25 Jun 2024 10:07:56
Now the DR reporting that our no.9 big cyriel dessers in advanced talks to leave rangers to sign for the greek club PAOK Salonika. ?As i posted to a thread earlier this morning, i most definitely think moving forward this season, we do need a better, first choice striker than big dessers. ? Having said that, i also think he most definitely could be kept as part of our squad. ?

Big nice one cyriel not as bad a striker, as some would have you believe and his 22 goals return last season is a very decent amount and i know it could/ should have been more, with some of the easier chances the big man missed, but hey ho the best strikers out there still miss chances. ?

The thing i really like about dessers is his very professional attitude in giving his all for rangers continually and never hiding, even though some of our supporters hounded the guy by constantly shouting and booing at him, especially in the early part of his rangers career, which was way below the belt and totally imo out of order. ??

Still like i said he never hid and would be back giving his all ready and in position for the next chance to come his way ?So if big dessers is indeed going to be leaving us, i thank him for his contribution last season and wish him nothing but the best moving forward. ?? He was never as bad as made out to be and always gave his all for rangers ????.

1.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:20:42
There are other players that need to go before Dessers.

2.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:21:11
I like his attitude and like him as a guy. But like you said we need better going forward and if we can get any money back and reinvest it in a better more clinical striker then we have to. Danilo will still be here and needs a fair chance. And Igamane if he signs will be in the mix too.

3.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:40:09
I think how some of our fans have treated the gym is shocking n I totally get why folk won't sign for us the abuse they get, windass, sakala, dessers to name a few, too many keyboard manager fans abuse our own instead of praising or supporting.

4.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:53:23
Not sure big dessers is the striker for us. But some of the pelters he gets on social media its no wonder he wants out. Our fans can be awful at times.

5.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:55:18
It's a joke how so called fans think they can just abuse their own players in Scotland, n it's no wonder we struggle too attract decent pedigree
Reputation spreads n two players this season highlighting the hatred n abuse from their own fans it's honestly so derogatory n arrogant and entitled, to abuse guys
Shame no player good or bad deserveves it.

6.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 10:58:21
He was treated badly there’s no doubt but there’s also no doubt he can’t be relied upon to be our starting striker next season. We can’t afford to keep a guy with his value and wage on the bench so for that reason he should be sold.

7.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:06:16
Get Conway and be quick .

8.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:10:44
Big Dessers?

9.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:25:02
Dessers will be on too much money to be a 2nd or 3rd choice striker for us.

10.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:06:55
No one can predict how Danilo will perform after his injury and lengthy lay off. Much as we can hope he makes a full recovery and produces the goods, big Dessers' goal tally will be missed if he goes.

11.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:43:18
Big man worked hard every time abd put up with awful abuse.

12.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:52:59
I'm afraid we need better than tommy conway cruix ?All about opinions but i'm not fussed about conway at all ?.

13.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:57:09
Never agree with booing or abusing our own but for me Dessers is not the answer. Too many easy chances missed, a reluctance to shoot when in good positions and a lack of any pace or physicality. I would disagree about hiding, he maybe didn`t hide from the criticism but he certainly did a fair bit on the pitch, making runs where he had no chance of getting the ball. We won`t win the league if he is our main striker so if we can get money in for him and buy somebody better then that is the right thing to do, especially if he now wants to leave .

14.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 13:12:37
The simple fact is it would be a gamble to keep Dessers and hope to sell next season so this is our best and safest opportunity to recover as much of the feeling paid as possible.

Upgrades are required and for that we need cash so sales must happen. With the hold up with Lammers taking a few for Dessers is safer and must be used to replace him. Danilo not going to be sellable this summer and Igamane not ready to be first choice so a new first choice will come in I'd imagine using the Dessers fee.

15.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 13:20:47
Not saying the lad deserved any "abuse" but Dessers was pants.

Annoyingly he got in good positions and created loads of chances for himself but never truly delivered. He gave away stupid fouls and 9 out of 10 times made the wrong decision. If that's the level fans want at this club then we may as well accept our runners up medal now.

Thanks for contributing sweet F all.

16.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 14:20:46
Only going for Dessers if they can't get Braithwaite, ITK just dropped update top of the page.

17.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 14:28:41
Got to agree with some on dessers I never believed the man would turn it round had a shocking couple of months but to turn it round the way he has shows his strength and mentality for me he starts as our no. 1 striker start of the season.

18.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 14:52:42
Complete nonsense Ally, CD9 was one of our better players last season.

If he does go which random player will you pick to blame if we lose again this season Ally.

Only thing that's clear to me is it will be someone else who won't deserve it.

19.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 15:31:39
any word on beep beep open the gates Matondo getting shipped out?

20.) 25 Jun 2024
25 jun 2024 16:09:54
if dessers was one of the best players it’s very little wonder we crumbled so badly then.

21.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 16:42:55
Im honestly astounded anyone can claim dessers was one of our best players. To the point of laughing. He is absolutely dreadful as a footballer.

22.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 17:38:31
Dessers did alright but we need better to win title, wither we get one (hopefully two) we will see, a don’t think Danilo is going to be it either to be fair hopefully proved wrong, rebuild is huge.

23.) 25 Jun 2024
25 jun 2024 19:08:41
dado, i agree it’s almost laughable.

24.) 26 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 19:18:14
There is talk that Dessers is unhappy at Rangers due to the way he was treated by fans last year and he has asked to leave. He has put in a transfer request.

25.) 26 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 19:59:10
Clear out the losers, dessers is a 100% loser, have you all forgotten his misses?
now tav . goldson need to be in advanced talks and take the financial burden from our squad, but the manager needs patience, something as fans we lack .

26.) 26 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 20:35:45
Nobody can predict how any new striker might perform. Shankland could move to Rangers and completely buckle under the pressure. There is no guarantee of success. This is why keeping hold of the 20+/ season striker Rangers already have is probably a good idea.

After the club sign a different striker who can score 20 a season from open play by all means punt Dessers. But that won’t be easy.