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To Carlukeloyal's last 5 banter replies


Carlukeloyal's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Carlukeloyal's rumours posts


26 Jul 2024 14:35:29
Reports in Spain that we have struck a deal with Sevilla over Jordan however the player is reluctant to come. We have been here before with players we need to move on ?.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 15:07:00
Not surprised, why would Jordan or Klassen come to the current 2nd best club in scottish football when they will get better offers from clubs in higher quality leagues.

We only got Cerny because he is not wanted at Wolfsburg, and no club is willing to pay the money for him right now at 7 mill euros for his signature after 5 goals for the season, doubt we can afford him either.

He was never on out target list we got lucky on a Wolfsburg reject.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 15:11:39
Laudrup and we get lucky on fact Jordan and Klaassen r rejects as you call people.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 15:22:54
Why spend time negotiating with Seville if Jordan doesn’t want to come surely you sound the player out first. Either we are incompetent or the latest story regarding him isn’t true.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 15:25:07
Well we move on from him in my opinion you only getting to turn down a move to rangers once only want players who want to come here for the fight.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 15:28:14
That was stated when we were first linked with jordan that he didn't fancy coming to scottish football and was keen to remain in spain ?.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 15:29:11
rejected by their current clubs, happens everywhere John, think you took my comment out of context, no harm done.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 15:34:26
Spot on Walter, mind that being said??.

8.) 26 Jul 2024 15:37:27
Cheers laudrup I’d be delighted to see these players at rangers

Walter the player himself has not told rangers he does not wish to sign.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 15:55:29
Wishy, exactly my thinking mate, why go back with an improved wage offer if the player said no, can't see this being true, him saying that, think we would talk with his agent first before going back with an improved offer, hopefully a Rangers player.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 17:01:11
Smoke and mirrors .

11.) 26 Jul 2024 17:03:24
Unless you’re a very close friend or family member of Jordan where has it been stated that he has said he doesn’t want to sign. What a load of single fish. If he didn’t want to sign then why would we be offering deals.

12.) 26 Jul 2024 17:10:18
Neither Jordan or Klassen coming anywhere near rangers.

Jordan wants a deal in Spain, his value has plummeted from 30mill in 2021 to 3 mill in 2024, must be a reason for that.

Klassen likely will end up back in holland.

If Gerrard was still manager and we had a team of the quality we had in the unbeaten season, sure could see why they would join, but we have shed over a 100 mill off our teams value since SG left, selling quality players and allowing others to walk for free and reinvested most of that money into mediocre players, we are going backwards, another bad season and european campaign, and Clements on the chopping block, especially if they win the league and equal our league record.

1 Celtic 54 42
1 Rangers 55 34.

13.) 26 Jul 2024 17:10:35
Laudrup most signings are made because the parent club doesn't really want the player.

14.) 26 Jul 2024 18:43:51
Laudrup totaly wrong there manager changed to a 3 5 2 which didn't suit cerny as he's an out and out winger.



24 Jul 2024 12:13:11
Lammers signing for FC Twente according to Dutch media. ?.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 12:17:18
Seen that Carluke?.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 12:18:22
Carluke, what's the transfer fee for lammers, do you know mate ?.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 12:26:52
Here’s hoping - I wonder what the agreed structure on wages payment was - again hopefully they pay all of it.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 12:35:17
Can't help but wonder if that means we've decided to pay up since if his contract to move this on.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 12:38:14
Would be a result - hope so ??????.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 12:49:54
No idea SWS. If we are getting near our money back I will be happy ?.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 12:54:18
I think if we sell Lammers. We will move quickly to bring Shankland in just a hunch. All for it if it happens.

8.) 24 Jul 2024 13:21:28
Possible he might receive part of transfer fee to supplement the wage drop, think it’s been who blinks first over last few weeks, whatever the outcome we really need to get the out goings kicked off.

9.) 24 Jul 2024 13:43:56
SWS - The fee is £2 million upfront with 500k with achievable add ons.

10.) 24 Jul 2024 13:58:27
I've a feeling Shankland will be in soon. Hope so.

11.) 24 Jul 2024 14:06:31
Iv read 2.5m soo taking a loss but at least freeing a space and a wage.

12.) 24 Jul 2024 15:01:54
Considering the year he's had in Holland, I think 2 million is too low, but I'll take that to get him off the books.

13.) 24 Jul 2024 15:06:18
Dutch reporter saying 5 mill euros but have no idea how accurate that is or just pish from him.

14.) 24 Jul 2024 15:21:51
Lammers is only one of a number of players that need to leave and my worry is that we will be left with Goldson and Tavernier, and god forbid, Wright, (who is always going to leave, every close season, but who always ends up staying)!

15.) 24 Jul 2024 15:33:48
I've no problem with right always gives his all wish people would stop slaughtering the boy if he's not good enough but giving his all it's the people at the clubs fat for not being able to move him on.

16.) 24 Jul 2024 15:44:32
Wright staying is not the end of the world money wise compared to others, I would bite yer hand off if we could get rid of rest and he stayed.

17.) 24 Jul 2024 16:02:26
Seeker there's a rumour online shankland having a medical but iv no idea if it's true or false.

18.) 24 Jul 2024 16:17:57
Bite the bullet on the fee for Lammers, lose a bit but save on future wages. Got to wonder what kind of clown is now running the show at the club. Making us look like a sitcom.

19.) 24 Jul 2024 16:19:46
What I have seen in regards to Lammers around the £4m mark.

20.) 24 Jul 2024 17:47:50
Fee being reported as 4.2m lammers signing a 3 tear deal so a great deal for us imo.

21.) 24 Jul 2024 18:01:13
Dutch media reporting 4.2m, around 5m euros, don't think we're paying up his contract because twenty can pay his wages. If this is true, then great bit of business to make a profit on someone we don't want and might put to rest some of the ridiculous rumours kicking about, looks like there's many ins and out waiting to happen, it just takes time.

22.) 24 Jul 2024 19:03:11
Berkshire Goldson 100% leaving as are others. Should be a good five days.

What’s your info on Bennett loan of 13 million, gets him 9 million in interest payments.



24 Jul 2024 11:07:38
Being told Vaclav Cerny is goer. He worked under our assistant manager Andreis Ulderink at Twente And has also played alongside Danilo ?.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 12:12:21
Yeah Carluke I suspect this one is going to happen and is farther down the line than we think.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 12:28:51
I hope to god you're correct regarding cerny Carlukeloyal ? He's a very good winger and although my preference has always been adama traore i would still be very happy if somehow we could manage to sign varclav cerny ?both are superb wingers ?.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 12:39:09
Finally a RW ??????.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 14:15:15
Another injury prone player, great.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 14:41:58
Injury prone RDB1?.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 15:36:16
Fingers crossed looks decent could finally sort or right wing problem.

7.) 24 Jul 2024 15:36:59
Never had one injury the last two seasons, cruciate and knee injuries previously, just had a look.

8.) 24 Jul 2024 15:47:06
Hes missed 1 game in 4 seasons "Injury prone". got to love fans.

9.) 24 Jul 2024 16:53:26
RDB is from the Declan zone…….



16 Jul 2024 10:08:46
Todd that’s what he is saying mate. He has been a member and great sponsor of our supporters club for years. He has no reason to lie. Other lads in our group have posted pics of the stand with BHC logo on it. He is contacting the club today regarding them using his companies name when it is fact SHARKEY who are the contractors. He is irate at this given the current mess the Copland road stand project is in and once again confirms BHC have nothing to do with this project. ??.


1.) 16 Jul 2024 12:16:38
So I take it he is going to be reporting them to the police for stealing plant as there are pictures on the internet of BHC branded Delivery Wagons and Telehandlers on site?

2.) 16 Jul 2024 12:38:34
Keep digging the hole your in.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 12:42:50
Ger why is reporting it to police got any relevance in this matter. Carluke has shared reliable information which is in fact very concerning. I have also posted as has AC21 last week confirming its Sharkey brothers that are the contractors we are working with. Our club is a dire mess just now and all certain people want to do is shoot posters down and call them liars. I see Wiseman John, Copland Front and Whitehorse don’t have any input in this as they have no clue what’s going on they just simply make calculated guesses yet nobody treats them in such a manner ??????.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 12:58:08
Carluke, did you mention that this rumour was shared on a WhatsApp message, could you maybe share it with us. Its nonsense my friend as I have previously posted BHC are the subcontractor for the steelwork package, I was speaking to BH and some of the managers recently. 100% someone is pulling your chain mate. And still we follow on.

5.) 16 Jul 2024 13:31:54
This is getting out of hand now.

6.) 16 Jul 2024 14:33:20
Gaz everybody makes calculated guesses to some extent. Some folk do get info on here but nobody yiursekf included is always correct with info.

7.) 16 Jul 2024 14:35:21
Gaz no one has any clue what’s going on that’s the point people are making and people can post what they want on here.

8.) 16 Jul 2024 15:10:51
Gazza plenty of clue, not here to rubbish other posters.

9.) 16 Jul 2024 16:18:31
Gazger, Its not reliable information though. Carluke has stated that Brian Hewitt the managing director of BHC has said that his company have zero to do with the works at Ibrox so I am assuming that Sharkey have stolen the BHC branded telehandler and lorry that's been photographed as part of the stadium works and also had signs made up which state "BHC working with Rangers on the Copland Road Stand Works".

BHC have been subcontracted to install the Steelwork and Precast concrete slabs package of the works.

So either Brian Hewitt doesn't know what's going on with his own company or someone is feeding Carluke absolute bollocks!

10.) 16 Jul 2024 17:13:53
Ger I know Brian personally through business and can confirm what Carluke is saying is 100% spot on. There is more to come of this so I am being very careful in what I say.

It’s Scott and Stephen Sharkey that are the principle contractors for the Copland Road project. Why don’t you look in to them before you come on accusing people of talking nonsense ??????.

11.) 16 Jul 2024 17:30:50
Ger I am only sharing the information that’s infront of me mate. I wish I hadn’t bothered with the hooha it’s caused. I’m not on here to decry anyone and I will continue to share any information I get. That’s what he has put in our Carluke supporters club group. Take it in or scroll on by ?.

12.) 16 Jul 2024 21:02:52
Gazger your bang out of with your comment. Someone had asked if the Sharkey had a box at Ibrox. And told them Scott and Stephen had one. Calculated guess LOL.

13.) 16 Jul 2024 21:29:40
Gazger you on the same watsapp group gees peace why do u need 2 watch what u say its geting very silly now.

14.) 16 Jul 2024 22:17:34
Gaz I'm told about players we're are interested in often, never told anything about our Stadium or Board (very seldom) .



15 Jul 2024 17:23:21
The owner of BHC steel Brian Hewitt is part of our supporters club. He is a hospitality season ticket holder at Ibrox and regularly sponsors match day players. He has done so for over 30 years. He has shared in our what’s app group this evening his concerns regarding Ibrox. States his company BHC could have had all materials supplied and work done and dusted in the Copland road stand within 5 days. The club did not approach his company for any quote despite him being local and his affiliation with the club. Absolutely shocking IMO ?.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 17:30:38
Why didn't he go to the club with his proposal?

2.) 15 Jul 2024 17:48:00
I highly doubt they would have the work carried out in that time.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 17:48:05
Absolute no chance in 5 days. Unless he flooded the job with labour. Orep work and taking out all the sears would be 5 days alone.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 18:02:46
Scott other than ladies of the night who goes touting for business thesedays. The onus is with Rangers to get in contact with him if they want a job done ??.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 18:19:19
Surely Rangers would of followed a tendering proccess and picked what they thought was the best option.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 18:21:20
What a lot of gash.

7.) 15 Jul 2024 18:31:29
So he choose not to subm A tender bid along with other companies, his choice, and job could never be done n five days

Mb he should tender for broomloan stand next year and rangers could submit stringent penalties if over the five days.

8.) 15 Jul 2024 18:32:31
Correct TJBB.

Used to work for BHC at one point.

Factory was flooded with cheap Labour from Poland and Hungary.

And a job like Ibrox would never have been on their radar due to the small scale but complexity of the job.

9.) 15 Jul 2024 18:46:08
If bhc steel say £1m and another says £900.000 for the job to be done who are you going to go with cheaper contract or a ger55 season ticket holder etc.

10.) 15 Jul 2024 19:09:34
Claiming that he can get it done in 5 days is proof enough that he's not the man for that job.

11.) 15 Jul 2024 19:17:48
He has since asked the club why they didn’t go to him and is still awaiting a response. I’m only sharing what a fellow bear and a man more in the know than me is saying in our chat lads. Don’t shoot the messenger.

12.) 15 Jul 2024 19:26:05
BHC are already a contractor on this one, dropped a picture in the sightings page.

13.) 15 Jul 2024 19:28:10
This is just nonsense.

14.) 15 Jul 2024 19:38:28
Jim don’t talk nonsense. It’s Sharkey that are the contractors on this BHC have nothing to do with it.

15.) 15 Jul 2024 20:04:25
Carluke, Sharkey may well be the Principle, i don't know, but i can assure you that the Herras fencing is emblazoned with "BHC working with Rangers on Copland Stand accessibility works" As mentioned above, i have tried to upload a picture to the sightings page, but easy to see if you google BHC Ibrox images.

16.) 15 Jul 2024 20:07:50
Carluke a think you’re the one talking nonsense mate. 5 days is mental and if you actually believe that then that’s just crazy ?.

17.) 15 Jul 2024 20:09:50
FFS this all sounds like Starkey and BHS do we call in DIY SOS.

18.) 15 Jul 2024 20:39:56
Jim the man himself is saying otherwise in our what’s app group. I think I will tend to believe him given his frustration other than a new poster telling me what’s on herras fencing cheers ???.

19.) 15 Jul 2024 20:47:50
There’s a video on YT that has a drone flying over Ibrox, at start of the video it has a sign with BHC logo saying they doing the work on the stand.

20.) 15 Jul 2024 20:49:24
I work at Jewsons and I had a representative from the club approach me recently about a plank of wood that could replace Connor Goldson… I gave them a quote but have yet to hear back.

21.) 15 Jul 2024 21:40:29
It’s up to the company to
In a tender for the job
Not for rangers to go cap
In hand to contractors
Carluke you have had a nightmare tonight

22.) 15 Jul 2024 22:03:04
Job done in 5 days eh? I’m calling Jobby.

23.) 15 Jul 2024 22:09:00
5 days ? no chance. Carlukeloyal there’s literally fencing around the Copland that says ‘BHC working with Rangers FC on the Copland Stand accessibility works’. So the rumour is that the guy who owns the company who are already on site working on this job has posted in a WhatsApp group saying his company could have had it done in 5 days ?.

24.) 15 Jul 2024 22:47:54
Utter tripe, 5 days? why are people so desperate to make up stupid rumours is it for attention, and attention for an anonymous identity, that makes it even crazier.

25.) 15 Jul 2024 23:29:41
Erm I'm a bit confused here is it not BHC that are doing the work. If it is BHC that is contracted to do the work then surely Brian Hewitt would be involved if he is the owner. Am I missing something here?

26.) 15 Jul 2024 23:34:13
Just sharing what Brian has said in our what’s app group Storm. I don’t particularly like the guy but I do find it rather concerning that a man of his calibre has these concerns and thought I would share it amongst our group. Given the feedback I don’t know why I bothered ?.

27.) 16 Jul 2024 02:15:07
Maybe we should approach this guy to build us a new stadium during the next Fair fortnight.

28.) 16 Jul 2024 07:09:48
Gents should not be dropping names of members of WhatsApp group on here imo

They r trying to run their business.

29.) 16 Jul 2024 07:41:47
He’s just finishing the Sagrada Familia next week and then attention turns to Ibrox.

30.) 16 Jul 2024 09:24:58
You sure it’s no a fake account? No chance he’s said it would be done in 5 days and if he did there’s no chance he actually believes it himself, obviously trying to big himself up.

31.) 16 Jul 2024 09:31:00
John he has no issue with his name being said he is a frustrated bear just like the rest of us. A few others from our chat have shared his views on other forums. BHC are categorically NOT WORKING on the Copland road project and that’s from the horses mouth.

32.) 16 Jul 2024 10:07:09
Neeeiiigghhh! bother, Carluke?, only kidding bud, his co. name is on the signage though, can see the confusion?.

33.) 16 Jul 2024 10:08:52
So will he challenge rangers on the joint sign BHC working with RANGERS on the copland road stand? Thars a bit random rangers are using his company name without him knowing?

34.) 16 Jul 2024 10:15:24
Bears are the cuddly kind I would rather be a Berrrrrr as it fits Ger which was the point in the first place. I'm not from Milngavie so I don't talk nice and ma names no Farquhar McFancy.

35.) 16 Jul 2024 10:22:48
Brilliant Fork ???

Paul as I said above he is contacting the club today to question them about this. It’s Sharkey brothers that are the contractors and they are working on the Copland Road project ???.

36.) 16 Jul 2024 11:07:29
No worries bud u know what u know and what you know is more than what we know. allegedly ???.

37.) 16 Jul 2024 14:29:30
Quite a few on here have imposter syndrome ?.




Carlukeloyal's banter posts with other poster's replies to Carlukeloyal's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 13:48:56
New players coming in are kids for the most part, every one of whom is being asked to take a step up in terms of level and of expectation.

There is no easy way for this summer to be handled and no way of doing it without spilt blood, snotters and tears. The players who are in a bit of limbo will struggle to find motivation, players coming and going will disrupt the flow and it will be virtually impossible to get any kind of momentum going until well into the season.

Needing to sell before we buy is a clear and obvious issue, both in terms of getting players in quickly but also in terms of maximising revenue and the dealings we have done this summer so far are all players designed to be sold over the coming years for maximum value so the new guys will be definition not be ready made players, set to compete.

This season, as rubbish as it is, is a write off in terms of winning things. We should be able to make a fist of the league over the course and a trophy is a possibility given the right circumstances but winning this season, anything, is not close to being the most important thing and as a Rangers fan, that is obviously hard to take.

Sometimes in life you reach a point where you need to just suck it up, take the medicine and get through a rubbish period. That period is here now and we need to let it play out because there is absolutely no other way to get back on top than taking a step back, destroying the status quo and rebuilding from the ground up. We have tried half measures, we have tried front loading cash and we have tried throwing big wages at 'established' players and none of it has worked for anything other than the briefest of times. We have had a monumental task since 2012 and we have been fighting uphill all of the way. In general, given where we were, we have done far better than it could have gone but the methods used have gotten us so far and can take us no further. 3 windows like this, the right recruitment and a huge dose of patience could see us in a much, much healthier position than carrying on as we were ?.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 14:09:06
Sadly everything you say is true .
This was never going to be a one window fix, I just hope the fans can find a little bit of patience while we put down solid foundations.
In Glasgow you are either successful or in crisis and let’s be honest we have been the latter for the best part of twelve years, onwards and upwards.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 14:20:58
The rubbish period had been here for the last 12 out of 13 years mate. It will get worse before it’s better.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 14:26:49
Good post carluke, the only part I would disagree with is you saying that period is here now, we've been going through this for many years mate. I've seen a few posters say similar that we are hitting a bad patch "now" we've been in a bad place for a long time with a couple of exceptions. Ppl are even using it to beat other fans down, saying get behind your team we've just hit a bad point, where have these people been over the past 10 years.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 14:53:54
Last summer Beale brought in about 10 new players, and that was early in the pre-season. Still, they did not gel and we all know what happened. We cannot expect every manager to change the most of the first team within a year since taking over. PC already brought in six players (Barron, Kelly, Cortes, Diomande, Jefte, and Nsiala) . Probably 2 or 3 will still be coming in this window; with that, the total would be 9. The other way – five players left being at the end of their contract, add McCrorie and so far we are at a net zero. And we expect to sell Lammers, Hagi, Goldson, Cantwell, possibly Tav and Dessers, Lawrence and Dowell.
This is too much of a turnover to expect instant results. I do not think this is the way to create a successful team. What happens if we part way with PC before the winter break, we change the team again?

5.) 25 Jul 2024 15:02:50
Yes we have been going through the rubbish period for 12/ 13 years, the biggest problem though was everyone involved in that time before now seemed only interested in a quick fix and trying desperately to throw good money after bad (none of which we really had) to catch and beat a Celtic team that a massive head start over us, right back to when we signed a load of over paid has beens in the lower leagues rather than building the club back up from within properly. Of course none of it was helped by having a load of greedy crooks in charge of the club for a large part of that time who had no interest in Rangers and were only interested in lining their pockets. For all the current boards issues they do at least want what’s best for the club and are trying to put the club in the right direction (even if they are making mistakes along the way) .

6.) 25 Jul 2024 15:10:27
I'm long enough in the tooth to have seen many things in football and I"m certainly not going to concede anything before a ball is even kicked.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 15:43:36
With you all the way Seeker - They might have a mare this season with injuries or form - can’t use pre season as a benchmark.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 15:59:40
Correct Seeker our season could be change with a good few quality signings, which i believe will happen.



25 Jul 2024 12:20:22
Read quite a few people doubting the manager last night.

Do you really want what's good for Rangers?

Did you see the state of that lineup and squad he has had to work with? He needs people higher up to do their jobs and get him players in.

We wanted someone with a backbone to gut this squad and he has literally said everyone except Butland has a price and is willing to sell the captain and vice captain. He isn't taking any nonsense from Cantwell and people are moaning about that aswell.

He also came out and said what he expected and what he has been given are different but he will accept it and instead of backing him, some are ready to go after him.

He has won 3 league titles which is more than any manager we have had since Walter and won a trophy with us the same amount as Gio and Gerrard who both had much, much better teams.

At least just give the guy a few months of the season with his players instead of being desperate to jump on him.

And regarding the style of play which is pish. he isn’t going to get poor, lazy players who are leaving drilled into a system as most of them don't care and are leaving. ?.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 12:45:54
Well said mate ?.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 12:50:49
You can’t doubt him off the back of a testimonial, his hands are tired until players move, this isn’t in his remit to control.

We don’t have a style of play just now, but I’m hopeful if we have 4 or 5 new first team players who PC has picked then this will change.

I was more worried of him leaving than giving him a hard time.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 12:59:13
Finally a bit of sense ?

Good post mate.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 13:09:10
Good post Carluke.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 13:14:44
Completely agree Carluke. Well said.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 13:15:15
I like clement I like his attitude and his toughness
I have serious doubt over his tactics though.

He refuses to change formation for tougher games leaving us open in mf and exposing our weaknesses at full back.
We can all see that why doesn’t he do something about it.
We will be punished for this. And it may cost him his job.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 13:16:17
Great post Carluke.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 13:17:09
regardless of who played . the tactics or lack of them was crazy.

9.) 25 Jul 2024 13:20:05
What I saw yesterday were a lot of young guys struggling to find their game. And I am fine with it. I am tired of mediocre or end of career guys "settling" for a paycheck in Glasgow. PC had a hard look at what has come through the academy and Birmingham showed them up. If anything, Lowry, MacKinnon, McAusland should have walked off a little bit humbled. Yes this season is going to be difficult. If we lose patience and run PC out of town then we will get to do it next year too with a different manager. I am ready to give a manager a decent run. I wonder where we would be if we were a little more patient with Gio.

10.) 25 Jul 2024 13:23:04
Well said mate. I say this board needs to go ASAP.

11.) 25 Jul 2024 13:28:36
Sacking the manager and starting over ‘yet again’ with what we would be our 5th manager in 4 years would be insane. What exactly would anyone think a new manager could do with the same players, the same set up in the background, the same restrictions on finances. Clement at least seems to be looking at the bigger picture and trying to change things throughout the footballing side of the club. But there are no quick fixes. It will take a fair bit of time to sort out everything (youth set up, medical set up, training set up etc) never mind getting the first team back in shape on a small budget. So think about it, what standard of manger would want to come in to all of that if we did get rid of Clement? And even if we did manage to bring in someone of a decent standard they would still be facing all the same issues yet they would AGAIN have to start from scratch. It may well be a very rough season but realistically we are just going to have to ride it out and hope he can turn things around quicker than expected.

12.) 25 Jul 2024 13:38:46
Carluke our club are a shambles.

Imagine being the first building works that didn’t finish on time or require some flexibility. Don’t know any other club that had to play at Hampden whilst a re-build was going on. ?Still at least we are playing at the only other stadium that has a UEFA high ranking in Scotland.

The board and the manager WTF. Imagine upsetting players and trying to reduce our over inflated squad and wage bill. FFP allows without penalty I believe to invest in infrastructure, are we doing that ?The majority wanted a massive re-structure and that requires balls and individuals in place to see it through. It also needs a support to understand the bigger picture. How dare they upset Cantwell, Goldson, Lammers and Hagi. Eh oh what about the other 20 + players who aren’t complaining, they must feel left out ?

The other mob moan about not spending their cash. It’s simple and I’ve told friends who are supporters. Why spend high transfer fees and high salaries to win the SPL. The champions league money is spent on those fees and wages. Now as there is no direct entry do you spend on the hope you get there. I would not.

As for the friendlies, they are smoke screens and will have no bearing on the season ahead.

13.) 25 Jul 2024 15:17:56
Good post Carluke and love the sarcasm, Windy. Hope it catches on.

14.) 25 jul 2024 15:41:01
good words stevie.

15.) 25 Jul 2024 18:47:52
I think that's a lot to do with injuries Steve mate but I must admit some decisions he made or lack thereof left my wondering wtf he was doing at times.

I posted ages ago my views on Clement and this was one of my fears, that he didn't have a plan b, c, d etc. But time will tell its kinda unfair to judge him as of yet.



19 Jul 2024 13:37:09
John on the European squad. Lennon Miller has been at Motherwell since the age of 7 and qualifies under associated member rule. He was 15years old in 2021 and has just completed his 3 seasons. This would mean he could be one of our 4 locally trained players ?.


1.) 19 Jul 2024 14:00:56
Carluke he's not coming to rangers anyway. We will now be targeting experienced players and rightly so.

2.) 19 Jul 2024 14:20:11
Not what I am hearing Paul we are still very much interested in signing Miller. We can’t afford Jordan or Nsiasse and Miller is a better long term prospect ?.

3.) 19 Jul 2024 14:23:33
Rightly so? I’d take miller over any we’ve been linked with can already do it at Spl level.

4.) 19 Jul 2024 14:38:05
Well that’s just made getting the boy in now even more of an importance.

He’s going to be the best Scottish player of his generation and I’d much rather spend £4m in him than Cortez or diomande or sima or Rahmani and so on.

5.) 19 Jul 2024 14:39:38
Yes rightly so we now need experience even the manager has said so. Our currently midfield gets run over by the tims. No where near the level. Who are you hearing that from carluke. No heard any of the lads who usually give the spot on info claim this. Would be very surprised if we go for him.

6.) 19 Jul 2024 14:42:32
I totally agree with you carluke ? There's absolutely no way joan jordan is coming to us to play in the scottish league, he doesn't fancy it one bit unfortunately, as he'd be a very good signing for us, but he'll stay in spain where he wants to play ?.

7.) 19 Jul 2024 14:42:57
Carluke I know the rule it says to be in A list u require to be over 21.

8.) 19 Jul 2024 14:46:27
Told the same a while Carluke, we're definitely interested in Miller mate.

9.) 19 Jul 2024 14:58:28
Yeah John he would go in to List B which is even btr as it leaves another space for us on List A.

Paul I know a few folk in the Motherwell set up and play 5s down at Ravenscraig with them. They have kept me up to speed ?.

10.) 19 Jul 2024 15:02:57
Stevie g2 why would we go and get him instead of they other players. None of them play the same position as him so your logic is weird.

11.) 19 Jul 2024 15:35:40
I've been fortunate enough to be shadowing some of the Motherwell youth and first team coaching this week - during which got to meet and work with Lennon Miller.

It's fair to say that technically, physically and most importantly mentally he's one of the best young players I've seen on the training pitch.

12.) 19 Jul 2024 15:37:32
Orange tinted cause we don’t have a fortune to spend mate.
If u told me I’ve got £4m to spend and could have any one of those players I’d take miller all day.
If them worry about sorting the other positions next.
1 out 1 I’m, loans etc. for me he’d be the better signing for club.
He’s a mf so how does he not play same position as diomande who we just spent £4.5m on?

The logic is I’d rather spend what money we have on him than the foreign imports we have or are looking to.

13.) 19 Jul 2024 15:47:11
That would have been class EHL. They regularly train at the Ravenscraig but I haven’t been down watching in a while. He is the best young player I have seen in Scotland in the last 30years. His range of passing and technical ability is first class. He is destined for the top ?.

14.) 19 Jul 2024 15:54:18
Sws lol man, has Joan Jordan told you as much? clearly he has or your waffling nonsense mate, Rangers agreed his wage, you could be right in him not coming to this league but unless told i wouldn't guarantee that.

15.) 19 Jul 2024 16:35:54
It’s Daziel park they train if outdoors and anyone can go and watch. They have trained there for years.

Lennon miller will not be a rangers player.

16.) 19 Jul 2024 16:48:45
Jordan is not coming to Rangers. He rejected our approach.

17.) 19 Jul 2024 16:51:01
Carluke exactly my point, so he does not require to be signed to allow us to meet our Scottish academy of f four,

18.) 19 Jul 2024 16:58:27
Seen that nowhere or been told that coldo, but do know we meet the wage his club wanted.

19.) 19 Jul 2024 17:00:33
I’d be delighted to sign Miller and would be happy paying a decent fee to benefit Motherwell too. Be a great longer term asset for us too and would be a case of speculating to accumulate.



13 Jul 2024 16:56:45
Butland was very poor in that first half. Kelly came on and played really well making a couple of worldie saves. Also really impressed by young Alex Lowry. I know the boy has had his issues re temperament and injuries but he played really well today. Perhaps Big Phil can bring the best out in him ???.


1.) 13 Jul 2024 17:01:38
Needs to get his peroxide heid out his archie, boy has talent and it would be a waste to see it go.



11 Jul 2024 21:18:06
I spoke to Motherwell legend Bobby Jenkins last night. For those who know the youth set up you will know him well. I asked him about Lennon Miller and how he compared him with David Turnbull at his age. His reply took me back.

“Turnbull fecking Davie Turnbull your question should really be how I compare him to Davie Cooper. That boy doesn’t have talent he’s got a gift”

That will do for me ?.


1.) 11 Jul 2024 21:32:59
What a statement, here’s hoping for Scotland and here’s hoping he signs for us.

2.) 11 Jul 2024 22:00:12
Got to be worth a punt surely, even if I doubt he's really ever going to be in the same league as Davie Cooper.

3.) 11 Jul 2024 22:38:42
I know Bobby very well stays down the road from me and a very good friend of his daughter not spoke to him in a while tho. One of his last jobs was scouting for Aston Villa that was a few years ago now.

4.) 11 Jul 2024 22:58:28
His daughter Denise Storm? I know her man very well. I also trust his judgement. Small world mate ???.

5.) 12 Jul 2024 01:41:43
I also know Bobby Jenks well, have done since about 1990 when I was involved in youth coaching and he was at Hearts when I first met him. He must be pushing 80 by now, but I remember we shared the same birthday! Good to hear he has lost none of his judgement.

6.) 12 Jul 2024 02:21:50
Are you confident we’ll get him Carluke? This transfer would excite me more than any experienced player.

7.) 12 Jul 2024 04:13:38
every one can see the boy has talent
he may cost a mill but it will be anivestment if he trains on and progress naturally.

8.) 12 Jul 2024 08:14:41
Nope not Denise mate roslin is the one I know.

9.) 12 Jul 2024 10:49:53
Roslyn Keenan I know her too mate but I’m more friendly with his other Daughter Denise and Martin. It’s a small world indeed. I am confident we will get Miller if we offer Motherwell 1.5-2million with Bailey Rice going there on loan to develop and perhaps one other ??.

10.) 12 Jul 2024 12:05:24
If we don’t get miller over the line it’s unforgivable.

11.) 12 Jul 2024 13:56:08
Yeah that’s the one mate we ran about for years.

12.) 12 Jul 2024 13:56:55
Stevie it’s not unforgivable that’s nonsense because the player would have to want to come to us in the 1st place

13.) 12 Jul 2024 14:50:31
I am very confident he will come mate. He wants to play first team. IMO he is good enough and him and Barron as our no’s 6 and 8 would be a very bold and exciting young duo.

14.) 12 Jul 2024 15:10:17
That would be an amazing signing carluke.

15.) 12 Jul 2024 23:13:04
So guys, if we sign Lennon Miller will he be a certain starter or regarded as a long term investment going by some of the views on our other new young signings.




Carlukeloyal's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 20:20:13
I hope you are right Gaz he is exactly what we are needing. I am still being told we will sign Miller. Would be 2 great additions ?.




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25 Jul 2024 14:06:54
GJD he’s a btr option than what we currently have. Only 27 and on a free he comes with experience at international Level and also in the Premier League, Champions League and the SPL. He also plays LCB a position which has been our weakness for years. If that’s mince mate please tell me who is our steak pie CB you fancy? ?.




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25 Jul 2024 12:58:32
The only one I keep hearing is Scott McKenna. Available on a free and experience in our league. I reckon him and Souttar would be a strong partnership. ?.




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25 Jul 2024 10:35:20
Brilliant player. Would he come to us though ?.




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24 Jul 2024 21:39:02
Heard from a trusted source that yer sisters actually yer mother ?.





Carlukeloyal's banter replies


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25 Jul 2024 21:04:38
Yeah I think SWS is right. Perhaps he is Tav ??.




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25 Jul 2024 20:16:51
The longer this goes on I think he could be staying mate. A few boys on here might be right. ?.




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25 Jul 2024 20:05:49
27 caps for Tunisia at only 21years old. A very good footballer and stood out against us at Murrayfield. He is OOC next season and would be very good addition to our squad. I really don’t think we are getting Jordan as he will cost too much and because I am also reliably informed we are signing Lennon Miller and he will do a job for us ?.




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24 Jul 2024 15:14:09
Gazza if we were interested in Shankland we could get him for nothing in January. Why would we spend 4 million+ on him just now it makes no sense ?.




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23 Jul 2024 21:16:00
Guess we will just need to wait and see how this one pans out. If both Tav and Goldson go they have my best wishes. They have been great servants to our club. The longer the window goes on and the closer we get to our first game of the season I am starting to wonder if we will shift them ?.




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