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Raskinloyal's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Raskinloyal's rumours posts


04 Jan 2024 17:40:23
4th official reporting Shankland is asking for hearts to let him come to us this window so surly we must be negotiating.


1.) 04 Jan 2024 17:57:20
Here's hoping. We need a few players in the team who know our league and who are performing well with lessers teams. Much better than spending cash on foreign duds . potentially!?!?!

2.) 04 jan 2024 17:59:12
far as i'm aware, and been told long ago that rangers have enquired about him on more than one occasion , I've posted that and again i have no reason not to believe it.

3.) 04 Jan 2024 18:11:02
There was similar tales in the media last summer regarding Harry Souttar it never happened, just because a player allegedly wants to join doesn't mean it's going to happen.

4.) 04 Jan 2024 18:14:02
And why is fourth official any more reliable than some folk here?

5.) 04 Jan 2024 18:22:34
For that to happen I’d imagine we’ve made contact. Just go and get the lad.

6.) 04 Jan 2024 18:17:15
4th official says raskin ?I wouldn't believe anything they put out even if they said philippe clement is the glasgow rangers manager ? Clickbait tripe!

7.) 04 Jan 2024 18:19:51
Shankland to ourselves seems to be gathering pace, certainly wouldn't rule it out.

8.) 04 Jan 2024 18:25:18
TT you have consistently said this. I hope you’re right too. Get him in.

9.) 04 Jan 2024 18:30:40
The will he, won’t he, saga continues

Fun fact
Dessers 3rd top scorer
And 2nd top assist at us.

10.) 04 Jan 2024 18:33:28
Like 99.99% on here, i firmly believe and trust the fantastic, mostly spot on info we get on here, from both CoplandFront5 and John227?They have stated on here that rangers are not interested in signing shankland and therefore we won't be signing him?I trust these guys with their reliable sources and believe we're not signing shankland because quite simply we're not interested in him ?.

11.) 04 Jan 2024 18:34:56
4th official been one of the better ones to be fair, some out there a think troll this site and post some of the posters in the know comments.

12.) 04 Jan 2024 18:52:30
Sir Walter John27 never said that he said he’s not in top 3 targets, doesn’t mean we aren’t interested. Such a cheerleader some times.

13.) 04 Jan 2024 19:02:07
That is wrong sws Clement is interested in him.

14.) 04 Jan 2024 19:33:13
Walter both I and Copland five get things wrong, although I’m hearing nothing that suggest we will pursue him

Tt has been very consistent we will and he is often very accurate.

15.) 04 Jan 2024 20:25:22
Ravers fun fact

Dessers lost in an egg and spoon race to my granny.

16.) 04 Jan 2024 20:52:46
I hear ya bigdado

What I was really saying is that Dessers
Gets a lot of stick yet he has those stats.

17.) 04 Jan 2024 21:12:02
4th official quite often decent sws, so don't know why your saying that.

18.) 04 Jan 2024 21:23:22
I think Dessers could be a great striker but i feel he needs players to join him up front that he can collect the ball and play it into.

19.) 04 Jan 2024 21:38:17
I will repeat what I saId quite some time ago. Shankland for £4million and Lowry to Hearts is the deal I was told.

20.) 04 Jan 2024 22:42:44
Otters if your saying perm deal Lowry then rangers would be idiots another loan maybe but not 4 plus Lowry if we do that it’s idiotic I’d rather Lowry got a loan spell abroad or England before we sell him as a makeweight.

21.) 05 Jan 2024 13:56:42
Gofor just sharing what I was told. don't personally think its a good deal but my friend in youth set up says Lowry is unlikely to ever play for us again.



01 Jan 2024 16:20:51
Rangers looking at beck don't know much about him other than he's a left back.


1.) 01 Jan 2024 17:01:54
Played for Dundee on loan from Liverpool. Decent player.

2.) 01 Jan 2024 17:11:08
Will beck he’s was on loan to Dundee from Liverpool has been recalled.

3.) 01 Jan 2024 17:16:58
Beck who quite a wide player range there.

4.) 01 Jan 2024 17:21:49
Dundee loanee? That beck?

5.) 01 Jan 2024 17:21:58
Owen beck?

6.) 01 Jan 2024 17:33:32
If that’s owen beck. Liverpool have just recalled him from his loan at Dundee….

7.) 01 Jan 2024 18:24:46
Read he was at livi but could of been Dundee he was at.

8.) 01 jan 2024 19:46:33
pool hace recalled him fronm dens.

9.) 01 Jan 2024 21:20:52
Liverpool have recalled them because Robertson and Tsimikas are both out injured, they haven’t recalled him to then get rid of him again.

10.) 02 Jan 2024 00:06:06
The boy Beck didn’t give Maeda a sniff when playing them last week, Liverpool need him for cover by the looks of it.

11.) 02 Jan 2024 13:18:07
Owen Beck imo has a real chance at being a top player. Maybe one for the Summer once Liverpools injury list improves. Ed what do you think of Beck?

{Ed001's Note - I like him a lot, he has the right people around him to keep his feet on the ground as well. I can see him making it in the English Prem, whether with Liverpool or someone else.}



01 Oct 2023 20:39:50
Steven Davis our manager until we get someone else in club just announced.


1.) 01 Oct 2023 20:57:02
Hopefully a decent manager comes in last 3 have been rotten.

2.) 01 Oct 2023 21:01:28
Alex Rae involved too.

3.) 01 Oct 2023 21:02:07
I take it Rae has the badges needed in Europe.

4.) 01 Oct 2023 21:08:40
Alex Rae. A top top bloke.

5.) 01 Oct 2023 21:09:18
I like Alex Rae being involved also.

6.) 01 Oct 2023 21:15:10
Delighted for this set up. You never know they might be the answer longer term. I have advocated Alex Rae's involvement for some time.

7.) 01 Oct 2023 21:19:38
Shaunb1991Last 2 yes but you say 3 why are you including Gerrard he got us playing good football and had Celtics number on a number of occasions.

8.) 01 Oct 2023 21:25:57
Alex Rae knows his stuff and a good guy. Got talking to him a few times about Rangers on his flights down to Luton last season when he was at Reading, loves the club and won't take any nonsense.

9.) 01 Oct 2023 21:41:25
Last 3 have been rotten?
GVB took us to a European final and Scottish cup success, some fans!

10.) 01 Oct 2023 21:48:56
Gerrard only won 1 trophy! We struggled badly, again, with tactics against teams like St Johnstone etc.
He won the league on the opposition's poorest season in years.
I don't know why people think he was a success, if Celtic didn't implode under Lennon, he would have won nothing at all.
Showed at Villa howw poor a manager he is.
Some of the football under him was so frustrating because it relied heavily on how well a certain striker decided to perform who btw, after 2 years at the club had more red cards against Celtic than he did goals.

11.) 01 Oct 2023 23:09:07
We won ever game that season so Celtic form was of no concern to us.

12.) 01 Oct 2023 23:52:45
Happy with that for the moment.

13.) 01 Oct 2023 23:55:50
Alex rae is a yes man to the board. We all know what bisgrove has put on the previous kitman and the wrongful dismissal lawsuit which is pending.

I like rae, but yesmen will keep us where we are for years, as will this ownership.

14.) 02 Oct 2023 00:12:41
didn't win every game mate.

15.) 02 Oct 2023 08:56:48
Will Alex Rae be here past interim. He doesn't strike me as a yes man either also he's been a coach in his own right. No idea about the kitman thing but surely that doesn't topple the dominoes?



27 Aug 2023 10:03:04
Fabio reporting about Leeds bid for kamara looks a goer now lads.


1.) 27 Aug 2023 10:36:12
Be good to get this over the line. 5m for a player who will have little to no impact on us this season is very good value. Think it’s a good move for all involved especially if Leeds can get him back to his best.

2.) 27 Aug 2023 10:40:26
Raskin, here's hoping. hopefully we can see a few players sold this week.

3.) 27 Aug 2023 10:47:10
Should be done soon, anyone picking up story hagi. In Israel.

4.) 27 Aug 2023 10:59:36
Someone told me he was in France last week.

5.) 27 Aug 2023 12:50:28
The only thing I’ve seen John is Hagi to Alves with no loan fee or option to buy.

6.) 27 Aug 2023 13:27:15
Hagi away to Spain on loan John.

7.) 27 Aug 2023 13:29:48
I liked Kamara as a player but will just be glad to see the back of him now . Just fed up with his transfer saga going on and on.

8.) 27 Aug 2023 16:58:40
No John is Hagi not going on loan to Alaves.



22 Jul 2023 10:26:13
Bassey away to fullham 21 million is that a wee 2.1 million to us then? Sky saying we get 10 percent obviously the deal was not just on profit and righty so.


1.) 22 Jul 2023 12:07:44
We’ve played a blinder with Bassey.

2.) 22 Jul 2023 12:17:43
Someone has told me now that sky are wrong and we get nothing hopefully not.

3.) 22 Jul 2023 12:24:17
Incredible business for bassey, his first season he didn’t even look like he would make it at Ibrox then has an incredible year winning the Scottish cup and making europa league final, a think we missed the likes of him and aribo physicality last year, replaced bassey with ben Davies and aribo with matondo big drop in quality imo.

4.) 22 Jul 2023 12:27:42
Fantastic business. Well done Ross Wilson.

5.) 22 Jul 2023 12:42:24
Heard the same raskin.

6.) 22 Jul 2023 12:47:21
Superb business. I'm sure Sky know the terms better than all these 'know all' fans social media!

7.) 22 Jul 2023 12:52:14
John is it on profit or is it just a sell on?

8.) 22 Jul 2023 12:52:55
Raskin they are loads of conflicting reports on this about the sell on.

9.) 22 Jul 2023 13:00:08
Reports saying we get nothing for the sale.

10.) 22 Jul 2023 13:02:00
Not often Sky get In wrong, fingers crossed.

11.) 22 Jul 2023 13:15:40
Storm, sky saying not on profit but whole fee

There was a story last season if they sold him b4 all addons we get ten percent off fee

We receive approximately 1 million euros July 1 based on his appearances during season.

12.) 22 Jul 2023 13:27:24
I don’t think Ross Wilson covered himself in glory last year tbh. The money we will get from the Bassey deal won’t be half as much as what we lost in the Aribo deal. When we agreed to sell him for £7M instead of £10M but with a higher sell on. Absolutely crazy!

I’m blessed someone bids £50M for him of course ?.

13.) 22 Jul 2023 13:34:58
Can’t agree zikos we get the ten million with the addons, aribo very poor to date in England.

14.) 22 Jul 2023 13:55:06
How can you say the money we lost for Aribo Ziko? We got him for a few hundred thousand and sold him for 6 million and he didn't want to play for Rangers anymore hence why he downed tools after the African cup of nations. He doesn't get much game time for Southampton so he won't be getting sold for very much any time soon. I don't know how many of the add ons he would have made us but i would guess it won't be much.

15.) 22 Jul 2023 13:59:18
With the initial fee + sell on + part of the clauses Bassey can’t be far off the most expensive Scottish transfer ever. Given that he really only stepped up and played excellent for 6 months and that he had 2 years left it’s been an incredible deal for us. I think he’ll thrive in the premier league.

16.) 22 Jul 2023 14:21:58
Bassey has not signed for Fulham.

The 21 million quoted above would be euros, ie18 mill, so not a bonus to rangers.

We only get 10% if they made any profit, ie 19 mi Sterling

However addons pass to Fulham as deal was within three years. So should amounts unt to same.

17.) 22 Jul 2023 14:28:32
€21 million euro not pounds.

18.) 22 Jul 2023 14:34:09
Cheers John.

Totally disagree zikos in we got a good deal for aribo he has bombed down there.

19.) 22 Jul 2023 14:35:37
Aribo never downed tools after the African nation cup that’s just nonsense IMO.

David I think Bassey will get found out if he moves to epl he certainly never set the world on fire in the Dutch league.

20.) 22 Jul 2023 15:21:24
Three Cheers - Southampton offered £10M with no add ons and Ross Wilson wanted a sell on so accepted approx £7M with a sell on.

But that only makes sense if Southampton sell him for mega money and even then it’s only marginally better than the additional £3M up front.

21.) 22 Jul 2023 15:59:33
Is the aribo add on not 35%.

22.) 22 Jul 2023 16:23:57
Sky don't get it wrong? jeez.

23.) 22 Jul 2023 16:35:45
Zikos show proof they offered 10 million and we said no.

24.) 22 Jul 2023 17:07:45
Exac Storm.

25.) 22 Jul 2023 17:12:26
I obviously don’t have any proof as I’ve not seen the transfer contracts, the same as everyone else on this site. But it’s what was reported by media outlets at the time.

We were offered £10M ONLY, or £7M with sell on.

26.) 22 Jul 2023 17:45:59
John even if it was 35% (which I doubt) if he got sold for £15M we would have received £2.8M. Still less than the £3M initial fee we rejected!

Southampton also have a DoF that operates the best interest of their club and in this occasion they got the better deal.

27.) 22 Jul 2023 18:03:17
So it’s Bs then zikos cheers for clearing that up as I thought as much.

28.) 22 Jul 2023 19:19:14
Aribo has been shocking down in england and we got a good deal on him as he wouldn't get a look in starting for us now. He had talent but i was never totally convinced by aribo and did post as much when he was playing for us.

29.) 22 Jul 2023 19:54:11
Zikos I know, so what it’s only money,

30.) 22 Jul 2023 20:55:08
He scored for them the day coops hopefully he has a good season with them in championship.

31.) 22 Jul 2023 20:55:38
Just read bottom of your post coops you never said that about aribo.

32.) 22 Jul 2023 20:57:13
Speculation is all good but only the people behind the scenes actually know the figures. Let’s leave that to the experts.

33.) 22 Jul 2023 22:07:36
Storm do a quick google search and you will find the reports from back then. . It could be BS, but doubt it based on Aribo having a £10M release clause (another mistake by RW) .

Sir Walter - I would take Aribo over any of our current players playing the RW position, he could also play anywhere in the midfield. Thought he was brilliant for us and if anything we relied on him too much.

34.) 23 Jul 2023 05:28:55

It's definitely sell on. Profit/ loss out our hands.

35.) 23 Jul 2023 09:35:11
Downed tools after the African Nation Cuo? Aye scoring in the Europa Final is downing tools.

36.) 23 Jul 2023 10:14:24
I don't think it's fair to say he bombed never got a proper chance.

Scored yesterday too now that he's actually getting a game.

37.) 23 Jul 2023 11:45:08
Well done GIO more like he was the one show spotted Basseys potential as a CB, all wilson done was made sure leicester got the 250k development fee, for a player Gerrard and beale identified and wanted.

had gio not moved him froma backup option for barisic to a fully fledged CB, bassey would have languished on the bench and no doubt been discovered elswhere once we offloaded him on the cheap.

we picked up bassey during C.V. when leicester had to cut there wage bill and released most of there youth team players, prior to that we had zero interest in bassey, although gerrard and beale were well aware of his potential, more so beale.

Gio deserves all the credit for spotting his true potential and moved him into his best position, i highly doubt we would have made it anywhere near the europa final had it not been for bassey forming a superb understanding with goldson at the back, a partnership we have failed miserably since basseys departure to rectify, in the long run we could end spending more than we got for bassey, making his sale a stupid piece of business, if we go through 3-4 LCB's until we find one capable of offering what bassey gave us at the back.
neither bassey or patterson should have been sold, we would have done much better in the Chamls league group stage with both players in the team, and if we reallistically wnat to be of that level again we need to start keeping player of that quality.
some will say we need the money, a better run in the group stages would bring in similiar money, facts.




Raskinloyal's banter posts with other poster's replies to Raskinloyal's banter posts


20 Jul 2024 12:52:44
Anyone know what is happening with cifuenutes? No seen much about him or his loan tbh.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 13:16:54
Think he's loaned out till January raskin, sure a read that on here mate.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 13:42:59
December BB?.

3.) 20 Jul 2024 14:38:11
Cheers lads was wondering.

4.) 20 Jul 2024 15:15:42
in the same vain any word on raskin injury.

5.) 20 Jul 2024 15:31:22
December and apparently it’s not going very well.



13 Jul 2024 15:58:20
Howler from butland.




01 May 2024 21:18:26
Tav been voted 2nd player in Europe outside the top 5 leagues joey veerman number 1 and oreilly came 7th.


1.) 01 may 2024 22:24:13
thats great, what you think that means mate, heres a clue

the middle of a donut.

2.) 01 May 2024 22:45:31
Weird reply about a rangers player getting an award but you do you Tom. Wonder if you would be saying the same if it was butland or a player you like.

3.) 02 May 2024 03:53:24
I like tav but that isn’t an award and also doesn’t stop him trying to clear the ball sideways when a man on and giving up 1v1s or goals. Our problem is that our squad is so weak that it has to rely on a right back to provide goals and assists to the detriment of his defensive duties.

4.) 02 May 2024 04:34:10
Coully, i've said this before mate and for the upteenth time i'll say it again, it ain't tav's fault that when everyone of our manager's have instructed him to play as an attacking right full, that our defensive mid and right centre half can't be trusted to plug the gap and cover him, when he's attacking up our right hand side, can some not understand and see this Yes tav isn't the greatest defender i agree but like an example i've also quoted a good few times on here, neither is liverpool right back trent alexander arnold but he has the quality at the back to cover him when he's attacking ?Tav wasn't exposed as much when jacko was playing regularly, in the early years before he was constantly out injured and goldson in the last couple of years hasn't been able to do it, so there lies the problem ?Candeias was also good at covering tav before he left ?.

5.) 02 May 2024 06:07:33
Airfield used to drop also, and kamara when Tav or Borna went up, but after a while it stopped happening.

6.) 02 May 2024 06:20:47
Another pointless and meaningless accolade that means hee haw to the team, and our success. Just another empty shout out for him to add to his personal collection, and be the catalyst to another vain Instagram video.

7.) 02 May 2024 06:42:52
Not pointless RTR it's a fact mate and happens within most teams now regarding attacking full backs.

8.) 02 May 2024 07:19:08
It isn't an "award" and it wasn't voted for. It was on Sofascore, which takes stat padding into consideration.


9.) 02 May 2024 07:57:38
Walter do managers tell tav to defend so badly.

10.) 02 May 2024 08:43:34
Coming 2nd outside of the top 5 in Europe is not an award Jesus Christ. What ? I would rather rangers win trophies than this utter nonsense.

11.) 02 May 2024 08:45:27
Coops yes you keep mentioning Trent but Tav couldn’t lace Trent’s boots .

Roofe is 100% correct on this. It means feck all.

12.) 02 May 2024 09:38:14
We are 90 mins away from a second trophy this season but our fans want to slag the guy who won us our last trophy. He’s no up for player a the year again for nothing in our league. If it was sterling getting it certain posters would be talking like he is prime Cafu.

13.) 02 may 2024 10:26:06
even less than a donut in fact, a mini middle of a mini doughnut, awarded by greggs in bags of 12.

14.) 02 May 2024 10:27:57
I didn't say he could lace Trent's boots storm ? try reading and understanding the post pal, self explanatory ?.

15.) 02 May 2024 11:44:05
Stop comparing them then there is no comparison Trent is better than Tav in all aspects of football and it’s not even close.

16.) 02 May 2024 12:12:58
I hope this meaningless prestigeous award for coming 2nd in the not so good players category is not a big bulky thing as i know that Tav likes to keep all his winners medals together in a crisp packet.

17.) 02 may 2024 12:29:01
if that’s try cheers it’ll be a mini cheddars crisp packet.

18.) 02 May 2024 12:39:47
As a good few of the posters on here think that Tav isn’t the best defender,
1. Why has all the managers played him at RB
2 Could or Should he be moved further forward for the remainder of the season and play someone that can defend
3 If Tav is still with Rangers next season, Should the Captains armband go to someone else. ???????????.

19.) 02 May 2024 13:27:17
Are you seeing things storm, one last time it ain't comparing tav and trent alexander s ability, it's about the positions they play and how other teammates can cover alexander which is not afforded to tav ? simple eh ?.

20.) 02 may 2024 14:56:46
newman, all the managers have been dismissed mate cept stevie who bolted, maybe there’s reasons why they were sacked, like not winning anything.

21.) 02 May 2024 15:11:53
I agree with you water that better dms and cb should be able to facilitate that better. Tav 50 seconds into last game is defending in lcb/ lb position? Why? He also makes an arse of it like Celtic game. What’s he doing there and why’s he not able to deal with it after the maeda debacle.

22.) 02 May 2024 15:44:29
TT I totally understand that as I’m not his biggest fan, But why has all these so called managers played him at RB

23.) 02 May 2024 19:12:15
You are trying to compare them because that’s what you do with all players and once again you have embarrassed yourself maybe time for another sabbatical?

24.) 02 May 2024 19:13:53
That was me you were debating with re tav/ trent if I'm correct SWS, yes it was about cover when tav/ trent go fwd.

25.) 03 May 2024 08:57:29
Fir once I agree with you coops. When jack was fit and able he covered the space left by tav. No ones been able to replicate this since.



12 Mar 2024 18:18:15
Any fan who would rather win the spfl over a European trophy need there head checked lol both get us cl football but only one is a big deal it's no winning our poor league that's for sure.


1.) 12 Mar 2024 19:11:48
What we want and what we'll get are probably two different things. Not just the league but a domestic treble up for grabs. I can't see any other team than Liverpool winning the europa league.

2.) 12 Mar 2024 19:20:53
Totally agree. 55 league titles in our history, 1 european trophy says it all really.

3.) 12 Mar 2024 19:24:38
Lets flip it, euro cup or 55 to stop the 10*.

4.) 12 Mar 2024 20:20:56
Agree a European trophy is more prestigious than the SPFL but wouldn’t draw the champions league qualification into it. If I was solely judging it on that I’d rather we won the league, purely because it stops the other mob then getting direct entry. If we could get entry direct into champs league and stop them getting into it at the same time I’d say that was better than if we get champs league off the back of winning Europa and they win the league.

For arguments sake, say we win the Europa and get into champs league and they win the league, the gap financially is much the same, minus the extras gained form Europa run. However if we could get into champs league by winning the league and then they miss out, we are straight away closing the financial gap between us. Longterm that’s what we need to do. The odd amazing run in Europa won’t help us longterm unless we win domestically and stop them picking up cheques every year for walking into champs league group stage off the back of our good work towards the coefficient. as has been proved in 2022 when we made the final, still managed to qualify for champs league the following year and still didn’t really improve on the financial gap between us and them.

But as I said, I’d rank a European trophy way above the SPFL. Taking money out of it, it’s an easy choice to know what’s bigger.

5.) 12 Mar 2024 20:44:57
Good question RTG, but an easy answer, 55 all day long.

6.) 12 Mar 2024 21:12:26
OMG were not winning the Europa League, we got beat off a duff Motherwell team.

7.) 12 Mar 2024 22:12:30
Europe is not going to happen. given our injuries and Liverpool. enjoy it while we can.
LEAGUE however is a must this year. PC must continue to get a tune out of his FIT? Players for a month or so yet (would even forfeit the SC tbh. )

8.) 12 Mar 2024 22:43:45
All big teams left probably in quarters if we get through, give most a game over two legs but Liverpool in a different league and Leverkusen are a top team at moment, think the draw is in two halves so hopefully both them on other side of draw, huge ask for us to get too final, imagine a Rangers / Liverpool final in Dublin we could get banned from Europe for years if things turn nasty.

9.) 12 Mar 2024 23:13:27
League every day of the week twice on a Sunday and there is no given we win either . A lot of big teams still in europa.

10.) 13 Mar 2024 04:55:36
Asking loyal who are you to say that about people opinions. Is every1 else wrong bar you. let's put it this way if we were to win the European league then celtic would automatically qualify for the champions league so going by your outlandish statement on others opinions then in my opinion you would like celtic to get into the riches of the champions league also. just saying tho eh and that's my opinion.

11.) 13 Mar 2024 07:48:20
Amato89, just leave u this Aaron fkn Ramsey on for Fashion, Fashion stays on would we have won? We don't know, but Ramsey missed, is that not close, unlikely but anything is possible, however futile it seems, just a thought, we may never, but people like to dream.

12.) 13 Mar 2024 07:53:05
Know what your thinking Bar72, would love the treble, just to see Lawell and all burnt at the stake from the best fans in the world. But being sensible, aye leagues a must and correct about SC, injuries may thwart that. ??.

13.) 13 Mar 2024 12:39:19
So some people would want the treble because it would mean celtic getting champions league money aswell, who cares what they get we should surely be wanting what's best for our team and imo that's a European trophy. They have 70m odd sitting in bank, just be even more of a lump sum for shareholders. As pc says we should concentrate on us nobody else.

14.) 13 Mar 2024 13:42:29
Agreed - What would Sterling (for example) be worth if we won the EL and what would he be worth if we won the SPL? That's the difference. If we want to seriously close the £70m gap, which we will do anyway, but to do it quickly, we should all want to win the EL.



21 Jan 2024 16:19:53
Hopefully a centre forward a centre back and a winger and a think we will be good to go lol if Shankland is so good why has no one from England came in for him? Some usethat logic for tav so could say the same for Shankland lol hopefully he's in blue by the end of the week.


1.) 21 Jan 2024 17:17:16
Shankland not coming, never part of our plans. Pure rumour nonsense, I can’t believe the time, posts and opinions on a total fabrication. Mind boggling.

2.) 21 Jan 2024 17:44:37
You can’t believe about rumours on a rumour page? You better believe it it’s all you will get.

3.) 21 Jan 2024 17:45:27
Would take him had he been available on a free contract but certainly wouldn't be paying for him.

4.) 21 Jan 2024 18:59:59
Unbeliever - You better get ready to be a BELIEVER?.

5.) 21 Jan 2024 19:16:21
And a partridge in a pear tree.

6.) 21 Jan 2024 19:17:37
Lol sorry I agree raskin but with sima injured we might need two wingers but can’t see all that until summer need to move more out before too many in.




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26 Jul 2024 23:29:25
Sky said 2.5 million rissing to 4 million with add ons.




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26 Jul 2024 16:04:00
Buy a player who will be on a free.




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26 Jul 2024 07:23:38
Different position than diallo so how can you compare them? He played for the team who beat us the other day and there fans loved the boy lol.




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25 Jul 2024 06:58:48
He thinks he’s David beckaham with none a the talent and hard work.




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24 Jul 2024 00:10:16
Yeah the guy who played for man united isn’t better than the guy from hearts ??.





Raskinloyal's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 19:52:36
Rabbi had more goals and assists last season but yeah wright is better ?.




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25 Jul 2024 21:37:24
Aye that’s it mate same at Real Madrid with those big wages.




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25 Jul 2024 20:00:48
Hannibal is a centre mid who does a lot off tackling not an attacking mid.




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24 Jul 2024 21:24:15
Proof he’s getting sold told to go out and play a kick about before you're off, me thinks.




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24 Jul 2024 19:51:33
If we go in shanks will push for a move he’s already no signed a new contract.




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