:57:29
Hopefully this is not true Tom but if it is then Lundstram should be bags packed and out of Ibrox for good. Don't wait until the end of the season!

5.) 13 May 2024 20:44:49
What a rumour mate, I hope there’s no truth in it, but honestly, I couldn’t say it’s unrealistic. Shocker if true.

6.) 13 May 2024 21:07:00
Must've been some smack hex but tomorrow maybe sat so I don't buy that.

7.) 13 May 2024 21:09:13
Should have been the other way about for his pathetic performance.

8.) 13 May 2024 21:14:00
If that's true, he showed more fight in the dressing room than he did on the park, the absolute loser. However, it's probably another Silva and Rae type story.

9.) 13 May 2024 23:16:12
Know souttars family personally and that’s not true at all. He was struggling after 30 minutes if you watch the game back can also see him holding his leg around then.

10.) 14 may 2024 00:14:50
listen mate, the fact you know soutters family is neither here nor there, i never said it happened or didn't happen

I've spoke to another friend who says there's definitely some truth to this,

i spoke with a pal this morning and he said he believed lundstrum had smacked soutter, that diesnt mean anything else did or didn't happen, but now, when i thought aboit it, ian crocker the sky commentator made a point of saying soutter being removed was not through injury, no way in the world would you take off your only fit centre half if you didn't need to, or maybe just another pc bloomer, who knows, if soutters hammy gone he definitely won't play again this season,

11.) 14 May 2024 07:35:54
I’ll ask him tonight lol. In players lounge.

12.) 14 May 2024 08:41:52
Mate I mentioned that a couple of times. Probably pointing to Tav. ?.

13.) 14 May 2024 08:50:27
I did see him pointing to someone after the OG but I thought it was someone in the middle of the park that didn't track back, that said if lundstrum doesn't touch it, Davies clears it easily.

14.) 14 may 2024 09:01:53
so, he pulled up with a hamstring in 25 minutes, played another 20 minutes

and back tomorrow, really, I've heard again that tge dressing room was not happy with lundstrum, i thought instantly he knew he was giving the var no other option but a red card and he had lots of time to think about what he was doing, some people actually beli3ve a pro footballer wouldn't do that, oh yes they would,

15.) 14 May 2024 09:49:57
If he pulled his hamstring on 25 or 30 minutes there is no way he would have lasted till half time. IT may have been tight but no way did he pull it.

16.) 14 May 2024 09:54:57
Even if souttar pulled a hamstring theirs every chance lundstram still smacked him.

17.) 14 May 2024 10:39:39
Lunny was pointing at the ref who kinda got in his way tracking back, he should have clattered into the ref "by accident" then game would have been stopped.

18.) 14 may 2024 10:39:57
summat happened bgate, might be a nothing incident, plenty half time fights go on

just that my pal said he threw a punch, I've no right to say it did or didn't happen, my unhappiness stens from the utterly ridiculous red card, i still have real issues with that, 8 believe he knew exactly what he was doing, anyway it seems soutte4 is out too now, interesting team tonight, last game for me to watch at home before back to hrvastska.

19.) 14 May 2024 11:02:31
Tom, what are you on about - back tomorrow? He’s still injured, unless souttar is lying he pulled his hamstring.

20.) 14 May 2024 11:04:58
TT, just because you said it’s true, doesn’t make it true. Why you having a go at a guy that knows the souttar family?

21.) 14 May 2024 11:21:14
Bgate aye true. Probably handbags at dawn. Tom spot on. I’m not so sure but agree footballers will try to get out training and games. Maybe he’s thinking I can’t be bothered with this rubbish, have some. It’s been a part of football since I was a wean. Didn’t get sent off though. ?? Remember rumours of Boyd playing a sicky to get out of training?.

22.) 14 May 2024 11:53:04
The more mental the rumour the more fun posters have trying to confirm or deny it even happened.

23.) 14 May 2024 12:19:08
The game has gone soft! Back in the Souness era and before that tackle would have been perfectly legal. I'm not a Lundstram fan but the game will soon be such that you are not even allowed to tackle.

24.) 14 May 2024 14:17:30
Not sure whether the row happened or not, but I do know both need to go this summer.

25.) 14 May 2024 14:27:51
Exactly MPH and that’s what makes it even better reading from where we are sitting ?
Was about to get the popcorn out ?.

26.) 14 May 2024 14:36:21
Its almost a none contact sport already.

(unless your a Celtic player then you can stamp on opponents all you want lol)

Any player that feels contact in the box then falls down in a dramatic fashion. Just look at Oreilly at the weekend. (Silva is included in this) .

27.) 14 may 2024 14:53:10
warrior, have another few attempts at reading my words

concentrate on the parts that say “ I've no idea if its true, and

i don't have the right to say its true or not, and that i was only told by someone else,

does that make things a bit easier fir you now

bb, absolutely correct, I've seen full scale square goes at half time and after the game, even a fight arranged for the canal bank along the road from kilbowie one day, the good ol days.

28.) 14 may 2024 14:56:26
and storm, stop attempting to turn another poster against me, you have much previous for that, i'll refer you again to the part that says "i have no idea if true".

now ask yourself if you were simply having a go at me for posting something a pal told me.

29.) 14 May 2024 15:22:40
Please stop telling people off for having a go when you do that exact same thing.

30.) 14 May 2024 16:38:09
How many last games is that you’ve been at now in the past 2 seasons?

31.) 14 May 2024 16:52:38
Nonsense. Already confirmed by club and souttar it was an injury. Sky did The usual at ht, didn't have the correct info so made stuff up regarding it being tactical.

32.) 14 may 2024 18:28:13
have you understood the post yet?

captain tav, i have the bengal lancer, i havn't been able to attend a game for 2 years now, i'm going back to Croatia for sunshine and care, but many thanks for your concerns, my name has always been an attraction to you, i will see my last game at my home here this season, i hope you understand, i hope you have a healthy and happy life but i would much prefer you stop following everything i say, thanks.

33.) 14 May 2024 20:08:47
Sorry to hear that Tom, wishing you all the best bud?.

34.) 15 May 2024 06:09:37
TT12 your posts and attitude do my head in but I wouldn’t wish ill of anyone. Fingers crossed you are ok.



20 jun 2023 02:21:54
said a few weeks back i was told rangers will pay big money for the correct striker to win back the league, i'm told again its in the pipeline.


1.) 20 Jun 2023 03:35:40
It does not guarantee league win.
If we think Celtic will stand still we are mental they must have promised Rodgers a substantial transfer budget to get him back hopefully he blows it on duds ?.

2.) 20 Jun 2023 04:21:18
Celtic aren’t even a concern in the short-term. Rangers have Champions League qualifiers coming up after the summer and the team needs to be strengthened and ready to overcome those. If Rangers can qualify for the Champions League it’s another £25m guaranteed. Those are the biggest games of the season financially. If we are going to qualify again we must strengthen that front line.

3.) 20 Jun 2023 05:05:26
TT12,any idea who the striker is we're going to spend the big money on mate ?.

4.) 20 Jun 2023 06:12:21
Hagi wright coops?

5.) 20 jun 2023 06:25:05
firstly, , nobody said anybody will guarantee the league, and there probably isn't a football fan in the uk who thinks celtic will “ stand still “, where do you get these statements from mate?

no coops, I've no idea who is targetted, but i did post a couple of months ago that they accepted a large outlay was needed up front in particular, i'm told again ladt night that still stands, possibly more than one larger outlay, the club knows the firward line has been awful really and accepts we don't win the league without a star striker,

6.) 20 Jun 2023 06:26:17
Haji Wright sws.

7.) 20 Jun 2023 06:39:33
Hope it the boy from Utrecht Tom, much better than Dessers?.

8.) 20 Jun 2023 06:52:46
Much better with 39 goals in three seasons ok.

9.) 20 Jun 2023 07:07:02
Tt you did indeed. I just hope its money well spent.

10.) 20 Jun 2023 07:10:29
Tasos Douvikas has played 139 games scored 42 goals since 2017,never seen this lad but he wasn't even on the bench for Greece last night, would personally prefer Haji Wright if we spend upwards from 7m, told Haji Wright and Dessers could both be signed this summer.

11.) 20 Jun 2023 07:50:56
Douvikas is only 23 tho beale. Dessers touching 30.

12.) 20 Jun 2023 07:57:11
Dessers is only 28 paul i would definitely prefer Haji Wright, seems he has had one good season.

13.) 20 Jun 2023 08:51:36
Verdant, that comment about Celtic not even being a concern in the short term could not be more incorrect. The Champions League is a bonus, anything outside of the league is a bonus. We simply cannot allow them to run away with another league title, and with Brenda being promised riches to guide them, along with cash from the sales of whoever Angie wants, they will be a prescient danger as always. They are the prime concern this season, we must do everything to overcome them.

14.) 20 Jun 2023 08:59:30
Because he compared Dessers to el coo he wants Dessers, the Utrecht boy is far better.

15.) 20 Jun 2023 09:36:23
What are you slavering on about now coldo? he has 42 goals in 139 games, thought you didn't want a 1 in 3 cf? or even less, if i could pick my two they would be Maja and Haji Wright, Haji can play any forward position.

16.) 20 Jun 2023 09:36:52
Many times you seen him play coldo?

17.) 20 Jun 2023 10:30:54
@DoTheBouncy - The Champions League is not just a bonus, it’s necessary for the clubs financial health and long-term sustainability. The only way clubs like Rangers and Celtic can sustain in a small country with such a poor TV deal, and so little domestic prize money, is regular European football and player sales. Rangers are falling well short of the mark when it comes to player sales so we NEED Europe. Celtic already have guaranteed Champions League football whereas Rangers don’t. If Rangers cannot match Celtic off the pitch we will not be able to compete with them on it as they will simply outspend us at every turn.

The most important games of the season come at the very start and those are the Champions League qualifiers. Rangers need to be ready to go from the very outset and I’m certain that’s why Rangers are pushing to get so much business done early.

18.) 20 Jun 2023 10:35:50
Yeah that's what i said he be 29 in few months. So touching 30. Douvikas is a youg striker. Had an unreal season last year in his first proper season. Hard to count the games in greece when he was 19/ 20 and only getting sub apperances. he's going to be a fantastic player.

19.) 20 Jun 2023 11:28:47
So put this into perspective for me Verdant, would you accept seven horse whippings again in the Champions League but an improved bank balance while Celtic wrap up the league title yet again? I know what I would prefer, and it's certainly not an embarrassing run in the champions league that's a certainty! I think most fans would agree with that to be honest.

20.) 20 Jun 2023 11:32:25
Be 29 about Christian time paul, I've never seen Douvikas play, my own personally opinion would be Wright.

21.) 20 Jun 2023 11:33:58
Coldo has clearly seen him play if he is saying he is better than Dessers, but saying that probably never seen him.

22.) 20 Jun 2023 11:41:33
Hearing more and more saying we're very much in the race to sign lyndon dykes ?You heard anything John27 or anyone else for this matter regarding this ?.

23.) 20 Jun 2023 11:52:45
2 months ago nobody heard of Douvikas, Dessers, Haji Wright and now everyone is an expert based on YouTube highlights and Wikipedia. The modern world of fake knowledge.

24.) 20 Jun 2023 11:56:20
Do the bouncy there is no reason for us to get hammerimgs like that in the CL tho. We can compete, no reason why we cant. Only have to look at teams we have previously beaten and played last season. Us getting pumped in the CL didn't give celtic the title.

25.) 20 Jun 2023 12:14:23
@DoTheBouncy - What makes you think Champions League involvement automatically hands Celtic the league title? Celtic will be involved in next season Champions League, so does that mean we’ll win the domestic league by default? Make it make sense ?‍♂️?

Celtic can spend big this summer because they have guaranteed Champions League football and, in effect, have already banked on that £25m. Ranges NEED to get that prize money coming in as well. Our performances in the Champions League group stages are almost an irrelevance as it’s nothing more than a cash grab. Once in the group stages anything we get beyond that (prize money for a group stage result or parachuting into the Europa League) is a bonus. More money means better players, better players means better performances, better performances means more chance of winning things - It’s that simple.

A club the size of Rangers NEEDS regular European football and a successful p, Ayer trading model in order to sustain and thrive. The Champions League qualifiers are the biggest games of the season financially. A domestic league win earns £3m, a domestic cup win earned £300k, the Champions League brings in tens of millions.

I’m certain Beale will be emphasising the importance of these Champions League games in just a few weeks. If Rangers do make it in they might even be able to bring in another player or two, of a higher standard than we could otherwise afford, and that could make all the difference domestically. It was very strange when GVB wasn’t backed more after last summers Champions League qualification. Hopefully the board have learned their lesson.

26.) 20 Jun 2023 12:14:50
X-78 had heard of dessers to be fair.

27.) 20 Jun 2023 12:22:22
Be funny if we did sign him. We would all need to emigrate for a year!

28.) 20 Jun 2023 12:42:12
Haven`t seen the other names mentioned, play so would have to trust Beales judgement on them . I have seen Dykes lots of times and wouldn`t want him anywhere near Rangers. He is just not the type of striker we need at the club and doesn`t score anything like the amount of goals we want from our main striker.

29.) 20 Jun 2023 12:45:32
I know I’m probably in the minority here but dykes is exactly what rangers need upfront.

30.) 20 Jun 2023 12:54:51
Would definitely prefer Dykes than Colak he clearly knows how to play like our manager wants.

31.) 20 Jun 2023 12:56:19
Lyndon dykes deal practically done ?.

32.) 20 Jun 2023 13:11:54
Makes perfect sense, Tom, we need real quality up front. A marquee signing plus big Dykes would be brilliant imo. The big guy is a handful and will ragdoll opponents for fun up here. I've been on the fence a bit about Dykes but he definitely has something different about him so it's a thumbs up from me ?.

33.) 20 Jun 2023 13:23:38
Wouldn't mind that sws rather him than Colak as said earlier.

34.) 20 Jun 2023 13:33:07
I fecking hope not, SWS?.

35.) 20 Jun 2023 13:33:39
Hopefully not. We don't need any more strikers who doesn't score goals. 29 league goals ( 6 pens) in 114 games for qpr. Just don't rate him. Maybe as 3rd choice throw on last 10 mins as battering ram and go 2 up top. that's about it he's not good enough to lead the line.

36.) 20 Jun 2023 13:37:21
Would love a punt on dykes he would be brillant for us.

37.) 20 Jun 2023 13:41:06
Today on the Rangers Review they said a move for Dykes can be “comprehensively ruled out”. They pay the annual £25k fee to get press access to Beale and the Ibrox staff. So they’re a reliable source most of the time.

38.) 20 Jun 2023 14:11:59
Dykes would very much suit us, Back to goal, great hold up, his lay offs are fantastic. He fits our system and proven goal scorer in our league.

However there's better and I doubt we are after him.

39.) 20 Jun 2023 15:48:44
Yip I have seen him play? far better than dessers and dykes.

40.) 20 Jun 2023 15:55:20
The champions league is huge for us this season as we need the CO efficients to get in that club world cup which is a massive pay day for all involved so stating the league is a priority over that is bonkers thinking. We could win the league 10x and no earn that kind of cash.

41.) 20 Jun 2023 16:13:56
You watching Dutch football now coldo you never said earlier.

42.) 20 Jun 2023 16:40:59
Honestly think our main problems were at the back last season, you only need to look at how many we conceeded compared to league winning season.

We have decent strikers problem is we carry too many injury prone players which when our main back ups get injured leaves us short.


No doubting his talent but I think he been one of the most injury rone players we've had in recent years.

43.) 20 Jun 2023 16:50:22
Why would I say? Like most on here I watch most leagues, international etc?.

44.) 21 Jun 2023 19:05:58
You tube.



24 apr 2023 21:03:54
rangers looking at miracle oguduba, nigerian protegy

any miracle will do for now.


1.) 24 Apr 2023 21:46:35
He has been playing friendlies as a trialist Tom.

2.) 24 Apr 2023 21:56:39
Need a miracle!

3.) 24 Apr 2023 22:29:24
I think we need a lot more than a miracle!

4.) 24 Apr 2023 23:09:16
B team signing.

5.) 25 Apr 2023 07:48:27
He is good friends with the Nigerian winger we just signed for the B team.

6.) 25 Apr 2023 08:53:36
Yep bellshill we r spreading our wings.
What I like is their size and physicality
Lovelace. England / Jamaica
Ishaka Nigeria
This new lad Nigeria
Nsio, England dr Congo
Mandey Austria and I think Ghana

We r seeing a lot of these lads coming into europe, and holding dual nationality,

7.) 25 Apr 2023 10:49:14
Hi there, first time posting. John27, have you heard anything about the young lad Alex Yiga that had a trial.

8.) 25 Apr 2023 13:03:47
Sounds good john.



25 jul 2022 23:05:15
im likely to be laughed at here, but i was told again tonight that suarez is definetly a serious target,


1.) 25 Jul 2022 23:55:33
Looks to be off to nacional in uruguay.

2.) 26 Jul 2022 00:39:29
It is possible.

3.) 26 Jul 2022 01:41:03
Heard the same thing tbh Tom. That's both of us getting slaughtered ?.

4.) 26 Jul 2022 02:34:45
Did he not sign for Dortmund sure I seen him in Thier kit recently.

5.) 26 Jul 2022 06:05:40
The latest I’ve seen on this is that he’s off to the MLS.

6.) 26 Jul 2022 06:20:11
Nope he hasn’t signed for anyone yet gofor.

7.) 26 Jul 2022 06:38:02
I just can’t see it, I’d love it but just don’t see it happening. You never know.

8.) 26 Jul 2022 06:40:25
Not a chance.

9.) 26 Jul 2022 07:23:09
he's currently without a club so who knows just think he would prefer a warmer climate n a lot of wages.

10.) 26 Jul 2022 07:30:40
goforbig think Dortmund where putting a package together for him
but wouldn't surprise me if he ended up in America or somewhere that will pay him silly money.

11.) 26 Jul 2022 07:48:11
Sorry, but even If there was the remotest chance of this happening (there isn't), I wouldn't want that despicable wee rodent anywhere near our club. Is there anyone on here who would actually be happy with this animal signing for us? Thankfully it'll never happen.

12.) 26 Jul 2022 08:55:45
Oh yeah, despicable wee rodent that will score 30 goals in his sleep! An animal that will drive us towards title 56! Can't see any reason to sign him at all!

Fact of the matter is that if he were to sign (which I can't see happening to be honest) not a soul would be able to get near us. He'd score goals for fun here.

On another note, did you like El Hadj Diouf being part of our team?

13.) 26 Jul 2022 08:59:07
No, he was another despicable wee rat. ??.

14.) 26 Jul 2022 09:01:35
I’d want him in a minute. The Tim’s would hate him so much it be brilliant.

15.) 26 Jul 2022 09:09:32
I’ve been hearing that aswell but we have more chance of kris Boyd coming back to the club than that happening. But football is football and it would certainly be a brilliant signing.

16.) 26 Jul 2022 09:11:59
Gazza, Mo Johnson, 'Suarez', never say never.

17.) 26 Jul 2022 09:50:03
Calling the guy with the 3rd most assists of all time and one a the best goal scorer records on the planet a wee rodent you wouldn’t won’t ?.

18.) 26 Jul 2022 10:04:00
Dropping your pants in desperation for a player any decent supporter wouldn't want near his team. ??.

19.) 26 Jul 2022 10:04:05
Down in the tube what is your views on our new signing Lawrence? As imo done a lot worse than Suarez?

20.) 26 Jul 2022 10:05:39
There’s absolutely no chance of this happening. However, I’d love it if it did. The meltdown would begin immediately, and it wouldn’t stop until the day he left. He’d win everything this guy and be hated by everyone while he does it. He’s perfect for us!

21.) 26 Jul 2022 10:06:11
Would definitely give us that bit of bite we’re lacking up front at the moment but I feel he would seriously eat into our finances.

22.) 26 Jul 2022 10:08:53
Don't think I'd want that, maybe 5 years ago. Just can't see it, but I thought that about Ramsey, and Scott airfield ?.

23.) 26 Jul 2022 10:23:53
Lol Orygbmb, well played Sir.

24.) 26 Jul 2022 10:30:28
I'm also not sure how Kamara would react to the signing.

25.) 26 Jul 2022 11:01:58
Exactly Dado. We were going off our heads when Kamara was subjected to vile racist abuse, but some are quite prepared to turn the other cheek as long as a player scores goals and helps us to trophies. That, in my opinion, is very hypocritical and wrong. C'mon guys, surely you see this?

26.) 26 Jul 2022 12:11:14
Might have been a wild possibility if Gerrard was still manager but not now.

27.) 26 Jul 2022 12:55:17
Well some reckon we need a bit of bite on the park?

28.) 26 Jul 2022 13:50:49
Any info on if we could get him storm? He would be a cracking signing for a year or two even at his ag.

29.) 26 Jul 2022 13:55:06
You do not say no to a player like Suarez. Bad history as a person but a lethal goalscorer on the park. i'm sure he has straightened out and educated himself since.

30.) 26 jul 2022 17:07:10
you think every player is a goody two shoes mate, i said i was told it was still a possibility, not a certainty m you’ve said there isn’t any chance of it happening, then spend your time talking about it, you don’t know the guy, neither do i, but i’ve known many players i wouldn’t p. on in a heatwave, but, i also know many tradesmen who aren’t the best of people, but if they fix my leaky roof il certainly consider them, especially if o haven’t seen any badness myself.

31.) 26 Jul 2022 17:32:38
No gofor nothing at all. I don’t think we have a chance ever of signing him but you never know.

Down in the tube you going to answer about Lawrence.

32.) 26 Jul 2022 17:49:40
If he went to the other mob I would be gutted, he would score Barrow loads in sunny Scotland ☺.

33.) 26 jul 2022 20:14:54
exactly brex, he would destroy us imo, at least for a season.

34.) 26 Jul 2022 22:07:35
He has went to Uruguay official.

35.) 26 Jul 2022 23:39:14
Yeah just seen that John. Still think the boy Tillman looks like he could do a job up front in the short term.




Tomthumb1212's banter posts with other poster's replies to Tomthumb1212's banter posts


22 jul 2024 13:52:26
who will ever forget, if you are old enough
rangers v dynamo kiev, 1987

ibrox packed to the girders, atmosphere crackling on a midweek under the floodlights
woods, nicholl, phillips, mcgregor, souness, butcher, francis, falco, coisty, durrant, and cohen,

what a night, super allys winner after mark falco scored, one of the finest nights of my 65 odd years of ibrox.


1.) 22 Jul 2024 14:07:39
Pitch narrowed by Souness as well, I actually forgot about that, read it earlier?20 n full of singing ginger on the big step.

2.) 22 Jul 2024 14:10:28
Remember it well TT12? what an atmosphere and graeme souness narrowed the pitch at ibrox for the occasion ?We had a superb team and what a team they had ie practically made up of the russian national team ?.

3.) 22 Jul 2024 14:22:51
Tt I still remember The noise.

4.) 22 Jul 2024 14:33:47
That was a brammer right enough. the young guns think they invented European nights. that was back when we scared the **** out of most European teams.

5.) 22 jul 2024 14:34:47
like thunder n lightning in the rainy season in bogota john, cracked like a bonfire,

a masterstroke by souey, who would have thought it was so long ago,

6.) 22 Jul 2024 14:36:22
1 year old. Remember it like yesterday ?.

7.) 22 Jul 2024 14:36:59
My 3 best atmospheres at ibrox were beating psv 4-1, or was it 4-2? I was in Copland rear.

Man Utd beat us 1-0 I was in west enclosure.

Beating Parma was it 2-1? Or 2-0?

That’s the 3 best I’ve experienced in my life I’m 38.

Parma was the best.

8.) 22 Jul 2024 14:38:46
My first European night at Ibrox and different class!

9.) 22 jul 2024 14:39:33
i remember roberts failed a fitness test that night, think that's why mcgregor played, altho souey liked mcgregor, and avi cohen, it was great seein coisty and durranty going in against what was a very very good team at that time, it was the best night since the 70s.

10.) 22 Jul 2024 15:14:04
Was at the game atmosphere was something else.

11.) 22 jul 2024 15:22:20
for those who won't remember, or be aware, but during the 60 and 70s rangers were feared across europe, as were celtic, the english think europe fears man utd and chelsea, during those days it was the old firm they really feared

euroean nights at ibrox and parkhead were legendary, usually neeting at the many bus stops in the city centre on euro nights, occasional fights but much more healthy than now.

12.) 22 jul 2024 16:09:54
do you not remember me peeking into your pram and saying hello hello paul,

13.) 22 Jul 2024 17:49:25
2-0 in euro semi at ibrox was it hardline a scorer, and hibs semi final or final at hampden 100k plus if I remember right could not move my arms, crowd moved everyone moved, drop something and never see it again, tight fit ??.

14.) 22 Jul 2024 17:51:03
Remember like it was yesterday and such a good memory to have.
For this reason i hope we play Kiev.
Kiev and Leipzig for me both stick in my memory for European atmospheres at Ibrox.

15.) 22 Jul 2024 18:15:58
Vaguely. Still have nightmares about it tom ?? all seriousness. Best atmostphere in my time parma and leipzig.

16.) 22 Jul 2024 19:29:34
Add Leeds and Marseille to my list but I was in club deck for both those so maybe that’s the reason the atmosphere doesn’t quite stick in my memory.
Kiev was also my first European night which helps.

17.) 22 Jul 2024 19:38:30
Before anybody starts on me,
Absolutely nothing wrong with the club deck which I sat in for years as my family had 5 debenture seats,
I absolutely loved the Birds Eye view at the time.

18.) 22 Jul 2024 19:49:24
Liepzig was just an incredible night.

19.) 22 Jul 2024 21:01:51
Absolutely John, and I’m not sure the emotions from all in the stadium that night against Liepzig which added to the atmosphere can ever be replicated.

20.) 22 Jul 2024 21:22:13
Wasn’t lucky enough to be there at that time John I was otherwise engaged.

Looked better than any game I’ve ever attended.

21.) 22 Jul 2024 22:08:55
Remember cup semi final I think it was against Hibs at Hampden. Must have been late 60's, early 70's. Estimates of 125k there. Frightening at the end as me and my pal got swept out the stadium packed tight like sardines. Worse, we lost to a late goal from John Brownlie (one for the oldies! )

22.) 22 Jul 2024 22:42:19
Strum graz 5-1.

23.) 22 Jul 2024 23:08:21
I remember the game with Juventus, we won 2-1 Gordon Smith scored the winner, I was in the Centenary Stand ) Sandy Jardine now), great atmosphere that night also.

24.) 23 jul 2024 04:43:47
it was indeed irv.



20 jul 2024 18:01:10
this rangers team only needs a few, maybe 4 experienced quality additions to be a potent team in the spl, let our you g players thrive every week alongside real quality and watch them grow in confidence, chase desserts and matindi asap and get the motherwell boy in asap, let him and barron grow together, that’s how we must go.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 18:26:04
Nobody's taking matondo on 18k a week .

2.) 20 Jul 2024 18:27:50
Full agreement on that 1212. dessers and matondo are just rank rotten. Dessers, if we can't find a sucker to buy him at a cut rate should be our 2nd striker. need someone that can do what that Utd player who scored their second . dessers would have hit the castle with that chance.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 19:10:56
Matondo sim 28k a week mate.

4.) 20 jul 2024 20:09:11
we can't keep dessers as a second striker, imagine needing two goals and seeing him warmin up?



05 jul 2024 19:00:18
just got home from hospital appt and missed the spain game, spotted germany at 11/ 4 to win outright, that’s doing me.


1.) 05 jul 2024 20:23:30
damn, i had tapped on spain at 4/1 at end of 90 to win in extra time but changed to germany, idiot.

2.) 05 Jul 2024 21:14:26
It happens tt. 1-1 for me in 90.

Done France in 90.

3.) 05 Jul 2024 21:20:23
Hope all went well at hospital Tom ?.

4.) 06 Jul 2024 00:00:13
Hope your getting good news from hospital TT.

5.) 06 jul 2024 11:48:22
it was a long day but hoping to go back to croatia soon,



02 jul 2024 22:05:24
that was possibly the best save i think I've ever seen in those circumstances and that weather. i honestly think that was incredible to push that ball so far away, they were tiring badly.v

but overall turkey were impressive,


1.) 03 Jul 2024 06:22:28
Excellent stop and yes they were tiring badly, gd game to watch?.



02 jul 2024 17:41:39
got a bit lucky there, 15 mins in and i backed gakpo, with either summons or delay to assist, 6/ 1, i also bet both to win in pens, good luck guys.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 18:31:30
Good luck mate ?.

2.) 02 jul 2024 19:34:36
symons or depay that should have said to assist,

3.) 02 Jul 2024 19:38:12
I took Holland without conceding. Had gakpo anytime as well

Well done tt

I’m on Austria tonight.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 20:50:20
Had a we hampden roar on gakpo also Tom happy days. Got Austria 2-1 arnautovic any time.

5.) 02 jul 2024 21:17:47
turkey are on fire here john, I've 3-2 both, only chance now its 2 nil.

6.) 02 Jul 2024 22:11:36
Can’t Win all the time tt.




Tomthumb1212's rumour replies


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26 jul 2024 22:01:12
played at enschade back in the 70s, great place for lammers to rebuild his career, good luck to the boy.




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25 jul 2024 22:57:41
worlds worst fan base, you couldn't make it up could ye

just in case your very young mate

rangers have one of the most loyal fans, the likes of which most clubs would sell they're souls for,




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25 jul 2024 22:52:15
paul, as star should be all too aware, they only need the quality to win everything in scotland, and that's what they're doing, , believe me, they will bring in at least 4 first team players in next week,




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25 jul 2024 22:46:31
what a despicable character you are gazgers, utter contempt fir you from now on,

i have a house not far from strathblaine and have lived there in the padt, my pal lices there now, neve4 cane across tav in the kirkhouse nor on the street, , whatever, your disgusting attack on jfm, who been here way longer than you is just the actions of a ned, try not to come back on please.




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25 jul 2024 22:33:12
danillo? what you mean?





Tomthumb1212's banter replies


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26 jul 2024 22:51:01
they made another attempt to change his mind, not difficult, obviously we couldn't change his mind, we must now move on unless there was a sliver of hope in the last attempt.




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26 jul 2024 22:37:45
couldnt have pit it any better myself antrim, or more obvious.




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26 jul 2024 15:55:05
remember it well horse, and the clyde valley in strathblane,




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26 jul 2024 15:49:05
itl have came from the national dogwalkers newspaper mate “ the daily rover”
, , its a blue collar paper and they always take the lead, , with these types of tails.




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25 jul 2024 23:27:10
exactly forky, my heart goes out to their fans.




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