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02 Feb 2024 01:18:34
As I was saying but yet doubted all the way.

For Yilmaz Gala made a verbal offer of £500k and £3.5m obligation to buy if certain performance indicators were met. It was only today that Gala had actually made this a formal bid.

We had Jefte lined up and everything was agreed. This ultimately fell through as we could not compensate APOEL. We had agreed £400k with Fluminese. APOEL also wanted £400k to break the loan. We were prepared to do this but only if Yilmaz was sold with the money incoming being used to compensate.

We were therefore prepared to look for a striker and had been looking at options including Mathias Kvistgaarden and Alexsander Lind with loan to buy used here, with the Yilmaz money being used to fund it. Yilmaz wasn’t sold so therefore not an option as we couldn’t guarantee future funding.

The loan market was looked at, one player was up on Monday however moved to a team down south. The club were not prepared to go for just any player.

Butland, a bid came in from Nottingham Forest £5m was the offer. It was rejected out of hand. With the club pricing him at £10m, I’m lead to believe we would have done a deal at £8m. Forest operating under strict FFP couldn’t exceed £5m so no deal.

Cifuentes despite a £2m potential fee incoming will pose the club a significant loss due to the signing on fee. He was given a substantial signing on fee. £1.5m to LAFC and £800k. to player over the course of contract which we are still obliged to pay even if moves away and agent fees which were surprisingly high.

The budget for the summer hasn’t been set but I’m lead to believe the deals for Diomande and Cortes will be a significant chunk. Work is going on to identify bosmans and expect to see some names appearing soon.


1.) 02 Feb 2024 04:18:01
I would imagine we will still see around 10 mill been spent in summer. Along with freeing up few big hitter wage packets. On top of who ever moves on in summer.

2.) 02 Feb 2024 05:24:21
The window was actually decent Fabio Cortes and diomande who looks a player

The summer will see a lot of players leave as well and also free up extra wages with the contracts running down

Think jefte will come and that takes over BB, if yilmaz does go which seems likely then we can re invest. I think yilmaz is only going to get better imo especially with a good run of games and he's still young.

3.) 02 Feb 2024 06:23:13
So rfc the club have set there budget despite not knowing if any players are sold or how far we may go in EL or if we win the league and get direct entry into the CL, the business done this window was done without leaks yet you have intimate knowledge of a player sale and another ones contract details I'm sorry I highly doubt that.

4.) 02 Feb 2024 06:43:43
If Silva had signed yesterday instead of before the window people would be buzzing, he is probably as good an option as we could hope for in January, guy will score goals, his overall game is also good which help bring others into the game ans create chances for them. Think too many had their heart set on a big money move for Shankland.

5.) 02 Feb 2024 06:55:51
Sorry guys, a big chunk if thex10 mill in summer will pay off diomande and cortes.
I can't see where we would get another 10 mill from tbh.
Players will leave. Yes, but likely not sold. Those already on loan eg sima, since will go back to their clubs, not going to be pleasant in the summer.

6.) 02 Feb 2024 06:59:08
Correct Walter.

7.) 02 Feb 2024 07:05:13
TBF OWS, prob best you read properly without having a go. The OP is probably only passing on the details which they’ve been told, perhaps some 100% accurate and some less.

What I would say is I’d expect some form of a budget for the next 3 years minimum but results now to end of the season heavily impacting funds available for summer so makes sense we’re unsure what we currently have left with take/ have to take option to buy the two Jan signings.

8.) 02 Feb 2024 07:12:20
Think over the course of the past 24hrs a few villages appear to have lost some idiots. Dad's Army levels of panic " were doomed, doomed ah tell you" jeez guys relax we'll do our best?.

9.) 02 Feb 2024 07:13:32
A bit of speculating here but our summer business might look something like below. Obviously all the out of contract players will go apart from Lundstrum hopefully freeing up wages. We may sell one or two other first team players if price is right. Do we pay a big fee for Sima or do we get in a couple of players around £3-4m mark?

Diomonde £4.5m
Cortes £4m (not sure on this price and if he plays well)
Sima £8m
Striker fee?
Jefte free


Lammers £2m
Cifu £2m
Yilmaz £5m
Wright £500k
Matondo £1.5m
Hagi £2m


10.) 02 Feb 2024 07:29:50
Forgot to add Dowel to sold list maybe Robbie Mc due to game time and I’m sure we will look at either Bosmans or pay a fee for CB and a second left back as likely BB and Ridvan will go.

11.) 02 Feb 2024 07:46:58
Thanks for your info RFC8673

It’s very much appreciated you obviously have a bit of intel being able to give direct details of players looked at and contracts etc

Some might not believe but that’s life
Keep it coming mate as I say vast majority appreciate it

Still being a good window we kept some of our top players and we added some really quality by looks of it gives a real good chance of winning more silverware this season I’m happy overall


12.) 02 Feb 2024 07:51:08
Quite like Dowell but as usual anyone half decent is Mr Glass.

13.) 02 Feb 2024 08:11:14
RFC, the budget will be set - it will be aligned to the three pillars required to meet the UEFA requirements.

14.) 02 Feb 2024 08:45:25
Are the "option/ obligation" prices not what we pay in summer, or is it form dependent, and that's minimum price.

15.) 02 Feb 2024 08:59:20
I actually think that was a great transfer window for us.
Brought two really creative players in on loan to buy which we were desperate for.
Never sold any players at a knock down price like usual. Stood our ground.
If silva improves and dessers stays on form with out injury I think we have a great second half of the season to look forward to.
I am not denying a striker would have been nice but I think we held our composure and kept to our budget.
That will ensure we do better business in the summer when Clement can really show us his vision.
Well done Rangers, are very controlled window, January is a terrible time to splash the cash.

16.) 02 Feb 2024 08:59:33
Sounds detailed and accurate to me RFC,

17.) 02 Feb 2024 09:36:59
Jesus wept.
January transfer window has just closed, we are still in 3 competitions to enjoy and some are already losing their minds over the summer transfer window! ?
At this rate it can’t be long until players are mentioned for the January window in 2025?.

18.) 02 Feb 2024 10:21:58
3 pillars, Faith, Hope and Charity?‍?.

19.) 02 Feb 2024 10:29:08
Rfc whoever negotiated deal for cifuentes should be dismissed for gross negligence.
Standard practice is a club pay signings on fee over length of contract
If a player leaves that fee stops
What other players have this in contract, ie butland sterling dowell et al.

20.) 02 Feb 2024 10:47:09
Win the league your in a 60 million prize pot on top of our European money this season.

21.) 02 Feb 2024 11:45:19
Yilmaz price will skyrocket come the summer, delighted he’s still with us.

22.) 02 Feb 2024 12:22:00
I am delighted that Galatasaray have initially failed with their attempts to sign Yilmaz although I suspect that they might still make an attempt to sign him before their window closes next week.

Well done to our Manager and our Board for playing hardball. (I suspect that we would have seen a different story with the previous DoF, Manager and Chairman) .
It was clear from day one that they wanted a low ball offer to be accepted and they totally underestimated our top team. In the process they fed the Scottish Press with 'bull' through the ranks of their Sportswriters and Media and the dubious Scottish Press, (not to mention Rangers News), bought it hook, line and sinker)!

Admittedly I am not a fan of Galatasaray despite the Sounsess years at the Club, having got to know people associated with Besiktas and Fernabahce during my time in Istanbul, while dealing with anyone in Turkey is an interesting experience this episode has confirmed everything that I would expect from them.
Rangers have played this one perfectly!

The Turkish Media wanted to see Yilmaz back home for the International Team and for Galatasaray's European Squad. Since the final numbers need to be in by close of play today that won't happen.

I am told that Yilmaz was not keen to leave Rangers and return to Istanbul. I believe that there are other opportunities for him if he continues to play well.

23.) 02 Feb 2024 13:22:12
I thought Butland had a £4million release clause in his contract so if Forest offered £5million, we couldn`t turn it down, Butland could be we couldn`t. So the good news of the window is that the release clause doesn`t exist and we can hold out for a huge fee if we ever sell him . that's good news then.

24.) 02 Feb 2024 14:27:47
Here here Wsl definitely good news re butland.

25.) 02 Feb 2024 14:32:27
I wouldn't take 15 million for Butland, I feel he's that important to this team.

26.) 02 Feb 2024 15:12:39
Fork Tongue, almost - Solvency, Stability and Cost Control.

27.) 02 Feb 2024 15:32:51
So it was arrangers for yilmaz to go out all agreed and all agreed for jefte as rangers willing to meet price but didn’t jefte didn’t happen because yilmaz didn’t happen

Sorry but something doesn’t make sense about that if gala wanted him that badly why would they wait until rangers can’t get a replacement so would obviously reject ?.

28.) 02 Feb 2024 16:17:54
Cheers EHL ?.

29.) 02 Feb 2024 19:24:19
Don’t get the Cantwell hate 10 goals 9 assists 48 games is not a bad record for a midfielder who has been shunted around positions constantly we give him five different roles then wonder why he starts drifting out of position in games.

30.) 02 Feb 2024 19:59:32
Think we as a club were a bit sidetracked on the Yilmaz scenario, will he stay or will he be go? )
Look like the only way a striker was coming to Rangers hinged on the Yilmaz saga as any money generated from his sale would have financed a deal for a no9.
Delighted Yilmaz is still at Rangers but it still leaves us short upfront and hopefully Dessers remains fit, as otherwise we have no option to play with a false 9 ( Silva or Cortes) .

31.) 03 Feb 2024 23:19:00

Could it not possibly be that gala never made the official offer until after rangers window to get a replacement had closed

Why would we sell and not be able to replace that would make no sense if gala trulely wanted yilmaz they should have know to make the offer before our window shut

Were we supposed to buy a third left back and risk gala not bidding officially an then have value of either jefte or yilmaz fall by not playing due tk having three left backs

You may have been right on gala intentions but still doesn't mean to say it was in clubs interests.



01 Feb 2024 12:52:43
As I stated in the past week. Summary of our business.

Ridvan - bid now made by Gala, totalling £4m. £500k up front loan and obligation to buy based on certain performance measures for £3.5m. This had been made verbally earlier in the week. It only materialised into a formal bid today.

Jefte - Deal was all agreed for £400k to Fluminense plus compensation to AP.


1.) 01 Feb 2024 13:07:34
recent chat is that the Jefte deal is off as APOEL wanted compensation (as they have an option to buy - but cannot exercise it because they are under transfer embargo) . I've also seen rumours that we have verbally agreed to buy him in summary for what seems like a negligible fee (£500k? ) once APOELs option runs out. So are you suggesting the Jefte deal is still on?

I think it's now too late to sell Ridvan unless we have a replacement lined up (which given the above doesn;t seem to be the case anymore) . I also don't think £4m is enough but assume it covers our costs.

2.) 01 Feb 2024 13:52:46
Yo-jimbo why should you pay money for a player who is out of contract?

3.) 01 Feb 2024 14:19:51
We ain’t letting ridvan go as we ain’t bringing in a left back.

4.) 01 Feb 2024 17:04:18
Especially for 4m.



30 Jan 2024 23:13:24
And as I have repeated. We were open to offers for Dessers until Roofe and Danilo injuries. Obviously these injuries have left us short up top. There is now solid interest in Dessers. The final decision on this one will be solely down to the manager however there is no chance of two strikers incoming if Dessers is sold.


1.) 31 Jan 2024 02:17:00
Does anyone know how far away Lovelace is from returning?

2.) 31 Jan 2024 04:26:50
He is training am sure John said since December but he won’t be playing 1st team if he wants back to England.

3.) 31 Jan 2024 06:09:20
Lovelace been back since before Xmas. Not fancied by PC as commitment has gone, will leave for free end of season.

4.) 31 Jan 2024 07:40:48
Bornabear Not fancied by PC? He tell you that yeh?

5.) 31 Jan 2024 09:21:33
We were also told Sterling and Dowell wanted back to England and had instructed their agents to find them clubs, so I wouldn't believe everything that's said.

6.) 31 Jan 2024 09:27:46
GDog, unfortunately it’s true. I rate Lovelace but he won’t make anymore than a handful of appearances under PC as he wants to leave and will leave end of season. PC wants fully committed players only.

7.) 31 Jan 2024 10:00:50
All three of Dessers, Danilo, and Roofe are in the Euro squad. With PC saying he needs another LB in there, and with Lammers gone, and Cifu seemingly going, I cannot see us moving any more on from the Euro squad given we won't be able to replace them (only being allowed 3 changes)

8.) 31 Jan 2024 12:40:59
Winning the league more important than getting through another couple of rounds in Europe. We need to sign good enough players to keep winning at home and treat Europe as a bonus this season.

9.) 31 Jan 2024 14:16:09
Borna it’s a fair point regarding committed players yes. But that is a consequence of Lovelace wanting away. You suggested PC didn’t rate him. There is a significant difference mate.

If PC was here longer i think Lovelace would have been given a chance.



30 Jan 2024 19:28:39
Enquiry made re Mathias Kvistgaarde. Along with Ayase Ueda who coincidentally was Danilo’s replacement. He has struggled to get going at Feyenoord and they are bringing in a replacement from South America for big money. No guarantees it comes off. Majority of our groundwork in transfers was made around LB, Midfield and wide options.

We were satisfied with forward options until Roofe got injured. We were open to offers for Dessers, Roofe injury has changed the dynamics. We were prepared to pounce if a deal too good became available but not actively pursuing a Striker as Sima could play there. Sima injury has now made a striker a necessity but as I say no guarantee's on the two names.


1.) 30 Jan 2024 21:22:04
Does Ueda not get picked ahead of Kyogo for Japan? Ueda sounds more like a Celtic signing but I’d definitely take him. He was awesome in Belgian football.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 21:38:32
Roofe injury has changed dynamics He has been injured for years ?‍♂️.

3.) 30 Jan 2024 21:38:58
Sima isn’t played as a striker either.

4.) 30 Jan 2024 23:24:29
If we get kvistgaarde, cortes, and jeffy we win the league. Shankland would be great but think kvista has that potential massive profit so I lean towards him.

5.) 30 Jan 2024 23:49:33
You had me until you said happy until roofe got injured everyone knows that’s a certainty.

6.) 31 Jan 2024 01:22:00
Roofe injury has changed the dynamics ? they always slip up. Always.

7.) 31 Jan 2024 08:44:04
isnt Mathias Kvistgaarden linked with a move to Celtic?



30 Jan 2024 18:07:22
First approach for Jack Butland knoncked back. As I reported the other day, this was Forest. They are expected to come back again. We will deal at £8m.


1.) 30 Jan 2024 18:12:59
8m is a steal for Butland. Genuinely wouldn't consider anything below 20m!

2.) 30 Jan 2024 18:15:10
Your having a laugh he's going no where why would you go to a English club that's going down and will win nothing.

3.) 30 Jan 2024 18:18:28
Zero chance we would let him go for £8 million especially at this stage of the window. Can't see him wanting to leave us for Notts Forest anyway.

4.) 30 Jan 2024 18:21:58
Am by if we accept 8 million.

5.) 30 Jan 2024 18:22:41
If we excepted any less than 15m for butland the board need fired. Would be a massive blow to us and our chances of winning the league.

6.) 30 Jan 2024 18:22:55
Forest don’t have £8m this window due to FFP restrictions.

7.) 30 Jan 2024 18:26:08
8million? Is that for his gloves?

8.) 30 Jan 2024 18:27:52
Not sale sign should be up.

9.) 30 Jan 2024 18:31:04
I think he would go if prem regular before euros would be his last shot.

And with their keeper problems at moment he has a decent chance.

10.) 30 Jan 2024 18:33:47
Wouldnt sell our number 1 in the winter window unless it is for a crazy bit of cash, 8m is not enough, if he goes in the summer then fair enough.

11.) 30 Jan 2024 18:39:53
He's going nowhere.

12.) 30 Jan 2024 18:41:15
No can’t afford to lose Butland.
Lose him in the window we lose the league.

13.) 30 Jan 2024 18:43:15
Why would we deal at £8m if as claimed on here there is a £5m release clause.

14.) 30 Jan 2024 18:45:09
I would doubt very much we'd deal at £8million for jack butland ?I don't think we'll deal at all this window unless crazy money is offered for butland ?.

15.) 30 Jan 2024 18:47:19
Why would we deal at 8m? They'll be a long line of suitors in the summer, so best keeping him (he's been our most important player) to help us win the leagues, then selling him in the summer. It would be an absolute joke selling him during this window. Who do we replace him with? If we can't replace him, then it's McCrorrie or God help us, Mclaughlin. Jesus wept!

16.) 30 Jan 2024 18:54:19
15M minimum and he would be the biggest miss from all our starters.

17.) 30 Jan 2024 19:02:52
Honestly think he worth way more than 8.

18.) 30 Jan 2024 19:03:06
RFC what happened re his reiease cause, 8 million would be great business.

19.) 30 Jan 2024 19:03:21
Nonsense, rangers won’t sell or entertain any bids in this window, club unlikely to accept anything less than 15m in the summer.

20.) 30 Jan 2024 19:07:47
The points he's saved us this year he's priceless. I could understand and accept selling for big profit in Summer. Bit no way can we sell him now at any price.

21.) 30 Jan 2024 19:12:20
£8million? The phone would be put down after huge amounts of laughter.

22.) 30 Jan 2024 19:12:30
I was expecting this tbh, Jack Butland and the EPL - tell Ross Wilson to off. Unless it’s Bassey money. I don’t want to give this much attention. Jacks happy here! Non starter- the can’t offer us big money anyway because of FFP. So I don’t even know why they’re trying.

On another note we’re is Cortes and Jefte? just get them signed so we can focus on a number 9, everything at Rangers has to go at a very slow pace. Forget all the stupid TV stuff, get them signed go get a striker then interview the 3 of them then.

Someone mentioned a player called John Kennedy a Brazilian ?? player, so me being curious went and watched him- that lad is some player. Even if we get someone like that I would be over the moon. But Kennedy is valued at 7 million Euros so very unlikely, but what a player tho- good suggestion tho whoever said him.

Our new team,
Gk Butland RB Tav Cb Goldson Cb Balogun Lb Jefte
CM Lundstrum CM Diomande
CAM Cantwell
RW Cortes LW Silva CF? / Dessers

I’d put silva out on the left I love his work ethic and technical ability, my team probably miles off the team lol ?.

23.) 30 Jan 2024 19:19:34
There will be no deal at 8m
Or any price.

24.) 30 Jan 2024 19:20:23
Why sell for £8 million? Bigger picture has to be winning the league and champions league money. Easily worth more that.

25.) 30 Jan 2024 19:20:29
Sorry everyone has a price but that’s nowhere near his. Vital to us and we should offer longer improved terms. Model pro and captain/ vice material.

26.) 30 Jan 2024 19:34:07
If we sell him and don't bring in new keeper we can kiss goodbye to any chance of the league.

27.) 30 Jan 2024 20:05:46
Cannot believe we will entertain anything below 15 million for Butland RFC. Not at this stage of the window and certainly not the winter window mate.

28.) 30 Jan 2024 20:06:55
We won't deal at 8million at all. The board sell him and season goes to crap they're done.

29.) 30 Jan 2024 20:31:54
The club need to adopt a player transfer model so we can't say no to 8m for a player we signed for nothing as much as i love jb the club need to get serious.

30.) 30 Jan 2024 20:32:55
I could not imagine butland wanting to move to forest, at any price. He turned down more money at utd to sit on the bench, than forest could afford to pay!

31.) 30 Jan 2024 20:41:44
Not long signed a 4 year deal, can't see us selling at any price. Champions league money much more,

32.) 30 Jan 2024 20:50:20
Could be about to find out about the supposed release clause. Hope not. He's been amazing for us
By far our most valuable player just now.

33.) 30 Jan 2024 20:46:27
That sounds to put paid to suggestions there is a £4-6m release clause. I hope we can keep hold of him because a good keeper is worth his weight in gold. but realistically if someone bid £10m for a guy we picked up for nothing 6 months ago it would be a big call to knock it back.

Ps. I thought Forest were in a tight spot financially?

34.) 30 Jan 2024 20:49:16
Id say 16 million is fair considering flops that other teams have signed.

35.) 30 Jan 2024 20:50:40
Was it man Utd he was 85th in line for the #1 jersey?

36.) 30 Jan 2024 21:26:09
Mr Rangers I too had a nosey at Kennedy and agree, 7mill euros about 5 mill of Charlie's pounds n that's what hearts want for shankland, Kennedy blows him out the water imo.

37.) 30 Jan 2024 21:27:08
Couldn’t let him go anyway, no back up and no time to get one.

38.) 30 Jan 2024 21:50:35
Yo jimbo u could be correct re sell on clause, that would be fantastic and put rangers in driving seat.

39.) 30 Jan 2024 22:15:06
So rangers insert the clause as a baseline minimum then?

40.) 30 Jan 2024 22:16:32
Everyone has their price, and IF there is a sell on clause we are screwed.
They will at least double his wage and give him a huge signing on fee, as well as the outside chance of England call up. not looking good!

41.) 30 Jan 2024 22:38:44
8m for Butland is GREAT BIZ Please shut up!




RFC8673's banter posts with other poster's replies to RFC8673's banter posts


17 May 2024 21:00:53
There is a genuine interest from Celtic in Adbdallah Sima. Don’t know what our chances are but Brighton are looking for £7-8m.


1.) 17 May 2024 21:13:37
Good way to try and unsettle our biggest threat going into cup final week.

2.) 17 May 2024 21:27:23
On the same note there is genuine interest form me to have Sofia Vargara move into my spare bedroom over the summer.

3.) 17 May 2024 21:52:35
He's a good player so they should be int in him.

4.) 17 May 2024 22:00:25
Why the spare bedroom, TJBB? Aim higher!

5.) 17 May 2024 22:46:27
Rfc i hope that's not true and if it is hope sima wouldnt. That would be a right kick in the sean gilhooleys.

6.) 17 May 2024 22:51:17
I'd move the wife into the spare room tbh TJBB56!

7.) 17 May 2024 22:53:43
Sorry TJ she's still locked up in my shed so she is unavailable pal!

8.) 17 May 2024 22:58:30
Just like they are after butland nonsense.

9.) 18 May 2024 01:12:31
Hearing there is genuine interest in TJBB56 moving into to bigbluejims shed for a small admin fee.

10.) 18 May 2024 06:14:47
Sometimes, not often, I just wonder who the feck I talk to on here???.

11.) 18 May 2024 09:44:23
There is no genuine interest some daft Celtic fan mentioned it on Clyde phone in so that’s just utter bs RFC.




RFC8673's rumour replies


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25 Mar 2024 20:06:03
Thank goodness he’s away.




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31 Jan 2024 01:12:30
Re Yilmaz. Gala offered £500k up front loan fee with an option to buy for £3.5m which would become an obligation should certain criteria be reached throughout the loan. This was verbally accepted by the club. Turkish window lasts a week longer.




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28 Jan 2024 13:18:51
Yes enquiry has been made, they have asked the question. They are operating under strict FFP restrictions just now so no guarantee they could afford any deal. And we aren’t pushing for the sale. Ross Wilson is a huge admirer of him and was pivotal in bringing him in the summer. Majority of the groundwork was done before Wilson left.




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27 Jan 2024 19:57:19
FWIW Butland was a target of Ross Wilson at Rangers whilst both Beale and Gio were manager.




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26 Jan 2024 10:02:18
For Diomande that is.





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