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28 Dec 2023 14:05:43
Fabio silva to rangers 6 months loan no option to buy.




11 Dec 2023 12:41:54
We could do a lot worse than signing the boy Daniel Armstrong from killie. Every time I see him he looks a good player, direct, pacey and tricky.


1.) 11 Dec 2023 13:43:50
Magic might make a good 4/ 5 choice.

2.) 11 Dec 2023 13:49:52
He`s never mention much when we talk about bringing in more Scots but he always seems to give us and the other mob a hard time. Can cross a good ball, scores a few goals and has a really combative attitude for a winger. Could be a reasonably priced alternative for the right wing spot and give us options along with young Ross.

3.) 11 Dec 2023 13:55:56
Sima Matondo Lovelace McCausland Wright, we need a quality wide player in January probably on loan.

4.) 11 Dec 2023 14:07:45
Ye armstrong on our left wing matondo on the right.

5.) 11 Dec 2023 14:09:28
Would be a good signing for us. Crackin wide player.

6.) 11 Dec 2023 14:18:39
He’d offer more than Wright, Lammers, Matondo for a start. Tough wee nut. Knows the league. I wouldn’t be against bringing him in. Definitely worth enquiring about IMO.

7.) 11 Dec 2023 14:42:46
I never seen much of him apart from games against us.

8.) 11 Dec 2023 15:11:20
He's been excellent every time I've seen him, but you need to ask yourself, how many times have you actually seen him play? Would need to watch him a lot more before considering him for us. We need to remember that rangers Jersey is very heavy, as a lot are finding out right now.

9.) 11 Dec 2023 15:19:45
Correcr born blue better than the. His nunbers this season are good. At moment in time he's also better than mcausland. Not sayin the young lad won't go on to be better player than him.

10.) 11 Dec 2023 16:38:12
Think that's a certainty mystar or it outta be.

11.) 11 Dec 2023 16:38:53
Said it a few times in the past about Armstrong but the noses always go up. He shines in that Killie team and imagine what he would do with more time on the ball and better players around him.

People talk about the next level etc but realistically we need to focus on our league and cups and yes Europe but Champions league is PAY TO WIN and we will never have the funds to compete at that top top level.
Europa is good for us, its fun, exciting stuff and on our day we can beat most in that competition. Not sitting there hoping we don't get pumped by 5 or 6 goals lol.

12.) 11 Dec 2023 16:56:19
Honestly don’t think he’s great. Would prefer to have mccausland.

13.) 11 Dec 2023 17:04:17
One good game doesn’t mean he’s good enough and my concern is he isn’t that young. Sure he’d do alright but I don’t think he’s the level we need. If we could swap him for Scott Wright then maybe worth looking into.

14.) 11 Dec 2023 17:45:05
I'd happily take Armstrong as the back up RW - exact type of player we need.

15.) 11 Dec 2023 18:07:03
What about signing matty kennedy as opposed to signing daniel armstrong ?.

16.) 11 Dec 2023 18:38:35
We cry out for our youth to be given a chance.
McCausland has looked the part and is obviously trusted by Clement to do a job.
So why would we stifle his development?

17.) 11 Dec 2023 18:50:51
Might be worth a punt Armstrong and another player from Killie couple decent young players there at the moment.

18.) 11 Dec 2023 19:01:19
Matty kennedy that couldn't get in the aberdeen squad? Na.

19.) 11 Dec 2023 19:43:07
We've some very good players coming through, can't see how we can fit them all in if we sign youth from other teams.

20.) 11 Dec 2023 20:13:07
Marty Kennedy, ten times worse than ohalloran.

21.) 11 Dec 2023 20:31:03
Some strange comments, signing Armstrong doesn`t block McCausland or any other youngsters progress, we need a squad and at the moment we have a young kid as our only viable right wing option, he can`t be expected to play every game. The other wing options mentioned include Matondo and Wright who have both done very little in the time they have been at Rangers, Matondo seems to be regarded as a left wing option mostly. These two also shoot down the argument that someone is not of the standard we require, that at the moment is not particularly high. Sima may not eve be ours come next season. Armstrong is only 26 so he`s not any other teams youths, he`s a first team player and at a time we say we need more Scots he is as good a shout as some of the names being thrown up here. Barron, Campbell and Miller for example are not first team players at their clubs and would not be for us either .



27 Jul 2023 01:09:52
I know it's only pre season but the boy sima looks worse than matondo. Also, in the 3 pre season games we've not scored a team goal from open play (2 pens, 2 errors from guimares and ramos) hopefully it's just a case of trying to bed everyone in but hope it clicks soon as I've not liked anything I've seen.


1.) 27 Jul 2023 06:10:07
Bit harsh on Sima, nobody is as bad as Matondo.

2.) 27 Jul 2023 07:29:13
Magic mushroom, have you not liked the look of sam lammers because i certainly have?I think big souttar has been playing well and looking good, not to mention dowell. Give our new signings time to bed in mate as as miles too early to be already criticising them and righting them off, patience mate.

3.) 27 Jul 2023 07:48:24
Have to agree, haven't been impressed with anything I've seen so far. I'm not that concerned about the results as its preseason games - what I am concerned about is our style of play (or lack of) . I can't actually see what our style is supposed to be - Where's the fast attacking football, high press that I thought we'd get. The players just look all over the place like they don't know what they are supposed to be doing. Not holding much hope for Champions league qualifiers and even Kilmarnock could be a difficult one from what I've saw so far.

4.) 27 Jul 2023 08:02:01
Sima has proven himself over and over, Matondo was always in need of serious coaching.

5.) 27 Jul 2023 08:13:22
Agree bringing in so many players and expecting them to hit the ground running is a risk especially in a league where dropping early points is unthinkable and the CL qualifiers are a week on Wednesday.

6.) 27 Jul 2023 08:42:04
Sirnwalter i don't think its the players i think its the system. Ridiculously narrow. Absolutely no service what so ever to dessers last night. Less said about borna the better. Even ridvan had a howler.

7.) 27 Jul 2023 09:31:05
Hopefully he starts showing what he can do for us very soon Asa because he has not shown us anything those past 3 games to merit being in the team.



27 Feb 2023 20:15:48
Can't keep setting up against Celtic the same way. In my opinion you have to fight fire with fire with them and go toe to toe. I personally would have played matondo (if he was fit, don't know where he's been) Devine at left back instead of barisic who I hate to admit has lost his way big time over the last 2 years. I would have put Arfield in the midfield along with Raskin and jack (tillman, lindstrum and kamara were way off with what was required) I like sakala off the left I think that's his best position and maybe try kent on the right and try n sort the right hand side out.


1.) 27 Feb 2023 20:47:14
Cant keep setting up the same way yet you want arfield in? That doesn't make much sense.

2.) 27 Feb 2023 20:56:00
Matundo is worse than a man short.

3.) 27 feb 2023 21:17:45
celtic have set up to play the same same old for some time now.

they have no fear of it at all.

4.) 27 Feb 2023 21:48:01
You would play Matondo?! Yip, I understand why you use that username!

5.) 27 Feb 2023 22:11:23
We'd have lost by more matondo is a dud devine not anywhere level atm and arfield doesn't contribute when starting.

6.) 27 Feb 2023 23:08:45
Matondo has done nothing for us in his time here and you go on to say you'd play sakala and Kent on either side where would matondo play?

7.) 27 Feb 2023 23:53:47
J zer because he wasn’t in the squad I picked a team that was available from the match squad on Sunday hence saying sakala on the left. I included Arfield in my team because he adds the best threat from our midfield. My reason for including matondo is because of the big Hampden pitch and we need someone direct. The team was just my thoughts.

8.) 28 feb 2023 01:30:57
your entitled to your thoughts mate, i wouldn't have matondo but there's obviously a player there somewhere, a very strange one indeed.

9.) 28 Feb 2023 02:48:26
Why not think outside the box and try him? Can’t be any worse than it is now.



23 Jan 2023 11:26:29
Admittedly I've only saw the boy 5/ 6 times I really like the boy Josh Campbell for hibs there's just something about him I don't know other peoples opinions but I think there's a right good player there.


1.) 23 Jan 2023 11:56:40
Boy is a good player good enough for us can't see it unless a replacement for Wright in our European squad.

2.) 23 Jan 2023 12:22:54
Well known that hibs just don't want to sell to rangers. No point looking at any of their players imo.

3.) 23 Jan 2023 14:47:30
I am sure there is a lot of work going on behind the scenes. Given that today is the 23rd I hope to hear something very soon.




Magicmushroom's rumour replies


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25 Jun 2024 09:45:16
Did they not make a 30 million profit last year Antwerp? Where they in the champions league last year? Wouldn’t listen to dado prso too much if he thinks they have less cash than livi.




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24 Jun 2024 11:47:23
What do you mean we have loads of experienced players in the team?




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22 Jun 2024 09:24:12
He’s 26 everyone’s talking about him as if he’s a prospect. If he was good enough he would be playing. Went to livi and couldn’t get a game.




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31 Jan 2024 23:21:12
On a fake account. You would see it everywhere if true.




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30 Jan 2024 17:37:33
King Jaffa joffer ruler of zamunda?





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31 Jan 2024 22:37:48
Was saying the exact same thing. What a scary team they are! Them, Man City and Bayern are just scary.




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26 Jan 2024 09:26:39
Wishful thinking Stevie. He’s been offered a deal it’s up to him if he wants to sign it! It’s up to him but we’ve done out part.




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04 Jan 2024 09:56:41
Sounds very cryptic lol.




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03 Jan 2024 18:41:16
Would like him back but no chance Southampton would loan him out considering he’s started 6 out their last 7 games.




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27 Dec 2023 23:49:25
Even if that was true they would get it when the games played again? So financially they wouldn’t lose anything? Although it’s only cup games gates are shared.




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