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16 Jul 2022 17:49:18
Sakala is leaving. Loan and option to buy. Two teams France and Belgium. Bassey has two clubs he is weighing up. Club have set 20m plus add ons or 26m straight fee. Gio will get 5-8m to spend tops. Looking at a free in championship LB. One more striker in but might not be until end of window. Looking to take risk with league and CL and having all loans paid off at same time as having some assets.


1.) 16 Jul 2022 18:19:44
In the know good info, yep message today sakala away,3 million, plus zukowski on loan to premier league.

2.) 16 Jul 2022 18:32:00
Where’s sakala away to John? Did u say 3m we sell him for?

3.) 16 Jul 2022 18:38:22
£3m is a good bit of business, I’m guessing zukowski is Scottish premier league?

4.) 16 Jul 2022 18:38:49
5-8 million is a bit dissapointing.

5.) 16 Jul 2022 18:40:58
Heard also before today that a couple of English championship sides have asked for Lowry on loan. You heard anything on that John?

6.) 16 Jul 2022 18:42:04
Interesting info guys.
With Sakala going does that mean Morelos is staying?
If one more striker needed, will that mean Roofe going also?

7.) 16 Jul 2022 18:45:03
What loans? Thought we were all squared up? ?.

8.) 16 Jul 2022 18:52:55
Why would the club put add ons they might no get instead a taking the 26 straight?

9.) 16 Jul 2022 18:54:39
So we need a back up right back because tav can’t be our only option there.

10.) 16 Jul 2022 18:58:14
Sakala and lowry both had minor knocks nothing sinister whatsoever guys ?.

11.) 16 Jul 2022 19:00:49
Sakala leaving us a bit short up top no? Also no RB cover I guess Gio sees devine or king good enough cover?

12.) 16 Jul 2022 19:10:36
If everyone was as happy and had the same attitude as Sakala then the world would be a better place but unfortunately those traits don't win you football matches. Great guy and wish him all the best if he does move on. With Balogun, Aribo and Bassey looking very likely to be away then at least we would no longer have any players who we would lose to the AFCON in our team.

13.) 16 Jul 2022 19:30:27
Big risk selling sakala Colak looks OK but not sure he'll score enough goals on his own and with Alfie out and roofe will be sooner or later we need a new striker to hot ground running also lowry needs to be around our 1st team not on loan.

14.) 16 Jul 2022 19:39:46
So let me get this straight we sell Bassey for plus £20million and Sakala for £3million and we give Gio £5-8 million to spend when we will need a centre half a left back and a forward . If Tyman is the preferred option at left back that's £5million gone that doesn`t leave much . All this so that the board can keep most of the transfer money, European money, ticket money, sponsorship money to repay loans that we actually don`t have. Remember the transfer money in the last 6 months will be minimum £42 million and with the others I have mentioned they will have taken in over a £100 million most of which would be unbudgeted money. If we don`t spend more than that on players questions should be asked.

15.) 16 Jul 2022 19:41:02
Yes re Lowry,
If sakala goes to france I see another striker in, board certainly backing Gio.

16.) 16 Jul 2022 19:43:17
I'd like Lowry to stay with us this season.

17.) 16 Jul 2022 19:43:22
We have king Devine sands for rb.

18.) 16 Jul 2022 19:54:25
you sure sakala to france? its hard to believe.

19.) 16 Jul 2022 20:09:35
Device not standard needed watched few b team games last season just don't see it with him. Lowry Mccann best of the bunch. I'd happily see sakala move on not good enough imo. Nice guy wish him luck if he does go which looks like he is.

20.) 16 Jul 2022 21:32:34
honestly really surprised sakala is leaving. is it confirmed or how close actually is it?

21.) 16 Jul 2022 22:03:15
I rate Devine highly, he would start for any other club in Scotland apart from them, Devine will make Rangers a tidy sum in a few years.

22.) 16 Jul 2022 22:04:59
Just been confirmed sakala had a knock and isn't leaving currently.

23.) 17 Jul 2022 02:05:26
Wow just wow I’ve never seen so many arguments over what price bassey goes for, can we wait until he signs officially for Ajax first, I’m sure the club will release the financial details in full time, take a chill pill guys we’re rich lol.

24.) 17 Jul 2022 10:19:40
Lithium it’s most likely to be undisclosed at our end, we will find out more from ajax.



28 May 2019 21:37:39
Rangers will play Marseille on 14 July at Ibrox. Hope is for one more big game.


1.) 28 May 2019 23:18:13
Rangers should never play Marseille again

End off


2.) 29 May 2019 08:18:22
Must be a clause in the deal for selling Alfredo.

3.) 29 May 2019 08:37:45
Are Marseille not meant be interested in Morelos.

4.) 29 May 2019 09:53:39
Why not?

5.) 29 May 2019 10:00:13
Agree Tommy, let’s cut ourselves off forever no matter how much we can make from this kind of game.

Time to get real and move on from past problem - anyone would think you carry a big chip on your shoulder.

6.) 29 May 2019 10:29:51
Why tommy?

7.) 29 May 2019 11:06:27
Where are all the pre season fixtures? I cannot see this? Or is this as factual as the blackburn friendly that some pages have quoted.

8.) 29 May 2019 11:09:00
Coz of all the match fixing allegations after we played them years ago. aye years and years ago. Get over it.

9.) 29 May 2019 12:24:08
Oh apologises, didn't realise only some are entitled to an opinion, anyway, Rangers were within touching distance of the champions league final when marseille bribed casks Moscow, after ska players said they were sick on the pitch at h/ time and lost 6 nil, Bernard Tapie the chairman was jailed for 3 years,

Sorry if I'm the only one who remembers


10.) 29 May 2019 12:26:24
Btw, just for talking sake, every one who critiqued my post seem to be the same who despise Dundee Utd, etc, " we will never forget "

Ring any bells? Or maybe only your opinion matters,


11.) 29 May 2019 12:49:48
I think everybody remembers, I’m sure the responses were more from the point of view of OMG - are you serious.

12.) 29 May 2019 13:18:38
I agree with Tommy. F*ck Marseille.

13.) 29 May 2019 13:20:36
Are you serious? So Dundee Utd should be hated forever, but I shouldn't mention marseille destroyed Rangers chances of winning the first ever Champions league?

How hypocritical does it get, btw I have been following Rangers for 50 years, being cheated out of the CL final was one of the worst times, you do know Rangers were undefeated and beat the English Premiership champions to qualify? Tell me please how I should despise Utd but not give an opinion on Marseille?


14.) 29 May 2019 13:38:35
Seems mate. Unless you are talking about Naismith, Utd etc you should shut up, and thanks for your reply,


15.) 29 May 2019 13:39:57
Fixtures not released yet, still looking at some alternatives but hopeful at least one more decent name at Ibrox. Marseille game and the possible other one is to generate money and back up in case Europe exit.

16.) 29 May 2019 13:40:35
Just as a pointer to some with selective memory, Rangers fans were also battered senseless in Marseille, maybe you can remember, as you seem to have a " we will never forget " attitude, but only to certain things


17.) 29 May 2019 13:43:56
I think everybody older than 30 will know that we beat leeds yes.

18.) 29 May 2019 14:03:15
Rangers fans pretty much get leathered all over the continent by heavy handed police esp the spanish. Does this mean we should never play a friendly with spaniah sides?

19.) 29 May 2019 14:12:44
Marseilles, the feeder club and the rats Naismith and Whittaker. Despise them all. Tommy is right. Apart from the match fixing, our fans were treated abysmally over there. They can jog on. It"s not as if there are no other teams to play. Totally agree Tommy.

20.) 29 May 2019 14:23:38
Better not mention aberdeen or celtic


21.) 29 May 2019 14:24:54
Tommy how can say " you didn't realise only some are entitled to an opinion" but yet end a post with "end of". Bit hypocritical mate. Anyway we all remember marseille cheating everyone, not just us but I don't remember them proclaiming their vile hate for our club the way dundee utd did👍.

22.) 29 May 2019 14:48:45
Thanks seeker, coldo, I ended my post, not yours, in my opinion Rangers should never play Marseille in a friendly, that's the end of my views, is that OK with you? . As you reply to every single post every day I suspect you will have see many posts with that ending?

It's my opinion mate. Meaning my mind won't be changed, were you in Marseille?

Btw Rangers fans are treated as target practice because of the Union flag and the Internet, soon as Rangers are drawn to play in a catholic country the social media gangsters are up all night


23.) 29 May 2019 15:03:56

You are entitled to your opinion as much as anyone else on here, everyone remembers, but there's no need to throw the toys out the pram if someone disagrees with you, that's what this site is all about.
End of/ f


24.) 29 May 2019 15:22:33
No tommy i don't see many posts that end "end of" and no your opinion is not ok with me, my choice to disagree. I fail to see why your hatred of marseille is comparable to others hatred of dundee utd. The last paragraph where you mention the union jack and rangers playing in a catholic country is just a ramble. What has that got to do with never playing marseille again? I understand the ill feeling towards them for cheating but they never tried to bury our club and laugh at us whilst doing it. And of course I reply to posts, that is the purpose of this site mate👍.

25.) 29 May 2019 15:41:20
Fair enough ger, , but the same people advocate boycotts and suchlike when it suits,

When I saw the first mention of Marseille I lost the plot, I won't forget having my head stitched, nor the bribes and everything else, just don't understand the attacks on me when the same people demand boycotts and never give other clubs a penny, and then defending a friendly against Marseille!

Tommy ( sorry Paul )

26.) 29 May 2019 15:49:51
Stop making Dundee Utd feel important by mentioning them and don’t say the words “they put us down” when talking about them either because “they” didn’t put us down. They were very vocal about it all at the time but are getting what they deserve now.

27.) 29 May 2019 16:40:51
Which is exactly why I call them the feeder club. And you just mentioned them yourself.

28.) 29 May 2019 16:57:59
Tommy Marseille got done for bribing a french team nothing to do with champions league.

29.) 29 May 2019 17:46:19
No they didn't, they were charged with many offences, not one French team, you don't get 3 years in papillon for bribing one team

Tommy oops.

30.) 29 May 2019 20:05:20
3 years in Papillion is by a country mile the best line I've seen on this site. And I would like to add as a Celtic fan I agree with you 100%.

31.) 29 May 2019 21:24:41

I remember and I also remember they didn’t get caught with any match fixing in European games was on in the French league they were found guilty of.
So to say you were cheated out of the champs league final is BS and seriously you say you have been following rangers for 50years but acting like a little kid throwing your toys out of the pram it’s embarrassing.

32.) 29 May 2019 21:52:59
On another note regarding the Marseille friendly. is that not smack bang in the middle of the Europa League Qualifiers? Meaning we’ll be playing them then potentially someone from the far flung reaches of Europe 4 days later. I think the friendlies organised for before the qualifiers start would be sufficient rather than having this in between them but Gerrard and co know best obv so we’ll see how it pans out.

33.) 30 May 2019 08:34:07
Marseille were caught bribing French teams in French league. It was us fans who questioned the chance it happened in the CL. I do seem to remember something coming out about Moscow later, Allegations though nothing more can’t be sure though. For me if they cheated at home they certainly tried to cheat in Europe.

However that team is gone that manager is gone so perhaps time to move on.

Rangers were awesome in that tournament, it was a special season for Europe with a team who could only play 3 foreigners. A league with only the Champs of Europe allowed to enter. A proper Champs League. It bores me to tears now the current format, however Rangers not taking part for many years plays it part in that.

Here’s to Stevie G getting it right next season and bringing it all back.




InTheKnow2019's banter posts with other poster's replies to InTheKnow2019's banter posts


24 May 2024 09:03:50
Some pre season matches will be added soon, but nice trip to Berlin end of July to look forward to. Decent game against Union Berlin.


1.) 24 May 2024 10:22:45
Birmingham wed 24th then berlin the saturday?



23 Apr 2024 21:20:47
I am at the Copa do Brasil U17 tournament, tell you what some amount of talent in this. Fast, direct and not scared to shoot. Always the question is can these players leave home and make it in Europe? But take a chance on a gem or two can make big bucks. Left winger for São Paulo is tasty. Scored a screamer. Number 7 if you can see it anywhere. Easily a few players here to take a chance on. Can update more in the coming days if anything seems interesting.


1.) 23 apr 2024 21:55:53
fantastic mate, great info too

you take care and enjoy yourself, and looking forward to your imput again.

2.) 23 Apr 2024 23:35:45
Would love to be there itk, enjoy pal. Keep it coming always interested in the next generation.
Could you try get the names if you can?

3.) 24 Apr 2024 08:12:52
InTheKnow, good post. enjoy.

4.) 24 Apr 2024 08:40:07
Unfortunately work permits and adjusting to Scotland always been an issue but would be great to see some of the talent over here. Enjoy mate.

5.) 24 Apr 2024 16:33:51
Get the adjusting part kaiser but always feel like Colombians or Argentinians more likely to adapt quicker in uk than Brazilians for some reason.



02 Feb 2023 08:39:52
Morning everyone, first off much better performance last night, although comfortable for most parts we do run the risk with high press that chances for other teams will be there. Barrie mcK should have scored at 1-0. @john and other positive posters appreciate all your posts during January. I myself decided to hold off to avoid the tit for tat comments. Anyway now the window has closed some info from my side that was shared during January. RW doing a good job behind the scenes, however the club are being stubborn they want to work with certain agents hence why some deals don't materialize. A former Rangers defender now an agent put forward some players but they will not be entertained as rangers have a club of preferred agents. Beale has got the players and staff enjoying the club again something that Gio and his staff couldn't do. RW and staff are working on a few pre contracts and one or two are close but will be kept under wraps in respect for there current employers. On Morelos and kent, they want to stay but on terms that are over the wage structure in place. However the club working on a bonus structure to accommodate this. Kent deal is more tricky and most likely be end of season. Morelos being pushed by agent and badly advised.

Several goal keepers being considered and would prefer an out of contract keeper so money can be spent elsewhere.

RB - anderlecht boy serious interest in but many clubs too.

CB - again looking at Belgium market for this one. RW had approached one club during January about a target but was told nothing would happen for that player until summer.

ST- McBurnie is a target for Beale. Serious one.

Beale rates willock very highly but QPR have an option for an extra year, if kent doesn't sign on then this could be a priority.

Matondo was offered to Belgium and championship on loan but didn't come through. Two clubs in championship Wigan and Millwall.

Still long way to go this season.


1.) 02 Feb 2023 09:13:37
This may seem somewhat outlandish, but I reckon Matondo will have a role to play before the end of the season.

2.) 02 Feb 2023 09:57:04
I would have no problem with Mcburnie yes I know fans don't what him but he would do some damage for our club but I believe we will bring a better cf in but him and Morelos signed I would be happy with Morelos Mcburnie is far better than having Morelos and Colak I believe Colak will be out this summer we witnessed last like he cannot play this system his touches are very poor.

3.) 02 Feb 2023 10:07:28
Matondo has done nothing for our club he is off form big time, I thought he would be a very good player for us but I can't see him doing anything now but I hope am proved wrong he was scoring some goals in the Belgium league last year hopefully he gets his form back and shows us the player he can be.

4.) 02 Feb 2023 10:14:03
Every team that plays high press could get caught out on counter attack but it’s still the best way for us to play.

5.) 02 Feb 2023 10:38:36
Correct storm am desperate for next season very excited about the football we will be watching.

6.) 02 Feb 2023 11:14:47
Mcburnie is a serious contenderv.

7.) 02 Feb 2023 11:37:45
As storm says

It’s the way we won 55 playing like this last night.

8.) 02 Feb 2023 11:45:06
John if believe he would do very at our club I know everyone opinions will be different.

9.) 02 Feb 2023 13:42:41
I understand the negative attitude towards Matondo as he has been underwhelming to say the least. But I agree with you Bouncy.

Feel he is very similar to Sakala when played under Gio. Having him glued to the wing he looked lost at times, believe the inside forward role is much more his game and could do a job for us. With age he is at I have not given up on him yet.

10.) 02 Feb 2023 14:24:58
Tommy their is definitely a player in him hopefully he kicks on but I have my doubts but as said I hope he proves me wrong.



07 Sep 2022 22:07:46
I believe it's a combination of issues with club. It started in January, sold Paterson but didn't risk the 400k on Souter when we needed some cover. Then as a selling club we sold aribo and bassey, meaning our 3 biggest assets are gone in 2 windows. Then we run into the kent and Morelos new deals not being signed as those are/ were our next 2 assets to sell. With them not signing new deals and soon free to talk to others then if you look through the team now we don't have any major assets left if any? Maybe that is why the club are keeping some cash already for next season? Summer 23 we could/ will lose mcGregor, Davis, Jack, Arfield, kent, Morelos with probably no money for them. Add to that sands and Tillman loan to buy. It will be an expensive rebuild again. While across the city will walk away with another 30m champions league money. Unfortunately the only way will be like years gone by frees or low fees and hope for a gem to punt. Unless a takeover happens and ploughing cash in think the next few years could be slightly painful. Also some unrest in the squad, heard from a good source goldson had said to squad Scottish cup final would be last game and was gone. But then the team that had initially sounded him out didn't want him and decided to sign again with us. Some senior players voiced concern at this but it was ignored. The team have lost the unity they had as now little cliques of players doing own thing.


1.) 07 Sep 2022 23:51:48
I would happily see every player you name depart. Some shouldn't have a contract. Doubt your inside info on Goldson though ?.

2.) 08 Sep 2022 03:48:28
Would be amazed if we forked out 4 mill on sands. Especially i highly doubt gio will be there.

3.) 08 Sep 2022 05:07:43
Who should be there in your opinion Paul86 ? Only a question mate, not having a go ?You must have someone in your mind you'd want/ like to replace gio ?.

4.) 08 Sep 2022 06:14:37
Nobody at the moment cause nobody is fit. But davies when up and running leon king also needs game time. James sands is not worth 4 milliom quid nobody would manage to convince me otherwise.



24 Aug 2022 11:15:12
Hi All, looking forward to the game tonight, it will be tough no doubt about it but can be done. Stay patient and nothing crazy and we can compete. Arfield has to play as he is the one that will make the runs behind Colak.

On the lundstram situation and getting his red down to yellow and everyone saying if VAR was available now it wouldn't have been given. Remember the guys that will be operating VAR are the same referees we have on match days, they will be looking at every single little decision when we play so it might not be a good thing after all.

I mentioned before a striker is being looked at but it will be end of window. Likely loan. Kent had interest from the championship but said he was not going there. Gio wanted a midfielder that was playing lower half of Dutch league but club demands too high. Central of midfield and striker competition is the main 2 that is interesting to the club.

Fingers crossed for tonight we can produce a Dortmund away performance and move on.


1.) 24 Aug 2022 11:21:49
I agree about Arfield mate. As for VAR, I don't like it. Surely it's the job of the referee and two linesmen to sort out everything that is happening on the pitch? In American football there are seven match officials. Perhaps we could add one extra official behind each goal, making five match officials? If certain referees continue to make disputed or controversial decisions or show unfair bias then the SPFL/ SFA must act (don't hold your breath) .

2.) 24 Aug 2022 11:43:30
Was reading through that thinking good info until you said Kents. Going to championship haha sound bud.

3.) 24 Aug 2022 11:44:05
Re VAR, yes it will be the same guys, but they will be able to view from multiple angles on multiple occasions. The so called honest mistake will be done away with and correct decisions will have to be made.

4.) 24 Aug 2022 12:12:42
Var is the way forward doiger whether you like it or not we have had refs behind goals in one comp and sure.

5.) 24 Aug 2022 12:23:39
Woke up this morning and felt really positive about the game tonight.

6.) 24 Aug 2022 12:32:35
Sir Walter I never said Kent was leaving for the championship. I said there was interest from the championship for Kent. Read it back properly before you jump on the keyboard. Doiger the behind the goal thing has already been tested. It didn’t work apart from situations in the box. Lundstram tackle would have nothing to do with behind the goals refs. They might have different angles for VAR but we have seen before not all angles are used. Last year v Dortmund perfect example.

Anyway if I get anything else info wise I will share it.

7.) 24 Aug 2022 12:40:26
Var is a big fat yes from me, always has been.

8.) 24 Aug 2022 12:57:21
they have tried the 'goal line' assistants before and they were a waste of time.

9.) 24 Aug 2022 13:11:21
VAR for me.

10.) 24 Aug 2022 13:17:48
apart from offside - VAR doesn't make the decision though?
only refers Ref to have another look.
or am i not getting it.

11.) 24 Aug 2022 13:51:37
I’m feeling positive about game tonight
I think we will win 2-1 ?.

12.) 24 Aug 2022 14:33:21
Not confident at all stig, think 2-0 psv unfortunately.

13.) 24 Aug 2022 16:05:47
Steven Davis had a fabulous game in first leg and so he should be a definite starter for me.

14.) 24 aug 2022 16:52:16
bar, most times the ref is asked to have another look, it’s changed,

15.) 24 Aug 2022 16:56:31
Cmon the Teddy Bears tonight.




InTheKnow2019's rumour replies


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29 Apr 2023 13:01:03
Craig Moore has recommended various players, however Ross Wilson wanted deals with agents he had used in the past. The Georgian boy was offered to rangers the window before on a loan to buy. It was not seen as something they wanted to do. This window is an opportunity for other agents to get foot in the door.




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22 Apr 2023 06:59:32
Willock hamstrings give him problems. Great player but will not play 40+ games season. Latest injury was on the back of a hamstring strain that became a serious pull similar to Yilmaz. That has been the reason he has never made the step up to EPL.




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13 Mar 2023 21:56:00
Already mentioned to the group in January. Mcburnie has been offered a deal to come. He wants it but all depends of SU get to premier league as then he has automatic extension.




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11 Dec 2022 14:52:25
@humph could be, Beale was looking at him at QPR, 1 South American boy being looked at seriously. Also 1 African boy being considered. 1 keeper in Germany and 1 in championship being seriously considered.




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11 Dec 2022 14:13:24
Kent wants 55k per week. He believes he can get that down south even in championship. Rangers offered 38k per week to Morelos but he wants more. Rumours are Middle East have offered him serious money. Beale wants 1 CB, 1 midfielder and 1 top 3 player in January.

Plus looking at adding 2-3 bosman deals already in January for the summer. Meaning that only a few will be brought in in the summer if goes to plan. Bosman goalkeeper is being looked at in English championship as well as Germany.





InTheKnow2019's banter replies


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20 May 2024 20:11:34
Souttar is on 40k a week, big contract up to 2028. He will def go on loan next year but only with option to buy. Everton, wolves, Brighton all looking at him for a loan. South American market is one we are looking at closely. Like I mentioned a few weeks ago. Davies has had enquires from same team that was interested in January. Looking at doing a deal that includes wright permanent and king on loan to killie in exchange for Watson ( no fees but add ons for both wright and Watson) . Player from Denmark is being watched closely but club want to keep hold. Midfielder that PC knows well already in UK is the one that that PC wants and will push for. Lammers, Hagi, Lawrence all got interest. Two forward players from South America expected. One championship player already done deal. Covers midfield but usually a CB.




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04 May 2024 18:41:58
League is done! Dundee game killed it. They might drop 2 points at Killie but that’s it. I have been travelling around a few places looking at players for a certain reason. Some gems in Brazil. Can they cut in Europe we will see. Portugal first stop for most of them I would say. Even if money is better elsewhere. It’s family wishes. Next stop for me USA next week. Couple of U19 players to look at. Rangers are tracking a goalkeeper that will command a fee, also a striker from a market the coaches know well for a large fee. If they can spend more then a powerful midfielder is on the wanted list. Budget for new season will be 13,5m if second place. 20m if CL.




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06 Apr 2024 15:06:37
Butland, Tav, goldson, soutter, ridvan, dio, lunny, Lawrence, Silva, Dessers, sima.

1-0 nil 60 mins, sterling for Silva. More defensive, dio left, Lawrence right, sterling and lunny middle.

65 cantwell for Lawrence
65 Matondo for sima
70 Roofe for Dessers.




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05 Sep 2023 18:27:25
It’s been sad reading some of the posts the last few days. Yes results and performances not where we want them to be however some things need to looked at more closely. Already in the stands on Sunday before the game kicked off I hear people wanting Beale out. Now I am not saying he is the best person for the job but he has the job so why not get behind him instead? Too many fans want people to fail without getting behind them. Same goes for the players. People are saying Dessers is the worst player blah blah, but please think back to mark hateley and his first 10-15 games. Dessers might not score at the minute but he is by far the best striker we have had that can play other players in on goal. Pass to Matondo v PSV, pass to Matondo in the first minute Sunday. The pass to Roofe for the chalked off goal. Think about your own position at work, how would you feel coming into your workspace and people booing at you or telling you are rubbish at every turn you make.

It’s time to get behind the manager and the players that are in the building and start again. Changing players or manager every window will not help us, confidence will.

Before people attack and say Beale has lost all the big games etc jog your minds back to defeats in years gone by. It’s not easy to accept I know but one thing is we don’t give up. It’s now the players need the fans the same way as nights against Leipzig, Dortmund etc.

Stay safe all.




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18 Aug 2023 18:30:00
One reason being with the 7 year deals is that the payments and bonuses due to the selling clubs are run over each season. Ways around the financial rules me thinks. 70m/ 7. If not then Chelsea will get hammered soon enough.




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