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29 Apr 2024 14:50:20
There is a lot of discussion on here about strikers and CH being the problem in our team.

While I agree those areas need improvement in the summer it's not our biggest problem.

It's so clear to me that wide forward areas have been our weakest position all season. Only Sima has been good in wide forward areas this season.

Given he is not even our player, all we really have to fill those 2 positions is Wright, Mccausland and Matondo.

Wright and Mccausland contribute so little to the team we have Sterling playing out there ahead of them. He is a good player but he should never be played there, just does not have the skill set for the position.

Matondo shows flashes which makes you think maybe, just maybe. But let's face it that's all they are, flashes. He is also constantly injured.

If I look back on this season and what cost us should we fail to overcome Celtic in the league it will be wide forward areas that has been the clear issue.

I don't get the lack of chat on this especially when you consider we have not had an actual proper right sided forward since Daniel Candeias.

Am I the only one thinking this.


1.) 29 Apr 2024 15:48:49
Oh to have a Laudrup on the right and a McCann on the left ?.

2.) 29 Apr 2024 16:16:50
I agree with you and had we been able to keep sima and Cortes fit we would maybe have been comfortably top of league, if we sign them permanently I think that’s a good two wide men going forward, m roofe and lammers most likely off will let us bring in another 9 hopefully an upgrade. I also see one of Danilo/ dessers being moved on if suitors can be found.

3.) 29 apr 2024 15:47:13
your correct in that mate, we are very short but would h@ve had cortes there and i thought he was great in the time we saw him, but ch is a major issue, as is our right back, that's why butland will be miles ahead player of the season, because he's the main reason the defence may look like they're the strongest, but they're not, the keeper has saved them time and again, i agree sterling is not a winger, nor a keft back, i thoght he was lost v hearts, , i think pc will address the wing positions and hopefully cortez will be here.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 16:27:34
What about the boy Armstrong at killie is he not right sided, sure someone posted we were looking at him a while back, better than Wright surely.

5.) 29 Apr 2024 16:49:32
I agree that undoubtedly we need better wide players who'll contribute with goals and assists ?I like the idea of sima on one side and oscar cortes on the other side, as both these players have impressed me and should both be signed permanently for me ?.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 17:15:55
I think both will be signed.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 18:18:03
Tommygunn your spot on that's why cortez has been a bigger miss than we'd have thought and mccausland doesn't really have the pace or skill ATM so 2 wingers needed and hopefully cortez can be kept.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 18:26:39
Think with Cortes injury SWS, another loan period would be the way to go, just to be sure bud, but aye would like him signed if alls well, Sima for 6mill as per rumours?

9.) 29 Apr 2024 20:57:30
Fork if sima cost 6m and we've obligated 4.5m for diomande that's a large chunk so we need to use the loan market wisely and get 2 or 3 ooc players.

10.) 29 Apr 2024 21:51:58
Just going by the rumour wolves put 6mill on him OWS, agree bud big chunk if we buy him. ?.

11.) 30 Apr 2024 06:44:12
Diddy got my sima and silva mxd up, I meant Brighton?.



07 Apr 2024 14:14:37
Gotta say my bottle went but have got to give so much credit to this team. They are a different animal under Clement. Feels like a win to me.

On the game, 2 different halfs, first as poor as you could get. 2 gifts of goals but handsome Jack kept us in it in reality. Tav and Goldson really poor, Wright, Lawrence and Silva not contributing. Also felt we stood off them too much but a goal in 21 seconds is a hard one to take.

Second half immense, all over the park, first to every ball. Sima and Matondo made huge difference, Sima nowhere near fit but a warrior.

Still on top if we win our game in hand, players coming back, in Clement we trust.


1.) 07 Apr 2024 14:25:07
The first half was embarrassing! Luckily not to be 4 down!

Wright shouldn't be near that team. Awful. Silva? Yes he won a pen but his antics are terrible!

Tav great pen but poor. Goldson us done. Last season for him.

Moving on one of the best auld firm games I've seen in 40 years.

Hats off to Matondo and deserves a place in that team. What a goal. Hats off too for Sima.

I think if we got beat today then the league was finished. Feels like a win to be honest.

2.) 07 Apr 2024 14:43:58
Tommy, you sound surprised Goldson bad. He's a liability. We need safe CH who can pass. Goldson costs us. Goals today, 2nd he lost ball and he f@@@@@ up best chance 1st half. Let him go, buy somebody with his and Tav money because he also had a horror.



31 Aug 2023 13:51:19
Like everyone I am disappointed with last night's performance. But unlike most I am not going over the top about it. PSV were levels above us with some excellent young players who will play at a higher level.

In defense of our manager and approach, after two and a half hours of football there was a single goal between the teams. There was an opportunity at that stage to take something so we open up and end up losing a few more goals. That was the right thing to do as we were out as the scoreline stood at the time.

I also think going out is a blessing in disguise as CL this year would have been a hard watch at best and utter humiliation at worst. The Europa gives us a chance to compete and in footballing terms is a much better experience for our club.

The real test this week is Sunday, that is our priority this season. I love a bit of European football but we have been starved of domestic success in recent years.

If we win on Sunday all is forgiven as far as I am concerned. That would leave us in an excellent position in the league and would put huge pressure on Celtic with thier cup exit already in the bag. This is a massive opportunity we need to take. Onwards and upwards.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 14:09:07
I agree it’s a blessing not to be in the champions league. Yes we’re Rangers and we want to be there but I think people are underestimating how much a few hammerings dents the players confidence even when coming back to play domestically. Number one priority is the league and always should be.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 14:14:03
Looks like we are in pool 2 europa, what make you thunk we will fare better there, most pot 1 teams better than PSV, any more performances like last night and we will get embarrassed in that to.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 14:55:36
I think people are underestimating just how important that Champions League money is to Rangers. Or the problem it creates when Celtic are getting it, and Rangers aren’t. It’s not just about the prize money either. It’s about putting your players in the shop window. A few good performances in that competition and the big clubs come knocking.

People talk as if a good run in the Europa is a given - It’s not. We must get results to increase our coefficient and ensure we make it to the club World Cup next summer.

European football and player trading have become the financial lifeblood of the club. We really need to do well on this stage.

4.) 31 Aug 2023 15:39:12
Gers, there are loads of reasons, we are Scotland's premier European team with higher coefficient than all other teams combined, we have played 4 games this season with 1 win 2 draws and a defeat, we got to the final the last time, we have got out of group stages multiple times in recent years, the overall standard is nowhere near the CL, you don't need to beat a pot 1 team to qualify for next stages, the new players will have more games with us to gel as a team.

If we get the worst possible draw it will be difficult but still likely to be easier than best CL draw.

I would agree with you VA if we were completely out of Europe but I don't for a couple of reasons.

With the parachute payment and 2 gate receipts already the difference is not as massive as it once was. Also the club cannot be run on the finances guaranteed from CL as it will lead us to financial trouble. There is also the potential to make up the majority of the money with a good performance in the tournament.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 15:44:16
We were good enough to match/ beat PSV last year. Good enough to match beat them last week. Fans predicted a win on the night last night. But as of full time we're now a rotten team and they're clearly a lot better? What changed in a week?

6.) 31 Aug 2023 16:26:35
Nothing has changed with me rfc, psv has far more quality than any team we face in our league.

7.) 31 Aug 2023 17:07:48
My concern is that PSV had reviewed the game last week and came up with a game plan. Rangers don’t appear to have learned any lessons from the first leg. Still lost headers and certain midfielders not applying themselves properly.

8.) 31 Aug 2023 17:09:22
MB said the difference in finance is in single digits comparing CL and EL.



04 Jan 2023 16:40:17
I would like to know something. Do we actually scout players from anywhere besides the lower leagues in England.

Majority of players we sign or are linked with seem to be from the championship.

Not saying there are not plenty of good players in that league, just that it's an inflated market in terms of prices and wages.

Feel there are lots of better places to get players that represent better value for money and concerned we are not making the most of our scouting department.


1.) 04 Jan 2023 17:18:54
my point exactly mate - no one questions the scouting team and ross Wilson
just because he madfe a name for him self in other clubs doesn't mean he's doing it here.

2.) 04 Jan 2023 17:22:58
Great question. For me the scouting dept. at the club is very poor. Its actually becoming a bit predictable with us always looking at England. Why do we seem incapable of looking at the Asian, African, Middle East markets - there will definitely be a few gems to get there.

3.) 04 Jan 2023 18:06:50
We scout many many players in Holland Belgium and Eastern Europe.

4.) 04 Jan 2023 18:39:17
Ranger55 need to scout english championship we ain't got the money to even go 15mill for solanke fae bournemouth for example never mind tryin to sign players for more fae the likes of chelsea city spurs etc.

5.) 04 Jan 2023 19:18:06
Trust your word John, definitely know more about this than I do. Glad to hear.

INTR, my point was less about the premiership as agree we cannot afford even the worst players there.

At same time I don't think we can afford the best players in championship either. Would prefer we went for the best players in other leagues.

Transfers are always hit and miss but with high wages from championship if they don't work out it's hard to move them on.

6.) 04 Jan 2023 20:14:23
Tillman? English championship?



24 Nov 2022 16:07:39
Seriously underwhelmed by Beale appointment.   Feels like a backward move for the club.  

We did look a better coached team under SG so I hope he at least brings that to the club.   I do think man management will be better as well.  

Really hope he brings success to the club but I have no confidence that he will.

Have a major gripe with paying around 5.5 million to swap Gio for Beale.   Does not make sense especially when you consider we have spent less than that on average for players the last 3 years.  

Also the board should hang thier heads in shame for inviting him up when Gio was still manager.   Total lack of class and expect much more from the custodians of Glasgow Rangers.


1.) 24 Nov 2022 16:21:54
Completely agree. Rarely have I been more underwhelmed. Just waiting for the announcement of Kevin Thompson in the coaching staff to compound the misery.

I hope I’m wrong but I simply do not see a man in the mould of souness, smith, advocaat or even Gerrard. I see a yes man who is here because the board want kamara, Kent and Alfie to sign new contracts or god forbid, have to spend money on their replacements. I’d be 100% certain that this was a player led appointment and players simply should not be choosing what’s best for them.

2.) 24 Nov 2022 17:44:58

Tend to disagree. Players at sharp end who can see what works or not and that includes type manager required. Pity that doesn't extend to board level.




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25 Jun 2024 14:52:42
Complete nonsense Ally, CD9 was one of our better players last season.

If he does go which random player will you pick to blame if we lose again this season Ally.

Only thing that's clear to me is it will be someone else who won't deserve it.




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10 Jun 2024 12:52:37
Got to say that list gives me greater confidence in PC. Because I look at all those on it and only Cantwell offers anything. Glad our manager can see who cost us this season. That and all the wide players being linked gives me hope.

If players were told early and then under performed the way they did it shows that decision was correct. Because they would not have been told they are off, they would have been told they are playing for futures at the club.


{Ed001's Note - it happens everywhere, they are told to give time for their agents to find them their next club.}



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04 Jun 2024 16:20:27
I agree with you John, Tav did start to decline when he bulked up over that summer.

The other thing for me that has caused him to decline is the amount of games he has played. Think that eventually catches up on you unless your a CH or DM.

I think Tav has been an excellent player for us and most of the criticism he gets is unwarranted. However I am now in the Tav out brigade for 2 reasons.

One is his drop in levels last couple of years, the other is I am actually fed up watching him put in poor performances.

Very similar to Goldson, thanks and best wishes but time to go.




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27 May 2024 15:23:28
Happy with that. Never let's us down. Just wish he was younger.




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20 May 2024 17:15:57
Good defender but too slow for us. We need defenders with recovery speed and that's not him.





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24 Jul 2024 21:44:13
He is trying to get team fitness levels up so they will last a full season and hopefully not get constant injuries.

Think you will find that's what most good managers use preseason for.




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14 Jul 2024 15:00:25
Not particularly worried about CF position. Last year we had CD9 on his own most of the season. If Danilo can stay fit and with Igamane as cover we will be much stronger there this season.

All our other forward areas give me the fear. Only Cortes in wide positions is good enough and he is hardly a proven player. Matondo, Wright, Mccausland nowhere near good enough.

Number 10 is just as bad, Cantwell is only one who has contributed anything really. Hagi, Lawrence and Dowell again not good enough.

I wish people could look beyond their obsession with Dessers and see where we are really lacking.

I am also concerned by PC comments, it's ok to say we need to sell before we buy but saying that he was effectively lied to by the club shows not all is well.




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09 Jul 2024 18:50:27
Good idea but first reply shows why we are and will always be a footballing backwater.




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08 Jul 2024 15:58:37
Nail on the head, with a winning team on the park none of us would really be that bothered about the delay.




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08 Jul 2024 14:47:12
Good post Tom. Stadium work is difficult for all clubs. Agree it's been messed up but when it comes to construction projects delays do happen.

But disappointed about the last minute scramble for a stadium, contingency plan should have been in place just in case.




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