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26 Jul 2020 12:38:47
Really want us to sign Dykes. Twice he has torn Julien a new one and Helander at Almondvale too

Roofe too similar in stature to defoe and would cost twice if not three timescale as much as Dykes.

May not be classy, may not be hugely prolific but would give us something totally different to what we have



1.) 26 Jul 2020 12:54:57
Looks like the striker Ivan Toney could be off too celtic as they have matched the 5million offer
I would have took a punt on this boy as he has the potential too be the new vardy, this boy will score goals for fun
Really hope he stays in England would hate that mob to get him cause him ad edoward would rip it up.

2.) 26 Jul 2020 12:56:19
gharrower, so you want to buy an average striker who is neither prolific nor classy? That's the way forward, eh?

3.) 26 Jul 2020 12:56:43
Dykes will not win us the league because he played well twice against them.

4.) 26 Jul 2020 13:04:14
Roofe is class intelligent player you will soon forget all about Morelos!

5.) 26 Jul 2020 13:08:09
We need to go out n get three strikers 2 proven in Scotland
Ie cosgrove, dykes so we know they will bring goals n bully defences
And some quality like roofe
Or Ivan Toney a marquee signing some one who will do damage cost a we bit of cash
If morelos is away
We need at least three in the door now too compete with celtic.

6.) 26 Jul 2020 13:09:07
Yes that’s right I do. Did you read the bit about him being completely different to what we have?

I think he has more than 2 good games and also, the comment doesn’t really make sense. Who finished 1st and 2nd last season? Surely that means they have the best players and are the benchmark for up here?

But cheers for the positivity eh.

7.) 26 Jul 2020 13:20:35
harrower why not both and roofe is faster than defoe, surely.

8.) 26 Jul 2020 13:52:53
Eric. I’ve been looking into Roofe re his fitness if we brought him in for Aberdeen game.
Since 1/ 7 he has played three friendly games scoring one.
Therefore he is probably at same level as our squad.
He certainly would not know our style but would be better than no cf. also he likes coming off the right so going forward that for me is a good option.
If he is one that SG wants good, mb it can happen before midweek friendly then he gets a wee run out.

9.) 26 Jul 2020 14:16:26
Eric Blair

Write the post last night mate before Morelos news broke 👍🏻.

10.) 26 Jul 2020 14:29:49
Roofe is not the same as Defoe whoever said that is being ridiculous.

He isn’t an out and out goalscorer like Defoe is.

I think he could be a good player for us but he won’t replace fredos goals.

11.) 26 Jul 2020 15:27:15

Try reading the post mate eh. “Too similar in stature”.

12.) 26 Jul 2020 18:34:42
thanks john25 good to know and want dykes roofe and gfamyli to sign. harrower i agree with you in spades just think signing both is the way forward. speed and target.

13.) 26 Jul 2020 18:36:58
hey john just thought didn't roofe play with bielsa in a 433? might be an easier transition than we first thought.




gharrower's banter posts with other poster's replies to gharrower's banter posts


19 May 2024 17:58:13
Done some ‘research’ and would not be surprised IF we are looking at some of the following: they fit the right profile in terms of age and stats (goals/ assists/ potentially affordable:

Rafa Mujica
Andrej Illic
Rey Manaj
Marko Regza
Sem Steijn
Arnel Jakupovic
Ramon Mierez
Pavel Sulc
Veljko Birmancevic
Vegard Erlien
Oguz Aydin
Denis Dragus
Man Sierhuis
Nicolas Madsen
Erik Exposito
Zan Celar
Samuel Essende
Georges mikutadze

Would love mikutadze but probably too expensive. Steijn and sulc exciting attacking midfielders too.


1.) 19 May 2024 18:45:21
Those 18 players will be on IBROX noise tomorrow lol.

2.) 19 May 2024 19:01:29
Coopersdad - I don’t doubt it!

3.) 19 May 2024 19:11:50
Wouldn't fancy playing you at scrabble mate ?.

4.) 19 May 2024 19:12:10
It was 25 degrees outside today. ?.

5.) 19 May 2024 19:24:35
Noticed a link on Newsnow Rangers listing 37 midfielders available on a free transfer.
The rumours are endless.

6.) 19 May 2024 19:52:03
Veljko Birmancevic was good against us.
Done a fair amount of research too but not come up with the same names.

7.) 20 May 2024 07:16:13
Good to see so many home grown players mentioned ????.

8.) 20 May 2024 10:47:28
That big building in Auchenhowie is supposed to provide most of our ‘home-grown’ players!

9.) 20 May 2024 10:54:59
My interpretation of Clement's recent comments are that he doesn't rate a number of our players and he doesn't even like them. Hence, we are heading for a summer clear-out. No doubt about that and I am looking forward to it.



19 Sep 2021 20:24:17
Gerrard has specifically said in the recent past that any signings would be geared towards strengthening the 1st 11 and NOT just padding out the squad, but that is all we have done

Sakala will never get a game ahead of Kent, wright, Morelos, Roofe in big games. Lundstrum won't start ahead of Davis, kamara, Jack and Aribo

Simpson is no better than Balogun and worse that Goldson, helander and a fit Katic.

Losing in champions league may have robbed us if the chance to improve the 1st 11 but we have gone backwards from last year

I have said in the past, sine Gerrard came, the singings are what worry me. For every good they are 2 bad: ejaria, Lafferty, Barker, Stewart, Hattie, Jones, Edmundson, grezda, Sadiq, mcauley, flannigan, coulibally, worrall

Last year was amazing but we haven't built on a position of strength.


1.) 19 Sep 2021 22:13:56
Agree even mo Ross said the same thing.

2.) 19 Sep 2021 22:54:25
Too many fans over hyping Morelos and Kent, just my opinion, and, if we keep playing Davis without giving him some rest, we'll lose a valuable player, he's struggling at present.



25 Feb 2021 18:45:28
Get Balogun off now! He is never a right back.

That Refalov is a decent player and Lukaku. We better watch what we are doing here. Too casual.


1.) 25 Feb 2021 18:59:09
Patterson on👀.

2.) 25 Feb 2021 19:01:30
Young Patterson just came on and scored, all those who wanted rid of him, what's your opinion on that now?

3.) 25 Feb 2021 19:02:30
There's your answer!

4.) 25 Feb 2021 19:57:35
Well I called it but never expected that! Looked good the kid. Hopefully he screws the nut. Pity he will probably get a ban as he is well more comfortable there than Balogun. Also, and I know he is playing out of position, but that whey Helander is better that Balogun. Balogun had a tendency to dive in and get caught out of position and whilst Helander is a bit slower, he reads the game so much better.



08 Jan 2021 14:24:47
Worrying how many C.V. cases esp in England and possible repercussions for football just now.

112 from 3507 test in EFL is about 3% positivity.

Hoping and praying the lockdown here prevents similar situation up here.


1.) 08 Jan 2021 15:58:00
Gharroe so a very low rate.

2.) 08 Jan 2021 17:07:11
No not a low rate at all given it is the highest no of positive cases ever recorded. That was a silly response really

Also growing calls for a suspension in Scotland and England. No one wants it but at least try to have a sensible perspective.

3.) 08 Jan 2021 17:23:15
No it’s absolutely not, 3 in every 100 is low. I’ve lost friends to this so spare the lecture.

4.) 08 Jan 2021 17:23:33
Still waiting on these 5000 deaths a day the govt were promising. Something very strange going on the goalposts are being moved all the time to suit an agenda here 👍.

5.) 08 Jan 2021 18:57:13
The u should be more respectful.

6.) 08 Jan 2021 20:01:40
Gharroweri know how to respect people.

7.) 08 Jan 2021 20:58:25
Seems like like you just like disagreeing

It’s pretty clear everything including football is at threat. If you disagree, so be it.

8.) 08 Jan 2021 23:34:39
Every week the goal posts are being moved regarding cv. This is something that will be around for a long long time, at some point we have to try n get some normality back. Masks here to stay etc but we can't just lock the whole country down every couple of months for a C.V. with an extremely low mortality rate.

9.) 09 Jan 2021 09:57:43
But that is exactly what is happening.

10.) 09 Jan 2021 10:42:25
I don’t disagree I’ve buried my parents.
Like the scientists say 3% is a low figure for very fit young men to get it.
We need to firmly focus on the elderly and those with underlying health issues.
I hope u and your family all stay safe and well Gharrower.



08 Nov 2020 09:10:15
That Gordon Parks (Daily Record) must be at the wind up with that article today.

MacGregor, Kent and Barasic only would make a combined Old Firm 11. Davis "would be a good shout for the bench".

So current form is being infinite's I assume but even then, I would have:

Tab over Frimpong everyday of the week
Goldson has been solid all season and Duffy's and Ajer have been bomb scares. Jullien is hot and cold and doesn't like a physical battle

Kamara is twice the player Brown is (or ever was) but doesn't have the presence/ influence he does

That's just 3 shouts and there are easily more.

I guess some trophies would help end this sort of crap, so fingers crossed. This type of crapped should be pinned to the dressing room wall (old style I know) before every game.


1.) 08 Nov 2020 09:40:36
On current form you would have to have Morelos in there. He is starting to get the bit between his teeth again. They are the most delusional half wits on the planet. The day it finally comes crashing down on top of them will be the happiest day of my life. Not long now bhoys ⏰.

2.) 08 Nov 2020 09:44:39
Who cares what he thinks it’s all about what happens on the park. The only way to answer people like that is to start winning trophies especially the league.

3.) 08 Nov 2020 09:56:00
On current form you wouldn't trust any Tim player in your team! 😂.

4.) 08 Nov 2020 10:04:47
Gordon Parks! 🤣🤣🤣.




gharrower's rumour replies


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06 Jul 2024 17:53:47
Regardless of who you were talking to, and not doubting you, this is exactly what SHOULD be happening

However, seriously doubt we will be spending the amount you have quoted

IF we qualify for CL, we may see a bit more spent, but given finances, I just can’t see the figures quoted. It’s not even about getting players in, it’s about getting rid of those not cutting it or who have bee there too long.




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01 Jun 2024 11:26:49
Some serious scouting talent on here if you can see how good he is after playing Ayr United and minutes here and there!




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28 May 2024 08:39:00
Dessers as captain!

Hopefully a non-playing captain! Striker absolutely a position that needs added to.




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26 May 2024 18:47:49
Please let this be true.




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06 Mar 2024 08:00:17
Some business model if true - alienate half your drinking population ?.





gharrower's banter replies


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20 May 2024 10:47:28
That big building in Auchenhowie is supposed to provide most of our ‘home-grown’ players!




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19 May 2024 19:01:29
Coopersdad - I don’t doubt it!




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06 Feb 2024 22:21:05
Lawrence is bang average.




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06 Feb 2024 22:19:43
Playing against better players may explain it also!




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06 Feb 2024 22:17:04
To take Matondo off and leave McCausland on was a strange (and bad call) . Surely a winger (who is right footed) can play right-wing?




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