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Ryanrfc89's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Ryanrfc89's rumours posts


21 Nov 2022 23:34:45
I said the last say that gio would be sackes in the morning he has known for a few days. beale will not be managing rangers and Wilson will soon follow gio and a new captain after the world Cup call me crazy or screen shot this an then ask me how a know thank you.


1.) 22 Nov 2022 00:50:34
Not doubting your info Ryan but it's been confirmed that QPR have allowed Beale to talk to rangers supposobly.

2.) 22 Nov 2022 01:12:53
So how do you know then lol. Regarding Wilson I KNOW that you don't know his job remit. he may be told we have no money, go out and find me the best bosmans that are young and we can sell for profit. so for you to say Wilson out too is a BIG statement. if it's a new captain then tavs gone. all that being said we don't even have a manager in place yet and only sacked our manager within 12 hours so sorry Ryan I'm gona call what you have said is totaly ?.

3.) 22 Nov 2022 04:28:11
The Record articles states that Les Ferdinand would allow Rangers to talk to Beale. It doesn’t say that we have approached QPR.

4.) 22 Nov 2022 06:31:44
It has been confirmed. Supposedly.

5.) 22 Nov 2022 07:09:38
Il be terribly disapointed if we hire Beale another desaster by the board.

6.) 22 Nov 2022 07:25:01
Any chance someone can confirm who our new management team are. can't find any posts confirming it yet! ?.

7.) 22 Nov 2022 08:33:24
Our next manager will have tav as captain same as gio and sg as they aren’t daft enough to blame a team struggling on one player.

8.) 22 Nov 2022 08:54:36
First of all I’ve no idea who our manager will be or if anyone else is leaving I see the same list as everyone else and I see it being said QPR will not fight to keep their manager if that’s true I just wonder why? Beale was said to be a fantastic first team coach but being the manager is a totally different ball game and if it is Beale I hope he is ready as the board can’t get it wrong again, I see the attraction of Beale I just wonder if he has the experience to manage Rangers only time will tell.

9.) 22 Nov 2022 09:32:09
Whoever is the new manager they must be given total backing by the Rangers Board who simply need to give them a significant Transfer Budget and they must be backed by the entire support.
Being honest, I don't really know who the best contender for the job is, all the names mentioned appear to have their pros and cons and I was excited when GVB was appointed because I was looking forward to what he could do in terms of Dutch Football.
I was extremely disappointed at the lack of top quality players signed as I have been for the last couple of seasons and if that doesn't change then the new manager will be as handicapped on the playing front as GVB was and as Gerrard was latterly.

10.) 22 Nov 2022 10:56:49
Ryan in fairness your info has been accurate, I’m told deal for him to go was done last Thursday before the one year anniversary can u offer an opinion on this.
This significantly reduced his package.

All his back room team had it inserted in their contracts if Gio went they went with a six month pay off. Clever business if true.

I get the new captain info, but I am not hearing anything on dof.

11.) 22 Nov 2022 11:57:09
I think we've done well financially moving Gio out, it hasn't cost us as much as I feared.

12.) 22 Nov 2022 12:52:58
Mark that is my understanding, appears there was a break clause before he entered his second year with rangers.



13 Nov 2022 22:51:24
I got shot down before for mentionnames from information a received so I'll keep this short gio have a care package sorted an is leaving manager or rangers tomorrow all the best.


1.) 14 Nov 2022 02:38:13
?? not true.

2.) 14 Nov 2022 06:24:24
This the twitter rumour anout the 12pm press conference? Oh my.

3.) 14 Nov 2022 06:57:33
We shall see eh ?.

4.) 14 Nov 2022 08:35:27
Why does Gio need a care package, is he ill.

5.) 14 Nov 2022 09:15:37
He’s not ill John he got a 5 kill streak on cod.

6.) 14 Nov 2022 09:25:21
More likely to be an Amazon package.

7.) 14 Nov 2022 10:15:12
Ed and john have either us heard about a few whispers that the board are willing too let this female investor now buy up 20% too 25% of shares, instead of the initial 75% that she was wanting as she is willing { wanting } too help with funds in jan, now i get that folk will jump on this and make a lot out of nothing and speculate, but this one seems too keep arising.

{Ed001's Note - I don't know anything about it sorry. She is just a front though, so the questions should surround who exactly she is acting as a front for before you consider her investment.}

8.) 14 nov 2022 10:37:13
the board should be supported by everyone, we wouldn’t have a club without them,

9.) 14 Nov 2022 10:48:34
gios playing call of duty ?.

10.) 14 Nov 2022 10:52:47
Yeah seems a bit cloak n dagger mate. As you said could be like another ashly type waiting in the wings.

{Ed001's Note - worse, it could be a Charles Green or that Whyte fella. You can't judge these type of things until you know the people behind them. At least Ashley would run within your means, he is not really an asset stripper, just runs everything on the cheap to make himself profit. So not ideal, but the likes of Green and Whyte are far worse and definitely to be avoided. Or someone like Peter Ridsdale, who comes in and spends big until the club hits financial difficulties, then he pays himself a huge payout and runs away. That man put Leeds, Bradford and (I think) Plymouth in severe financial difficulties, yet each time he managed to pay himself a sum in excess of half a million pounds just before they went into admin. Those kind of people should be banned from football for life.}

11.) 14 Nov 2022 10:54:29
according to john27 she is a front for fat ashley.

12.) 14 Nov 2022 11:05:18
We have to stay way clear off her. She states she buys up companies sells their assets and gives a portion off the profit to shareholders, she keeps the rest.

She is a front for people that most companies would mot deal directly with.

I can’t believe people actually think she is an option

First hint her buying out any off our board, she can buy mine. I’m not losing a fortune of my grandkids inheritance

Because we will go to wall within three years imo.

13.) 14 Nov 2022 11:21:44
Agree with us both guys, we have also been burned too many time n someone representing somone else too me stinks, if you where a true investor, you would be forward up front, ad let your intentions known and clear from the start in my opinion ed and john, here i am, heres what i want too do and why, but hey simple things mate.

14.) 14 Nov 2022 15:28:44
Is it not just the usual run up to AGM - - there is always going to be a bid from USA consortium or Far East Consortium at this time of year.
Agreed - need to find out 1 is it a REAL bid 2 who is behind her (well it is panto season soon)

15.) 14 Nov 2022 15:52:13
Fox has been around for a while Bennett met with her in July on behalf off the board.

16.) 14 Nov 2022 15:58:42
No media outlets are aware of any press conference.

17.) 14 Nov 2022 16:52:38
Wrong Tom we wouldn't have a club if not for the fans where there is fans there are people willing to take club don't put these guys up as saviours they are there for profit they have Thier loans paid back and have a ?ton of shares that they got at a really low price and can now sell at a lot higher price.

They are business men first and foremost and are there for money and profile.

18.) 14 Nov 2022 16:54:07
Funny I remember everyone saying the same about putting his money into rangers only for it to be found out that it was all bank debt for the club

But you keep buying the ? these directors are shoveling.

19.) 14 nov 2022 18:53:43
i will mate, and you keep living in blissful ignorance of the facts

did you save the club.

20.) 14 Nov 2022 22:51:23
Agree with Tom the board have got us back running properly.

21.) 15 Nov 2022 04:25:14
Murray that was . type issue.

22.) 15 Nov 2022 17:12:19
And John I agree with you keep that woman and who she represents well away from our club.



11 Jan 2022 22:18:59
My sister goes with finlay pollock. a certain defender from hearts will be a rangers player in the next 48 hours.


1.) 11 Jan 2022 22:36:00
Who is Finlay pollock if you don’t mind me asking?

2.) 11 Jan 2022 23:18:54
Whos your sister 🤣🤣.

3.) 12 Jan 2022 00:38:29
Hes a young hearts player.

4.) 12 Jan 2022 06:33:36
Tell yer sister to find a nice rangers youth player n to stop her 💩 😂.

5.) 12 Jan 2022 10:05:00
I think a photo of your sister would help make the story more believble😁😉.

6.) 12 Jan 2022 11:13:24
Even if that was true ryanrfc89,you've just broke the trust that finlay pollock put in you and you've thrown the young man under a bus here👎You should never betray someone's trust mate🤔 If you get any info like that from a good source, you should never say the name🤔.

7.) 12 Jan 2022 11:53:20
Walter agree, poor poor post to name a source.

8.) 12 Jan 2022 12:03:14
Gentlemen I only mentioned who my sister goes with. never once said he told me anything. but I am right with what I said.

9.) 12 Jan 2022 12:11:25
Agree coops and John. If this indeed
true, and this young lad has divulged this info, then by blabbing it out on here, the poster has put the boy in a bit of a bind. A bit of discretion is required in a situation like this. Maybe not name names the next time. Learn from guys like John on how to go about something like this next time.

10.) 12 Jan 2022 12:21:13
Whose to say its not someone for a dislike for Finlay Pollack or his misses and is telling to cause trouble for them.

11.) 12 Jan 2022 12:41:13
Possible sweep,
Ryan by naming him u put him in the frame.

12.) 12 Jan 2022 14:15:49
Guys let’s not be too harsh - he gave info obviously excited about the news
he’s a mistake let’s move on
Could be a young fan let it go.

13.) 12 Jan 2022 15:20:24
Exactly thestig is up to the op what he does and no one else.

{Ed001's Note - except he can get someone sacked for it. No one should give a source, time will tell who is trustworthy and who isn't.}

14.) 12 Jan 2022 16:26:47
That’s the last time he will betray his dressing room if true.

15.) 12 Jan 2022 16:59:20
Yeah hearts will be looking on here.

16.) 12 Jan 2022 17:16:53
Exactly Ed 1. Like someone on here asking me if he could name my source on here fgs.

17.) 13 Jan 2022 00:32:02
I wonder mate who that was, mate, John25 mate.




Ryanrfc89's banter posts with other poster's replies to Ryanrfc89's banter posts


20 Dec 2022 21:20:51
Fair play bringing of Kent and sands shows a lot of character from beale but again not good enough from us.


1.) 20 Dec 2022 21:26:12
McGregor went from being a legend too a keeper who would get a manager the sack.

2.) 20 Dec 2022 21:28:39
Sands oh no.

3.) 20 Dec 2022 21:31:57
Kents on and he's been our best player.

4.) 20 Dec 2022 21:34:32
For me I think we need ti get rid of tav his time is up he's a week link every game he plays his stats make him look way better than he is.

5.) 20 Dec 2022 21:35:01
Kents still on.

6.) 20 Dec 2022 21:37:54
This is actually worse than what was going on under Gio, quite embarrassing can't even pass to each other, league was probably over before but difenatley over now. does everyone still think Beale is answer, what have they been working on last few weeks.

7.) 20 Dec 2022 21:45:40
I don't care who the coach is if you have players not mentally strong enough or have the ability. Gut the place over nxt 2 windows or beale will los4 his job.



25 Nov 2022 09:27:48
Kjetil Knutsen is definitely in talks with rangers also said that beale wouldn't be managing rangers.


1.) 25 Nov 2022 10:35:04
It's called running the process Ryanrfc89?No panic whatsoever and michael beale will be the next rangers manager mate ???.

2.) 25 Nov 2022 10:45:14
Hopefully not.

3.) 25 Nov 2022 11:56:16
Hopefully better option than Beale.

4.) 25 Nov 2022 12:09:23
Hopefully not if am honest. if beale comes in means ross Wilson will still be staying and the potential takeover might be over as king does not see them taking the club forward. This is from the same person who said that gio would certainly not be our manager anymore.

5.) 25 Nov 2022 12:25:14
Can only hope!

6.) 25 Nov 2022 12:45:40
Storm explain how he's better than Beale you've not even gave him a chance, i didn't wannt Beale either but its silly to say he's better.

7.) 25 Nov 2022 12:48:40
If they want Beale, board should wait about a month, as QPR will sack him, why do you think they are so desperate for Rangers to ask permission to talk to him, they will get compensation instead of having to pay him off. just shows how bad our board have become.

8.) 25 Nov 2022 13:33:06
Ryanrfc89,i don't think ross wilson is the main problem here mate it's this bungling board of directors that are trying to do everything on the cheap! Ross Wilson and the manager can only identify players but if the board say no due to money then that's it mate ? The board just won't sign it off and will then ask Wilson and the manager to look at cheaper versions?.

9.) 25 Nov 2022 13:35:37
Its funny how QPR have lost a bit of form since beale's links with the wolves manager's job started ?QPR rate beale very highly and they won't sack beale sitting current 7th in the tough english championship with one of the very lowest budgets ?not a chance Gers58!

10.) 25 Nov 2022 13:46:10
We need someone in quickly to get those players into shape before the Hibs game.

11.) 25 Nov 2022 13:48:14
I'm in the Storm camp.
And the very knowledgeable, Asathor, has continually sung Knutsen's praises. That's good enough for me.

12.) 25 Nov 2022 16:29:15
Twisted I have said on here a few times why and it’s my opinion which I am allowed just like you. I believe Beale will be a disaster.



06 Nov 2022 13:53:59
Perhaps time for a new manager. but who do we get in that can get the best from the players we have problem I see we have no rock in the middle especially with our full backs always coming up the wing an we have wingers that certainly can't score. today rangers have out played them terribly I'd say its been pur defence today. a can't see us getting rid of many players in January and who could we get in to save us we don't have European football to make players want to come. one good season in so many ans it's same old thing no animal in the middle of the park no strong leading captain and wingers who can't find the net it's not nice for us to watch but there isn't a player exiting me just now.




15 Sep 2022 13:19:46
Am extremely concerned with Davis an yilmaz situation thast a hell of a money on 2 players we ain't using.


1.) 15 Sep 2022 13:30:04
Wasn't Davies on the bench last night, if so, something is definitely remiss. I felt we were dealt a bad hand with that referee last night, we've had him before, and I always thought he was okay, but after last night's hellish performance by him I've changed my mind.

On to Saturday now, so let's get stuck into all the teams in the SPL from this moment on, let's be relentless in clawing back that 5 point lead the other mob have.

Finally, I was disgusted to see on Facebook today, that hellish banner from the Green Brigade, I feel that UEFA should throw them out of European Competition immediately.

2.) 15 Sep 2022 13:44:55
Spend 9 million and not a sniff? i'm puzzled with some of these signings recently. Wheres the thought process?

3.) 15 Sep 2022 14:33:12
I agree, i said in an earlier post that these are Wilson signing, 10m sitting on the bench. I think Gio will be gone but as i said Wilson should be held responsible for this. Someone posted yesterday the players Wilson signed since he came in and only about 4 were a success.

4.) 15 Sep 2022 14:37:42
It's frustrating, as we're crying out for a natural left sided centre half - however appreciate that Davies is still playing catch up on fitness due to the publicised personal issues.

Having that LCB, would give us a bit more flexibility i. e. we wouldn't be playing Sands and Lundstrum out of position.

With the international break round the corner, hopefully Davies will be up to speed come 1st October.

Really not sure what's going on with Ridvan, as again I know Borna is playing well - but thought we'd have at least seen more of him from the bench at least.

On the positive side - thought 3-5-2 suited us well, and playing more centrally seemed to lift Kents game a bit.

5.) 15 Sep 2022 14:41:11
I think both will feature at the weekend - would we brave to throw Davies in when he's not been training and in fairness to Barisic he's been playing well. Yilmaz is a young lad. will take him time to settle.

6.) 15 Sep 2022 17:21:29
Barasic doesn’t deserve to be dropped it’s his jersey to lose and he’s playing well. it’s as simple as that. Davies personal issues have prevented him from playing and the club have handled this perfectly, we have a duty of care and throwing him in because some fans are questioning his position would just be crazy. Souttar is injured and can’t play. Sands is an American international that has played CB and hasn’t played that badly that King deserves to be flung in again with risk of him not being ready and to his detriment. I don’t think we will see Helander in our jersey again and he will probs be away in Jan. These are major issues that our club have had to deal with defensively and that’s not even factoring in the GK situation.



30 Aug 2022 23:18:04
We desperately need a winger who can score goals and run at players. Kent tries to hard and at least half of the runs he makes he tried thqt step over one to many times. mantondo its early doors but he's not the answer to our problems sakala doesn't seem to have it sadly roofe has poppadom bones and buff well nobody knows what's goon on.


1.) 30 Aug 2022 23:42:30
We have scored 23 goals in 10 games I think it is. Why do we desperately need a winger to score goals? We are doing fine. Our average is over 2 goals per game. Kent had two assists at the weekend. I don't see an issue here.

2.) 31 Aug 2022 00:11:29
It is very much a big issue, if he put the chances away during most games we would have a much better chance of winning games, see if we got a lw that scores as many as one of them over there that would improve us big-time.

3.) 31 Aug 2022 01:43:36
Honestly I think we would be far worse without Kent, Kent has always two men on him which creates space for others, Gets assists for others by pulling players out of position, it always goes unnoticed to some yes his final ball an shooting can be off at times but if he was always on it he wouldn't be at us it's that simple, his energy and constant running is huge for our system, agree with matondo I'm starting to really worry he looks absolutely mince, I was excited about him I really was but more I see he frustrates the life out me, he just has pace zero skill, I thought he was far trickier, I hope it's just a settling in period and one like lundstrum but I don't like what I've seen so far, he has set up about 3 or 4 goals right enough and really hope he proves my early concerns wrong and I don't see sakaala sticking around he was dreadful tonight I think we need to get another solid centre half, a right / left winger, a right good tricky midfielder and a striker, Celtic have spent about 55 million since 2021 reason we made a person of it last year as we never strengthed when we should have, yes getting for free is great but sometimes you need to pay to get what you want / need, the amount of money brought in the last three years I think we deserve more quality editions to the squad yes it depends on outgoing but me I'd be getting rid of katic and helander off the books and signing another quality center half, sakaala out for reduced fee, we have the cash if it means cutting losses on players then so be it this year the rewards are far more than potential 2 mill or so holding out on players, I'd we don't add a more before the window closes I will be bitterly disappointed

Paterson money 14
Basseys money 25
Gerrard's 7
Europa run 20-25?
Champions league money 20?
Champions league gate money soon 8?

4.) 31 Aug 2022 05:53:46
Ryan Kent miles ahead of any winger currently at Ibrox ?He does need to start adding goals i agree but nothing wrong with his assists numbers and what he brings to our team in general ??? He's a very talented footballer ?.

5.) 31 Aug 2022 06:37:48
I agree he’s mikes ahead of anyone ATM I’d just like to see him make that back post run he’ll get plenty tap ins that way! Look at tav as an example.

6.) 31 Aug 2022 07:49:15
Kent is our best winger by a country mile. Not one winger in our team come anywhere close to him. Sakala is dire and offers hee haw! Wright has one good game against the 2nd worst team in the league, but according to some, he's a player? ?? And Motondo has offered nothing so far, but it's far too early to write him off and he needs a bit of time.
So, if Kent was to leave, and we never replaced him, would the Kent bashers on here be comfortable, and confident, our team would be better without him? Behave!

7.) 31 Aug 2022 08:10:38
Kent as said above just needs to chip in with goals. I think he needs to stop taking that extra touch and just shoot?.

8.) 31 aug 2022 08:17:23
coops, he isn’t about to start scoring goals at any time mate, he cannot stop dribbling himself into a hole. i’ve been waiting on him hitting the target for about 3 years, he’s not going to start now,




Ryanrfc89's rumour replies


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03 Jul 2024 13:37:47
Sima won't be back and we're wanting more than just one winger.




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12 Jan 2022 12:03:14
Gentlemen I only mentioned who my sister goes with. never once said he told me anything. but I am right with what I said.





Ryanrfc89's banter replies


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19 Dec 2022 19:17:37
Great Post I'd agree should always be behind the team at half time but it fifbseem to work for them. in fairness Kent has been terrible the last year and a half.




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25 Nov 2022 12:09:23
Hopefully not if am honest. if beale comes in means ross Wilson will still be staying and the potential takeover might be over as king does not see them taking the club forward. This is from the same person who said that gio would certainly not be our manager anymore.




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22 Nov 2022 20:30:27
I'd get a game fir real Madrid if a was tied my hands were going to be chopped of also.




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10 Nov 2022 18:34:14
Jota and abacda over Kent any day of the week anyone who says different are insane.




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31 Oct 2022 14:05:08
The last year there has been seemingly more times than I can count. contact negotiation and nothing has developed what so ever this is extremely bad from the powers above if this is left to happen.




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