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01 Jul 2024 22:21:06
Transfermarket showing Hamza Igamane already signed for Rangers? Signed today 1/7/24!


1.) 02 Jul 2024 01:13:48
Igamane, Nsiala, Barron, Jefte all added, as well as Hagi added again to team listing (was removed in last seasons listings / not even on the loaned out list)

Be good if we can get rid of the following, and invest moneys taken, into more young raw talent for the 1st team.

Souttar, Davies, Goldson, Tavernier, Cantwell, Lawrence, Dowell, Wright, Lammers, Dessers.

Butland and Balogun for Captain / Vice Captain.

2.) 02 Jul 2024 06:06:34
That’s a cracking list laudrup, I’d probably keep Souttar for the home grown list. I would have keep Dessers as well but he appears to want away and we are being linked with good players in that position.

3.) 02 Jul 2024 07:07:23
Would keep souttar and cantwell the rest can go any time, and add matondo to that.

4.) 02 Jul 2024 08:11:26
I think Kenny McLean will be the new captain of Rangers.

5.) 02 Jul 2024 08:11:50
We get rid of that whole list Laudrup and we’re done for another season, can’t possibly remove that much of the spine and think we’ll click a new team in a matter of weeks. The balogun vice cap suggestion, lack of games and age should be enough to show that’s not a good option if building is the expectation.

6.) 02 Jul 2024 08:15:09
I’d keep Souttar for back up too, we have far too many players to replace this summer we need to keep some and he’s useful as a back up especially with balogun age. Agree with the rest of the list.

7.) 02 Jul 2024 09:47:39
Solof we are done for another seaosn if we keep them. You’re acting like it’s a spine of a successful team. They need replaced. They are the problem. Time for a whole new fresh start. It will obviously take time and people need to be patient. I think most sensible fans will be patient if we see a new team, if it’s the same players letting us down time and time again the fans will revolt.

8.) 02 Jul 2024 10:58:08
Great to sign young players with lots of potential and excellent for our player trading model, but hopefully we add a bit experience to the squad.

9.) 02 Jul 2024 12:47:47
Its the fringe players who must be gone first, Davies, Dowell, Lawrence, Wright, Matondo all of whom who have never contributed anything at all to the club. You can also add Lammers and Hagi to that list . We start dumping all the experienced players and are left with these guys then we will be fighting Hearts for second place.

10.) 02 Jul 2024 13:44:18
Fantasy’s football stuff. Sell ten players, replace them, and the season kicks off in 5 weeks. We’s have no steam and nowhere to play football.

11.) 02 Jul 2024 14:07:23
Or we can just keep the same players that continue to lose league after league to Celtic tnat sounds amazing generic where do I sign up for another year of it.

12.) 02 Jul 2024 17:42:20
Interesting, Wishy.

And after all these new players come in do you expect them to just start winning instantly? Qualify for the Champions League, beat Celtic at Parkhead on league game 4, etc. These fixtures are all coming up straight away. If those fixtures go wrong what is to stop the manager from being sacked a few months in to the next season? We’ve seen it before. The fans want instant success, they don’t give time.

Beale got to work with his new squad for just 7 league games before he was sacked. If Rangers don’t start next season playing great football and beating everyone the fans might start demand a new manager again.

If Clement attempted an overhaul of that size it would be managerial subside at a club like Rangers. We basically have a revolving door where the managers office use to be.



26 Jun 2024 18:14:05
Was hoping for 'flag above the head Wednesday' today but still nothing. on Hamza Igamane, anyone heard anything further?


1.) 26 Jun 2024 18:26:51
Think we need this over the line before the Olympics. This lad has a good Olympics and his value goes up considerably.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 19:37:52
His club have already confirmed the deal. Guessing it's a visa issue or Rangers are holding off until the new financial year possibly to confirm?

3.) 26 Jun 2024 20:19:30
Somebody said the other day he was signing that day but never did.

4.) 26 Jun 2024 21:06:52
Maybe waiting till 1st July to announce officially?

5.) 26 Jun 2024 21:18:29
We are waiting on international clearance as he has too few caps.
So process to apply.
Then announced formally.

6.) 26 Jun 2024 22:25:48
So Igamane is currently in Brazil so looks like he may be on holiday and this could be the hold up with the deal along with international clearance.

7.) 26 Jun 2024 23:51:42
Correction on the above post

He's not in Brazil but is still in Morocco unless the image shared is old.

I'll upload the insta image but it's from the white palace. The post on X claimed it's in Brazil. But White Palace is a 5 star hotel in Morocco.

8.) 26 Jun 2024 23:52:37
He looks a really good one. His similarity to Morelos is enough to get us excited.



16 Jun 2024 15:22:54
Daily Rag say we have made a bid for Hamza Igamane, Morrocan forward. Quick Look on Transfermarket shows value £450k limited experience so maybe one for reserves and hope he develops. Anyone hearing any other fresh rumours?


1.) 16 Jun 2024 15:37:30
I read it too.

2.) 16 Jun 2024 15:37:59
Just seen on twitter from FRMF Xtra tranlated to "The transfer was concluded with a €2M deal"

3.) 16 Jun 2024 15:38:13
Aye a just saw it on the Daily Rebel online there. Don’t know anything about the lad. Even reading that rag online makes me feel like I need another shower the day!

4.) 16 Jun 2024 15:43:59
Hope not, even YouTube, struggling to make him look any good, God help us!

5.) 16 Jun 2024 15:47:26
BAR 72 if you read comments from Moroccans they are all saying one of the best talents in the country and expect him to be in Europe shortly and that was a few months ago.

6.) 16 Jun 2024 15:47:36
Saw had a bid of £1.5M accepted. Wonder if he is seen as a 3rd choice, if that's the case and keeping Dessers that's probably our 3 strikers going in tonext season with lovelace backing up.

7.) 16 Jun 2024 16:05:28
Bar72, the boy looks pretty good on YouTube
Try being a bit more optimistic.

8.) 16 Jun 2024 16:12:21
A mate of mine said in last transfer window that his team where looking at Hamza Igamane so had a look a while back he is like Morelos stocky and strong bit of pace. I think this is a good move well thought of in Morocco as one of if not the best player they have had in there League.

9.) 16 Jun 2024 16:23:05
Forgetting danilo coisty. I firmly believe dessers will be offski.

10.) 16 Jun 2024 16:23:30
Lol, God help us!

Imagine being linked with young raw talent with potential resale value.

11.) 16 Jun 2024 16:37:46
We don't win the league with danilo and dessers our 2 strikers. No idea about young lad we are after but at 1.5m if true hrs not signing to play in b team.

12.) 16 Jun 2024 16:48:17
Aye the good old you tube videos to decide if a player is good or not it’s embarrassing writing guys off before they are even signed.

13.) 16 Jun 2024 17:33:27
Read that we have made a second bid of 2m euros and bid has been accepted striker that can also play right wing, has scored 7 in his last 14 appearances.

14.) 16 Jun 2024 17:50:15
Interesting to see us finally starting to tap into these markets. The Belgians and Dutch have been doing it for years and picking up some great players. Maybe a sign of things to come for this window.

Agree this lad will probably take up Roofes slot in the roster. Would really like to see us move on either Danilo or Dessers to make way for a proper number 9.

Can’t see us sign another 1 unless one of those guys leave.

15.) 16 Jun 2024 17:57:06
Announcement imminent.

16.) 16 Jun 2024 18:24:21
Also good to see it coming out of nowhere which would suggest the other lads mentioned in the press are just rumours. Looks like we will be doing our business on the qt.

17.) 16 Jun 2024 18:29:10
We need to buy players that can be starters won’t win **** all with a team of 20 year olds.

18.) 16 Jun 2024 18:58:52
Sima, I beg to differ mate, but it's all about opinions, we will see.

19.) 16 Jun 2024 19:03:50
Bar that's an nonsense take. He's 7th in the top 10 performing under 23 strikers in europe last season.

20.) 16 Jun 2024 19:49:48
OWS how do you know? So we just give another trophy away, players coming in so we won't move fwd, think I'll watch Junior or god forbid Walking football, fgs give the team a chance?.

21.) 16 Jun 2024 20:44:43
Where in europe is morocco, tj?

22.) 16 Jun 2024 21:30:41
North Africa part Big D??.



08 Feb 2024 23:18:43
Any news on Lundstram contract, heard it was now 95% done and any day agreed?


1.) 09 Feb 2024 03:32:19
Sanyo e any idea o the wage he’s getting?
I’d say £30k 2yeaes option of 3rd.

2.) 09 Feb 2024 09:20:32
Hope not Stevie.

3.) 09 Feb 2024 10:19:43
I've seen it said he's one of the highest earners. IF so I'd really be expecting him to take a slight wage cut if anything if he's to be given a 2 year deal. I'm all for it, but guess that might be why it's not been done and dusted already.

4.) 09 Feb 2024 10:49:22
He is currently on 22k a week.

5.) 09 Feb 2024 11:05:49
No way will Lundstram take a cut in wages jimbo, he'd get a bigger wage in the championship, his last big deal hopefully he signs tho.

6.) 09 Feb 2024 11:41:48
Take Lunny out of the team coming into the Business end of the season and we have no business. he is the main man between defence to midfield. runs the roost if you will. pay him what he is worth imo.

7.) 09 Feb 2024 12:16:04
100% Deecee.

8.) 09 Feb 2024 12:28:49
on current form, one of, if not the best midfielders in the country.
hopefully we get this one over the line and he carries on delivering the kind of performances we know and expect from him.

9.) 09 Feb 2024 12:35:05
I was told from a very reliable source Lundstrum is in our very top earners bracket.

10.) 09 Feb 2024 12:46:01
Why would anyone be worried about what one of our players are earning? The board will offer him what they think he`s worth and what we can afford. If he is one of our senior players he will be paid accordingly . Its not really any bodies business but the two parties involved.

11.) 09 Feb 2024 13:21:13
Eight players at Ibrox earn more than Lundstram, including Goldson who earns £15k a week more than Lunny! Pay the man what he's worth, !

12.) 09 Feb 2024 14:47:42
Baz. Lund On 22k a week which includes his signing on fee spread over length of contract.

13.) 09 Feb 2024 14:49:46
Baz you are wrong.

Lundstrum base salary is 22k a week that’s not with signing on fee bonuses etc….

14.) 09 Feb 2024 15:42:06
Take a wage cut lol a year ago I might have agreed but he's probably playing his best stuff for us right now.

15.) 09 Feb 2024 15:45:13
Matondo is the one we need to sort. Is he not on over 30k?

16.) 09 Feb 2024 16:33:34
So does it include signing on fee or not. Two different opinions.

17.) 09 Feb 2024 16:50:24
Blue correct he is not on 30 k a week. On circa 22k.

18.) 09 Feb 2024 17:03:57
Rabbi scored his last two games he’s looking good under pc and lunny deserves anything but reduced wages.

19.) 09 Feb 2024 19:06:13
OT 22k is basic wage

Rabbi matondo 23k a week according to salary sport.

20.) 09 Feb 2024 19:54:49
How do websites know what players salaries are?

21.) 09 Feb 2024 20:09:21
You are all wrong. I know I am right. all the usual in the know brigade I’m not telling you my source. But what I will say is the person who told me this EVERYONE on this website will know them.

And another thing, none of you actually know his exact weekly wage. The person who I told me said he is one of the top earners at Ibrox. He wasn’t specific on wages

So unless you work in the payroll department of Ibrox, know John Lundstrum personally and he has been bragging about his £22k wages or seen his wage slip you can’t tell me I’m wrong.

22.) 09 Feb 2024 20:12:45
And storm I can assure you my source is more reliable than salary sport ?.

23.) 09 Feb 2024 20:22:44
Orange it’s about opinions. Salary sport one of the more accurate sites.

24.) 10 Feb 2024 01:20:22
John227 bang on the money on this.

25.) 10 Feb 2024 04:06:23
Aye nae bother baz ? I’ll go with salary sport ?.

26.) 10 Feb 2024 09:35:58
How does a website know what players earn? Would this not breach GDPR for this information to be shared on a public website? Anyone relying on a website to prove a salary surely can't be serious. Infact there is a forum where fans disprove the accuracy of Salary Sport. Would certainly not be quoting salary sport as a reliable source in a debate. ?.

27.) 10 Feb 2024 10:26:54
So you don’t know I’m wrong storm.

Read GR4. I might well be wrong. My source might be wrong. The person who told me this is very well connected at the club and funnily enough the story he was telling me and a few others centred around Connor Goldson and his new contract. So a few years old. No figures were mentioned. He said Goldson wanted to be highest paid and at the time the 2 highest earners were Lundstrum and Roofe. If you knew who you were saying is wrong you would choke on your corn flakes.

28.) 10 Feb 2024 10:54:49
Just a quick point for you John and stormtrooper.

John You said that Salary Sport is one of the more accurate sites. You also said that Lunny is on 22k which Salary Sport also says he is on.

You said that Lunny is on 22k which includes his signing on fee.

Stormtrooper also quotes Salary Sports 22k and swears by the accuracy of Salary Sport. However stormtrooper says that the 22k does not include the signing on fee.

Now if you's both say that Salary Sport is accurate then one of you is wrong and thus surely contradicting the accuracy of Salary Sport.

29.) 10 Feb 2024 10:54:53
The deal was agreed very quickly and it’s just to be signed. He wants to stay and the club realise his worth.

30.) 10 Feb 2024 10:55:46
Baz majority r given what they believe to be reasonable accurate, can you give us a breakdown of his signing on fee, what his addon are seen as u know exact detail.

That’s why many write circa.

31.) 10 Feb 2024 11:06:02
Who quoted it as reliable? I would take that over someone with a phantom source.
Things like salary sport are all we have to go on. They will be closer than people think also.

How do sites find out how much celebrities make or ceo etc…. ?

I would take these sites as more realible than baz fae rangers rumours.

{Ed001's Note - the initial figures for a lot of these sites came about when the football leaks hack was dumped online. So that was spot on but I have no idea where they source the figures from now.}

32.) 10 Feb 2024 11:24:28
You said "you'll go with Salary Sport" so must think its reliable stormtrooper.

John said its one of the more accurate sites, therefore John must think its reliable.

By definition of both your statements you's both must think its reliable.

Stormtrooper, you swear by John most of the time from Rangers Rumours, why not Baz the Bear from Rangers Rumours? You have just contradicted yourself there mate.

33.) 10 Feb 2024 12:17:01
Gr sorry if I’m wrong but they have both my grandsons salary’s accurate which includes signing on fees in epl,

So I will stop posting salary, keep u happy

Gr. we will just follow u.

34.) 10 Feb 2024 12:39:12
I'm not going to guess the wages or look at web sites that guess.

35.) 10 Feb 2024 12:59:37
Sorry John but you sound as though you have taken the hump with me, you obviously do not like your opinion being questioned. You can post what you like, it doese't mean you can't be questioned. As for your grandsons salary that doesn't prove anything because I know that one or two that I have looked at are wrong.

36.) 10 Feb 2024 13:39:06
Gregg would I take the hump with a faceless wonder

So mb they r mainlywrong. U come on here only to knock people.

37.) 10 Feb 2024 14:25:18
According to that site McAusland on £700 pw surely we need to renegotiate with him also roofe on 25+ more than many even cifu and lammers on 15/ 20k a week.

38.) 10 Feb 2024 14:47:26
Its not knocking John, its called debating. Did you and stormtrooper come on to knock baz the bear or were you debating? And does faceless wonder include you? That's a couple of remarks now, do you normally get upset when people question what you post? Its a platform and site designed for debate. Its not personal.

39.) 10 Feb 2024 14:49:43
One Walter mcausland signed a new deal before Xmas.

40.) 11 Feb 2024 11:43:48
Gr4 face less wonder does include me and everyone else on this site

I only get upset when people run others down, site has regressed massively in last two years.

41.) 11 Feb 2024 14:01:28
calling people faceless wonders or saying that people only come on to knock people, is that not running others down and a part of why things might have regressed? Would you agree that some of the responses from stormtrooper towards Baz might contribute towards why things have regressed?

42.) 11 Feb 2024 18:06:37
If I have something to say to storm I tell him it, not siding with you or others.

Storm gives it, he takes it as does baz. It happens with many.
Gr 4 what was your previous names on here.

43.) 11 Feb 2024 20:42:03
If the site is called salary sport, it’s a fair assumption that they actually put work into getting correct figures and research, so it’s kind of obvious why storm and John are giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Don’t see anything wrong in that, so storm and John are correct, in my opinion.



28 Jan 2024 16:52:34
20 year old Colombian Winger Oscar Cortes Apparently on route to sign loan with option to buy. anyone heard? @john227 @whitehorse @CoplandFront5? Also not heard from CF5 for a bit on here, hope he's okay. ?.


1.) 28 Jan 2024 17:04:54
Fingers crossed in this one seen him in the under 20 World Cup last year kid really stood out.

2.) 28 Jan 2024 17:06:50
Looks a good buy 10 appearances 4 goals 2 assists this season. I think the next week or so will be very exciting with a couple players coming in.

3.) 28 Jan 2024 17:12:58
RFC yes heard that name,

4.) 28 Jan 2024 17:35:32
Just read that myself can play either wing.
CF5 was on a couple of days ago.

5.) 28 Jan 2024 17:35:46
This boy looks a player btw.

6.) 28 Jan 2024 17:48:15
Good on YouTube lol ?, if he’s coming plus Jefte and with Danilo there’s going to be a South American flavour to our team. About time! If you’ve got a cool South American name like Cotes or Jefte Vital and there good players they get sold for more than someone with the exact same ability but has a last name of Smith or Jones. Being serious tho he’s quite big and fast really skill full, the typical PC athlete type. PC likes monsters in there, doesn’t like wee players.

7.) 28 Jan 2024 18:35:16
Lol 87, thank goodness Ally wasn't called McCoistio

Only kidding mate, I know what you're saying.

Very exciting window, think big Phil know a baller when he sees one.

8.) 28 Jan 2024 18:38:26
Loving the fact we are clearly scouting young (hopefully hungry to perform) players. I've absolutely no issue with loan to buy deals . some will flourish and some may not! Interested to see if this lad and the young Brazilian sign, and whether we've another surprise in the next couple of days. ?.

9.) 28 Jan 2024 18:46:55
If we get these two over line plus one been a good window, the new signings will be well bedded in for start of next season.

10.) 28 Jan 2024 18:58:17
I like how we're looking to exploit the loan to buy market.

11.) 28 Jan 2024 18:59:24
The deal will be an initial loan move, with Rangers obtaining an option to buy the attacker in the summer
Media speculation currently at Lens.

12.) 28 Jan 2024 19:07:37
He's 5 foot 9 lol.

13.) 28 Jan 2024 19:35:18
Looks like a goer.

14.) 28 Jan 2024 19:42:16
MrRangers don’t mention platers heights or prepare yourself for a dam good keyboard warrioring from Stormtrooper.

15.) 28 Jan 2024 20:12:09
Rabbi why does his height matter?

16.) 28 Jan 2024 20:12:38
Otters ?? keyboard warrior? For having a different opinion?

17.) 28 Jan 2024 20:13:36
These signings are us getting ahead of the curve for rebuild in summer . Hopefully they hit ground running coming straight in . But next year we going to see total different team I feel . Big Phil knows what he wants.

18.) 28 Jan 2024 20:16:49
The Colombia winger is 5 ft 8, otterspocket probably under Yilmaz height is that too small for a footballer mate? it really is crazy thinking this way mate.

19.) 28 Jan 2024 20:18:43
Smart move by club cover for sima or mcausland and if turns out good all the better with option to sign

If true.

20.) 28 Jan 2024 20:39:21
Stormtrooper if you can play on either wing why do we need another?

21.) 28 Jan 2024 21:07:17
I think cortes is almost 6 foot tall My star ?.

22.) 28 Jan 2024 21:38:27
I didn't state it did matter someone said he was quite big and a beast. He does look to have a baby buffalo build though.

23.) 28 Jan 2024 21:53:56
Dear God fans still going on about height!

24.) 28 Jan 2024 22:13:14
Nobody has saw them play regularly live I wouldn’t have thought, got to trust the recruitment team and hope they turn out to be good players for the club.
Word of caution they are young and probably can’t speak English so may take time to settle.

25.) 28 Jan 2024 22:27:29
Just looked sws 5ft 10,matters not the height of a player crazy thinking.

26.) 29 Jan 2024 00:29:46
To be fair to storm I think it’s more about clement liking having various options for wingers

He was known for it in his time in Belgium so wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted more

I’m a bit concerned over silva already hopefully just a slow start.

27.) 29 Jan 2024 00:51:00
How tall is Lionel Messi?

28.) 29 Jan 2024 01:26:51
Gofor there’s no way this lad is coming in to be cover for McCausland. He’ll be coming in to play as our main right winger.

29.) 29 Jan 2024 09:16:25
Going with accurate scientific BMI v Height ratio in the male species - do you know that Morelos was actually 6ft 4" when he last played with us- little known fact???.

30.) 29 Jan 2024 10:16:17
The last thing i am is concerned about Silva gofor, actually liked what I've seen from him.

31.) 29 Jan 2024 13:18:12
Silva just needs a goal or 2 and then hopefully he will start scoring again.

But will Clement play him in his natural position as a CF or in one of his secondary positions, as an SS or LW?

32.) 29 Jan 2024 15:37:46
Davie this is only your opinion not fact I was stating a d opinion

If mcausland isn't going to play right wing davie name me your three players to add to European squad.

33.) 29 Jan 2024 15:40:44
Always think it's funny when folk auto think when a guy who is foreign not kicked a ball for us is automatically going to take place of one of our own who has the position and is playing well and is domestically trained when they probably k ow nothing about the player incoming.

34.) 29 Jan 2024 15:42:29
My star his link up has been fine I'd like to see more of an attacking threat from him. He needs to watch the going down to soft refs in Scotland will cotton on to that quickly.




RFC73's banter posts with other poster's replies to RFC73's banter posts


02 Jun 2024 11:02:38
With the 'cull' started wonder how quickly we will move to A replace and with who? And B continue the next phase -those to be sold/ told they have no future. and who is then replacing them.
I'm sure this week we will see plenty of names linked but I do love a surprise signing too.


1.) 02 Jun 2024 12:54:42
Those players already know it’s maybe one of the main reasons performances dropped with some toward tail end of the season. It’s one thing them knowing and agents touting them around and a completely different thing actually getting them out. Guys like Matondo etc who offer very little in way of availability and consistent performance levels whilst sitting on a high wage are not easy to

2.) 02 Jun 2024 14:19:32
Defo be surprises rfc, look at silva diomande cortes don't remember many getting those right, could be wrong though just don't remember, maybe some on here did call it.
Absolutely sizzling hot here in Ayia napa 35, above average for this time of year.

3.) 02 Jun 2024 14:40:55
Boy blue these names appeared about two weeks b4 wosigned

Diomande club said he had left there training camp to go to rangers

Cortez left Columbia under 21 camp to go to us, announced by lens.

Silve was very last minute

It’s great when it happens that way.

4.) 02 Jun 2024 15:27:45
John a thought it was 2 that were last minute and we all knew about 1, bad memory mate. I do like it when it's a surprise John, but some you guys seem to be on the ball most of the time which is also good ?.

5.) 02 Jun 2024 16:36:05
Boy blue, Diomande and Cortes happened as I described, easy to look up.

6.) 02 Jun 2024 17:12:16
Hopefully PC and NK are able to attract the right calibre of player to Rangers, as it looks to be a massive rebuild again this summer transfer window.

7.) 02 Jun 2024 18:18:29
John I believe you mate, your reading my post wrong. I've got a bad memory, not you. ?.

8.) 02 Jun 2024 19:39:36
I know that, but sometimes it’s better u go read what’s said, sometimes idont put stuff across very welll, I blame old age. Good lady blames dementia.

9.) 02 Jun 2024 21:54:49
Ah OK I get what you mean now, sorry John my mistake. Once I read it back it makes perfect sense. As you can probably tell I over think stuff sometimes. All good mate.



08 Apr 2024 09:25:08
Would like to see McDowell get a start on Wednesday and Sterling, maybe rest Lundstram and Diamonde.


1.) 08 Apr 2024 10:31:24
We may have 99% of fans in but I think it actually works against us. I think we freeze under pressure. First half we were shell shocked. We will play well at the piggery. i believe the league is ours and Clement is a winner. Onwards.

2.) 08 Apr 2024 10:36:35
Lunny looked leggy.

3.) 08 Apr 2024 12:45:09
Think you mean Dowell RFC73??.

4.) 08 Apr 2024 14:39:10
I do Forktongue, thanks for spotting.

5.) 08 Apr 2024 16:22:06
no probs bud?.



31 Jan 2024 11:21:44
This is where it gets banana's (no we haven't found the monkey) with names in and going out next 36 hours. i have a love hate relationship with this but ill still be watching the transfer count down! Jefte and Cortes in, in time and no first 11s away and I'll be happy.




11 Jan 2024 19:17:25
Rangers closed door game v Hertha on YouTube free on saturday for all you bears with an afternoon away from the shops! ??.


1.) 11 Jan 2024 20:43:04
It says 3pm KO can anyone confirm if this is Spanish time or UK.

2.) 11 Jan 2024 21:28:15
Yeah it's 3pm uk time mate.

3.) 11 Jan 2024 22:27:21
Thanks for that.



08 Jan 2024 23:01:38
RIP Beckenbauer. Only three people have won the World Cup as player and coach. Mario Zagallo who died on Saturday, Franz Beckenbauer who died today and Didier Deschamps who's is likelynow ? himself.





RFC73's rumour replies


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28 Apr 2024 21:42:04
Would have liked Kevin Denkey but he is priced out now, so maybe this is a choice but wages might be an issue.




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01 Feb 2024 18:40:56
@john227 I’m always the optimist! If we don’t we don’t get anyone but I don’t believe we ain’t looking, but needs to fit big Phil’s standards, so I’m okay with what will be…. Denkey in the building at 11.29! ???.




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01 Feb 2024 16:41:01
Any names @John227?




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31 Jan 2024 23:26:49
Must be a fake Romano account as nothing on real account.




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30 Jan 2024 19:20:29
Sorry everyone has a price but that’s nowhere near his. Vital to us and we should offer longer improved terms. Model pro and captain/ vice material.





RFC73's banter replies


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02 Jun 2024 13:46:30
I wanted to choose a name you would be safe with too RTR :
From Rangers signed until 2028 ??.




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01 Jun 2024 13:28:46
DiamondeIntheruff @raisetgeroofe?




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22 May 2024 22:39:37
Have you seen how much they have signed some of the players for? Well out our budget and they would have been getting a slice of that and maybe over period of contract which counter balances basic wage structure.




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08 Apr 2024 14:39:10
I do Forktongue, thanks for spotting.




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21 Feb 2024 08:54:41
Verdant Abyss was always singing his praises then disappeared….




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