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BenLora's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BenLora's rumours posts


15 Aug 2023 13:32:08
Afternoon guys, anyone heard anything more on the new bid for Palma in the last 24hrs?


1.) 15 Aug 2023 14:19:44
Nothing Ben, although Beale met someone in London monday.

2.) 15 Aug 2023 14:23:12
There is no new bid, just folk speculating that’s all.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 14:29:55
Interesting to hear John, hopefully a Ch them if anymore business to be done maybe a wide player.

4.) 15 Aug 2023 15:10:14
Possibly Sam Field, John?

5.) 15 Aug 2023 15:22:10
Gers, it’s that time in the window imo.

6.) 15 Aug 2023 18:42:55
We should wait till end window see if there are any bargains or loans to be had.

7.) 15 Aug 2023 18:44:25
Ben Monday should read Sunday.

8.) 15 aug 2023 18:56:25
football doesn't work like that, homework is required, its not the xmas eve at the barras mate, you don't just wait to see what bargain you can get, there will be hundreds available.

9.) 15 Aug 2023 22:27:47
Thanks for the info guys, interesting reading ??.

10.) 15 Aug 2023 23:00:26
Tom, nothing wrong with Xmas Eve at the Barras!

11.) 16 aug 2023 01:43:56
absolutely bankie, well maybe nows different. but me and my pal made a point of going to the barras every xmas eve for years, always ending in the pub around 9pm, great days,

12.) 16 Aug 2023 08:46:23
The Barras is fine that's where Livi and Killie got their carpets.

13.) 16 Aug 2023 11:24:03
Gadji ???.

14.) 16 Aug 2023 13:30:34
It's true Stevie same fitters as well, former butchers some of them.



07 Sep 2022 21:29:08
Post match interview ~ even Gio doesn’t have confidence in his own squad at this level. Is that a dig at the board?


1.) 07 Sep 2022 22:58:10
Sounds like he was saying what a lot of fans have been saying not spending after getting into the groups.

2.) 07 Sep 2022 23:15:00
It should be. The quality of our signings have been abysmal.
That he said he has told us previously that he is happy with the squad! Strange, but the fact that we have not signed even one Dutch player is also not what a lot of us expected.
If GVB takes the opportunity to go for the Dutch job then I wouldn't blame him. He is on a hiding to nothing with this inferior bunch of players.

3.) 08 Sep 2022 05:11:11
Gio looks shellshocked TBH! He looks very forlorn to me ? I hope and of course will give him time to turn our form around ?.

4.) 08 Sep 2022 06:42:57
I've been saying from first window under gio board do not back him and mentioned Dutch thing several times it's not that he Dutch it's that his experience is in the Dutch league and with man city so you would expect him to know one or two bargains in Holland or city reserves . we did not push boat out for skov Olsen . or the two Dutch defenders we were linked with. Also gio did say we could get more he only said he was happy with squad after club made it obvious we would be done in market. They are throwing gio under bus with poor recruitment from wilson.

5.) 08 Sep 2022 07:56:24
Gio has to go after that interview. We absolutely can shownheart and desire against Celtic and Ajax without spending £100million. He has made the club a total laughing stock this past week and is showing no desire nor ability to turn it around. Boring turgid football, weak limp surrender.

6.) 08 Sep 2022 08:07:35
He said he was happy with the squad so don’t understand the sudden change of heart. If we can compete against PSV we should be able to compete against Ajax. Would love Gio to turn it around but it’s never happening. One win against Celtic in extra time in 5 attempts will never do. His away record in league for both Feyenoord and Rangers isn’t good enough. Don’t know who you would get to replace him though. Very much doubt he will be here by Xmas.

7.) 08 Sep 2022 08:10:10
It was noticeable that he just sat there, never got on his feet into the technical area, has he given up?!

8.) 08 Sep 2022 08:26:05
Terrible / horrible week so far - we've had some moments in the past 12 years, but this must be up there.
Only Aberdeen away and Napoli (who looked crap last night! ) next, what could possibly go wrong?
On a bright note - liverpool look like the team to take points off in the CL LOL!

9.) 08 Sep 2022 08:40:25
Some changes required

For a start, zonal marking can go We are woeful and clearing our lines in defence!

It's almost like the players are frightened to header the ball

There needs to be some ex Rangers players come into the fray that is vocal

Everyone of those of the players need a firecracker up their arse!

Back to basics it looks!

So Zucowoski went on loan and now Tavs is injured!

I'd be dropping some players and given young players their opportunity bit by bit

My Team vs Aberdeen 4-1-3-2


Devine King Goldson Barisic


Matondo McCann Kent

Morelos Colak.

10.) 08 Sep 2022 09:46:48
GVB should have demanded control over transfers and if those players signed were not players that he had identified he should have said so. Now he will carry the can for the total incompetence of an incompetent Chairman that is full of self interest and is not the man to take Rangers forward. The Parks Family should be the first out of the door at Ibrox.
They failed miserably to back Gerrard after he won the league, (even players like Roofe that were signed early on were an assortment of injury prone players and second rate signings) . we have failed to replace Arfield, Jack, Davis and McGregor with similar quality players, we seem to sign players on a wing and a prayer. We have just potentially wasted another £11m on Yilmaz, Davies and Matondo. Colak has looked ok in Scotland and is certainly an upgrade on Itten but like most of his colleagues he looked totally out of place against both Celtic and Ajax. Only Lawrence and young Tilman look the part and the latter is only on loan.
Totally abysmal from the top down.
Lets start with a new Chairman that has the dynamism to take our Club forward.

11.) 08 Sep 2022 10:00:29
I was happy with his appointment as manager, I thought we might play with the Dutch flare but shockingly bad away performances last season, losing a 7 point lead, 1 OF win after extra time in 5 attempts, 8 goals conceded over 2 games, 0 scored and a brand of football that would put you to sleep. Actually not bothered if he goes - perhaps it's best all round if he does.

12.) 08 Sep 2022 09:11:49
I'm of the opinion you get on with what you've got. What gio is trying to do on the pitch is miles away its nowhere near good enough regardless of squad we have.

13.) 08 Sep 2022 09:22:45
If Gio thinks you need to spend big to compete at this level, then surely Rangers should be blowing every team apart from Celtic in the SPFL?
And if Gio and the players want the plaudits for beating Dortmund, Leipzig, PSV etc then they need to take criticism when they underperform against Celtic, Ajax, USG etc.

14.) 08 Sep 2022 10:11:48
Thomas Tuchel looking for a job. just saying.

15.) 08 Sep 2022 11:21:12
Otterspocket I'd quite like a manager that doesn't alienate players every single club he works in.

16.) 08 Sep 2022 12:56:22
Otterspocket - looking for a job? he has his 13 mill pay off to work on first.
dont think we can come ANYWHERE close to what he would want and another 5 mill for his back room team.

17.) 08 Sep 2022 13:34:42
Bar72- A wee bit of humour on your assessment of Napoli.




BenLora's banter posts with other poster's replies to BenLora's banter posts


02 Mar 2024 18:35:06
I know he has his fans on here but for me Dessers is just not Rangers quality, we need a consistent finisher. Happy to see him go in the summer.


1.) 02 Mar 2024 19:12:05
I’ve said it from day 1 that he’s the worst striker in the league but to be fair to him he’s probably our 3rd choice maybe 4th choice striker. But he’s still awful.

I said a couple of weeks ago when there was a bit of positivity about him that we’ll see what he’s like when we are a goal down, that he wouldn’t be good enough.

I didn’t want to be proven right but there it is in a couple of weeks.

BTW as bad a he was I thought Goldson was the worst player on the park!

2.) 02 Mar 2024 19:04:51
He's not what we need long term, but he works hard and has scored a lot of goals.

Think some of the abuse he gets on here is OTT, but I'd say the same for;

Tav, Goldson, Souttar, King, Borna, Raskin, Cantwell, Matondo, McCausland, Wright and I've no doubt missed others.

3.) 02 Mar 2024 19:06:35
It wasn’t his fault we dropped points today.

4.) 02 Mar 2024 19:15:41
Myself and a few others said dessers is so wasteful, can't hold the ball up and needs 8 chances to score 1 goal. we have the best defence in the league, but it's that our 2 big centre halves get bullied and aren't that good in the air.

5.) 02 Mar 2024 19:38:22
Not seen Goldson rag-dolled that badly before. I thought Motherwell were impressive and whilst we had the chances to win - we didn’t!

6.) 02 Mar 2024 19:46:02
Why's big CD getting the derry yet again, others need to hold hands up and say I was pants boss, Goldson n big soapy, who was slightly better, knew this was another test, they made the mob work the full game, some taking them to lightly thru the week.

7.) 02 Mar 2024 20:45:31
Look at all these people who don't rate dessers, storm what do they know? his pace, goals at vital times against big teams, hold up play, aerial prowess must be passing them all by. probably been subbed more than he's scored for us, need roofe to get fit and somehow stay fit for the next 2 months then we might have a centre forward.

8.) 02 Mar 2024 20:55:47
Always say it with old firm you're 1 bad game from being a dud that's dessers a dud again with what I'm reading. Last week he was a cert for 20 goals just hope the fans don't drain his confidence again.

9.) 02 Mar 2024 21:06:31
King, i think you are incorrect about him not holding the ball up.

10.) 02 Mar 2024 21:07:19
Correct fork he is the go to for some tho easy target he didn’t have any service today, but it’s all big bad dessers fault.

11.) 02 Mar 2024 21:19:23
Worst striker in the league? Some of our fans need to get a grip. Won the last 11 games then one bad result and the scatter gun is out. All the ones coming out that haven't posted about dessers in a while because he was playing well, I bet yous couldn't wait to jump on here to say something negative about him.

We lost, Motherwell deserved their win, get over it. We move on to the next. When Beale was in charge, we had no hope of even having a chance of winning the league.

12.) 02 Mar 2024 21:39:39
It’s not one bad result tinted - I’ve been saying it since his debut. He is awful, has no touch, no ball control, can’t dribble, can’t head and has poor shooting accuracy. What’s to like? Oh that’s right he works hard!

Like I said he wasn’t the worst player on the park but the op was about CD.

13.) 02 Mar 2024 21:43:47
Agree orange tinted, what a ridiculous comment that is to make about Dessers. Yes he misses chances but as I’ve said before, he creates a lot of them himself. His misses weren’t the worst today, there was worse than Dessers today.

14.) 02 Mar 2024 22:01:38
To say he's the worst striker in the league is ludicrous. Take a look at the scoring table.

15.) 02 Mar 2024 22:10:02
Ok maybe he isn’t the worst but I can name at least 20 that are better.

Also, forgot to add to the list earlier his inability to stay onside.

16.) 02 Mar 2024 22:11:59
But regardless if he is top 20 or not, at Rangers we should be looking for top 1 or 2 and I think we can all agree he isn’t that - but he is a truer.

17.) 02 Mar 2024 23:25:48
Name the 20 then.

18.) 02 Mar 2024 23:59:30
Zikos. Iv said it on here a few times, goldson is not good enough, the only thing in his favour is he is fit, not so much a good players, quite the opposite in fact, fitness is all he has,

19.) 03 Mar 2024 07:52:06
Jack what about other folk defending him? Or you just like having a go at me? I love it.

People saying worst striker in the league ? clueless.

20.) 03 Mar 2024 13:00:49
I never said he was the worst striker in the league, i am saying he's the worst we have had in a long time and offers very little, only 21 percent on here on the poll said he was good enough, probably been subbed off more often than he's scored, and no I'm having a difference of opinion to you that's all, you're entitled to yours even though I say you're wrong, unlike you I don't try to shut people up on here, you tell us on here a player like ryan jack has never been good enough while telling us dessers is a good striker, next game pull your armchair up closer to the telly and watch him properly?.



14 Feb 2024 21:22:27
How frustrating is Dessers ~ he could be this seasons top scorer from tonights game alone!


1.) 14 Feb 2024 23:01:18
Dessers did score twice should have had maybe teo more but you also need to look at other players in thst team who missed loads of chances tonight but ill take three points snd won't complain.

2.) 15 Feb 2024 00:07:59
Was a few frustrating passages of play but we were totally dominant and take the 3points and move on. I thought as well with tav, his use of the ball in general play was terrivle at times tonight but he walks away with 3 assists, so keep it up tav ?with the chances we are creating every game someone is due an absolute doing.

3.) 15 Feb 2024 06:26:37
Fair point twacoos think big man gets it stinking at times, gives everything and always goes again regardless.



14 Dec 2023 22:20:23
Is it fair to say our squad are more suited to European football than Scottish? Outstanding.




26 Nov 2023 14:06:14
Don’t actually rate any of the new strikers at our club. Would quite happily see them all away in Jan. Who saw what in Lammers?


1.) 26 Nov 2023 14:46:34
Ben who will buy them? Seriously you think it will be easy getting rid of them? Beale was an utter disaster and we are still paying for his ridiculous signings and will for years to come.

2.) 26 Nov 2023 15:19:29
I agree with you totally Unbeliever. Said I would happily see them go ~ not that it will be easy to shift them. Would love to read the script that sold them to us in the first place.



05 Oct 2023 19:35:34
I honestly believe that Beale wasn't the problem. Sadly you can't sack 11 players.


1.) 05 Oct 2023 19:44:33
Of course he was the problem useless manager and his useless signings.

2.) 05 Oct 2023 19:45:23
Beale brought half that team in.

3.) 05 Oct 2023 19:46:15
He brought the players if you call them that. He very much was the problem.

4.) 05 Oct 2023 19:46:22
Beale was the problem his players his ethos.

5.) 05 Oct 2023 19:48:59
Beale f’d the recruitment so badly he’s put us back years. How can you watch that and think the old manager wasn’t the problem? The new players are rank rotten and the old ones need a rocket up their backside.

6.) 05 Oct 2023 19:49:08
Beale signed them benlora. He signed them and he's left us in a worse state than when himself and slippy g first were in the door.

Beale should never if been rangers manager and we are now paying a heavy price for it.

7.) 05 Oct 2023 19:51:21
Beale was a problem and he signed duff players and missed the positions that needed filled and changed
No thought behind his signings
Butland only one the rest I haven’t idea where there names came from.

8.) 05 Oct 2023 19:54:07
How was beale not the problem? he's signed all these players. we've replaced players in last years squad with inferior players. MB on record saying cifuentes will take us to the next level. He chased dessers who is the worst number 9 we've had in years. We need a whole new back 4 davies amd goldson were absolutely horrendous 2night.

9.) 05 Oct 2023 19:54:15
Beale is an excellent coach. Maybe spotting players was his weakness, but the man can coach. I would’ve rather had Beale in that dugout tonight that an injured player and a pundit.

We made this mistake before with Murty, and we have now done it agin. The guy managing this team has no idea what he is doing, he isn’t even qualified for the job. We have put a match to our entire season with this. We need a proper manager in, and we need him before it's too late.

10.) 05 Oct 2023 19:55:54
Beale should never be back at Ibrox even as a paying fan. He’s put us back to the stone ages.

11.) 05 Oct 2023 19:56:28
We should start with the Captain,

12.) 05 Oct 2023 20:02:56
Beale was the problem. Steve Davis has been hung out to dry by a board utterly devoid of even the beginnings of how to pick a manager. We need an experienced ex manager just as interim and then sort out a real manager.

13.) 05 Oct 2023 20:05:24
Benlora, of course it was Beale fault, he bought them, he said he looked In their eyes, he should have looked at their talent or lack of. Beale has been a disaster for our club he has cost us millions that we don’t have, I feel sorry for the next manager.

14.) 05 Oct 2023 20:06:15
It's official, I have flipped my lid. Up until tonight I was 100% against McInnes being our manager.
Now I have gone and turned 360 degrees I would accept him now. He knows SPL, and what is expected at Rangers.




BenLora's rumour replies


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02 Jan 2024 20:06:34
“It's free agents and the loan market that we'll look to try and exploit. It’s Mcinnes who said that post match.




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15 Aug 2023 22:27:47
Thanks for the info guys, interesting reading ??.




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04 May 2023 09:12:47
We should really only be looking at first team players and not squad players, we have enough of those already.




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11 Oct 2020 16:04:08
Morelos judgement day 17/ 10/ 20.




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22 Sep 2020 12:59:04
I would rather we spent 10m on one player and built around that player with what we had/ have. The players we have brought in look bang average!





BenLora's banter replies


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16 May 2024 10:07:28
The saddest part is that for all those years we were in the wilderness, not one team stepped up to challenge Celtic ~ kind of shows the state of our league.




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02 Feb 2024 13:36:36
Hopefully the new additions will also provide better service to the forwards.




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23 Dec 2023 18:20:44
Might as well cut and paste a post match interview from his Rangers days.




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08 Dec 2023 09:48:25
He didn’t want to stay and left on a free, meaning we got nothing ~ needless to say he had no loyalty then. Plus he just got relegated in Brazil. A definite no from me.




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07 Dec 2023 07:49:51
What were the stats from these strikers at their previous clubs? Would love to see what our scouts saw to sign them!




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