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25 May 2024 21:32:16
I’d like PC to bring in a proper leader into the group. A man earmarked to be Captain.
Due to the amount of new players required, obviously there will some here now that need to remain.
If the Captaincy is removed from Tav then maybe we’d see him play better due to the lack of pressure?
Either that or Gerrard comes in with the reputed £5M for him and Sterling drops to RB.


1.) 25 May 2024 22:59:17
This captaincy thing is a myth. 1985 we were 4th in the league with the below players, plenty of desire, plenty of fire in the belly, plenty of Rangers men, plenty of leaders, just not good enough.

Scotland Nicky Walker GK 42 0
Scotland Peter McCloy GK 2 0
Scotland Hugh Burns DF 35 3
Scotland Stuart Munro DF 36 0
Scotland Dave McPherson DF 42 5
Scotland Craig Paterson DF 25 3
Scotland Ally Dawson DF 26 1
Scotland Stuart Beattie DF 5 0
Scotland Derek Johnstone DF 11 0
Scotland Scott Nisbet DF 5 0
Canada Colin Miller DF 3 0
Scotland Ian Durrant MF 37 3
Scotland Ally McCoist FW 40 27
Scotland Bobby Russell MF 35 0
Scotland Bobby Williamson FW 31 12
Scotland Derek Ferguson MF 21 0
Scotland Davie Cooper MF 39 6
Scotland Ted McMinn MF 32 1
Scotland Dave MacKinnon DF 27 0
Scotland Dougie Bell MF 29 0
Scotland Robert Fleck MF 16 3
Scotland Iain Ferguson MF 6 0
Scotland Cammy Fraser MF 10 2
Scotland Eric Ferguson FW 1 0
Scotland John MacDonald FW 4 0.

2.) 26 May 2024 00:05:29
Tjbb56 that was a totally different era of football rangers and Celtic were not miles ahead of the rest of the teams like they are now

Aberdeen united hibs hearts were all decent teams.

3.) 26 May 2024 01:44:56
Tav is finished, if people don’t want to believe their eyes then that’s their problem.
His general play is miles off it, take away pens and the odd set piece and he’s a shell of a defender.



02 May 2024 10:40:55
Not a rumour but more of a question.

With the team experiencing a bit of an exodus in the summer which obviously means a lot of incoming new faces, how patient do you think fans will be with PC if things don't click straight away?

Also, looking at the transfer model we will be signing untested younger players. Is the pressure of being at Rangers a good choice for these guys?

I've no intention to sound negative but I think these are realistic questions.
What are your thoughts?


1.) 02 May 2024 11:21:27
It's a good point bathgate, has similarities to last summer when beale spoke about the biggest overhaul of the squad in years and look what it done.

I think it's easy to be displeased with how the team are playing and just want it all refreshed but rarely does that equal instant success.

For example there's no reason tav couldn't still be a top player for us if goldson was upgraded to a more solid cb that had the ability to cover.

2.) 02 May 2024 11:39:24
Young hungry players with the correct mentality.

3.) 02 May 2024 12:02:46
Truthfully 99% of fans will be expecting instant success I included. That’s up to the board to provide the funds to make it happen. We are dangerously close to them catching us in titles. What a dark day that will be.

4.) 02 May 2024 12:03:09
Got to hope Celtic are as poor next season. Both teams are lacking in quality at this moment in time.

5.) 02 May 2024 12:37:49
Correct Wishybear, there's a real possibility they will get to 56 before us - what a horrible day that will be.

6.) 02 May 2024 13:43:08
Its going to take a good few transfer windows before we will see a true PC team - hopefully there will not be too many more Celtic capitulations along that treacherous path and we will hopefully see true progress and most of all guts and determination with good football thrown in as well - I live in hope?.

7.) 02 May 2024 13:56:45
We've seen the potential of what Clement can do with the bag of sh$te Beale left us.
We've seen the potential of what Clement can do with the underachievers until the going gets tough.
It's now up to Clement to see what he can achieve with his own signings.
Plenty of players who will still be here are needing a proper pre-season.
The only downside is that managers never get time to build a winning side at Rangers - the demands and expectations of the fans dictate that. And so they should. You don't get to win the amount of trophies we have over the years by having numerous rebuilds and achieving nothing of note as we have over the last 10 years.

8.) 02 May 2024 14:13:21
Depends on a lot of things ultimately Beale lost both cups to Celtic in his first season and had a terrible preseason backed up by a loss on the first game. The league looks like a tough ask now but putting down a marker in the cup final would give us a boost for the season ahead. Ultimately if we come out both of these old firms with 0 wins and park head up first next season Clement staring down the barrel of 6 games against them without a win and serious questions would be getting asked then.

9.) 02 May 2024 14:17:48
MPH! "Bag of sh$te"! Careful now! Down with that sort of thing!

10.) 02 May 2024 14:21:03
Nothing like last season at all as Beale brought much older players who had failed at multiple clubs exception being Butland.

Bringing in young hungry players who will know they get to put themselves in the shop window for an English premier league move will be much better for us. We are in Europe every season so it's a good showcase for them. Let's face it, our player trading model has been woeful and needs improving.

11.) 02 May 2024 15:07:44
I think as long as fans see improvement and good football but we need to get our work done as early. as poss to give PC as much time to integrate as poss.

12.) 02 May 2024 16:19:17
We don’t have several windows. 3 trophies in over ten years.

13.) 02 May 2024 16:25:24
Yes, John, you nailed it Sir!

14.) 02 May 2024 16:52:15
Correct John we need to start delivering now.

15.) 02 May 2024 17:01:46
So if you don't like what's happening over several windows do you want PC sacked and then its the managerial merry-go-round again? guys - look at the deadwood and underachievers we have in place - I for one don't think it will happen overnight.

16.) 02 May 2024 17:06:20
Pc 100% won’t get several windows. Certynot on here.

17.) 02 May 2024 17:27:19
too many poor players in the squad has cost us.

18.) 02 May 2024 17:30:39
We should be carful not to buy to many players 2/ 3 quality starters in the summer and another 1/ 2 in January is what I think we should be looking at a 10/ 11 player overhaul rarely works.

19.) 02 May 2024 17:52:49
Weve had more than several windows since 55, and in a lot of areas I think we have went backwards.
Players here too long, not sold when we should have, brought in some questionable recruits, and given out new contracts, when we shouldn't.
I don't think 1 window will do it, but I also worry that more than one could put us back even further if we do not kick on and get into the CL (££££)

20.) 02 May 2024 18:18:08
Blue Floyd define several windows, number of fans will be circling by Xmas, if wer behind.

We should never have sacked Gio when we did, he was improving thing’s although football was dire.

21.) 02 May 2024 18:41:35
Ap did it without spending too much I for one think with 5 or 6 players we should be in a position to challenge immediately.

22.) 02 may 2024 20:54:25
this is the reality of a two club country. 2nd place is last place.

23.) 02 May 2024 22:09:57
One Walter, we r challenging right now, challenging is no use, as Tom rightly says second is last

Mark it’s the continuous injuries that has cost us.

24.) 02 May 2024 23:02:02
Bathgate, clement won't get much time, not through fault of his own, through our success over past ten years mate, that's sadly the reality of it. We as fans demand success at rangers. I think the days of, we are trying to balance the books, we have just came back up etc etc, are gone. We have heard every excuse under the sun, it's now time for success and I feel all our managers are going to start feeling this, rightly or wrongly. We as supporters have stood by this club in it's darkest days, they now need to give us something back imo. Others might feel differently.

25.) 03 May 2024 05:10:05
Also Boy blue 3, although clement for me is undoubtedly a good manager as yourself and john and others touched on, he won't get a massive amount of time, if we're lagging behind again next season ? It's like the late great walter smith said regularly ie. that 2nd in glasgow is last ? It's also ingrained in our illustrious club's history that our expectations is to win everything ? Second should never be excepted by anyone involved with glasgow rangers and as far as i'm concerned as a supporter, it will never be excepted by me ?I understand reasons why we've been 2nd best for so long but i still don't except it ?.

26.) 03 May 2024 07:33:31
Let's just add that PC needs to get this window right and his recruitment spot on as the serial losers we have at this club have started letting him down massively since March and we have reverted to playing dross football even if PC doesn't say it publicly he will know who needs to ship out!

27.) 03 may 2024 09:02:53
accept coops, accept.

28.) 03 May 2024 09:42:07
John/ all -My crystal ball doesn't tell me how many windows are needed or I would head straight to bookies to make myself a profit but you said he won't get many windows on here? ( meaning site I assume) but I seriously doubt if Rangers management/ board use this site as the primary source or barometer for making major club decisions re manager and players - but our voices are good to be heard I agree - Curiously. how many windows do you see fit to judge him on then?
We are all very aware of the number of trophies won by managers over the years and the tally is never near good enough for Rangers but if the big chap doesn't get time - which he should have in some credit by at least winning a trophy and bringing us back into a title race that seemed a distant entity a good while back with the same bunch of underachievers that previous regimes left in their wake - those who who had basically given up and were being slandered correctly day in and day out on many fans forums- yes they have slipped up last while but you can only pee with the c**k you have so we do see some positives from the signings Diomande / Cortes (apart from Silva - who we at least can just hand back) and the manager looks frustrated on sidelines and is very aware when to make substitutions and that happens at anytime during the game (unfortunately many of his subs are not really up to standard and not truly game changers) - I for one will judge him when/ if we get to a stage where the bulk of the team/ squad has been brought in by current regime and we rid ourselves of underachievers/ injury fakers/ those over the hill and general average journeymen on big wages.
Will we get to that stage? I don't know but I certainly hope we do
IMO - Beale fleeced the board with his barrow boy patter and we handed over our riches and allowed him to sell the cow for beans and also allowed him to to spend willy nilly! So for all the books he has written on tactics etc he was truly found out to be just another mouthpiece QPR/ Rangers/ Sunderland will vouch for that too- Clement has won couple leagues and cup in Belgium and imo seems more tactically astute and honestly believe he now sees the magnitude of the task in front of him (which is vast) but it is still the same majority of losers we have wearing the jerseys - I hope he gets time and we don't grab an early ticket for the managerial merry - go round IMHO or it will be another GROUNDHOG day! If PC doesn't get several windows as some folk on here suggest - then the only suggestion is get Harry Potter or someone from magic circle who can clear this mess up with a wave of a wand- let's get real!

29.) 03 May 2024 10:55:09
Beale did.

30.) 03 May 2024 13:31:21
Blue Floyd I see him needing maximum of three more windows to win league, that is where recruiting is vital

I’m concerned we r regurgitating names linked under Beale.

Also I don’t disagree with some off the Scottish names mentioned, ie Barron Watson Cameron miller,

But r they any better than what we have

Ie I don’t see any off them starting 30 games next season for us, John Bennett is on record as saying we will always attempt to promote from within,
At least clement has moved a number of players to first team squad since Xmas, ie McKinnon rice Lovelace Budanaukas lyall yefeko, we saw our youth show some skill the other night, ie munn grant Nsio stevens gentles, my criticism is that some should be more involved on match day SQUADS

If we take some of our players I mention there appears to be major interest from epl, so they must have something. If we bring in certain players from other Scottish club we close the door on our own.

Mark allen and SG vision was to create our own, save significant money in the transfermarket for use on the star players. So the eight Scottish academy grown should come from within.

This is where recruiting at this level is just as vital, finding 16-year-olds, three years developing, with view to joining first team squad. Our academy is undergoing a recruitment revamp under kloppen and PC.

We seem to worry when Cameron Campbell and Zak Jacobs move on that is football, it’s worthy of note that Robertson clement and kloppen did not burst a gut to keep them.
They have their own ideas how to progress academy recruitment

Worthy of note is Campbell and Jacobs brought in good players. Now we need them to progress.

Part the problem is how we keep certain young lads when u see the salary paid for very young kids in England

We saw the clamour re Wilson, who a few say we should have paid five figure salary to keep, we can’t pay that to academy players who had never even played for our B team, let alone the first team

We need to get that pathway to first team progressing, I see shoots of that under pc with far more being involved with first team training.

31.) 03 May 2024 14:27:20

Agreed re at least 3 windows - gut feeling is if we get a couple of proven winners into the team then the enthusiasm and attitude will spread unlike the lethargy and acceptance of loss that permeates our team at the moment so hopefully that will happen and OUR youth will thrive too - tough times ahead but I do like PC at the helm and he needs all our support from fans through to board and we can make real change happen?.



03 Feb 2024 12:19:32
Watched the Press Conference this morning and when asked if Cifu could still leave PC said ‘maybe’. How can this happen if the window is closed and he’s linked with Sunderland?


1.) 03 Feb 2024 13:03:46
Bathgate because he is likely to go to Brazil window closes March USA window closes April

He can’t go to Sunderland, click bait garbage.



23 May 2022 22:11:55
Not a rumour but does anyone have any info on Akinkunmi Amoo?
Young guy who is fast and robust. Plays on the right wing.
Surely wouldn’t cost too much either?
Anybody know anything about him?


1.) 23 May 2022 22:42:19
He was outstanding when he played for hammarby really quick direct player rw can set goals up along with scoring he moved to fc Copenhagen in January but not playing for them so could be worth us trying to move for him would certainly improve us on that side of pitch moved there for round about 4 million mark.



22 May 2022 21:37:19
Not a rumour but does anyone know anything about Akinkunmi Amoo?
Looks a cracking wee player on the right wing and only young so shouldn’t command a massive fee I wouldn’t think.


1.) 23 May 2022 10:06:28
Someone mentioned his name a few months ago, May have been asa.




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26 Jun 2024 11:16:04
GvB11 I agree mate. In comparison to what the vast majority of the fans earn a year he certainly is on life changing money. Also when you factor in to what he will make after his career ends on after dinner speaking etc, he isn’t going to be stuck for cash.

This isn’t a slight on Tav but more about these players earning way more than normal fans.
Think Boyd once said, when asked why he didn’t move down south due to the wages on offer, ‘how much money do you need? ’

I do hope Tav stays and gets his much deserved testimonial and as Generic says, we will realise how much he does for us when he’s gone.




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01 Jun 2024 13:22:26
John is your statement regarding Dowell, Cantwell etc genuine information or are they moves that you hope to happen?




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26 May 2024 13:24:24
I think guys like Cantwell get lambasted due to the inferior players around him.
Dessers offers very little movement and his link up ability is poor. On the other hand, when Danilo was fit him and Cantwell started to look good together because they were on the same wavelength.

Yesterday Cantwell was screaming to the midfield to press with him and Dessers but they sat too deep and allowed Celtic to get out of defence.

Not saying Cantwell should definitely be kept but maybe with better players around him he might contribute more often?




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10 May 2024 21:40:41
If this is the team, Sterling would be used to try and nullify McGregor. Ridvan isn’t fit enough yet so he will NEED to play Barisic because he’s the only recognised LB.




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31 Jan 2024 21:51:16
They might change their minds if, when he gets back, they think he won’t give 100% effort to them for the rest of the season.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they try and strike a deal way less than 500k before the window closes.
Sheer greed that they want cash for a player that isn’t theirs.





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25 May 2024 21:41:36
Trueblue I don’t think we should go for Sima either. Think he’s overrated and I reckon we could do better. He’s quick but like Matondo lacks any end product.




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19 May 2024 15:10:16
I think a lot of the time our opinion of PC is blighted due to our pessimism. Probably because we have gave up the league so easily.

I’m trying to convince myself that he’s forced to be protective and confident regarding his players for fear of revolt. He maybe does not rate many of them but he’s no quitter so he’s helping them become better than they believe.

I also cling on to the fact he has won 3 titles with 2 clubs - better record than our 3 previous managers - so he does have the managerial ability.
He’s been hampered by injuries preventing continuity and rhythm.

This year will be huge for both us and him. But we have to show some level of patience or we will just be on the same cycle next year again.




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19 May 2024 15:01:51
Whilst I agree Sterling on McGregor would work in theory, the reason I’m against it is that we are not close enough together against them.
They seem to have a teammate 5 yards away but we end up running to their players to press but they bypass us easily because we are never compact enough to hurt them.
We play too wide even without the ball and that means we expel far too much energy and give up too much space trying to press. They make it look easy when they do it to us.




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09 Apr 2023 07:20:36
Matondo and Wright don’t offer enough. Wright tries but isn’t good enough.
Matondo…. least said about him the better.
Sakala is another one who has no idea what he is doing.
Unfortunately I’m not sure who would buy them.

We played differently yesterday. Kent and Cantwell had been given free roles previously but wasn’t the case yesterday. Kent was obviously deployed to help Borna.
We never really took the game to them like we have to other teams.
No nice slick passing or combinations that we have been accustomed to lately.
Maybe that is purely down to Celtic being better?




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13 Nov 2022 12:59:11
I wonder if Gio is confident in thinking he can turn it around or if his thinking is about staying on until sacked, that way getting compensation rather than getting nothing if he walks?




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