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Gersdaft's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Gersdaft's rumours posts


01 Jul 2023 19:30:58
Right guys n girls … who out the new signings so far and the rumored signings do we think will be the gem? I’m genuinely thinking lammers is going to surprise a few people if he can rediscover his form of old! Thoughts?


1.) 01 Jul 2023 20:49:30
Beale said today he wanted Lammers years ago when Gerrard was still the manager. However, Lammers got a big money move to Italy and it didn’t happen.

I personally think Sima will be unplayable in the SPFL. The guy has everything.

2.) 01 jul 2023 21:08:15
yet to meet an unplayable player, unless we include pele and eusebio, unplayable, wow, we must have got a superstar on loan, he might be good mate, he will not be superman, not even larrsen or laudrup, gazza nor kyogo was unplayable, a ridiculous term,

3.) 01 jul 2023 21:12:26
theres no offence meant in that mate, just that unplayable is nonsense, what does it mean, nobody can play play against him? , maybe i'm enjoying the evening sunshine too much,

4.) 01 Jul 2023 21:22:47
Might be cheating, but I think that Raskin with a preseason under his belt will be our player of the year.

5.) 01 Jul 2023 21:30:33
Can't see anything other than cantwell stealing show again . even better now he's comfortable and has freedom to attack.
I'm hoping it's a defensive signing as that's where we most need to improve.

6.) 01 Jul 2023 21:35:53
Cantwell will b the best beale signing by far.

7.) 01 Jul 2023 21:39:56
Said it here before, I think Dowell is going to tear it up for us.

8.) 01 Jul 2023 21:48:14
I have already said that todd cantwell will be the scottish player of the year this coming season?A superb footballer with so much natural ability? Of our new signings, although not officially signed yet but will, i think that cifuentes will be the best signing in scottish football in this transfer window?A superb box to box midfielder with power and strength ?.

9.) 01 Jul 2023 22:06:17
Agree Raskin will be unplayable.

10.) 01 Jul 2023 22:13:12
Laudrup was unplayable in his time in Scotland.

11.) 01 Jul 2023 22:36:38
The more I watch Dessers the more I like the look of him, SWS started to watch a bit of Cifuentes he looks a real handful ??.

12.) 01 Jul 2023 22:43:16
Cantwell POTS

Dessers top scorer
Butland Europa League keeper of the tournament

Kamara will be sold for 4.6m
Celtic draw opening game
Is to concede penalty at Killie.

I’m taking the piss with Butland, I think.

13.) 01 Jul 2023 22:44:53
I think sima lammers and dessers will be formidable frontline at home and Europe. With cantwell roaming free in that 10 role and raskin cifuentes behind I’m very excited now.
Hope tav stays but I also want him to get his life dream of playing for his boyhood team. £10m and I’d let him go. Bring Devine thru with sterling.
We need to now bring in a top quality Lcb that’s top priority now.

14.) 01 jul 2023 22:51:56
they will spend plentynow, in the next few weeks, , i agree about cantwell coops, but i wouldn't expect him to remain in scotland long,

15.) 02 Jul 2023 00:24:15
Cantwell was unplayable in the last old firm . what a game the lad had.

16.) 02 Jul 2023 00:34:17
I really like Cantwell hope you all ate correct and had a marvellous season my only worry Is he's already being singled out by ref and journalists for unfair criticism, it happed wit Morelos at the start too, granted he gave them some reason sometimes but I honestly felt he was refereed to a different standard, cantwell had about 7 booking on the trott I think, pretty ha5sh a few of them, even that tit Sutton at it again saying dives, I don't like putting one player before the rest as i hope its all of them standing on the awards podium but if I really had to make a choice I'd lean towards Lammers I've got high hopes for him, looks very good with his feet could be a brilliant signing, I do have high hopes for big Cyriel b as he's not signed I'll go for Lammers.

17.) 02 Jul 2023 06:48:40
Cantwell and raskin for me. if any1 plays better than those 2 they will need to be playing a blinder. I'm hoping the cifuentus boy comes in and would love see him and raskin together.

18.) 02 Jul 2023 07:50:48
Roofe has been unplayable for a while now ?.

19.) 02 Jul 2023 08:16:38
Azul like what you done there ?.
Laudrup was unplayable and Gazza in their time with us.

20.) 02 Jul 2023 08:31:35

21.) 02 Jul 2023 08:45:41
Lammers was the one that really impressed me, but then I suppose youtube clips can make anybody look good. Doesn't take away the fact that this lad definitely has it. I'm hoping he rediscovers his mojo big time this season. Agree with you guys about Cantwell and Raskin. I think it's going to be a big season for them. Hoping we can keep the majority fit as last season was the worst injury-wise I've seen in all my time following Rangers. And that's a loooooong time ?.

22.) 02 Jul 2023 09:03:15
I agree with all the above and it's looking better than ever for us right now. I can't wait for the season to start!
However. if we start with Bariscs at left back then we have a real problem!
Expoited by every team we play in defending, Yilmaz has to start and a CB back three.
BB it's time to go!

23.) 02 Jul 2023 09:28:17
Bang on Seeker, last year was horrendous.
I hope all the new guys hit the ground running, and keep fit and healthy.
Also hope those that appeared to be on the injury list constantly have had time to heal.
Best player?
Dont think we've signed him yet ???
Onward and Upward.

24.) 02 Jul 2023 10:19:26
Jack and Roofe were two of the most serious injuries, Bar72, and by all accounts they have been working hard and feeling fit and strong over in Dubai. Fingers crossed ?.

25.) 02 Jul 2023 10:24:08
I think dowell will be a great signing.

26.) 02 Jul 2023 10:58:49
Cifuentes is a player hopefully settles fast, Dowell will surprise many, hopefully Sima gets back like he was with Prague, Dessers I'm saying will score 20,Lammers looks a talent hopefully he impresses he has went a bit stale, never seen Sterling play maybe once but read a great deal about him seems a very tough tackling defender with plenty pace and read he'll win many one to ones, Butland is a quality keeper, I'm very happy with the signings if we get Trusty Maja I'll be over the moon with this window.

27.) 02 Jul 2023 11:07:32
Jr we lose way more goals down our right than our left.

28.) 02 Jul 2023 11:41:39
We need our strikers to score more than 20. Colak got 18 in half a season on minutes played so a regular striker has to score a lot more than 20.

29.) 02 Jul 2023 11:46:51
Hope you are right, tam. Dowell has flown under the radar a bit among the rest. He just might be the best of all.

30.) 02 Jul 2023 11:57:15
Sterling will play games at rb his season Tavernier has a challenge now, defending is a big part of his game, herewego.

31.) 02 Jul 2023 12:42:35
Seeker Dowell is a very good player mate likes a goal as well.

32.) 02 Jul 2023 13:03:55
Herewith, Borna and Tav are shocking defenders, but Borna doesn't over the goals Tav does.

33.) 02 Jul 2023 13:16:28
Correct especially against Celtic. They will change the way they play this season also, with new manager. We didn’t have a great season we got 92points (still wasn’t good enough) . We just need to stop the dropping of silly points and we are assembling a better squad in my opinion.

34.) 02 Jul 2023 13:50:41
I am generally encouraged with all of Beale's acquisitions, they all look like a step up from signings in the seasons since Gerrard left.
I have enjoyed watching Cantwell and if the signings currently being made are of the same quality I will be a very happy person this coming season.

I wouldn't single anyone out in particular, hopefully the new squad under Beale with have a very successful season but do hope that we sign a new centre back as I am concerned that Goldson might not be fully match fit by the start of the Season and I worry about Souttar being injured.

Only time will tell.

35.) 02 Jul 2023 19:16:37
Nobody can say butland will be quality he hasn't started a game for a bout a year?

I don't care what anyone says butland is a risk 50/ 50 if he will be the butland of the past with good reputation or not.

Personally I'd start season with mccrorie he's done nothing wrong to be deserving of being dropped.



11 Mar 2020 09:31:00
Guys I'm hearing again that David murray is somehow involved with the new investment. this is from a usually spot on source who works at ibrox (cant say who n won't say who) . this source told me bout Doran's, Murphy, Morelos, and stevie g weeks before it became public knowledge. i hope to god this time he's wrong. he told me this months ago and again last night. he won't spill details but keeps sayin watch this space. don't know how to react to this!


1.) 11 Mar 2020 11:11:10
David Murray did a lot for our club. Ultimetly ended sourly when he had to sell quickly to protect his other investments. I still belive he would always have the clubs best interests at heart.

2.) 11 Mar 2020 11:45:10
I know a close friend of murray and she was telling my old man the same thing. His wealth and assets are bigger than ever. He is going to be coming into big money soon.

3.) 11 Mar 2020 11:45:35
Gersdaft, react to it by offering to make an appointment with the psychiatrist for him.

4.) 11 Mar 2020 11:57:38
Maybe his dad has given him a few quid out o the cash he creamed off the club before he sold us down the river for £1 .

5.) 11 Mar 2020 15:19:06
OOPs there I go again, was mistaking Davy Murray for his son Paul.

Sorry for that again.

6.) 11 Mar 2020 15:57:43
@the covenanter, if this comes to pass a think I will need the appointment lol
@bellshilllad83, I’m hearing the same about him having or coming into huge money. u think he could be behind this somehow?

7.) 11 Mar 2020 16:13:17
hI Gersdaft, I think the creditors he left in the lurch wouldnae be too pleased if they found out he had sneaked back in.

8.) 11 Mar 2020 18:41:14
I would welcome David Murry bk in a heart beat.

9.) 11 Mar 2020 18:49:03
Gersdaft he owns the land surrounding Edinburgh international airport that's needed for them to expand so will make as much as he wants there. I worked the airport for a short time and they are desperate to grow. They need to expand the runway to bring in the bigger planes that only Glasgow can handle. I know a lot of fans will never forgive or forget him selling to white but from what i hear noone regrets what happened to us more than him. He ended badly and that's what some focus on and not all the amazing work he did prior to that. Because of his stewardship i was privelaged to go to ibrox with my old man and brother to watch world class players playing for our club growing up. I got to watch butcher, goram, woods, gough, gazza, laudrup, cooper, the dutch contingent. Great managers in souness and smith.

10.) 11 Mar 2020 20:08:33
Well said Stuart83, the team was a pleasure to watch, 9 in a row with victories in the Champions League.

11.) 12 Mar 2020 11:49:49
Correct Stewart.




Gersdaft's banter posts with other poster's replies to Gersdaft's banter posts


07 Aug 2023 10:14:08
So the left side of defence is clearly our weak spot . What about converting Lundstram to centre back as am sure we can agree he's strong on the ball n loves a battle and a tackle? Or if we could play wider forwards and let our full backs defend, then convert him to left back sasa papic style! Just a thought that could be worth a try and saves money.


1.) 07 Aug 2023 10:26:36
NO. slow as a week in jail and prone to a rash tackle,
The type who puts a late tackle in and tells the ref he got there as soon as he could ??.

2.) 07 Aug 2023 10:54:07
We've plenty options at the back if we want to improve it we need to spend money.

3.) 07 Aug 2023 11:18:17
Not sure if folk have actually noticed this or not yet but Lundstram WAS playing as a CB on Saturday. We were playing a back 3 Lundstram on the right, Soutar on the left and Goldson in the centre. It seemed to be a 3-4-3 kind of formation with Barasic, Dowell, Raskin and Tav kind of across the middle, then Lammers just behind Dessers and Sima. Clearly didn’t really work mind. I know folk have been calling for a back 3 for a while but I’ve said before that I just don’t see the need for it against teams that sit with 10 players behind the ball. Just means we have one less attacking option when we come forward as let’s face it, we’d be better off having a creative player bringing the ball out than a CB. He changed it late on by replacing Lundstram with Jack and pushing him into midfield but we were chasing the game by then and it did nothing to change things.

4.) 07 Aug 2023 11:29:35
Left and right hand side.

5.) 07 Aug 2023 11:30:38
We need to stop trying to fit square pegs into round holes. Lundstram needs to be moved on.

6.) 07 Aug 2023 12:08:12
Lundstram hasn't been good enough recently to play in any position in our starting 11.

7.) 07 Aug 2023 12:52:50
He wasn’t playing CH on sat.

8.) 07 Aug 2023 16:42:58
Gers 78, it was great seeing lundstrum in their box, shooting from edge of box, great from ch,



05 Dec 2022 03:01:03
For the Celtic supporters who look on. Time for some constructive criticism please. what do you guys lookin in think us as a club need to do to give you guys a good run for the title?
Us as supporters have our own theories but would like to get you guys opinions. Have good mates that are Celtic fans and always have a bit of banter about what each team could do to improve!
Not lookin to score points or slag each other off .
My opinion is that a good right winger, centre midfield boss, younger reliable goalkeeper and we're about even squad wise! As of now I would say our rivals have the better squad as they are performing most weeks and staying fit. Celtic look the more settled team and perform well even under pressure! We cope well 90% of the time but are found lacking when it comes to squad depth as injuries have shown. again not lookin for a slaggin match just some decent debate. What you guys think? Are we far off?


1.) 05 Dec 2022 07:48:23
Better be careful mate you will get dogs abuse for non hate filled post of some. But since you asked think you need to replace almost all your first team. Take captaincy of tab need someone with a voice. You have an entire rebuild just like we have when ange came in. And honestly in my opinion which doesn't matter regarding your team is that beale isn't man for the job. Also he left qpr under less than favourable circumstances but I suppose if his team is rangers then that could be understood. And personally I think on the pitch we are stronger in every department but that could be green tinted specs syndrome. Although i would be raging if I had to watch go nowhere with the ball every week think the 7 million you payed was 5 million too much. Your players look unfit and don't have confidence we suffered that season before ange came in as everyone knows. Think you need to look in the markets we are some real talent there. Anyway have a good one.

2.) 05 Dec 2022 08:51:11
In my opinion Beale will be great for us yes he knocked back the epl but not Rangers, Rangers have a very strong squad when everybody is fit, if everyone is on top form this would be my Rangers/ celtic team. Hart Tavernier Goldson Vickers Yilmaz Kamara Lundstram Mcgregor Jota Morelos Kent.

3.) 05 Dec 2022 09:00:12
I would say that both Rangers and Celtic have drastically underperformed in Europe this season, and that is what both are measured against. For me, Beale is a good appointment, his ideas seem fresh and I'm hopeful we'll see some fast-attacking football 2nd half of this season. I think the league depends on what we do up to and including the Aberdeen game, we need full points from those 5 games and see how Celtic react, it's certainly too early to say it's over. We need to get a new goalkeeper in now, or play McCrorie, we can't continue with Allan in goals he's not fit enough now in my opinion, a good solid CB, Cooper would fit the bill, and another potent goal scorer to play alongside Colak, I'm sorry, but in my opinion Alfie has to go.

4.) 05 Dec 2022 09:35:54
Reasonably measured question with a reasonably measured response! Maybe we aren't all Neanderthals after all!
Some of the points you made Myles I understand but I feel we aren't as far off as it seems.
Did we pay too much for Kent - yes in my opinion we did.
Is our fitness an issue - Yes big time. I just hope we can get it back as quick as we lost it as a year ago we were strong in that field.
Beale, the wrong man for the job? - I don't think anyone really knows for sure.
Tav as captain - I get the issue but I would keep him as he offers so much to the team as a whole. We just need a sergeant in there that can grab people by the collar.
As for the first 11. We have a number of very good players who are capable of being the best in the country (and were before in some cases) but need utilised in a better way.
If we can get them playing to FULL potential and a few different faces in it should make for an interesting 2023/ 2024.

5.) 05 Dec 2022 17:24:13
In the modern game captains don’t always have a voice. Look at the mob in the east end a don’t see Calum as a vocal captain he’s like tav in my eyes. Switching the arm band isn’t going to make a difference. Probably just knock tavs confidence.



26 Aug 2021 21:20:14
Anyone know what pot we will be in for the draw?


1.) 26 Aug 2021 22:32:26
Pot2 am sure.

2.) 26 Aug 2021 22:32:39
2 I’m sure.

3.) 26 Aug 2021 22:58:20
Pot 2.

4.) 27 Aug 2021 07:09:31
Pot luck a hope.



05 Jan 2021 11:48:02
Talking to my wee auld uncle last night ( he's 82) said to me, " ye know something son! A don't care wit happens with aw this C.V. stuff! my only wish is to get back to Ibrox for the next old firm! The noise, the tingling feeling at kick off . sometimes a just shut my eyes n am there! " . made me smile! Then he said " plus there would be no better sound than 50'000 rampant bears singin "there's only wan shane duffy " haha was guttin myself lol.


1.) 05 Jan 2021 11:57:22
I hope your uncle gets his wish gersdaft👍.

2.) 05 Jan 2021 12:06:22
Be lucky to get to a old firm in 2021 never mind the April one.

3.) 05 Jan 2021 13:17:04
Hopefully he gets his wish. Really cannot see it anytime soon. shambles. although i am prob in the minority that prefers the old way and hav 43k bears. And have a sizeable away support at there midden.

4.) 05 Jan 2021 13:18:17
Spoilsport sweep,

Let the old guy have his dream mate.

5.) 05 Jan 2021 13:49:00
Brilliant Gersdaft
There's only wan Shane Duffy
Swiftly followed by a chorus of bouncy bouncy.

6.) 05 Jan 2021 14:43:14
I'm only talking how I feel mate, I work as a nurse and know the vaccination process won't be that quick.

7.) 05 Jan 2021 15:46:20
Sweep surely you r not saying Nicola misleading us.



25 Jul 2020 15:44:37
Right guys, one memory that will never leave you from the mighty bears. Mines? I've been to cup finals, old firms galore, seen the league won for nine, but the one that sticks out was when Claudio reyna sticks the second in against parma! I've never in my life heard such an absolute explosion of thunderous noise . what a night and probably one of, if not thee best atmosphere I've ever felt . We knew we were going to do them that night and it was as if the team picked up on it and thrived like true winners should . Loved that game.
Well that's mine, what's yours?


1.) 25 Jul 2020 15:59:04
Ugo egiogu over head kick.

2.) 25 Jul 2020 16:00:08
That was a great result. Especially when you look at who was in that Parma team.

3.) 25 Jul 2020 16:01:12
9in a row at Tanadice Laudrup header mix of elation and relief👏👏.

4.) 25 Jul 2020 16:16:32
Nisbets against club brugge. I'll never forget the guy behind me grabbing me and shouting, "bounce ya b*sturt" as it looped up over the keeper in slow motion.

5.) 25 Jul 2020 16:27:45
outwith cupfinals etc. Will say gazza to clinch 8 . reyna v parma. friendlies that stick out, chelsea at ibrox and mcCalls testimonial at bradford 9 iar side.

6.) 25 Jul 2020 17:00:28
Same Parma game for me mate, was only a wee nipper but I've never heard noise like it, whole stadium seemed to shake for a full 10 mins after that reyna goal. Always think of my late dad when I see that goal, always said that was his favourite game.

7.) 25 Jul 2020 17:38:21
Jim Baxter, old firm cup final replay 1963. Baxter destroyed them and we won 3 - 0.

8.) 25 Jul 2020 17:47:20
Edu last min goal against them at ibrox was awesome ended up a few rows down from where I sat lol
Couldn’t find my dad till I got back to the car.

9.) 25 Jul 2020 16:08:20
Edu Vs Celtic.




Gersdaft's rumour replies


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28 Apr 2024 17:21:45
Having no where near good enough sorry, not having that.




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28 Mar 2024 14:15:56
Guys what’s the story with his attitude?
Out the loop here!




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08 Dec 2023 21:12:44
Davidb1966 we had Ryan Kent who was technically brilliant but his end product was a shambles. Sima's got an end product and producing numbers Kent could only hope for. Whether he’s technically good or not, he’s producing! We also had big boydy who, technically didn’t do much at all apart from score an insane amount of goals.

Best and most valuable players aren’t always the most technically gifted. If we can pick sima up for under 7m I think that would be a steal in this modern day transfer madness.




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07 Aug 2023 21:37:37
Haha caught!




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07 Aug 2023 10:03:11
Your jaykit is on a shoogly peg sir!





Gersdaft's banter replies


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26 Jun 2024 16:26:34
Good prospect John?
Haven’t seen the boy play.




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22 Jun 2024 21:54:52
We landed on the moon!




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01 May 2024 13:03:22
How dare we post rumours ………. On a rumours site!




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05 Apr 2024 12:15:21
He ever had a good week?




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28 Mar 2024 12:03:30
We’re Scottish… I will be supporting Scotland .




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