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13 Jan 2024 09:54:29
Not sure if my mate is on the wind-up (hope so and assume so) .

Is anyone else hearing bisgrove has allowed quite a number of hospitality clients to pay “x” (unconfirmed amount) to join the team all inclusive in the hotel they’re staying at in Spain? Apparently Clement raging as drunk fans are cutting about?

Sounds like a load of rubbish to me - have asked him for his source as I can’t see anything online about it.

Just wondering if anyone else had heard similar?


1.) 13 Jan 2024 10:58:38
This has been circulating on twitter/ x.

2.) 13 Jan 2024 11:08:10
I think if that was happening it would be all over social media.
For a start the fans would be posting photos.
Just can’t see it.

3.) 13 Jan 2024 11:14:44
Sometimes Corporate Hospitality or Sponsors get invited to friendlies etc and the trios abroad are so the club can ensure exclusive use of the hotel or facility.
I don't know if this has happened on this occasion but I have done this previously with a lower league club where my friends company was a major sponsor.

4.) 13 Jan 2024 11:15:20
God I hope not. Can’t imagine the figure we’d set to allow any possible disruption to the team as well as removing the privacy of the players.

5.) 13 Jan 2024 11:24:10
Seen it in twitter.
Everyone rubbishd it.
The guy with account was adamant though.

Apparently fans were charged £7.5k a head to stay at same hotel have meals with team and a Q and a session.
The problem being they’re drunk when around the hotel at same time as players. Clement not happy about this.

Tbf, I did see a video of a fan videoing the team raining session n sum1 shouts n Scottish accent right stop fuc’*** videon that.

Other than that a can’t see this being a true story as quite simply clement would just put a stop to it if he wasn’t happy.

6.) 13 Jan 2024 11:28:38
Made up rubbish by the sounds of it.

7.) 13 Jan 2024 11:33:09
Cheers for the insight guys. Very concerning lapse in judgement if it is true - the revenue generated not worth unsettling the players/ gaffer during their first prolonged period to train together and spend time together.

8.) 13 Jan 2024 11:42:19
Fans new where they were going so I don’t know if you can book up and just go anyway I don’t think it would have been anything to do with rangers.

9.) 13 Jan 2024 11:44:09
Corporate sponsors were allowed to travel with the team and stay at the same hotel. £7000 per person. Fans are being turned away from the training ground as the corporate guests have exclusive access and this is causing an issue for security staff at the resort.

10.) 13 Jan 2024 11:44:29
It came from a twitter user (Empire), who is also one of the eds on Follow Follow. If anyone knows him, must know he's one of the most ITK Rangers punters out there, and doesn't do BS!

11.) 13 Jan 2024 12:01:43
I really hope this is not true, if not it speaks volumes of Bisgrove and co!

12.) 13 Jan 2024 12:02:24
Just my thoughts on Ridvan.
Has he started playing well and does he look like he might be a semi decent player - yes to both but, if it’s true that he’s not happy then does it not make sense that if we loan him to Verona and he continues on his upward trajectory that we are more likely to benefit as average players from the top 5 leagues always command a far better premium than good players from Scotland. Surely that has to be our thinking behind it ??‍♂️.

13.) 13 Jan 2024 12:10:39
Access was possible in Gerrard and Beale's days. Saw with my own eyes and I didn't pay anything.

Quite a few holidaymakers there not all bears.

14.) 13 Jan 2024 12:30:52
I know someone who works for a club sponsor and they posted pics on socials with Cantwell and Butland this week in Spain.

15.) 13 Jan 2024 13:26:25
It is not unusual for top teams, (even for lower league sides in England), for the Clubs to provide Sponsor packages for Away Trips, (I have sponsored a lower league side in England in the past and there was something similar as part of the package) . What I would say is that as a Sponsor I would expect the Club to have set hard and fast rules regarding standards for anyone attending that would limit the risk of disruption to team activity. (For example, anyone attending in my day were well aware that they were representing the Company and 'loutish behaviour would have been gross misconduct) .
Unfortunately there will be Brits on holiday in Spain, (and not all football fans), and it is less easy to police them and unfortunately this comes down to how effective the Resort Security is. Best is for the Resort to increase the level of drunk and disorderly. Security and have a good relationship with the local Authorities so that anyone in the vicinity of the resort that is not a resident is kept well away.

16.) 13 Jan 2024 14:56:56
Definitely true seen the package email they were offered as I’ve got friends with cooperate season tickets, 7k they get to travel with the team get to have Q/ A with the manager and captain etc. definitely legit.

17.) 13 Jan 2024 15:57:29
Nothing would suprise me when bisgroves involved guy is a snake.

18.) 13 Jan 2024 17:36:54
Good to see a few fans in the stadium, including durrant etc.

19.) 13 jan 2024 18:43:52
bisgroves a snake, hows that?

20.) 13 Jan 2024 20:15:25
Bisgrove is a top quality Businessman. He has generated more deals for us than we have ever had previously and it is those dels that have helped us bring in new players. It's not his fault that most of the players signed have been poor quality.

As for the folks reputedly causing issues due to inebriation, were they categorically Sponsor Guests or were they, more likely, just tourists, perhaps not even rangers fans.

I doubt that players would be concerned about posing for photographs with Rangers supporting guests at the hotel. Back in the Souness era it was standard practice and I am delighted to say that I still have photographs of my two sones with players not to mention them happily having their photographs taken holding Trophies in the Trophy Room, something that I for one would dearly like to be able to do again on a regular basis.




Will29's banter posts with other poster's replies to Will29's banter posts


27 May 2024 19:47:09
I know others have already posted that Oscar Cortes is expected to come back to us - I just noticed on Danilo’s instagram story today that they’re training together in the gym in their rangers gear. Surely that basically confirms Cortes because he’d be back at his parent club by now if he wasn’t staying on?


1.) 27 May 2024 22:22:08
Cortes is here next season, apparently we have an obligation to buy in January.

2.) 27 May 2024 22:50:35
He has been doing his rehab at rangers the whole time.

3.) 28 May 2024 07:27:53
Bgate correct. With a wee visit home to see his famIly.

4.) 28 May 2024 11:50:31
It’s all done and one the fans should be excited about.



My two pence worth on Hearts' Lawrence Shankland

08 Jan 2024 07:39:35
{Ed's Note - Will29 has posted a new article entitled, My two pence worth on Hearts' Lawrence Shankland




07 Jan 2024 10:51:34
***Long time lurker very infrequent poster***

First off thanks to all the regular posters - I thoroughly enjoy reading everyone’s insights each day and find the debates very interesting.

Hearts Logo

Will29 has written an article entitled, My two pence worth on Hearts' Lawrence Shankland


1.) 07 Jan 2024 12:20:04
Good article will, don't disagree with any of it.

2.) 07 Jan 2024 13:14:28
Good article Will. Welcome to the page mate. Looks like you ware your heart on your sleave. Pardon the pun.

3.) 07 Jan 2024 13:37:50
Excellent article . Yes, sell ons are important but not with 28-29 year old players. Definitely with early yo mid 20's. 3 years of this type of player will only benefit us with his goals and assists domestically and in Europe. Once he moves into his 33-35 age he can think about coaching and it may well be with us . I say sign the lad . But everyone has to be happy when the signatures come. and like Aberdeen, if greed enters the picture then we move on.

4.) 07 Jan 2024 13:44:16
Good article Will, appreciate info from someone who’s filled his career from the beginning.

5.) 07 Jan 2024 14:25:13
Agree totally with everything in the article mate ?.



28 Jul 2023 09:04:10
First post lads. Thank you to the regular posters - really enjoy reading through the page after work every day.

I have no inside info - just posting this as a point of interest, make of it what you will.

Cifuentes definitely still in California (instagram stories yesterday) .

He also posted a series of song lyrics with pictures of him celebrating a goal for LA by putting fingers in his ears.

The translation for the song lyrics (Spanish) he posted are,

" Jesus, Jesus, teach me to love the world like you do
Father forgive me if in hypocrisy I have denied
yes with my silence I have embarrassed
yes of your grace and your mercy I have abused in those times that I have failed you
Teach me to focus on the things that matter
Teach me to focus on the things that matter
To confront what others do not confront to look more like you
Although when I look like you the most is when I least bear
Protect my missionary brothers
Who risk their lives announcing your plan
Have mercy on the bullies who risk their life announcing your plan
Judges of Facebook and Instagram
Sorry I didn't say another cheek
To the most famous movie platform
That I returned the slap before the mockery
And I responded to those ridiculous excuses


Might mean something, might mean nothing.


1.) 28 Jul 2023 09:28:26
I read that as “Europe I’m here to show you how to play the beautiful game in the colour of blue. If you don’t like it get it up ye”.

2.) 28 Jul 2023 09:43:51
Much prefer your translation mate.

3.) 28 Jul 2023 10:01:05
I don’t think there’s anything in that except a terrible song! Maybe sounds amazing in Spanish but doesn’t translate well. As long as he can do the bouncy, I don’t really care about how much Jesus loving him or Danilo do, I was on Danilo’s instagram and he likes Jesus a lot as well.

To be fair though it’s a big South American thing I’ve been to Rio, and you see people praying in the streets, but they have the most beautiful girls you’ll ever see. You can do a lot of exercise with they girls lol ? They quite like Scottish guys, god knows why? I digress.

4.) 28 Jul 2023 10:14:03
Cifuentes is done I wouldn’t read too much into it. My guess would be we’re waiting for his work permit to come through so he’s at home sorting out whatever he has to do before moving here. Poor lad has to move from LA to Glasgow let him take his time.

5.) 28 Jul 2023 10:16:32
Hello and welcome. I love singing sunday school hymns in the pub when i'm pi55ed and usually lots of folk join in. Ye cannot beat a good sing song.

6.) 28 Jul 2023 11:15:12
Three cheers did you ever go to a pub and not get pi55ed? ???.

7.) 28 Jul 2023 12:47:04
Yes Jfm indeed i have on several occasions like when we go away golfing and its my turn to drive. Nightmare I honestly hate it but a man's got to do what a man's got to do and take your turn at driving for the golf especially when the course is a few hours drive away they are the worst.

8.) 28 Jul 2023 14:44:55
Keep lying down to drink 3 Cheers when you've had enough standing up, lol, enjoy pal.

9.) 28 Jul 2023 14:52:47
David apparently cifuentes received work permit today.




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01 Jul 2024 00:27:00
Have never seen him play so going off of wiki and other online reports and sadly they don’t make great reading. He has hardly kicked a ball for Tottenham over 5 years albeit injuries played a role. Got loaned to Augsburg last season and didn’t even make their bench then got re-loaned to mid table championship Millwall.

Hopefully someone who watches Millwall can inform us he looked streets too good for them? (Please)




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11 Jun 2024 19:59:02
Reassured by you saying this is a goer John after seeing the reports online that Celtic are linked as he looks a player with real potential - exactly the sort of dominant CH we could do with.




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11 Mar 2024 20:54:47
Sorry guys I replied to this before reading the thread fully - you’ve already well and truly covered the Bashiri debacle.




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11 Mar 2024 20:53:31
RE Bashiri I hope not. He’s a bit of a bomb scare generally…I’m fairly sure hibs signed him on a permanent by accident. They played him in a friendly, accidentally triggering an appearance clause that led to a permanent move that they didn’t want. They’d tweeted about him returning to Norwich before they realised they were obligated to take him after triggering the appearance clause ?.




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11 Feb 2024 22:34:06
Didn’t see the hearts game but assume you’re talking about Liam McLeod.

He’s an Aberdeen fan and I agree have thought for a long time his commentary is always for more vigorous when Aberdeen/ celtic score vs when rangers score and more vigorous when teams score against rangers.

Maybe I’ve got the tin foil hat on but sounds like I’m not the only one who has noticed.





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28 Jul 2023 09:43:51
Much prefer your translation mate.




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