12 Jun 2024 17:22:38
Why would Garcia sign an extension to make Penarol money?
By doing this he may also be pricing himself out of the move to Europe that he reportedly wants.

1.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 17:27:37
Can't see us paying £7.7million tbh.

2.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 17:44:45
Not a chance rangers paying that for Garcia.

3.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 18:30:15
Rangers will never spend 7.7m on any player ever period.

4.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 18:33:33
Not a chance in hell.

5.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 18:45:56
We paid 7m for Kent! Just sayin.

6.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 18:46:13
I wouldn’t want us spending that one player who’s 20 year old.

7.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 18:46:42
We paid that for Kent.

8.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 19:10:08
7 million is 7.7 million just saying.

9.) 12 Jun 2024
12 Jun 2024 20:13:01
So is this deal now dead?

10.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 00:09:17
The Kent deal was payed in installments after an initial fee up front to Liverpool.

Around 5 mill will be the most we will pay for any player now.

If we don;t get Galdames or Garcia, we move on to the next targets, plenty raw talents that would swim to ibrox for the opportunity to put themselves in the European shop window, and play for a world famous club like ours.

11.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 07:41:48
LH, all good and well, but most of these names at top of the list Cordoba Galdames Garcia most of us hadnt heard of, if we can't get them, how far down our list do we go?

12.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 09:36:38
Where did this 7 million come from or signing a new deal to do himself out of cash, sign for another club YES but come on troops either am missing something or common sense has left us all.

13.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 11:26:37
If garcia sign a new deal today, they have put a $10mill usd release clause in any window after this one, equates to approx. £7.7 million, that's where it comes from Coops Da.