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21 Apr 2024 15:15:42
It terrifies me how many folk on here keep saying our 20 goal a season RB is rubbish. what on earth do you guys think about Hutton or Whittaker let alone any of the other dross we've had in that position the decade before. Do ya'll want Bardsley or Foster. I can't help but thinking most of you will be screaming about our new RB as soon as Tavs gone.


1.) 21 Apr 2024 15:33:54
Novo. the fact the people you mention can defend. see if butland scored 20 goals a season but he caused loads of goals concededed is that OK. just being realistic tho. defenders first job is to.

2.) 21 apr 2024 15:37:02
and tav can't defend, can't win titles and can't stop taking awful corners, i don't care about soectacular free kicks at love street, i care abiut rangers winning trophies myself and our captain to be a fighting machine.

3.) 21 Apr 2024 15:39:19
It terrifies me more when people don't want to change a failing system. The defence has needed revamped for years.

4.) 21 Apr 2024 15:59:10
Is Tav. the only player we have who can take pens, corners, free kicks and majority of throw ins? Only thing he doesn't take are goal kicks. (yet)

5.) 21 Apr 2024 17:01:51
i thought tav had a good game maybe i was watching a different game from you guys.

6.) 21 Apr 2024 17:12:49
I will be screaming at our new right back if he's as bad a defender as Tav. Hutton and Whittaker were miles better at defending than Tav. Fact is if he didn't come up with pens and assists and the odd free kick he'd be out the team long before now. Our system is flawed when we rely on a right back for our goals just to cover his backside for all the mistakes he makes.

7.) 21 Apr 2024 17:28:00
Sterling will be our rb next season.

8.) 21 Apr 2024 18:52:18
Whittaker did score a few to be fair and penalties. And he could play in a few positions. Goal away to Lisbon comes to mind.



14 Apr 2024 14:04:31
Title seems done and dusted now. At least we got one piece of silverware this dreadful season.




26 Jan 2024 04:57:20
With clubs like Reading going up in the lower leagues are there any players we should be plundering? Not saying i want Andy Carroll but these clubs must have some talent at cut rate prices.


1.) 26 Jan 2024 07:02:42
I'd honestly like the club to come away from the English lower leagues. Yes a few have worked but so many haven't worked. I'd prefer if we have Swedish and Danish and maybe a wee gem from Holland or Belgium.

2.) 26 Jan 2024 09:31:47
Absolutely agree Deboer, the're better value to be had in Scandinavia where we can pickup guys for similar / less fees that have more experience of playing in teams that win and play in Europe.

3.) 26 Jan 2024 09:38:24
Plus I'd love to get a hold of a few scouts from these Danish teams. There seems to be so many good young African and South American players brought through them Danish leagues.



07 Oct 2023 05:57:57
So at this point are the only two shirts that are safe Buttland and Cantwell? I can't really think of any others.
Though i'd like to see Lovelace getting game time. could probably do better than Danilo, Dessers and Lammers combined.


1.) 07 Oct 2023 06:33:43
Novo, I'd say only Butland is safe. Cantwell has done nothing this season - the same as the rest of them.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 07:07:13
Butland and Sima for me. Sad days when a goalkeeper and a loanee are your two best players.

3.) 07 Oct 2023 07:09:30
Novo - Danilo is a player with more football in him than other two you mentioned - he is the only guy who makes decent runs behind defences but is never regularly found by our midfield so bit harsh on him - imo he will come good when decent manager is sorted.

4.) 07 Oct 2023 07:29:12
I totally agree Blue-Floyd, I think Danilo is a cracking player. Cantwell has been played in a different role to help facilitate Lammers, I hope the new manager doesn’t continue on the same path.

5.) 07 Oct 2023 07:29:24
Agree on Danilo, he’s barely had a chance under Beale. Think it’s unfair to judge a player we’ve barely seen play.

6.) 07 Oct 2023 07:48:27
Jack Butland has been a real shining light, not just his performances but body language and professionalism.

The outfield player have a lot to prove but although I’m concerned I’m not yet writing them off. It’s not just individual quality on the ball but leadership when not in possession I feel is lacking at the moment.

Hopefully the fight back starts Saturday!

7.) 07 Oct 2023 09:13:25
Danilo was not getting a chance as he was not a Beale pick.

8.) 07 Oct 2023 09:25:08
What has cantwell done this year to be safe before sima? Absolutely nothing.

9.) 07 Oct 2023 09:52:22
Can you really criticise Cantwell? I thought he was taking injections to play?

10.) 07 Oct 2023 09:54:18
A full team of kids no, but a blend of them and experienced players absolutely. I'd love to see Devine, Rice and Lovelace all start.

11.) 07 Oct 2023 09:58:13
Raskins. Yilmaz butland cantwell danilo sima matondo Lawrence Sterling Cifu.



21 Jan 2023 21:49:09
Would love to see Yilmaz score one of those for us. Haha great to see Barasic back on the score sheet.


1.) 21 Jan 2023 23:02:50
U having him as a player now a proper left back. Guys a liability. Wish he cld play st Johnstone each week.

2.) 21 Jan 2023 23:09:45
Delighted for Borna, he also acquitted himself very well defensively, great to see.

3.) 22 Jan 2023 08:58:39
Saw the goal this morning, absolutely fantastic from all 3 players involved in the goal.




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05 Jul 2024 01:08:31
Dessers has been treated poorly but that comes with being a marquee signing and the loss of Danilo through injury. He is on a big wage and we fell far short last season. As an experienced player and the main striker it does fall on him regardless of his tally which was actually pretty good for a debut. I'd like to see him stay and battle for fan approval. Like alfie or to a lesser extent waghorn and lafferty. But honestly if we get an offer for what we paid i'd say move on get someone on less wages.




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05 Jul 2024 01:00:49
It's a rumour sight this should be bread and butter.




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05 Jul 2024 00:54:49
Ancient and on big wages. better do the business in the few years we'll have him if we are interested.




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30 Jun 2024 20:17:25
Wright can leave for a box of freddo's with my blessing.




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25 Jun 2024 03:11:30
I don't get why we would bin Jack (The right thing to do) and then buy an older and injured player just to keep the quota.





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14 Jun 2024 23:50:00
Problem is the players are mince. we normally don't even qualify and if anything clarke got us firing above caliber. We could have Mourinho in charge instead of the guy who handed out the bibs but it wouldn't make a difference at this level.




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18 Mar 2024 13:00:10
Roofe is a good player probably our best natural finisher but he has.




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06 Mar 2024 13:08:10
How old was Macleod When we started playing him? And DW was at least 43.




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11 Feb 2024 02:18:14
BB Is probably our best crosser.




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01 Oct 2023 14:30:14
We'll be lucky if we finish 2nd this season. can't even see us getting that tin league cup. Why not play the youth players? it's not like they can do much worse.




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