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14 Jul 2024 06:36:21
Well not to be too downhearted on Clements recent comments
I'm not surprised the board lied to him, I am however extremely grateful to him for telling us the truth that it's a club rebuild not a first team rebuild and he's trying to sort us out long term not just compete for a season or 2, I do fear the worst for this season if we don't get champions league football

Reality is we have next to no money and a bunch of overpaid players
I wouldn't be surprised if we move on, or attempt to move on
Butland - Kelly hasn't been terrible he's a safe pair of hands whilst we go thru transition
Tav- high earner sterling already there to replace him
Goldson- high earner
Ridvan- potential to make cash
Matondo- high earner low performer, decent enough highlight reels to show there's a player there
Cantwell- high earner but could be sold for 5m
Lawrence- high earner made of biscuits
Wright - unfortunately may stay as he's a low earner but Scottish
Dessers- potentially to recoup money, could sign a new striker for less wages and transfer fee
Lammers- need to recoup money
Danilo- may well be forced to sell to recoup money before transfer value plummets

There's probably a few I've missed too, I'd expect the signings of unknown players is over for now and we'd be looking to supplement the squad with players who know the league and are under 30
Woudnt be surprised to see bids for the likes of Armstrong, Shankland, mcburnie, McLean, McKenna, other Armstrong

May well be a very difficult season ahead, all I can say it's not the managers fault
Back him as he wants a better future for us, the board have sold him a dead horse and he's been honest with us about it
He's got a track record of developing young players and must be given the same time Gerrard was to deliver
Remember where we have been, this isn't as bad as what we've been thru already and we will get thru this.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 07:15:15
We ain’t selling Danilo for the money we paid for him when he has been out injured for that long, no club will take that gamble.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 07:18:41
Going by clement's comments he's undoubtedly been let down and given let's say false information by our board, back when he took the rangers manager's job last october ?I'm sure most will be like the thinking of myself that it is going to be mighty difficult for us this year, especially in trying to wrestle the league away from celtic, given the money issue circumstances ?It doesn't change the expectations of our supporters however, that we have to be winning trophies and that should never change and it certainly won't change in my thinking ? Clement will be under pressure to deliver and i hope he can pull more than a few rabbits out the hat for us this coming season ?It could well be we need to suffer again hopefully short-term, for long-term gain under clement, who i like and rate but how long will most of our fed up supporters give him ?It pains me to say it but our club in every aspect is way behind celtic at this moment in time ☹️We need investment coming into our club and fast otherwise, god forbid, we could be looking at celtic racking up title after title and getting towards that number 10 iar again ☹️I just wonder how long clement will stick around with us now, after the lies the board told him last october ?I'm not kidding one bit when i say that given our circumstances, that clement will eventually go and someone like derek mcinnes will become our new manager who knows this league ?.

3.) 14 Jul 2024 08:05:13
SWS I agree rangers should all be about winning trophies! I think we have made a lot of lazy decisions in the transfer market. Yes in Aribo and Basey we signed two gems but too many players on high wages from English leagues past it or we have been guilty of signing a high profile name like Aaron Ramsey. We laughed at them signing Japanese players and an u known manager in Ange and although they had some duds from Asian market they have had some absolute gems. The duds seem easy for them to move on or if not they aren’t on massive wages or a massive transfer fee.

Last summer as a fan base most of us were thinking why have we spent £13m on strikers who had barely scored 20 goals combined between the 3 of them, but our car salesmen Beale seemed to convince the board and a number of fans that these were the players to take us to the next level oh no sorry wait that was Jose cifuentes ?.

4.) 14 Jul 2024 08:47:50
We can’t spend money we don’t have I get that. Or we will be in a mess like 2012.

That team can’t compete on the park with Celtic anyone thinking otherwise is clueless and that defence with Goldson and Tav ain’t winning no league.

5.) 14 Jul 2024 09:21:46
There's no a chance we spend 20/ 25m this summer the best we can hope is if we get tav or goldson or lammers out that money can be used to bring in players but overall I'd expect our total spend to be less than 10m.




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25 Jul 2024 06:41:10
This is 100% the fault of our worryingly increasingly toxic so called “supporters”
We need to banish the knuckle dragging element from social media. They are damaging our great club
Under Gerrard we had a tremendous relationship with our players, look at the likes of Defoe etc who’ve taken the club to there heart
Now we have young players like Cantwell Silva etc leaving because of the fans, not the boss.
I understand the frustration but the fans are about to send the club straight back to the Ian black and Kevin Kyle era if they don’t wind there neck in.




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23 Jul 2024 12:20:17
Shanks plays in a better team
Miovski has a higher ceiling, personally for short term I’d prefer Shanks too, but long term Miovski could be a huge asset to the club
Why not both if we can move Dessers Lammers and Danilo on?




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23 Jul 2024 06:22:50
Helander made him look better than he was, great servant to the club none the less not his fault he was paid too much
Personally glad to see him go, he must miss a free header once a game in the opposing area but manages to guide them in past our keeper
In all seriousness, it’s finally a new Era at the club once the captain and the vice captain leave, let’s back the team.




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23 Jul 2024 06:17:34
Truth be told if we’re looking to the future I’d rather spend on Miovski or Rhamani
But singing Shankland right now saves our season, I don’t expect us to finish 1st but with Shankland in I think we can expect to score goals against ( ( (them) ) ) next season which makes a cup double a real possibility
It also keeps Hearts away from us, as I’ll be honest I think it’s a battle for 2nd with us and them this season they’ve signed some tidy players

Side note - Losing our Captain and vice-captain means Shanks may just get himself the vice captain role, and we need a proven penalty taker which he is
Makes sense for us to sign him now more than it ever has.




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21 Jun 2024 09:48:45
Lennon miller is a no-brainer
At 17 he’s controlled the game against Rangers and Celtic, he’s quite possibley got the highest ceiling of all the players in the league.





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15 Jun 2024 06:20:10
100% correct R1
The quality gap between those teams are astronomical
There’s a reason Germany have 4 stars above there crest and we celebrated getting to the Euros, there a level above and they taught us a harsh lesson.




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15 Jun 2024 06:17:12
I’m not just saying it because he plays for them, but a think McGregors time has came and went for Scotland now. Billy Giilmoir controls a game better and plays in premier league, Lewis ferguson (yes I know he’s injured) is the best midfielder in Italy right now
And McGinn and mctominay are the cornerstones of the team, so for me going forward it should be him who drops out of the team and let’s gilmour ferguson etc get some game time, probably Barron aswell in the next couple of years.




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15 Jun 2024 06:13:22
Well the thing is, as terrible as he was last night he’d still be a better option than Goldson is currently, if not at the time.
He still is reasonably young for his position and is a full international, albeit he didn’t cover himself in glory last night.
Baring in mind mcgregror was possibly the worst player on the park last night and he is supposed to be the best CM in Scotland, there’s levels and thankfully we don’t need to compete at that level too often
We are a Europa league team, a good one at that. Those Germany boys are champions league contenders level, I’d still welcome Porteous to Ibrox.




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11 Jun 2024 09:50:24
We sign a new captain, maybe Paddy McNair maybe Kenny McLean maybe someone clement or kloppen has worked with before.




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