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28 Feb 2023 16:08:01
we will not win the league with morelos as the main striker far to slow tav and boma again to slow great at crossing but that's about it we need some young energy in the midfield hopefully the two new boys will help, we will need this and more if we are ever to beat the barrowfield barca.

car-d blue

1.) 28 Feb 2023 17:08:30
Pretty sure we did win the league with Morelos as our main striker.

2.) 28 Feb 2023 17:26:28
We might have won the Title with Alfredo, but that lad has had his time at our club and to be honest I will be glad to see the back off him and his antics.

3.) 28 Feb 2023 17:29:31
The difference is he's nowhere near the level he was at when we win the league Jfm2704.

4.) 28 Feb 2023 17:48:24
As i said previous morelos this season seems more concerned with tucking his shorts up like neymar every 2 mins than putting himself about the pitch. Very frustrating to watch.

5.) 28 Feb 2023 17:54:06
He's not as fit but could be very soon also has 8 goals in his last 8 games am still takes some heat I just hope he stays and a quality cf brought in this summer forward player that plays up top is needed lose Colak and hopefully Roofe if any club wants him which is very doubtful quality cf forward player Sakala Morelos I would be very happy with that going into next season.

6.) 28 Feb 2023 17:59:09
I like many on here am a massive fan of buff ? Hindsight is a wonderful thing and when he was playing at his best and destroying defences all over europe, we probably should have cashed in, when lille offered us that £16.5million a couple of years back?.

It happens to many players going stale at a club after a good few years playing for that certain club and this just might be the case with alfie at rangers ?I'll always hold morelos in high regard and his achievements with our club over the last 6 years or so but it might be better for both rangers and morelos to part ways as it looks like morelos needs/ wants a new challenge ?It just angers me so much, that we will get nothing for him ?.

7.) 28 Feb 2023 18:04:19
The difference is none of our squad are at the level they were at when we won 55. Not just Morelos.

8.) 28 Feb 2023 18:12:44
Jim we did win the league with Morelos couple of seasons back,
Two things though he was in much better form and they are stronger now so the original post was correct,
They have more quality now and we have to match that in key areas.

9.) 28 feb 2023 18:22:10
neither is the opposition imo.

10.) 28 Feb 2023 18:24:13
Difference being that mob were terrible that year and he only scored 12 that year let's be honest his time is up there main striker is gona finish up with well over 20 in spl if we want to match them or better them our main striker needs to be scoring at least 20 alf has never scored that many nor will he ever so unless we are gona settle for 2nd best alf needs moved on imo.

11.) 28 Feb 2023 18:30:58
Jfm, yes we did win the league with Morelos the main striker. When was that?

12.) 28 Feb 2023 18:56:14
If you think all our woes will be solved when / if Morelos leaves, then you have a very simplistic outlook on the issues facing our team. ?
Vilified when he doesn’t score against Celtic.
Vilified when he does score against Celtic. ?‍♂️
Not that he and others should be absolved from any blame for the performance on Sunday.
Though ultimately Beale cost us the cup with his team selection and passive tactics.

13.) 28 Feb 2023 19:14:29
That was before the board went to sleep and didn't push forward content that SG and his team had stopped 10 in a row.
We should have pushed on from there but we have went backwards. The point I have made above is that the whole squad has dropped in level not just Morelos. But he will still get more pelters than any other player.

14.) 28 feb 2023 19:23:14
theres real challenges ahead to get rid of certain players who are taking fortunes from our club, but we must and i have grave doubts that beale is the man for that, my opinion is that we should have gone for an experienced guiy whop knewv how to revamp a entire team, there was many options, I've always found it strange we went for beale.

15.) 28 feb 2023 19:38:44
anyone who can't admit hey chucked it under lennon is deluding themselves, i hate saying this but if they hadnt it would make horrendous reading, when we won it we needed big changes and a higher quality of player, didn't happen, we are regressing badly. i agree with john too, i have concerns about beale finishing next season.

16.) 28 Feb 2023 19:40:08
Sws that is my only worry he has maybe gone stale, Beale should know all about his tho this happens with tons of players, but 8 goals in his last 8 games seems doubtful to me.

17.) 28 Feb 2023 20:41:14
We also won 55 by having goals all over roode aribo Jack Kent all contributed none are chipping in now Alfie his time has to end and let's move on.

18.) 28 Feb 2023 20:44:39
Mph this is the problem we have fans have favs whether it be morelos or tav or Kent but those guys have contributed 1 title and 1 Cup in 5 or 6 years for us to move on we need to rid that core how often are we harping back to 55 time has moved on so have celtic we must do the same.

19.) 28 Feb 2023 21:24:50
Mph yes Morelos has played about 20 games against them and only scored 3 goals but they 3 goals were scored in his last 6 games if he had scored against them before his 3/ 4 game he would have more than 3 now the pressure on him would have been a nightmare after him failing in his first couple once he got his first he scored his 2nd in the next game played with cf that feels this pressure in derby games but not even close to an old firm game.

20.) 28 Feb 2023 21:38:32
We go forward by replacing Colak with a quality cf that can play our system and keep Morelos.

21.) 28 Feb 2023 21:39:02
Very good post MPH ?.

22.) 28 Feb 2023 21:48:24
Your replacing Morelos and Kent a couple of our best players replace ones that ain't cutting it first, over double figures will move on this summer replace with a better quality of player, we are going to save some wages of these players leaving less than half come in but the players coming in need to be quality but I think they will be players the standard of Raskin and Cantwell will do for me.

23.) 28 Feb 2023 22:10:11
well if we replace the whole backbone of the team we will be chasing them for the next few years, or do we all think we can go out and spend 50 million on semi decent players. not going to happen, now or ever.
morelos whilst off the boil is still better that colak and hence why he is starting and not colak. shame because i thought colak would be a great alternative to morelos but like any poacher we need get decent balls in the box. oh and the one that went through colaks legs, i would have put money on morelos scoring that. why oh why was he taken off at that time.

24.) 01 Mar 2023 00:56:51
Beale doesn't matter what way you try to dress up alfs old firm goals by saying but 3 were in the last 6 truth is kyogo has 3 in his last 2 old firms and if we want to win titles alf isn't the answer we need someone as good as or better than kyogo and that's not alf he doesn't score enough spl goals but if you want to settle for second best then we should stick way alf as we've been playing second fiddle with him as our main striker for past 6 year I'm not blaming alf for all our failures tav and borna not good enough either but if we want to be as good as or better then we need to match them all over the park and alf doesn't measure up to kyogo so needs replaced. Saw someone bragging today that alf was part of 55 aye with 12 goals nothing to brag about is it but that's around how many spl goals you get from him. Totally sick of hearing the phrase alf occupies a full back line by himself when did this last happen? As I must have missed it. One more thing beale did you honestly say alf still isn't fit? Why would he not be fit he's been playing for months ??? stop making excuses for him mate please it's embarrassing. If you didn't say that my apologies.

25.) 01 mar 2023 07:14:31
ge is without a doubt a complete mystery to me, i lnew long ago he had lost anything he had, being told i know nothing about football won't change my mind that alfis finished here, and kent has always been a sanddancer, , imo.

26.) 01 Mar 2023 07:35:19
TT12,as you know i'm not having a good pal but who would you suggest the experience manager we should have or should bring in as opposed to michael beale mate ?.

27.) 01 Mar 2023 07:51:34
Boy blue I'm dressing up nothing telling you the facts you clearly have not played the game and felt the pressure of not scoring fast against them.

28.) 01 Mar 2023 07:52:58
Boy blue 8 goals in his last 8 games but you won't him out that tells me more about you.

29.) 01 Mar 2023 08:04:43




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20 Apr 2024 18:03:05
he is to old and to slow we have to do better.

car-d blue



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16 Feb 2024 15:20:12
yes we have the best defence in the country but look at who we are playing no one apart from the mob that has beaten us twice already tav goldson and boma have to be replaced if we want to progress in europe and beat pacific shelf, the goals we have lost this season has been down to the usual suspects.

car-d blue



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20 Jan 2024 14:02:54
you must remember rangers are playing against low block teams most weeks hearts are not shankland would not have scored the goals he has if they did, he won't win us the league like everyone seems to think we need someone younger and faster.

car-d blue



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01 Oct 2023 18:17:56
given the league has gone unless pacific shelf exploads i have payed £600 for a season ticket and the chalenge lasted just over a month instead of january or febuary or maybe march, all that's left is the cups given this situation why not let steive davis take over the team until a proven manager takes over for the start of next season it will save some money as davis is still on our books and i think most of the players will have a lot of respect for him given his great career.

car-d blue



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09 Apr 2023 22:12:14
if that is true then we can forget going forward that's a backward step and tells me there is not much money for transfers its a sad situation to be in if that's their thinking this boy is not going to win us the league.

car-d blue




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19 Jul 2024 15:21:41
then if that is the case he can no longer be team captain and right back he is weak at both and every team manager knows it, play him as a striker he can't be any worse than the ones we have just now.

car-d blue



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10 Feb 2024 11:43:04
thay are all over paid in my book pay should be tied in with results and three trophies in as many years does not cut it.

car-d blue



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07 Feb 2024 15:17:36
hes become the most improved player because his contract is nearly up.

car-d blue



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26 Nov 2023 17:51:05
still playing with a back four that should have left the club a long time ago until we change it we are going nowhere.

car-d blue



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07 Oct 2023 23:05:06
Why on earth would you pick the same serial losers at the back the league has gone give the youth a chance to prove themselves who knows we might find a few hidden gems.

car-d blue



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