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East Belfast's rumours posts with other poster's replies to East Belfast's rumours posts


16 Jul 2024 23:53:03
Kamara now left Leeds now much are we due from the sale.

East Belfast

1.) 17 Jul 2024 02:30:15
Less than £1m.

2.) 17 Jul 2024 06:00:21
The less than 1million additional fee is still way more than we paid Dundee great business we should look at players doing well in our own league more.

3.) 17 Jul 2024 07:10:20
So how much is it, I asked this 2 days ago, is it 820k 10% of fee or is it 270k 10% of the difference between 5.5m we sold him for and 8.2m Leeds sold him for, no one seemed to know.

4.) 17 Jul 2024 07:43:52
Your right fork it’s 10% sell on fee, so if the fee is 10m it’s 10% of the profit so 10% of 4.5m.

5.) 17 Jul 2024 07:49:16
Cheers Wishy heard it was 8.2m bud so 270k then??.

6.) 17 Jul 2024 08:11:32
Think the 10m fee is euros so your probably right mate.

7.) 17 Jul 2024 08:15:15
Jesus what school did you go to fork? :)

8.) 17 Jul 2024 08:48:07
Widely reported as c800k. So i'd guess it's either 10% of the total fee (not common, but does happen), or 20% of the profit made. Either way it's a bonus, but not really going to make a massive difference in our transfers.

9.) 17 Jul 2024 08:57:15
I thought that "what school did you go to " nonsense had stopped and the Jesus thing too. Unless it's a question if Jesus used a fork?


10.) 17 Jul 2024 09:41:02
Petera, fork is spot mate,8.2m - 5.5m=2.7m ÷10=£270k, maybe fork will ask you what school you went to?.

11.) 17 Jul 2024 10:07:23
10% of any profit.

12.) 17 Jul 2024 11:17:23
Some bitchiness on here maybe they should buy a cat for company or a goldfish, not a parrot as what would just be constant arguing.

Fork was right and his school has 'k all to do with things.

13.) 17 Jul 2024 11:38:04
£800k roughly. Depending on the structure of the deal which was £8.6m in total. Rangers due 10% of the transfer fee, however, unsure if that £8.6m is up front or subject to add ons.

14.) 17 Jul 2024 12:12:03
How many doctorates do u hold petera, I'm guessing none, comment when you have facts, you should try it then u wouldn't look a doofus when you are wrong. ???.

15.) 17 Jul 2024 12:16:44
"Foot in Mouth" springs to mind??.

16.) 17 Jul 2024 12:19:28
"If Jesus used a fork"? brilliant belhaven, though sometimes I worry about your sanity??.

17.) 17 Jul 2024 15:44:37
@TrueBlue33 that'll be £300k then, nowhere near £800k. Sell-ons are on profit only. We sold him for £5m, they sell him for £8m, we get 10% of £3m. £300k.

18.) 17 Jul 2024 17:16:29
Exactly as stated above?.

19.) 17 Jul 2024 20:25:54
is it enough to cover the expense of using hampden?!

20.) 17 Jul 2024 20:26:39
Fork is there a sanity clause, I was going to write a letter.

21.) 17 Jul 2024 21:58:00
No bud lol, but sometimes it helps to be a little doolally belhaven??.



06 Dec 2023 12:49:57
Any whispers about new players in or out in January thanks.

East Belfast

1.) 06 Dec 2023 14:12:30
Michy Batushuayi struggling for game time at fenerbache has got one year left. Experienced striker.

2.) 06 Dec 2023 14:32:00
A new striker is desperately needed. hopefully move a few players on. very disappointed our new Dof doesn't join until next month.

3.) 06 Dec 2023 15:19:06
That's because his attitude is poor and his wage would be too high. Personally I'd be using any budget to try and get shankland unless PC has someone lined up from Belgium or France, I'm sure there's someone he'll target from his time coaching in those countries.

4.) 06 Dec 2023 15:47:38
Need a proven competent striker that's done well or doing well in Scotland n will hit the ground running.

5.) 06 Dec 2023 16:01:11
Need to sign Shankland and somehow offload Lammers and Dessers.

6.) 06 Dec 2023 16:53:38
A think whoever we bring in will have worked under Clement before or at least played in the leagues he’s managed in, if we do manage to get a few out the door then all the better as I don’t see us splashing too much cash, the Shankland debate will continue till the summer when he has a year left on contract and realistic transfer could be achieved, hopefully he does not impress our manager tonight.

7.) 06 Dec 2023 16:55:40
I don't see the point in signing Shankland as hearts will demand a few million for him and he has no resale value. Would rather go for one of the lads at Aberdeen.
Mark the new DOF will already have the players in his sights as we will be in a similar market to PSV for upcoming talent. We are still waiting on red tape to be sorted regarding work permits etc.

8.) 06 Dec 2023 17:18:16
I highly doubt we will sign anyone on perm deal maybe a couple of loans

Unless someone moves on for a fee or we get a few of wage bill it will be frees and loans.

9.) 06 Dec 2023 18:43:57
Don’t expect any signings for cash in January. PC and JB have already told us to not expect movement and we need to become break even. Our budget was blown in the summer on the duds such as Desses, Lammers, Sterling, Dowell etc.

It will be a couple of loans maybe even bringing back Lowry and Hagi so they can be put under the careful eye of PC.

Summer will be yet again another rebuild.

10.) 06 Dec 2023 19:16:40
Armando broja fae chelsea good big powerfull striker only 22 love to see him even a loan deal.

11.) 06 Dec 2023 22:56:26
Danilo is starting to look every bit as bad as the other 2.

12.) 06 Dec 2023 23:38:29
Intr 86 doubt Santa could even pull a loan deal for him off for us.

13.) 07 Dec 2023 01:23:47
I don’t see how we blew the budget on likes of Sterling and Dowell? They were free transfers. Plus neither has really had a chance yet to impress so wouldn’t include them in the put down

Beale blew the budget on the 3 donkeys up front. Best part of £15m on 3 forwards who combined haven’t scored more goals than our right back


14.) 07 Dec 2023 01:39:35
Wonder if hearts would take danillo, dessers and lammers for shankland? ?suppose we could throw jack in too.

15.) 07 Dec 2023 02:46:59
I’ve heard a few people worry about resale value. Is the most important thing not scoring goals and winning games. We can’t have a team of players under 25 just so they can be resold.

16.) 07 Dec 2023 06:34:49
I agree Blue89 as winning trophies is the no.1 target for me also mate ? I do realise it's a bit of both but if we chose to go and try and sign shankland as the guy to get us at least 20 goals season on season, then resale value on him is in pale significance to what he could possibly bring to the table, for me anyway ?.

17.) 07 Dec 2023 07:39:00
Blue / SWS - We need a blend of youth and experience - for years we have rewarded service and not all those who have been given extended contracts warranted it - we have been left in a hole by previous regimes (asleep at wheel etc etc) - it is a business we run too so do need some players with a resale value and not just pension seekers - we may need a little hurt for longer term gain but we have too many senior players just treading water at present and taking big bucks from the club and giving little trophies in return! IMO.

18.) 07 Dec 2023 09:16:25
Shankland or Miovski. The business needs done!

Danilo has turned in to Dessers and almost all hope is lost.
Last night should have been 5 or 6 nil but we missed absolute sitters.

At this point Tav would be best playing up front.

Sterling actually looked a bit of player, and that was well out of position.
Cifu played well and just needs more game time.

Need to find another Ross McCausland with a left foot for our left wing lol.

19.) 07 Dec 2023 09:19:25
Thought sterling looked a prospect when he came on, guy needs a run before we can say he's a dud like lammers and dessers, those 2 have had way too many opportunities and blew every one of them,2 empty jerseys so goodbye to the pair of them!

20.) 07 Dec 2023 10:22:47
Theres no chance we're going to buy a 31-year-old - shankland with zero sell on value.

21.) 07 Dec 2023 10:38:14
He (Shankland) is 28 Paul86 - we do need goals so if buying him, we would need to take a potential hit! Up to PC and the moneymen where we go from here.

22.) 07 Dec 2023 10:49:22
Shankland ain't 31 years old Paul86 ?.

23.) 07 Dec 2023 11:52:33
Shankland would cost too much, bound to be better options available.

24.) 07 Dec 2023 12:21:35
Ffs Paul you just adding 3 years oan everybody now? ?‍♂️.

25.) 07 Dec 2023 12:23:50
Abu Dhabi again nonsense from you. You have no credit posting anymore about transfer activity. In the summer you guaranteed x, y and z about players being sold before we can buy etc which was all nonsense. Negative fans like you are what drag us down.

26.) 07 Dec 2023 13:43:45
Yeah why not eh? ???? god knows where i read that ?? still prefer miovski i think.

27.) 07 Dec 2023 14:34:54
A few mill on shankland is well earth it as its no risk we know he will do well, we know what we are getting, a proven striker home and away, Scottish international, n no problem finding the net.

28.) 07 Dec 2023 14:48:12
I would rather pay the money for the lad miovski from Aberdeen than get Shankland. Has shown he is just as good a finisher but at 24 will give us that bit extra should he develop into a better player.
As for this window our business has to be similar to last January where we brought in Cantwell and Raskin for way below market value as both entered last 6 months. We will possibly bring in a couple on loan and I reckon anything else will be pre contracts for next season. I don't see big money being spent unless we move players on that just aren't a good fit. Send a few out on loan.

29.) 07 Dec 2023 15:01:42
Can’t see us getting Shankland in January, if a deal is possible it will be the summer when a year left on his deal, as a Rangers fan he just has to say not signing another deal or going anywhere else other than ibrox, so they either take the deal or keep him for the season, us wasting money in the summer is going to haunt us in the January market, difficult to get rid or bring in, to be fair on Danilo his play outside the box has been fine, getting in the positions is fine but instinctive finishing has let him down, the next games up too jan are huge for him.

30.) 07 Dec 2023 15:41:30
We are not getting miovski

I think he's a great finisher but some of his general play is poor and we would not pay Aberdeen the 4million they want.

31.) 07 Dec 2023 16:05:40
Plus Shankland bodied a few Gers players including Lunny last night. Shanks looks solid.

32.) 07 Dec 2023 16:36:45
Shankland has great body strength ally.

33.) 07 Dec 2023 16:49:09
Would take both Miovski and Shankland any day before those we have currently . Roofe excluded, who's unfortunately a waste of a wage. Kevin Nisbet another we should have gone for. Need to be hoovering up the talent succeeding in our league before buying duds from abroad.

34.) 07 Dec 2023 17:24:28
Gms nisbet just as injury prone as roofe.

35.) 08 Dec 2023 02:21:22
Anyone else hearing rangers trying to put a package together for sima on a perm deal

a few people have said it now but nobody I would say has inside knowledge

Anyone any info on this?

36.) 08 Dec 2023 02:54:34
Gofor PC has said he will have talks with Sima and that he would like to keep him if it's possible. So every chance we are looking into it.

37.) 08 Dec 2023 08:44:07
I think Lowry could be the key to a deal with Hearts regarding Shankland as long as we get a good sell on deal.

38.) 08 Dec 2023 09:10:52
Scrambled, a sell on and a buy back for Lowry would be good.

39.) 08 Dec 2023 12:01:32
Here we go usual suspects with Danilo is as bad as rest because he missed a couple of shots! Fricken laughable.

40.) 08 Dec 2023 13:59:32
Sir Walter do u think shankland would be our penalty taker as I don’t see him scoring 20 league goals in league if he doesn’t.



09 Sep 2023 19:12:18
Do any of the lads who have inside details know if it true MB been sacked?

East Belfast

1.) 09 Sep 2023 21:43:02
No info but hope so he’s an enigma.

2.) 09 Sep 2023 22:36:38
Azul he's certainly in mega trouble,
His in game tactics were very poor and our strikers seem to aim neg.



14 Aug 2023 11:37:06
A couple of weeks ago it was mentioned on hear about rangers paying off Roofe can't remember who said it was just to see if that's still the case.

East Belfast

1.) 14 Aug 2023 12:50:51
See if he stays fit then sell might be the plan .

2.) 14 Aug 2023 12:51:18
I can't see that happening, and it would be a mistake if we did.

3.) 14 Aug 2023 13:48:18
Paying him off or selling him are certainly two different ends of the spectrum. Big earner that needs to be fit for either playing for rangers or selling.

4.) 14 Aug 2023 13:30:56
Would doubt it he can still do a job when fit and given the amount we’ve spent on his treatments to get him to where he is now I can’t see us paying to release him.

5.) 14 Aug 2023 13:51:59
No one is buying him.

6.) 14 Aug 2023 13:59:16
Nobody will buy him, he's too risky. He might go out on loan, and if he picks up another injury, he'd be straight back to us. He'll continue on as, pick up his wage, play a few games, score some goals, then leave for nothing at the end of the season.

7.) 14 Aug 2023 14:09:55
Not sure how it works, but would medical insurance not pick up a chunk of the tab when he isn't fit?

8.) 14 Aug 2023 14:39:00
Don't like the idea if paying him off unless we we going to save a lot of money. Ideally give him a free transfer if somone wants to take a risk on him.

Other than that keep him as 3rd choice, maybe offload in Jan with new team covering his wages till end is season. More chance of offloading him in the Jan window when teams take more risk with signings due to injury or league position. E. g. us with Ramsay.

9.) 14 Aug 2023 14:51:09
Pity he struggles with his fitness because on his game he’s probably our best striker although it’s obviously early days on Danilo. Not sure about Dessers at all but deserves some time to settle but you don’t tend to get that in Glasgow.

10.) 14 Aug 2023 14:58:14
Paying him off deal rather than paying out his wages till end of contract might be the thinking, he will certainly not get injured counting his money, well maybe not .

11.) 14 Aug 2023 15:33:46
Why would we pay him off?
Just keep him and use him when required. Then he goes at end of season. Even if we get 1 game out him it would be worth it.

12.) 14 Aug 2023 15:53:27
Better keeping him till January and hope for a precontract to another club then make a deal to let him go for nothing as long as he doesn't want pay off for last 6 months.

13.) 14 Aug 2023 16:12:06
Get him off the wage bill, anyone remember what he cost was it £4m, scarey that now is it not? 30 year old and things not going to get much better for him yes pay him off .

14.) 14 Aug 2023 16:20:03
I think Anderlecht lost 3 or 4 £m on him so maybe the signs were there then.

15.) 14 Aug 2023 16:21:05
1.5 million for one game I don’t see that as worth it

Total outlay on him has been ten million.

16.) 14 Aug 2023 16:25:08
He earns around £1.8m a year, we are trying to pay him off with £1m which will free up £20k a week to spend on another striker… if we think they can have a better impact than Roofe will this season.

17.) 14 Aug 2023 17:27:36
He is on 35k a week bornabear.

18.) 14 Aug 2023 17:43:30
35 grand a week? right get a settlement sorted asap.

19.) 14 Aug 2023 17:44:09
Getting one game out him is worth it? Ours fans have lost all sense of reality.

20.) 14 Aug 2023 17:59:32
John Maths really isn't my strong point but £1.5 million for no games or £1.5 million for one game trumphs the former. No?

21.) 14 Aug 2023 18:24:43
The Harlem Gobstoppers basket ball team don't get that kind of appearance money for the entire squad.

22.) 14 Aug 2023 18:31:50
Youre right Raskin, some of our fans have lost their sense of reality.
Pay Roofes contract up and let him go when he is available to play is up there with some of the stupidest comments I've heard.
You have me mistaken when I said it was worth it. Of course it's not but even him playing 1 game has got to be better than none.

23.) 14 Aug 2023 18:33:48
Thinking would be, we offer 50% of wage to rip up contract and he then becomes a free agent to go wherever he pleases.
It’s how the pay off is structured instalment wise that could also be a sticking point and whether or not Kemar agrees to the terms.
I think we would want to do it in time to sign another number 9 otherwise we’d probably hold on to him.
I’ll get shot down for this but wouldn’t mind Shankland in his place as I think he’d be good competition for a place up top and straight into Euro squad.

24.) 14 Aug 2023 18:42:11
More good business from Wilson ?

Yes yes can here the people bringing up fluke bassey stuff

Outside of that everything else either standard or poor and I'd credit gio more than Wilson with bassey.

25.) 14 Aug 2023 18:56:03
Who cares how much he gets payed, people come up with these strange values, he either can or can't play and that's all should matter to us. I think he plays the Morton game. Guys had one season were he was fit and we won the league, he also scored important goals on our way to a euro final.

26.) 14 Aug 2023 20:27:16
To answer a question above regarding Insurance. If Roofe suffers further injury and it relates to a Pre-existing Injury or Medical Condition then it is highly unlikely that the Insurers will pay out. I have seen situations like this before with an English Premier League Club made a claim on one of their players and claimed it was a new injury. When the Insurer investigated the Claim they found that the injury was a s a result of an existing injury and the Claim was refused. Depending on the extent of Roofe's previous injuries and the Clinician's report on recent surgery, any Club acquiring him, (even on a free), might not be willing to take the risk. They would certainly have to declare all pre-existing injuries to any prospective Insurer.

27.) 14 Aug 2023 20:57:22
Gofor you are going aff your nut on here for us buying raskin cantwell and cifu for money when we could have got them for free by waiting and now you hope roofe signs a pre contract in jan but we just let him go for nothing then ?? that’s brilliant.

28.) 14 Aug 2023 20:58:19
BB I don’t think the insurance will pay out as he was out injured with a hair transplant ?.

29.) 14 Aug 2023 21:44:59
Storm yes £35k a week around £1.8m a year.

30.) 14 Aug 2023 22:41:00
Get him out the door and save the wages it’s better than playing the odd game and being injured the guy injured himself celebrating a goal.

31.) 14 Aug 2023 22:43:45
Goforbig Wilson has left he can’t hurt you no more. no need to complain about him it’s like a hobby of yours. Every chance you get.

32.) 14 Aug 2023 22:44:33
You credit gio? Sg was manager when we go Bassey give it a rest ?.

33.) 15 Aug 2023 10:30:50
See the people on here saying pay off this player and that player-it's not a shop worker on minimum wage. These players are on thousands a week and would cost a million plus for some to pay off their remaining contract. We don't have the money .

34.) 15 Aug 2023 12:22:46
They don't get handed a suitcase with £1m a deal on the drip is done, alternatively you could keep paying the wages for a guy injured most of the time . or a deal for half of that and tata . It's even possible the player is trying to get paid off and has another plan, we don't know . We also don't know why Anderlecht dropped a lot of money on him with urgency, they lost £3.5m on him approx.

35.) 15 Aug 2023 16:14:27
Berkshire, good info.



11 Jan 2023 22:28:25
Boy in from Chelsea?

East Belfast

1.) 11 Jan 2023 22:45:23
What boy?

2.) 11 Jan 2023 23:22:51
Alex Colin kpakpe.

3.) 11 Jan 2023 23:25:56
It's a academy player iv just been told not first team.

4.) 11 Jan 2023 23:30:01

5.) 11 Jan 2023 23:42:06
He’s going into the B team it’s only a contract until the summer.

6.) 12 Jan 2023 02:40:43
Oh aye the guy that Chelsea did not want to give another deal as spent best part of last two years from one injury to another ?.

7.) 12 Jan 2023 03:27:35
Problem with bringing him until the summer for next to zero wage gofor, my personal opinion nope. boy is 18 year old some boys have many injuries at his age the boy is growing into a man.

8.) 12 Jan 2023 07:11:11
That’s the spirit guys let’s run the kid down.

9.) 12 Jan 2023 09:13:26
6 month deal - this could be a potentially very good piece of business a lot of EPL players rate this young man - he can earn himself a full contract out of this and i totally agree with Johns comment - let's get behind who we bring in and the routes the club are trying to explore its starting to look good again.

10.) 12 Jan 2023 09:18:50
Brilliant John ?.

11.) 12 Jan 2023 09:53:20
I was just talking about this lad. Has had a horrible time with injuries past 2 season but most of the injuries are related to growing. From what I've been told he is an outstanding player and has 6 months to prove fitness and not ability. The hope is he is over the injuries and if so his projected improvement is similar to what we saw with Bassey. He has cost us no money and wages are nothing expensive. If it doesn't work we are out maybe 30k at most, if he is past his injuries he could make us millions in a couple years. I reckon this is excellent business by our club as there is virtually no risk. Also should he prove fitness he could also possibly qualify for homegrown status if here for 3 years as he is only 18 which is another plus.

12.) 12 Jan 2023 11:36:42
6 month contract low wages I’m sure we see somthing in him low risk for the club boy could end up being good no one thought bassey was that great a signing at the time.

13.) 12 Jan 2023 12:05:00
Correct Rfc I just don't get some.

14.) 12 Jan 2023 18:07:00
I guess if it's a 6 month to prove fitness then fair enough but what then is stopping boy leaving at end of that 6 months if he is fit and good ? then all you've done is hamper one of your own and set them back 6 month ?.




East Belfast's banter posts with other poster's replies to East Belfast's banter posts


14 Jul 2024 16:17:01
Feeling any new players will be loans it's going be along season if we start with the squad we have so far but still few weeks before league starts bk 2 get players in but off what quality can we expect.

East Belfast



20 Jun 2024 15:02:31
Hampden has 3 large concerts during the summer and pitch will need relade and not available till September.

East Belfast

1.) 20 Jun 2024 17:17:49
Murrayfield confirmed.

2.) 20 Jun 2024 17:40:31
Davie how many games will we need to play there? Any idea?

3.) 20 Jun 2024 18:20:49
East Belfast what r the three concerts you refer to.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 19:04:04
Sorry 2 pink is playing the Fri night and Saturday.

5.) 20 Jun 2024 20:18:38
Cheers east Belfast. So Hampden is free after next week.

6.) 20 Jun 2024 21:41:17
Maybe Rangers do not want to give the SFA money.

7.) 20 Jun 2024 22:10:04
Don't care who's playing where but yet AGAÌN Our club look like amateurs and Mr. Bennett clearly didn't pick builders who are BEST IN CLASS.



10 Apr 2024 20:37:31
Dundee chairman blaming climate change. fs, it's actually embarrassing.

East Belfast

1.) 10 Apr 2024 21:56:59
Did you not know that climate change only causes flooding over Dundee's pitch and the other 12 teams are exempt from it. Common knowledge.

2.) 10 Apr 2024 22:06:31
Sorry other 11 teams, fat fingers and wee keys are not good partners.

3.) 10 Apr 2024 22:17:59
Seen that mate no climate change just across the road at utd stadium.

4.) 10 Apr 2024 22:22:10
Someone texted me what he said, what about just over the rd.

5.) 10 Apr 2024 22:29:44
Jim, it is much worse than this! It would appear that Dundee United's ground, within walking distance of Dundee's pitch, is also exempt!

6.) 10 Apr 2024 22:39:23
Must be a nightmare opening doors Jfm63 ??.

7.) 11 Apr 2024 07:47:29
His defence is even more embarrassing than admitting they've badly messed up. A team that basically shares their car park has no issues and an amateur firemen team played with no problem on the same night. What a joke.

8.) 11 Apr 2024 07:58:10
It's no really fat fingers, arthritic fingers is a better description but fat fingers is easier to type.

9.) 11 Apr 2024 08:11:54
The firemen team are used to dealing with lots of water ?.

10.) 11 Apr 2024 09:36:22
Lol Jfm?, not the arthritis tho.



23 Jan 2024 17:37:29
No sources or that just seen on line left bk Luke Thomas from Leicester 22 year old.

East Belfast

1.) 23 Jan 2024 17:48:03
East Belfast a lad with a good pedigree, seen him a few times.



11 Jan 2024 15:41:06
We're do we give new players there medicals?

East Belfast

1.) 11 Jan 2024 18:35:06
Recently we have used Glasgow Manchester and London.

2.) 11 Jan 2024 19:47:37
Is Rosshall not the go 2 place?

3.) 11 Jan 2024 22:02:10
Fork in Glasgow yes, most of beale's signings had medicals done in England for some reason.

4.) 12 Jan 2024 09:40:34
So nobody seen the brown envelope under the table to ignore the dodgy hamstring and calves ?.




East Belfast's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 22:54:46
Seen that mate.

East Belfast



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22 Jul 2024 16:12:38
And why's that stevie.

East Belfast



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18 Jul 2024 22:25:07
Someone else will take pens and free kicks.

East Belfast



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16 Jul 2024 21:29:40
Gazger you on the same watsapp group gees peace why do u need 2 watch what u say its geting very silly now.

East Belfast



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16 Jul 2024 12:38:34
Keep digging the hole your in.

East Belfast




East Belfast's banter replies


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24 Jul 2024 14:01:18
Scotland beat Spain.

East Belfast



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23 Jul 2024 15:42:58
Utter nonsense again from u 12 players aye ok.

East Belfast



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20 Jul 2024 00:40:41
Transfer window don't shut for a wee while.

East Belfast



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18 Jul 2024 23:35:57
Aye alloa cause he comes on here and reads comments ?.

East Belfast



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15 Jul 2024 18:47:52
Usual picks parts off interview that suits your tav loving agenda he's done and sooner he's away we can get someone else to take penalties.

East Belfast



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