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GC1872's rumours posts with other poster's replies to GC1872's rumours posts


04 Jul 2024 10:54:45
Igamane will be announced later today.


1.) 04 Jul 2024 10:57:31
Was supposedly en route yesterday to complete today, gd gd another one in ?.

2.) 04 Jul 2024 11:17:10
Someone not say same thing last week?

I will predict it will happen on saturday.

3.) 04 Jul 2024 11:18:44
Pleased with new signings but hoped Shankland would have signed for us.

4.) 04 Jul 2024 11:49:22
Is this the guy from Morocco? Doesn’t seem any better than Dessers to me. going by stats.

5.) 04 Jul 2024 12:10:23
Azul what a terrible, negative comparison. He's been signed for his potential and raw talent already there. To exist as a club we need to be shifting guys for big profit after a few years.

6.) 04 Jul 2024 12:30:54
He's a player we've signed to sell on in the future.

That's the attitude though, not better than Dessers stats wise so we'd be as well not signing him.

7.) 04 Jul 2024 12:42:25
Any news on Trigger's Broom?

8.) 04 Jul 2024 12:47:11
Azul surely you can't judge a player without seeing him play.

9.) 04 Jul 2024 12:49:46
He can hit the ball first time Azul which is one up on Dessers, we will see could be the next big thing or maybe not, a think defenders will know they have been in a game with him tho, fingers crossed.

10.) 04 Jul 2024 13:00:15
He’s 8/ 9 year younger than Dessers he will be on a fraction of the wages and will have cost less. Rangers will sign a striker if Dessers goes I don’t think Igamane is a Dessers replacement anyway more of a Roofe replacement for me.

11.) 04 jul 2024 13:45:41
its actually scary to think how many goals a good footballer 8n dessers position would have scored, i think that's a spotlight on how poor the opposition is outside celtic, , dessers is a woeful player imo, but he had s9 many clear chances that he scored 20 odd, he must easily have missed 49 or 50 clear opportunities, often so clear your granny would have scored, it is really soul destroying seeing a good n
move collapse because the end target simply can't control or strike a ball without 5 touches just to turn round, the guy is not a good player and could easily have had 49 goals, what does that say about the rest?

12.) 04 Jul 2024 14:03:04
Very negative azul have you even seen him play.

13.) 04 Jul 2024 14:09:29
I didn’t say don’t sign him. That’s not up to me it’s up to the club. I’ve seen his highlight reel. Just saying. As far as signing players for development to sell on for future profit etc is all good but I for one can’t stomach another season of watching them win win win. This is the route they’ve decided to go down which is fair enough but if the manager doesn’t deliver, No Excuses.

14.) 04 Jul 2024 14:33:28
Swept up by a bigger club SB??.

15.) 04 Jul 2024 14:56:06
It’s definitely had more treatment than Jack SB.

16.) 04 Jul 2024 15:16:23
Dessers has good stats 22 goals and 5 assists.

17.) 04 Jul 2024 15:17:21
Tom Thumb if there was a player in Scotland scoring 50 goals in a season he wouldn’t play in Scotland. Who was the last one to do it Larson? McCoist? He missed chances I think someone posted it on here it was around 16 big chances with the messiah shankland not far behind him.

The same messiah who scores a goal in 2 less shots on target but plays double the amount of time and not against the low block. Do we need better than dessers yes but he’s not a bad player definitely a guy I’d like to have around but if the news is true he wants away I wouldn’t be surprised. I rod has become a toxic cauldron recently.

18.) 04 Jul 2024 15:28:36
I wish people would stop looking at stats and trust their eyes. Dessers isn't going to improve at his age. Or get you a profit, we paid way ovrr the odds for him.

19.) 04 Jul 2024 16:03:18
Correct Sam of oranges some have very short memories we have had 6 strikers score more than 20 goals a season since 2000. Some fans are just deluded.

20.) 04 Jul 2024 17:41:37
Big dado many of player get better with age especially strikers and keepers - strikers who played their best football after 30, adruiz, di natali, vardy, toni, klose there’s a long list.

21.) 04 Jul 2024 18:25:57
Thankfully breath holding waiting for a signing isn't happening. If it were we'd either have world record holders or a lot of dead supporters.

22.) 05 jul 2024 15:15:02
no short memory here

nobobdy ever utter tge word massiah, you just did that youself, and dessers is awful,



24 Jun 2024 13:38:29
Igamane signing today?


1.) 24 Jun 2024 14:42:01
Maybes aye, maybes naw.

2.) 24 Jun 2024 14:48:05
Hopefully him and a few more.

3.) 24 Jun 2024 17:22:33
Thought he signed already.

4.) 24 Jun 2024 18:20:21
Was announced last week was it not?



14 Jun 2024 15:16:42
Kabadayi going to besiktas.


1.) 14 Jun 2024 15:37:44
Good, looks single fish. The names linked recently are mediocre squad fillers at best. Same old same old.

2.) 14 Jun 2024 15:46:31
That will keep so many happy who said they don’t want a Bayern reserve.

3.) 14 Jun 2024 16:00:25
Think you will find that most of our so called targets go elsewhere.

Reason being, . they were never targets. Mostly from click baits and guys in the garage forecourts.

We have kept our cards close to our chests recently and i doubt that has changed, so unless our manager says different then just take the reports with a pinch of salt.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 16:07:23
Gio the swine?.

5.) 14 Jun 2024 16:15:21
Another one bites the dust!
Clickbait or not, doesn't look good so far ( early days I know)

6.) 14 Jun 2024 16:30:05
Like pretty much all the players we are linked to, know very little about them? Any player from Bayern Munich for 1m was surely worth a bash!

7.) 14 Jun 2024 16:38:51
Will the manager with all these empty tie and blazer imposters who only put cash in if they get interest on it .

8.) 14 Jun 2024 16:46:46
Fork do u not wonder why we r regurgitating Gio and Beale targets.

9.) 14 Jun 2024 16:49:24
Didn't have any hype for this guy personally. Just hope that doesn't mean Gio isn't going to give us a few £s for Lawrence ?.

10.) 14 Jun 2024 16:55:09
Wasn't 1 I was happy with even at 1m we have enough squad players and imo he wasn't a guaranteed starter.

11.) 14 Jun 2024 16:59:21
Can't see any confirmation of this anywhere?

Last I seen was an hour ago claiming Lecce, St. pauli and Rangers still the 3 in for him and I've only ever seen the one Turkish media outlet mention Besiktas.

I'm not fussed if we do or don't get the lad as I don't know much about him and YouTube doesn't tell you much of anything about a player.

Not a dig at anyone btw just can't see even a rumour if a deal is done with Besiktas anywhere but this post.

12.) 14 Jun 2024 17:03:54
Fair point John, never actually thought of that.

13.) 14 Jun 2024 17:11:18
Some on here reckoned that kabadayi was a done deal so what's changed and that's now happened with 2 or 3 players that was supposedly a done deal ?.

14.) 14 Jun 2024 17:17:06
Exactly these sites only make money by posting stories, we need to be patient

Coldstream is that the guys who saved our club u mean,

15.) 14 Jun 2024 17:17:37
Players change and agents stir the pot Walter, but I hear your frustration bud.

16.) 14 Jun 2024 17:24:17
Our loss, good player.

17.) 14 Jun 2024 17:30:17
Walter in fairness rangers thought cordoba was a done deal

Also let’s wait see what happens happens re Kabadayi.

18.) 14 Jun 2024 17:36:32
Hi John - what's your opinion re your statement above?

19.) 14 Jun 2024 17:51:48
John can you explain what you mean about players sho we're linked under gio and mb please.

20.) 14 Jun 2024 17:55:06
Im confused here which john is our man with the spot on info is it john 27 or his twin john 227.

21.) 14 Jun 2024 18:09:49
BWD who do you want us to get then Always negative.

22.) 14 Jun 2024 18:33:42
A number of the players scouted by Koppen have already been looked at last three years

Brown went to Sa to watch cordoba and Galdames

Nbarron on radar for 18 months

Nsial, we wanted fro nice for our youth team

Garcia wanted by Beale.

Kadabyi, recommend when he was at ibrox, we took his other recommendation Tillman

Athole what statement you refer to please.

23.) 14 Jun 2024 19:25:50
Pretty sure the boy is Turkish/ German so if a big Turkish team do go in gor him that will most liekly be his favoured destination, no shame in that.

24.) 14 Jun 2024 19:54:57
27 and 227 one and the same.

25.) 14 Jun 2024 20:50:56
What same john but dif noumbers hope they don't fall out with himself ?.

26.) 14 Jun 2024 20:59:09
Hi John - just what you said about us scouting Beale and Gio players.

You've kind of elaborated on it but just curious as to your thoughts on us scouting 'legacy' players.

27.) 14 Jun 2024 21:13:41
interesting John considering Cordoba has never played in South America.

28.) 14 Jun 2024 21:41:29
South America Brown went too.

29.) 14 Jun 2024 21:45:42
Played in South America 3 times in the past few months for Panama, even Played a week ago tonight.

30.) 14 Jun 2024 22:20:01
Amato I have not posted under John 27 for months, changed name due to password issue, also posted at time I had done this.

31.) 14 Jun 2024 22:54:25
100%. I no longer post as John 27, I declared this when I had to change password.

32.) 15 Jun 2024 07:27:09
RFC true so Independiente in Panama is not in South America.

33.) 15 Jun 2024 10:46:10
John227, Panama is in Central America.



28 Apr 2024 20:54:33
Ihenacho rumoured.


1.) 28 Apr 2024 21:32:10
GC I believe he's on £90k a week?

2.) 28 Apr 2024 21:42:04
Would have liked Kevin Denkey but he is priced out now, so maybe this is a choice but wages might be an issue.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 22:08:47
He has hardly played for Leicester since January, been fit but not featured, he’s out of contract and reported that Leicester not offering him a new deal, also he’s one of their higher earners.
Still only 27 that surprised me.
I couldn’t see anywhere with us rumoured to be interested, only a Turkish team.

4.) 29 Apr 2024 04:49:26
If he’s going anywhere I’d imagine to the east end. Having being signed by Brenda previously!

5.) 29 Apr 2024 08:09:38
His scoring record is absolutely abysmal, high wages too. No thanks. Koppen was brought in to unearth stars not but hasbeens.

6.) 29 Apr 2024 08:19:30
DB rodgers never signed him for Leicester.

7.) 29 Apr 2024 08:55:52
Stand corrected TJN.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 09:41:19
Well said rabbi and I think he will. Press just going to link us with every free agent going to be honest. koepen signings in January no one knew about till it was happening so any in the press just now I would file under not happening.

9.) 29 apr 2024 11:17:56
thats the way of the wirkd wishy

can't greet about it if we are fans are putting online every nane they see in the papers.

10.) 29 Apr 2024 12:41:12
Wishy, it’s fun, window shuts end September, papers need stories.

11.) 29 Apr 2024 15:01:51
Nah I get it’s a rumour site I was just giving my opinion on said rumours wasn’t telling anyone not to post it.

12.) 29 Apr 2024 15:42:51
It was on a made up Facebook which also stated Celtic had signed Guimaraes mate, total made up crap.

13.) 29 Apr 2024 18:21:41
Anyone reading marescha has stated incenacho leaving and has advised liecster he is going to rangers

Might have some legs, although I’d be surprised.

14.) 29 Apr 2024 21:43:27
Only seeing he's linked with Palace, Trabzonspor, Besitkas and nothing about us John.

15.) 29 Apr 2024 21:50:03
Wages are huge for iheanacho, see Ndidi is supposed to be going too. Prob too dear for us.

16.) 30 Apr 2024 07:52:38
Iheanacho is a 1 goal in 6 striker. Absolutely not.

17.) 30 apr 2024 12:04:28
i enjoy the papers rumours wishy, always have done, , it is fun sometimes, lotta pish often but its great seeing a new name plastered across the back page,



01 Feb 2024 13:14:58
Heard a rumour that we are trying to get Koita from Salzburg has 6 months left on his contract. Striker wether it's true or not i don't know ?‍♂️.


1.) 01 Feb 2024 13:56:02
He's only 5 ft 8, maybe a bit of a dercheville type.

2.) 01 Feb 2024 14:49:37
Tommy Conway.

3.) 01 Feb 2024 14:54:50
meant to be very speedy.

4.) 01 Feb 2024 15:14:02
I can mind he was mentioned to me a few years ago, not linked with Rangers just a random chat, maybe had an injury or just never moved on, cause the man that spoke about him said he was a very talented player.

5.) 01 Feb 2024 15:37:48
Seen someone on X share a pic of the SFA player registration site which includes the name Oscar Cortes and Tommy Conway. Cortes obviously a done deal but am I right in saying Tommy Conway would be on there as he's an U21 international or would he have to be a domestic player and therefore signed by a Scottish side?




GC1872's banter posts with other poster's replies to GC1872's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 22:54:33
Anyone know why Igamane hasn't played yet and isn't away to Berlin.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 23:43:35
Pretty sure it was mentioned on here that he's injured mate, no sure if it's true or not.

2.) 27 Jul 2024 00:03:33
I was told last week that he was injured and out for 4 months.

3.) 27 Jul 2024 00:26:28
The mananger said in a round about way he is not fit enough for our game.

4.) 27 Jul 2024 06:12:15
Manager said he's 2 weeks behind other members of the squad.



20 Jul 2024 17:05:33
From what I have watched against Man Utd if we keep playing Dessers and wright clement won't be here by Christmas. Jefte looks god awful aswell. Pray we have a good few more bodies coming in.


1.) 20 Jul 2024 17:30:05
Yeah that’s the spirit new signing getting abuse already get a grip.

2.) 20 Jul 2024 18:36:09
While I understand people need time stormtrooper, that was man united 2nd and 3rd string team. If he can't look half decent at defending there, he is going to be in for a hell of a time. Being new doesn't mean no judgement. Man united signed a boy on Thursday and he played today. He was 18 and looked comfortable and knew how to defend. So there is no excuses. He needs to switch on better when he has a man running at him.



01 Jul 2024 16:10:05
It all went pretty quiet on the rumours front.


1.) 01 Jul 2024 16:13:32
So is that a rumour there's no rumours?.

2.) 01 Jul 2024 17:37:47
Very good Folk ????.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 18:51:08
Get your coat fork ?
We've became firm friends on here, when do i get to meet the forkers? ?.

4.) 01 jul 2024 19:20:58
we are all forked now.

5.) 01 Jul 2024 19:53:34
Classic Fork!

6.) 01 Jul 2024 21:32:26
fork handles??️?️?️?️.

7.) 01 Jul 2024 21:45:55
Fork ?brilliant.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 22:07:36
Two Ronnie's, 3 cheers? excellent?.



25 Jun 2024 19:09:54
Jack Butland will be new Rangers captain.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 20:22:37
Am not sure this is true? Nothing from the club on this. Think 1 page said it and the rest have went with it?

2.) 25 Jun 2024 21:09:49
This is all from the DR posting online if Tav leaves Butland might be made captian, few other outlet copying the DR making ot look like breaking news.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 22:20:10
I wouldn't be surprised if butland left before tav.



12 Jun 2024 17:16:23
Another blow not getting our first choice cdm in.


1.) 12 Jun 2024 18:31:32
He may have been 1st choice at original fee but not at 7.7 so we move on we were never going to get all our targets that's why we ll have a list with 3 or 4 for each phsition.




GC1872's rumour replies


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26 Jul 2024 14:06:54
Tbh Wright is one of the only ones that’s looked good pre season he’s direct.




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26 Jul 2024 10:38:23
Aris Thessaloniki and it’s an obligation to buy for 4.2 million.




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25 Jul 2024 20:49:12
This is why rangers fans are becoming the worlds worst fan base it’s constant panic and negative becoming embarrassing.




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25 Jul 2024 20:46:48
Gaz your not even right about where Tav stays ?.




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24 Jul 2024 23:53:34
Butland was at the game ??.





GC1872's banter replies


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18 Jan 2023 08:17:09
Lithium Harvey Elliot plays quite a lot for Liverpool and you should know that considering he scored against us at ibrox.




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10 Jan 2023 12:47:27
How do you know he’s in Barcelona?




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