24 Jun 2024 19:26:02
As I stated couple of weeks back kenny McLean will be announced this week, I still don't know why we are going to pay a fee for a 33 year old who isn't better than what we have .

1.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 20:22:38
If that the cause is simply because he’s Scottish. He know the league and he will qualify as a home grown player for euro criteria…. Also he was the POTY last season and is very early injured…. We need experience we can’t have a team full of 19/ 20 year old. There needs to be a few old heads to guild them when times get tough….

2.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 20:39:40
Don't agree with this one. 33 and will have absolutely no sell on value.

3.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 20:40:53
Him. and barron fit european quota.

4.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 20:47:32
I'd not mind McLean if we get him for a decent fee and would he bring more than lunstrum? I'd say yes he would so when many have asked about experience he'd do a job imo also he's rarely injured.

5.) 24 Jun 2024
24 jun 2024 20:50:54
better all round player than most of what we have, pity at norwich, we’re mcdowal and cantwelll weren’t, very experienced and bluenose, why not, good man to have on your side.

6.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:04:51
Let’s try win the league with players what no one has heard of for a sell on! We need players who know the league and know Rangers.

7.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:07:29
I just hope if he does sign he brings in the experience and quality Arfield done.

8.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:18:18
Id take him for sure. Good head to have around. But I just can't see us spending £ms to get him, which presumably it would require.

9.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:23:33
Slipper, he's just had the best season of his career, reborn in a new position, played 50 games at 31/ 32, fits the HG quota and is a diehard rangers fan.

I wonder why we're signing him?

10.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:46:42
Tj think av already explained to you in my last post my reasons for not wanting to spend the money on him . Everybody has there own opinion and mines is he’s not good enough to improve us . am not buying the Norwich best player cause there gash . New position? Were we going to play him? I would say only midfield and that’s always been his natural position.

11.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 21:47:15
I'm underwhelmed by this tbh.

12.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:07:18
Deadpan@TheRef and that avatar makes it better??.

13.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:08:35
Whats the new position/ role he was playing in?
If he was free i don't think many would argue but he's not. "Rarely injured" watch this space.

14.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:29:17
I’m sorry but he’s worse than a man down.

15.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:37:04
Same guys that wanted to spend 6m on Shankland… don’t want McLean because of sell on value! ??.

16.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:54:57
He's early injured what does that mean?

17.) 24 Jun 2024
24 Jun 2024 22:57:04
POTY for your club is a bit different from POTY in the league.

18.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 01:41:33
Andymc you got it spot on, he will be signed for when the tough times arrive, as they surely will. He has leadership qualities and is a diehard, like others before him who were not blessed with super skills but he will run through walls for us and lead by example. He's one for me.

19.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 03:11:30
I don't get why we would bin Jack (The right thing to do) and then buy an older and injured player just to keep the quota.

20.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 07:06:46
It's all good and well Kenny McLean helping with the Scottish quota for Europe but if he's the type of homegrown talent we're looking to sign, we won't be in Europe very long.

21.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 07:14:30
Slipper scotty arfield a higher quality midfielder to kenny mclean mate and different midfield positions, as arfield was more of an attacking midfielder, who'd score goals by making those clever, direct runs beyond the striker ?He was a superb player for us ???.

22.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 07:37:39
Novo injured player?

23.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 08:19:28
Novo how many games did Jack play compared to Kenny this year? Talking nonsense pal.

24.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 11:27:06
doubt it wiuld be announced this week he’ll probablg have a short vacation this week and Rangers wouldn't announce a signing on a weekend.

25.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 12:13:07
Always liked McLean but cannot see us spending much on him, be stupid at his age, is there a possibility of player trading, Hagi, Lawrence, or Dowell being involved, they have a new manager as well so this could linger all summer if any truth in it but can’t see it happening on a straight transfer.

26.) 25 Jun 2024
25 Jun 2024 13:01:36
God help us signing a donkey like McLean, if we want to spend millions on a Scottish midfielder then buy Miller or if its just we need more Scots then buy Shankland. McLean is 33 and he`s no Steve Davis . We need better than him.