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Bluedreamer81's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Bluedreamer81's rumours posts


27 Jun 2024 07:29:40
Did we ever find out who the 4 booked rooms at 1 Devonshire Gardens
Was for.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 07:49:27
The singing kettle.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 08:04:26
Seen this the other day as well it's a big hotel so I'm sure they had more than 4 rooms booked out for the place that day for guests.

3.) 27 jun 2024 08:21:52
just mentioning devonshire gardens means nothing mate, its ever since john mentioned it one or two think it’s the only hotel rangers use, it isn’t, and anyone can book rooms for anyone, like every other hotel.

4.) 27 Jun 2024 09:10:54
I mean obviously anyone can book it for anyone. Think the reason it got mentioned is perhaps someone knows an employee there who will tell them RANGERS have booked 4 rooms. It's not rocket science.

5.) 27 Jun 2024 09:14:18
It’s not just John who mentioned it, it was white horse as well.

6.) 27 Jun 2024 09:36:05
Nose spout lid of metal Stuarty.

7.) 27 Jun 2024 10:05:03
Bluedreamer… I’ve just had it on good authority it’s the Krankies for a swinging party! Fandabbydozy!

8.) 27 Jun 2024 10:14:19
What’s inside the singing kettle.

9.) 27 jun 2024 10:31:19
that’s great.

10.) 27 Jun 2024 11:06:14
You cannot beat a good hotel booking thread to get the juices flowing for the day. Ohh I am moist I’ll tell ye.

11.) 27 Jun 2024 11:14:23
White horse is well informed.

Rangers were using Loch Lomond under Beale as well, we stopped using blythswood hotel.

12.) 27 Jun 2024 12:02:06
TT well don’t lie on posts as it wasn’t just John that mentioned it.

13.) 27 Jun 2024 12:14:35
Beale only ever used Loch Lomond with Todd Cantwell so that he could practice his diving from Luss pier. This never lasted long after poor Todd lost one of his wee girly hair band things in the murky deep waters.

14.) 27 Jun 2024 12:45:32
haha that's you been told Tom. I'm sure you will take note.

15.) 27 Jun 2024 14:08:26
It can't be a lie if it's true storm, John has mentioned it, maybe left a name out, but doesn't mean the other part is a lie. He isn't even having a go at John he's just stating the obvious. John isn't bothered so don't know why you are.

16.) 27 Jun 2024 14:39:44
The 4 booked rooms had uptown pineapple stickers on the doors. if you know you know ?.

17.) 27 jun 2024 15:34:46
bb, i’m even on holiday with him.

18.) 27 jun 2024 15:41:18
my daughters have been to see the killers and travis this week at hampden and they’re going to see pink tomorrow, so there’s not many rooms empty in glasgow this week.

19.) 27 Jun 2024 15:05:47
Didn't take you for a trapeze artist Davie??.

20.) 27 Jun 2024 16:41:08
On holiday with who Tom?

21.) 27 jun 2024 16:55:11
my no1 follower.

22.) 27 Jun 2024 17:56:19
Is that the Sunday name Tom for your stalker.



04 Jan 2024 12:14:08
Iv heard that two concrete offers one already knocked back for shankland are going in for shankland from Rogers,

There was a player plus money knocked back,

But true or not Roger's really likes him and thinks he would do a job so wants to put a concrete offer in,

Now this is from somdy I know at celtic, who could be at the total wind up as he knows I want shankland at us

So could be baw.


1.) 04 Jan 2024 12:52:45
Would be gutted if he ended up with them. Still hoping we somehow nab him.

2.) 04 Jan 2024 13:31:11
I honestly think my opinion

If celtic sign shankland we will be behind them for a few seasons to come if we are wanting a striker, why look at guys from afar?

Bring in the guy we know will do it.

3.) 04 Jan 2024 13:32:49
I won’t lose any sleep over Shankland.

4.) 04 Jan 2024 13:45:43
We have to be realistic, if Hearts put a ridiculous value on Shankland, they can afford to pay it where we can`t. They may well buy him not just because he is scoring at the moment but it takes away a dangerous rival and they know it will upset our support ( Jock Stein used to do that all the time) . The question for Shankland is, how much game time will he get behind Kyogo? We should be telling his agent that we will be in for him in the summer if we are interested but can`t afford the current fee. If he wants to play for us all he has to do is sit tight for 6 months.

5.) 04 Jan 2024 13:46:17
I can't see Shankland moving to them, regardless of pay on offer. He is absolutely one of us and I feel would reject any offer from them.

6.) 04 Jan 2024 13:46:21
Bluedreamer81, i've heard the exact same mate from a jambo who has been following hearts everywhere for 40 years now and also is a shareholder ?He told me almost 2 weeks ago now that celtic were talking to hearts and had made a verbal offer of £3.5million plus mikey johnston ? Hearts allegedly wanted a cash deal only and were waiting to hear what celtic's next offer was going to be for shankland ? He could well end up at celtic because being honest here he'll not be coming to us imo ?.

7.) 04 Jan 2024 14:05:53
If Shankland does goes there or comes to us, either way that boy will score a ton of goals.

Fingers crossed we can get him.

8.) 04 Jan 2024 14:10:27
People forget shankland is 29 he’s not got much left he’s slow carry’s a bit of weight. Yes a good finisher but to say we will be behind them for years if they sign him his daft he doesn’t even fit into their style of play.

9.) 04 Jan 2024 14:12:45
I really like shankland as a player. But to say if celtic sign him we'll be behind them for few seasons ?? come on its no messi and Ronaldo they signing upfront. Much better strikers out there just hope we can get one.

10.) 04 Jan 2024 14:14:20
Had we not spent a lot of cash on Lammers and Dessers I feel we would be offering 4m. can't see it after the cash spent in the summer. Not to mention the cash spent on Yilmaz, Davies and Matondo. Let's hope we have some players lined for the off to balance the wages and free up some cash potentially? Otherwise feel we are looking at free transfers and loans!

11.) 04 Jan 2024 14:29:06
Dont know about you but i wouldn't play for them for any money. There is no scenario where i'd lower my morals enough.

12.) 04 Jan 2024 14:30:28
That's what I was roughly told as well sir Walter, depends on how much they offer next and if accepted
Also if the player wants too go

I know it's all down too money
But this is a guy who's proved season after season he's a goals scorer

He's worth the money

Not a guy from Belgium with a 5 mill price tag

With no goals in 8

We need to stop wasting cash on these foreign imports who come here n do nothing ie lammers

That other big guy who scored one screamer then nothing.

13.) 04 Jan 2024 14:38:39
My worry here is that we will end up spending money on a player from abroad for a similar value that would get us Shankland and that players will end up like Lammers/ Dessers.

Goals win games and Shankland can score them so we should try and push the boat out to get him.

14.) 04 Jan 2024 14:43:00
Shankland will be 1st choice at celtic for 1 month until kyogo comes back who is in every single way a better player than shankland. So both would not play together. And i know who i would rather be facing that's for sure.

15.) 04 Jan 2024 14:58:28
Does anyone really think Celtic will pay 3.5 million for Shankland when they wouldn't pay 3 million for John Mcginn?

16.) 04 Jan 2024 15:00:04
Many other big slow lumps available, some that have ability to be seriously considered for international caps .

Former Cosgrove groupies, now Shankland fans it would appear, he's at the Gorgie torn faces for a reason .

He makes McBurnie look like Ronaldo.

17.) 04 Jan 2024 15:01:03
My mate is a celtic shareholder who gives me info about them which is 100% on the button. He has heard nothing about bids for Shankland (That don't mean there isn't) but he thinks Shankland will go south.

18.) 04 Jan 2024 15:05:43
Good goal scorer as he is not doubting that, but he is slow and ball control at times is poor I think we can do better. I trust Clements do find a real gem!

19.) 04 Jan 2024 15:22:10
If he goes to them and we don’t sign a striker who can hit 15 goals in the second half of the season to win us the league, it’s a dereliction of duty and I’ll be raging. That said, I trust PC to make the right signings. I still think Shankland will come to us.

20.) 04 jan 2024 15:30:55
said for weeks i have absolutely no doubt celtic want shankland, so do many of they're fans, the ones i know have been telling me this for months, and i will be bitterly dissapointed if they get him, the boys a rangers fan ti his ties but, at his age money is a big deal, security means more than being a fan, i believe it will hurt him but he will have a massive decision to make, i would rather hearts refused the offers, but they might not be able too.

21.) 04 Jan 2024 15:50:39
BanXger, with kyogo and shankland they would be unstoppable up top in Scotland, at least

They would have bags off pace n an out n out goal getter

And opinion on paper that would make it really difficult to catch them as they would have best strikers in our

22.) 04 Jan 2024 15:55:19
If hearts keep shankland they will finish 3rd imo that is worth £6million this year due to European football so I think they will want £5million.

23.) 04 Jan 2024 16:37:15
Can't wait for a Championship club to bid for shankland and he goes there so I don't need to read his name anymore.

24.) 04 Jan 2024 16:51:31
Bluedreamer what you r saying you know better than pc

Anyone find it strange gerrard Gio Beale clement not interested

Paul kyogo going nowhere.

25.) 04 Jan 2024 17:10:27
Who's your suggestion for a striker then Harthillroyal?

26.) 04 Jan 2024 17:33:56
Shankland doesn't 'carry weight', he's strong with a good build and while he's not the fastest, to say he's slow is BS. He'd give us at least 3 years of regular goals, he can score all sorts of goals and also his all round game has improved.

27.) 04 Jan 2024 17:45:42
Shankland will only sign for Celtic if Rangers make it clear he isn’t wanted. I don’t think we want him. I’ve also been told that Shankland could very well insist on helping Hearts get 3rd and knock them back!

Hearts can accept all they want he doesn’t need to agree.

28.) 04 Jan 2024 16:07:20
We are definitely not signing shankland.

29.) 04 Jan 2024 16:19:32
Paul86, where's kyogo coming back from mate ?.

30.) 04 Jan 2024 16:26:49
Paul, Kyogo never got picked for Japan. He is not going away for a month so he won’t start majority of games with them.

Anyone that thinks shanks will turn them down is delusional. Doesn’t matter who he supported as a kid.

Shankland will not be at rangers. I said I would take him but wouldn’t pay over 2mil for him just my opinion.

Signing any player for us doesn’t guarantee anything.

31.) 04 Jan 2024 16:32:26
I'm just really worried we go out n get somdy who needs to settle in. just might not find his feet or become accustomed too our game. We have risked n wasted too much if we want to make a statement of intent. And score goals the guys been in front of us for seasons is a bluenose n said he would jump at us.

32.) 04 Jan 2024 16:36:22
If shankland goes to them he’s not rangers through and through as people claim.

And glad we didn’t sign wait a year and you will play for rangers it’s not difficult for him to stay out for a year keep playing and scoring before euros, why would he risk his place moving to any other team and maybe not start.

Stay put and rangers will come back when you have 6 months left.

33.) 04 Jan 2024 16:45:55
The folk greeting for Shankland will probably be the first to boo when he's lumbering about the pitch like a cart horse against a low block every single week. No doubt he's a good goal scorer but he's not good enough to be first choice at our club his all round game is lacking.

34.) 04 Jan 2024 18:05:32
Yes John too an extent iv heard this with all managers n still waiting on this amazing striker

I get you are in with the know

But I really have to disagree so many managers have brought in dross

You stood with beale at first
Gio at first

And I love reading your knowledge and opinion

But yeah there is no doubt in Goo and beale not signing shankland is a mistake
We still have too see what PC can do.

35.) 04 jan 2024 18:06:44
you do talk some pxsh gofor, never dissappoint,

to be fair john, none of those managers you mentioned ever signed a prolific striker either, maybe, just maybe if they had they wouldn't have lost title after title.

36.) 04 Jan 2024 18:15:22
My point John is previous managers were wrong not signing shankland
So on PC I reserve my judgement

No I don't know better than him john
But I do know shanklands better than what we have
And yes I also believe he would score for fun fo us

And I belive if we want to guretee goals buy. The dude who dose it for fun here in Scotland where we play.

37.) 04 Jan 2024 18:18:57
Storm I agree fee wise for shankland but how is it delusional to think someone could turn down Celtic in the hope of a move to another club or do players not run down their contracts to get move they want?

Here is a question do you think rangers would go in for shankland if he only had 6months on his deal?

38.) 04 Jan 2024 18:19:51
Do you know shankland personally?

Would he be happy to sit on their bench like Scott Allan did.

39.) 04 Jan 2024 18:21:38
Tom my point exactly none of them
We ain't had a prolific striker since morelos

I'm not trying to argue but it's right in our face goals win games

So get the guy who scores them season in season out

40.) 04 Jan 2024 18:26:05
Ok cheers guys. can't say i pay much attention to who does or doesn't make japan squad just presumed he would go. Well then shankland would barely be playing at Celtic. Kyogo is head and shoukders above shankland not even up for debate. Would love to see the back of him?.

41.) 04 jan 2024 18:39:09
its sytrange paul because my celtic fan pals have been saying for weeks kyogo has been rotten, and if he doiesnt score he's an empty jersey, so many have said this.

42.) 04 Jan 2024 18:45:33
Shankland could wait till summer and get more money in the championship than going to them, he could dig his heels in in summer if we were interested and said it’s only place he is going leaving Hearts with big decision on a year left, a lot could depend in who we can shift this month if some sort of deal can be done in January and Hearts knowing his value could half in 5 months time.

43.) 04 Jan 2024 19:40:08
All I'm meaning bluedreamer is give our new management team a bit of time to get own firepower in . there's far better players in our price range out there.

44.) 04 Jan 2024 20:44:35
Gofor it’s delusional because that’s my opinion. Do I know him personally no but in my opinion he wouldn’t wait if he got an offer from celtic this jan. Do you know him personally to say that he will wait?

I live with 2 celtic supporters they got to every home game the odd away game and they not say Kyogo head and shoulders above shanks.

Also go for no point in answering if it was 6 months to go but thanks for the question.

45.) 04 Jan 2024 20:57:57
Shanklands no better than Colak! Only slower heavier and less mobile. Oh wait he’s worse than Colak.

46.) 05 Jan 2024 02:59:35
The ignorance coming off people about Shankland is unreal - someone comparing him to Sam Cosgrove! Just makes it clear that a lot of our support pay no attention to Scottish football other than Rangers games.

It’s this sort of underrating of Scottish talent and overrating of foreign talent that has seen Ferguson, Hickey, Doig etc leave the country for peanuts while we spend fortunes on clowns like Lammers.

Shankland scores for fun for Hearts. Let that sink in. Then imagine him with the chances we create. He’s miles and miles ahead of Boyd as a player and look how he did.



29 Dec 2023 15:22:29
Is there any chance of us going back in for souters bro.


1.) 29 Dec 2023 16:12:28
To buy I can’t see it on loan maybe.

2.) 29 Dec 2023 16:23:18
Hope not when was the last time this guy even played?

3.) 29 Dec 2023 16:32:58
Think there maybe a chance on loan yes.

4.) 29 Dec 2023 17:07:39
Played two games for Australia end of November, only 4 first team games since august.

5.) 29 Dec 2023 17:10:53
Thought him or Worrall would be realistic loan options as both out of favour, n might be seeking a decent opportunities too get their careers back on track.

6.) 29 Dec 2023 20:03:29
I would take joe worrall and scott mckenna sell Davies and john souttar.

7.) 30 Dec 2023 09:35:29
McKenna, wages appear to be an issue, he’s looking to be highest paid player at rangers.

8.) 30 Dec 2023 11:52:57
I’m hearing we are close to a left footed CB. Davie’s going back south. PC happy to let him go for all parties.

We will get a winger and maybe this CB with Wolves striker done that will be our biz concluded.

Devine potential loan and King. Wright has a chance of leaving too.




Bluedreamer81's banter posts with other poster's replies to Bluedreamer81's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 10:52:02
I know we have balagon n Davies n new lad, but our defence is shambolic n looks like a pub team at times, we have been shown up time n time again by our defence n it never seems too be a priority
If goldson goes n tav too
For what they lack at times we have major issues n massive gaps too fill
N folk I know it's the start n pre season but we have a massive game ahead with bearly any experience n a patch work quilt team for champs league qualifiers

I will be honest n say yeah so far I fear for our season

As that mob are way better
N I don't see the glue pulling us together yet



1.) 25 Jul 2024 11:30:08
We need 2 new quality starting centre backs

Souttar balogun and Nsiala as back up

Davies wouldn’t be in my squad I’d drop him to b team if he’s refusing to live he can train with kids he’s stealing a wage.
Leave or u can play with kids.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 11:44:14
N indeed.

3.) 25 Jul 2024 11:49:50
We have Souttar as well.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 13:31:40
Some folk wanted soutter for captain and I laughed. Now it's a possibility. I fear big time this is going to be tough season.



02 Jul 2024 05:56:27
Would love too see us get the boy from arsenal ruell Walters, boy seems a unit, n can fair play, would be some coup on a free.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 08:49:23
Would be a good signing and he's free.



11 Jun 2024 19:55:51
Does emdy think we are losing our Scottish spine? genuine question. It's great signing young guys and prospects from abroad, but who actually knows our league and what it takes. With the likes of Jack away, who's there to show what we are all about as a club nand just what playing for our rangers really means?

Genuinely, I feel we are losing a big part of our identity and really overlooking decent Scottish players. I'm sorry, but to let Lewis ferguson go was just negligence, especially when he wanted to come. He beats all our mids hands down.

I have heard all about how shanks is either too old or doesn't fit our model. What to be honest has failed for a good few seasons. Sorry but honestly, he's better than what we have. Just the truth.

We can't judge Danilo as he's not played enough. So why are we side stepping Scots? ? These guys are good enough.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 21:15:50
Blue dreamer, Ferguson has been able to flourish away from the Glasgow goldfish bowl. Taking chances and making mistakes without the pressure that our fans put on players.

At the time he left Aberdeen he wouldn't have been a starter in our midfield so I personally don't see how he could reach the heights he has at Bologna while sitting on our bench. Every player is a gamble and there's no way Rangers are paying silly money for Shankland either.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 21:32:24
Just do not seem over the years to buy British.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 21:37:48
I'm with you blue, but we also need players who are good enough to win league titles, signing youngsters from abroad is a risk, but so is signing homegrown talent who may or may not be able to handle the pressure of the jersey, it's a catch 22, I did feel we should have tried to get shankland in January though, and you're spot on re Lewis Ferguson.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 21:44:45
I have to agree. Of course we want top talent but our identity is being lost. And there seems to be a lack of encouragement to play Scottish talent within the squad. Looking at the Scotland squad, several members are players that we could have bought and indeed some are players we released.

What's the bet that McRorie replaces Kelly for Scotland when they leave and arrive respectively? How many of our foreign buys have gone on to do well? Those that have, and earned us money, have come through UK ranks.

Patterson, Bassey, Aribo, Kamara. The best of Scottish talent, coached well and given opportunity should be the core of what we do. We don't have to be a team of superstars. Just a little bit better than them across the city.

And whilst we had all those defeats, the gap isn't that big. I don't know who these players are that we are buying. My worry is that if we are buying from established leagues such as Italy, Holland, France, Belgium, we are paying a lot of money for 'average' talent.

Dessers, Danilo, Lammers etc are not expensive from where they came from. But not value for money. It hurts me year after year watching us make the same mistakes, spending money we can't afford and releasing/ selling players for less than we could get.

Ange brought in those Japanese players, lots of them. 3 have been a success. But even those that weren't have been shipped out, usually at a profit. And they have that Scottish/ English speaking core.

They relate to the support and vice versa. I hope that our business is better this season and sets us up not just for this season but starts a model that can reap rewards for years to come.

5.) 11 Jun 2024 22:53:30
We are a professional football club what identity are you talking about
It’s not the 1960’s or 70’s we simply do not produce the number of top class players we used to, for every successful footballer in Scotland you care to list that we somehow missed there are ten times as many failures. I grew up watching all the Scottish talent playing for Rangers and Celtic also the English first division was full of great Scottish players but look around where are they all now. We should sign players that are good I don’t care where they come from.

6.) 11 Jun 2024 23:31:32
Might be a couple of Scottish boys in yet, being held to ransom (which they have every right to do) does not help.

7.) 12 Jun 2024 00:10:03
We should be buying the best spl/ scottish talent along with foreign players whether that's young promising Scots or the cream of other teams players, it's our fans problem if we can't be patient enough to accept bad games/ bad moments not the players themselves-guys like Lewis ferguson, doig, shankland, Nisbet porteous mclean etc aren't world beaters but every one of them couldve done a job for us, that other lots success over the past 10 to 15 years is in no small part down to a Scottish core, some developed themselves ( forrest, mcgregor, tierney) and some bought from smaller scottish clubs ( brown, Armstrong, Griffiths, christie taylor) so we should be snapping up local talent such as Watson from Kilmarnock to keep a Scottish identity.

8.) 12 Jun 2024 02:08:47
I might be wrong but has the window technically even opened yet? For all we know 4 Scottish players could come in next month.

9.) 12 Jun 2024 05:09:32
Simba it's a genuine question mate n I feel it's why we are failing in our league I agree with you, in it's great too have good players from all over, but season in and out we have been unsuccessful with these guys

And I honestly think its because we lack guys from here, guys brought through the ranks in Scotland who know and can handle our league, boys who grew up here, who speak the lingo? Homegrown, ie calum mgregor, Lewis ferguson, mckenna? N I get we might still sign a few Scots, but I think to be successful here in Scotland we need a good mix of scottish talent With others mate, too help the best of the Europepean or others we sign thrive n settle at rangers I think we need that balance of Scots too win n beat teams here in Scotland as our league is different too any other,

10.) 12 Jun 2024 05:22:29
Gal I think so too mate he's been sublime for them, n it's brillant too see Scottish players do well n totally true, different culture, outwith glasgow n Scotland too thrive in, but too win best player in that league ? for a scot it's just amazing too see buddy for all Scottish football.

11.) 12 Jun 2024 07:49:38
There's undoubtedly talent within scottish football that we should be doing all we can to hoover up ie. connor barron, david watson, lennon miller etc ? I also hope/ look forward to the emergence of young midfielder we poached from motherwell, bailey rice, who's a very good, young player ?.

12.) 12 Jun 2024 07:52:46
We haven’t had a proper Scottish Spine in a long time. Jack barely played the last 2/ 3 year and apart from mcgreggor and sometimes Souttar barely had any Scottish regularls. That’s down to a couple things our under performing academy and the peices of Scottish players are out of our budget half the time as teams don’t want to do business with us. I do think it’s something we lack and should be aiming to get a couple in this summer.

13.) 12 Jun 2024 07:56:07
We had Jack, Arfield, McGregor and Davis in our squad / team and only won 1 title and 1 SC.
It's not about the identity - it's having a team full of the best quality we can get. Whether that's Scottish or Foreign I don't honestly care if we are winning titles and cup.

14.) 12 jun 2024 09:20:09
while it’s obviously never a nevcessity it’s always good to have a fan identity in your team particularly at a club like rangers, like cooper, durra t maoist ferguson brown etc, not a requirement but always helps.

15.) 12 Jun 2024 09:26:34
Bluedreamer, I think the problem is that young players can go and get 100 games experience in spl for Aberdeen, Motherwell, Kilmarnock without the scrutiny whereas our youngsters after being initially backed have the fans on their back pretty quickly.

McCausland has played 42 games with 5 goals and 6 assists this season. Ryan Kent 1st season played 43 games with 6 goals and 9 assists, which is quite similar but loads of fans say McCausland is not good enough yet.

We were on this page every day with "announce Kent" and spent 7 million on him. It's hard to have people learning their trade while we're chasing that other lot.

16.) 12 Jun 2024 10:05:41
It’s hard though motherwell want 2-4 million for a 17 year old whom may not be the same player in 3/ 4 years time and we can’t afford to pay that on someone’s who’s not a starter. Every single club in our league will hold us to ransom for their best Scottish talent and it’s something we can’t afford to do. Personally we need to be signing the best Scottish players when they are 14/ 15 ect and not being held to ransom down the line.



11 Jun 2024 06:51:08
If, and big if, tav is sold who do we see as our captain, butland obs choice, but I prefer an outfield player, ? but I would like too see sterling as think he would thrive more with the responsibility.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 07:13:23
He would first need to get fit enough to play a similar number of games to Tav and also cement a starting spot in the team, also pretty sure Sterling is quite a quiet and reserved guy, although pretty full blooded on the pitch.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 08:09:05
I don't think Sterling will be a starter this season never mind captain.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 08:24:38
EHL, if tav is sold imo sterling is without a doubt a certain starter in our starting 11 ?.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 08:48:41
Sterling is most certainly a starter but too reserved for captain. I also like my captain to be mid field if possible and not definitely not the goalkeeper.

5.) 11 Jun 2024 08:30:18
Butland all day.

6.) 11 Jun 2024 08:31:05
I also believe Butland will be sold.

7.) 11 Jun 2024 08:31:29
If Tav is going, then Goldson is the natural successor for captain lol. On a serious note, as I don't like goalkeepers being captain, only Sterling stands out from who we'll hopefully have remaining from the current squad, so I'm hoping Phil signs someone with a bit more experience for the role. Either a CB or CM.

8.) 11 Jun 2024 08:31:57
Out of our current group, Sterling and Butland are standout picks as leader. If we bring in Barron he is in the mix also ?.

9.) 11 Jun 2024 08:37:08
Agreed Walter its a no brainer bud?.

10.) 11 Jun 2024 08:39:20
But Tav won’t be sold.

Sterling for me, Butland if he remains, as vice.

Clement may well look to bring his own man in though, so that remains an option.

11.) 11 Jun 2024 08:44:30
100% butland.

12.) 11 Jun 2024 09:18:24
more likely that Butland will be sold rather than Tav i reckon.

Love Sterling but he doesn't play enough games to be captain.

Even in last season squad, other than Tav, who could have be captain? No one really stands out as being the man for the job to me.

13.) 11 Jun 2024 09:50:24
We sign a new captain, maybe Paddy McNair maybe Kenny McLean maybe someone clement or kloppen has worked with before.

14.) 11 Jun 2024 10:02:17
We moan about players being injured, some probably don't want to play others it is earth shattering but we have someone always available fit as a butchers dog but so many want to pack his bags. On top of that he's the British record goalscorer for a defender, 450 odd games for us. Oh we haven't won the trophies we should have. Rebuild after rebuild dud after dud manager and player yet blame the guy who gives his all and gets crap constantly. If those who came in performed and gave as much as tav we'd be clearing up every season. Some on here need to slap themselves in the face and wake up. If the tims said tav only scores penalties we'd be jumpjng all over it to tell them he was the europa league top goal scorer all in the knock out stages yet amongst ourselves he can't kick his own arse. Who is the replacement, he better be amazing with some return. It will be the ones who wanted tav gone who will compare them to tav. Honest opinion who has been the best rb of the last 25 years at our club? Maurice ross? Alan hutton? Kirk clubfoot? Its tav every day of the week.

15.) 11 Jun 2024 10:21:10
It's a hard one really but as folk say cleament might have sody in mind not signed yet ?.

16.) 11 Jun 2024 10:26:00
I agree Livibear ?Tav gets the blame for almost everything from some and i always relate to the old saying in football and i'll refer this to tav in this case Tav can only be as good as the players that's played beside him in his rangers career and unfortunately a lot of them haven't been good enough so some give the captain it in the neck constantly ?I would have loved to have seen tav in a really good rangers team and the focus wouldn't have constantly on him ? He would have been superb in a good rangers team, with obviously better players around him ?.

17.) 11 Jun 2024 10:45:02
His replacement is in the building, a guy that can actually defend his name is dujon sterling. Tav been a great servant but his legs have gone so being fit as a fiddle is no good when opposition players can go past you like you aren't there (maeda) also every manager in spl singles him out as being weak at defending, understandably. As pointed out yesterday the double champions fbs only scored 4 goals between, because they don't need to they defend first and foremost. That is concrete proof that we don't need our goals to come from that position, leave ourselves absolutely wide open every time he's up the park, his legs can't do it anymore. If he stays i beleive he won't be a starter, if clement has any idea what he is doing.

18.) 11 Jun 2024 10:54:42
Boy blue celtics full backs are their worst assets, they both don’t really defend either they play high up the park the just aren’t as good as tav is. People who understand football know what we lack is a good DM who can cover our fullbacks. The modern day fullback is attacking.

19.) 11 Jun 2024 11:08:46
Seriously, oh our right back can't defend or get back, is constantly out of position, even when pinned back, but but get someone to cover him, I know how to cover him, it's a tracksuit, aye he's that good defensively that he's at fault for plenty. IMHFO.

20.) 11 Jun 2024 11:14:33
I'll give you the DM part, because it worked with gio and sg, but it's not been happening or done to date with PC, Tav needs to go he's the problem not the solution, bb is correct, legs being gone are no use in a full back.

21.) 11 Jun 2024 11:31:48
I think the Paddy McNair signing talk was just that, 'talk'. I haven’t heard him mentioned where it counts. Pity because I rate his talent.

22.) 11 Jun 2024 11:37:02
IMHO, Tavs best days are well behind him and it is plain to see that we will win little to nothing if he stays at RB - Club needs refreshed from back to front and he should be on his way if we really want our team to progress and improve - end of!
Give me a defensive solid back who can tackle and mark then let forwards and mids give us goals we need to win trophies - simple as that?.

23.) 11 Jun 2024 11:42:42
I like sterling but he is nowhere near tavs level and i think his best position is cm. Tav getting forward and not staying back defending is the tactics deployed by managers. Three at the back would compliment it better, but cm or rw plugging the hole is what should happen.

Giving the entire midfield a free role anc getting tav forward hurts us. Our midfield has been a disaster for years. Jack. Davis, Arfield were the best lately as they played simple football and stuck to roles. We've had too many managers thinking they are managing Brazil 1970.

24.) 11 Jun 2024 11:43:14
Sam the celtic fbs defend well against us, yes they play high, as they have the legs to get back that's the difference. "People who understand football" when a guy no longer has the legs to do his job, we need to sign someone to help him. Why?

So if tav is constantly out of position we need a cm to cover him, then someone to cover the cm, then someone to cover him. Do you see where this is going? Gaps opening up all over the park to accommodate someone who isn't able to do his own job anymore.

Yeah it's a team game, players help each other but when 1 man is constantly out of position and can't defend when he is in position, it affects the balance of the full team.

25.) 11 Jun 2024 11:55:35
Blie boy not knocking you or what to seem a know it all but when doing shaping drills in training slotting in to cover positions in and out of possession will cover these things only problem is we have ill disciplined or players unable to read the game fast enough to counter this.

26.) 11 Jun 2024 12:11:11
Or maybe just buy players who play the position and not look for others to cover deficiencies. If a cm is covering a full back then he's not getting to fully do his job properly. Defenders should be able to defend and attackers attack. Back to the basics and stop making it hard for ourselves.

27.) 11 Jun 2024 12:13:43
We need to have goals and assists from our forward players more and that would replace the goals and assists Tav gets.

As someone said Celtic full backs don’t get the assists/ goals Tav gets that’s because they don’t need them for that they have it from elsewhere which we have been needing for years. On the pens they are 2/ 3 players that could take them instead of Tav he isn’t the greatest penalty taker that’s ever been for rangers I think that accolade goes to Johnny Hubbard. Tav doesn’t get blamed for everything he honeys blamed for what he does wrong.

28.) 11 Jun 2024 14:00:03
Livi, your hardly a know it all to know that they do drills slotting in and out of possession, that's common knowledge mate. I find it strange that in defence of tav you guys debate is to buy players that can cover someone that isn't able anymore, instead of being able to say he's fine at defending. The problem isn't just about cover it's that he can't defend when in position also we can't have meada ripping him a new one every old firm.

29.) 11 Jun 2024 14:13:15
When Tav reads all the negativity around him after all he's done then I think he would say b. r them. I'm offski. I'm not appreciated. Time for a pay day.

30.) 11 Jun 2024 14:32:12
And we will wish him well?.

31.) 11 Jun 2024 14:47:38
Sterling has to start next season not saying at RB I’d love to see him make CDM his own he’s our it’s Valuable asset imo, Tav and Borna for that after have been missing the player that fills in when they bomb on for a while now.



02 Jun 2024 07:48:57
With Jack and McLaughlin gone, how many Scottish players are in or,
around our first team squad? ? and how many do we need to meet criteria?
Or do we think clement might give some of our young guns a run?

I also think we need a Scottish core guys who know what our team and institution is and know what the cauldron of Scottish football is all about. Guys who would realise an auld firm and play their skin out.


1.) 02 Jun 2024 08:37:46
I totally agree with you Bluedreamer ? There's talent in this scottish league that we should be looking to sign for the reasons you state mate ?.

2.) 02 Jun 2024 09:05:41
Other than members of the board, there are very little real Rangers men at the club. No players and no background staff. Personally I think it's something that's greatly missed. Especially with regards to digging deep against 'them'.

3.) 02 Jun 2024 09:14:29
McLaughlin didn’t count as he didn’t meet criteria am

4.) 02 Jun 2024 09:54:14
Players don't need to be Scottish to meet either of the two homegrown requirements.

Out of the squad of 25, 8 places are assigned to association trained and club trained players.

If we can't meet that requirement we would not be able to register the full 25.

5.) 02 Jun 2024 10:44:11
Players must be association trained or club trained for at least 3 years between age of 16 and 21
4 from each or all 8 from club.
If we don’t meet that criteria each place that’s not met is left empty in euro squad.

Robbie Fraser could well be back uk left back to jefte wit yilmaz moved on.
Would that be such a big deal? I do t think so.
And so on….




Bluedreamer81's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 13:09:13
Really hope we get a top notch striker, I think too pin all our hopes on danilio.




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26 Jul 2024 13:04:58
Too be honest he's a decent impact player n has a goal in him n is more direct than others.




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26 Jul 2024 12:40:46
More money in the better.




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26 Jul 2024 12:39:55
Worth a punt especially on loan mate.




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26 Jul 2024 09:30:39
Same john good servent too our club all the best too him now i hope we prioritise asolid centreback option as what we have left just ain't good enough.





Bluedreamer81's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 08:13:30
That's him top priority now he's out.




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30 Jun 2024 09:02:11
Thought it was Gazza ? ?.




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30 Jun 2024 09:01:23
I'm between a total rock n a hard place as experienced decent players who would do well in our team can be hard too come by

Now hear me out here - re shankland
I know folk think he's older n not that good n everybody's cup of tea but
1 The boy knows our league
2 been captain at a top team in our league
3 is a prolific goal scorer
4 Scottish international
5 one of us
6 can play as a loan striker or as two

Also when he came on last ten mins of scotland he changed the game for us like or dislike him
He's the type of experienced, goal scoring decent player we need

N I get folk saying about sell on but if he finished his career n helped bring the league back
N european games would take care of themselves as we could draw n spend on a better calibre then
But win at home first.




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12 Jun 2024 05:22:29
Gal I think so too mate he's been sublime for them, n it's brillant too see Scottish players do well n totally true, different culture, outwith glasgow n Scotland too thrive in, but too win best player in that league ? for a scot it's just amazing too see buddy for all Scottish football.




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12 Jun 2024 05:09:32
Simba it's a genuine question mate n I feel it's why we are failing in our league I agree with you, in it's great too have good players from all over, but season in and out we have been unsuccessful with these guys

And I honestly think its because we lack guys from here, guys brought through the ranks in Scotland who know and can handle our league, boys who grew up here, who speak the lingo? Homegrown, ie calum mgregor, Lewis ferguson, mckenna? N I get we might still sign a few Scots, but I think to be successful here in Scotland we need a good mix of scottish talent With others mate, too help the best of the Europepean or others we sign thrive n settle at rangers I think we need that balance of Scots too win n beat teams here in Scotland as our league is different too any other,




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