17 Jun 2024 22:45:13
Does anyone else feel that football just isn’t what it used to be. Late 90s and 2000s?

I really find myself losing interest in watching football games now.
Yes they’re on the telly but I tend to lose interest.

I find football nowadays to be over tactical, too slow; too many stoppages, players aren’t direct or fast enough in the counter.

I just find it all very boring now:
I’m leaving myself open to all sorts her right but try be honest with the answers?

I’ve definitely lost the passion I once had for football as a whole.

1.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 22:52:24
There so much football available on TV now not like the old days.

2.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 23:04:58
I couldn’t agree more StevieG2! Footballs gone to the dogs! 100s of 5-10 yard passes going nowhere, playing out from the back, no natural number 9s anymore, tackling is pretty much gone from the game, no one putting down a marker, and on top of all that var makes me feel like the game is more corrupt than I’ve ever thought before! And I’m not even going to give my opinion on women commentators ?.

3.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 23:06:18
I agree with you, the tactics are far too methodical and prescriptive these days which combined with their becoming a non-contact sport just makes it all very unexciting to watch.

4.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 23:11:06
I agree. Players dive when a player brushes against him, referees react to trivial matters that slow the game down, and the game is slowly but surely becoming a computer game. A game run by VAR, a tv studio video assistant offering advice on disallowed goals, goal-line technology running the rule on whether the ball was over the line or not. The game is being taken from us by technology that doesn't have the insight nor the capacity to view the game as we do. In judgement. I reckon the actual flow of a game at the Euros lasts in total around 50mins max. The lost time is the way hi-tec and VAR judgement steals from us poor viewers. I reckon Junior football is worth a try next year!

5.) 17 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 23:22:08
Add in VAR which is sucking the passion out of the game, and it’s all become very clinical and uninteresting.

It also doesn’t help that all teams these days now try and play the same systems/ tactics which inevitably involves slow possession based build up which send my to sleep.

6.) 18 Jun 2024
17 Jun 2024 23:53:15
Listened to Souness saying Liverpool dominated Europe for a decade and tactics were not that important. It was all about winning individual battles. VAR and refs now ensure there is no battles. Football now is like a game of chess.

{Ed001's Note - Souness may have said that, but he was talking absolute bollox.}

7.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 00:42:22
Agree Stevie G. I use to have a telly in the toilet for back up. Now I don't even pause the game when needing. Even find myself in the kitchen cooking when its on and yes I use to have a tv in there too. And that includes all games. Sorry about the too much info.

8.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 05:47:02
Stevie i was thinking to myself the other day i'd never heard of 90% of that italy lineup. Years ago i'd have known every single one from the majority of countries and who they played for domestically. Now i dont. Only really watch Rangers as the emotional attachment is there or i get bored also.

9.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 06:44:01
I agree with you Stevie and you make a very good point mate ?The game is now over complicated at times imo and the art of tackling has been bit by bit eradicated from the beautiful game ? It's more like as someone else stated a game of tactical chess/ football computer game ?b.

10.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 07:20:20
Certainly enjoyed it better also. We actually won things then and had a very good side.

11.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 07:37:44
The players now are not as good as in the 80's and 90's, and are grossly overpaid at a high level, as someone else said VAR is killing football, also the cheats that dive all the time and feigning injury annoy me.

12.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:01:00
Great post mate I've been the same for years the last great era was the early Messi era. Now it's very very boring. I only tend to watch rangers games now. The EPL is an overrated snooze fest only city really win it these days. Some reds now weren't even yellows in the 90 or early 2000s.

13.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:06:19
So much of game taken up with aimless passing or feigning injury, if not Rangers or having a bet on game I wouldn’t watch.

14.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:18:45
Stevie, completely agree. not sure why, but the football was better.

15.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:19:53
Stevieg2, I agree with a lot of your post. Watching Belgium v Slovakia was the best game I've seen so far at the euros, both teams moving it forwards all the time, none of this slow possession rubbish we constantly see!

16.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:28:24
Money and var have ruined the game along with premadonnas diving someone touched there hair falling while holding there face.

17.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:37:05
100 Stevie!

I'm in Fuerteventura right now, and there is a varied mix of nationalities, but I have no interest in the football. It was the same at the last World Cup.

Rangers, Liverpool, EPL, and European club competition football for me, with no interest in internationals. Changed days!

18.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:45:02
Grew up watching in the 70's the game was a bit easier on the eye back then.
Switch on for the Rangers games and some Scotland matches these days don't bother with anything else.
Football in general has become a bit sterile so yes I'd agree wholeheartedly with u.
Like to watch free flowing dynamic football which has been thin on the ground at Ibrox lately.
The players the club are targeting this window are filling me with hope that's what we might be watching this coming season.
Certainly football with energy and commitment anyway which is what most fans want to see.

19.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 08:59:43
Im not sure if this is the case or an age thing? I'm 50 this year so 90's may have been when we were most into it?
I do reminisce the way it sounds others are and do agree but just wonder.
Having said this the teams just seemed stronger.

Ajax 95 - Van De Sar, Reiziger, Blind, De Boer, Rijkaard, Seedorf, Davids, Finidi, De Boer, Overmars - also had Kanu and Litmanen.
AC 2005, Dida, Cafu, Nesta, Stam, Maldini, Gattuso, Pirlo, Kaka Crespo, Shevchenko - Also had Inzaghi.

All round stronger teams less individual "stars". Is this due to less teams offering fortunes?

20.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 09:02:38
Although Euro 24 has been totally wasted expanding it to 24 teams! Meaningless games.

21.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 09:13:01
We have for the most part been watching our beloved Rangers struggle for over a decade now, there has been the odd glimmer 55 and the Seville run, but by and large we have been bloody awful. I think this impacts our enjoyment of the game negatively.

The last twenty years we have watched Ronaldo and Messi play unbelievable football, Man City fans will also tell you the last ten years have been magical. i'm getting old now but remain optimistic that the best Rangers team I’ve ever seen will arrive soon, maybe next season ?.

22.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 09:47:03
Not the same excitement surrounding our game now, I remember getting lifted over the turnstiles as a lad with a sense of awe and wonderment, the blood n thunder of the games was to me a joy to watch, game is more stilted n over analysing itself from inside and out, as if the teams hands are tied by fear of losing at times, like most of the teams in our league who'd rather play the low block and try for survival, granted its there choice for survival, but oh fir the days when both sides just had a go.

23.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 09:16:01
100% agree! Football in the 90s and early 2000s was so much better. I loved watching the epl back then, can’t mind last time I watched an epl game. Back then I’d watch any football that was on, now if it’s not rangers I’m not interested.

24.) 18 Jun 2024
18 Jun 2024 13:21:32
Sima u make a good if not great point that we have been able to see the magical and likely never again to come close skills of Ronaldo and Messi. That’s one thing if need to say I’m glad I witnessed.

Thanks for replies guys I expected slaughtered n told to stop watching, to which I’d have said I kind of already have.
I put games on, and play with my phone, perhaps that’s why we don’t enjoy it as much these days as we’re too pre occupied with phones?

I for one think 442 and 433 is the way game should be played.
Just look at Leicester when they won it. Fast confer attacking football. Hard work, working class type players and they win the epl.
Jose, pep, ruined the game. For me anyway.
Just look at ancelotti, he says he doesn’t over complicate it. Gives his team basic instructions and then let's the players play their own game
Most successful manager in football history.

I tend to give more attention to Netflix.
Shame as I was an avid football fan, football mad. Now I turn it off.