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02 Jul 2024 23:24:28
Keith Jackson has just done some hatchet job on James Bisgrove in tomorrow's record. He then goes on to say that we have nearly got a deal for Hampden, but could still be murrayfield or a 3 stand Ibrox. So in other words Keith doesn't know. PS hope we got that £800k upfront and the saudis don't read the daily record lol.

Isle of mull again

1.) 03 Jul 2024 10:43:09
Bisgrove did a runner before the you know what hit the fan over the stadium and spoke many words but never actually told you anything there's no doubting the great job he did with marketing but as CEO was a failure.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 13:03:34
One Walter how do u do a runner and get between four and five times your salary, getting employer you r running from 800k.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 14:35:43
He did a runner by leaving us in the rubbish with a stadium not finished in time where he as cep was in his remit and a squad thar needed rebuilt and I'm sure you'll know John Bennett was unhappy.

4.) 03 Jul 2024 14:43:46
John with the greatest of respect why is it no1 in. power at our club can be critisced on here without you going against it. Let's be honest here we build ed house way over budget that many felt was a vanity project we failed to back sg after 55 have hired 3 managers since then wasting millions in the process had the debacle of old firm game in Oz have been to court more times than Ironside and from what I understand lost many of those cases have a what was minor build new looking like being months behind schedule and whilst Bennett wasn't chairman during all that time was on the board and as for bisgrove he was at fault for the Oz debacle and backed MB whilst having no dof to help him and as I say now he's left us with a stadium behind schedule prob costing the club more money so I respectfully ask do any of the named deserve critiscm.




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30 Jun 2024 00:03:08
Hopefully John or someone can answer my question, I've got told today that after the European qualifiers, we have to name our home staduim. What happens if Ibrox isn't ready do we name Hampden, Murray field or somewhere else. I was told we have to play all our group games there even when Ibrox is up and running. If this is true the board have put players right up against it, we will have lost a big advantage playing our home game at any other ground than Ibrox.

Isle of mull again



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28 Jun 2024 19:25:25
John our lack of reserve football is another legacy of SDM.

Isle of mull again




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