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irvger's rumours posts with other poster's replies to irvger's rumours posts


19 Jul 2022 07:32:48
Morning Folks, when can we expect to hear officially that Bassey has signed for Ajax, and Ben Davies has signed for us.


1.) 19 Jul 2022 08:06:38
Would imagine one will be today. Wouldn't do it yesterday out of respect for the goalie.

2.) 19 Jul 2022 10:14:24
I’ve Ger I’d say today, rangers were to do no business yesterday.

3.) 19 Jul 2022 11:20:47
Davies at Auchenhowie just now so probably be announce next couple of hours.



07 Jun 2022 18:28:28
Good Evening Folks, I'm just reading about the Consumer Watchdog linking us to price fixing for our strips, any truth in this, if so, why were we so stupid to get involved with Elite, and another Sports Company, sorry, I forget the other one, what if anything would be a possible financial penalty, thanks for any information guys.


1.) 07 Jun 2022 19:36:17
Up to 10% of turnover is what I've read no idea though.

2.) 07 Jun 2022 21:05:11
Read we aren't as culpable as JD and they have ring fenced two million for possible legal costs and any fine. Not certain how accurate that is though.

3.) 07 Jun 2022 21:47:51
From what iv read was fixed to stop fat Mike getting his hands on money from shirt sales and we underpriced tips from Sept to Nov 2018. I think this is another fight zgzinst SD and Ashley but rangers didn't gain financial and expect final ruling to show that.

4.) 07 Jun 2022 22:00:37
Rangers guilty off agreeing to sell 2000 strips between September 2018 and November 2018.
We actually admitted this and brought it to attention of investigators.
A grand total off 10k income.

5.) 07 jun 2022 22:37:55
as john says rangers only a small part to play, nontheless shoulnt happen in any business, but the usual massive deal will be made from it in certain quarters.

6.) 07 Jun 2022 22:58:46
Let's get distracted from what's going on in courts shall we?

7.) 07 Jun 2022 22:59:34
Only came out in the news due to another clubs court cases this week, won’t be a problem but just another amateur move from the people in charge of the commercial side once again.

8.) 08 Jun 2022 09:00:33
The person involved in this deal no longer works with rangers.

9.) 08 Jun 2022 14:39:34
I know John25 but just sums up that side of the club the past few years.

Castore being a shambles, Hummel/ Elite, Bitci and Sportemongo all been a mess.

10.) 08 Jun 2022 16:33:07
Absolutely nothing up re Castore imo
A number. Name r Bisgrove, so should we get rid off him.

11.) 08 Jun 2022 17:16:16
In the first year of the Castore deal we sold less than we did compared to the Hummel deal. Castore trying to run before they could walk when we signed the deal with them when we should’ve had guarantees over how many kits they could’ve provided.

Bisgrove should be out the door based on the Sportemongo and Bitci deals alone, 2 sponsorship deals we signed and they’ve went bust due to the nature of their business add in the fact that we’ve produced 2 kits with their logos on the tops and sold them which means the club will need to pay for the ones that have been sold already.



14 Jan 2022 16:51:40
Hi Guys, Rumours abounding that Souter had a medical today at Rangers, any truth to this, John 25 have you heard anything pal.


1.) 14 Jan 2022 17:02:29
Irv I said deal was completed Wednesday subject to medical.
Rangers were trying to add a player, to get him in now.
Kelly allegedly refused to go, also heard we tried to shift barker, Simpson or hastie. Hearts rejected them.

2.) 14 Jan 2022 17:17:26
Your last line speaks volumes John lol.

3.) 14 Jan 2022 17:29:40
I think Kelly hearts would knock back them three.

4.) 14 Jan 2022 17:39:40
In case I’m not clear it was barker Simpson hastie hearts knocked back

Kelly rejected hearts in favour off move south.

5.) 14 Jan 2022 19:32:43
Would love to see barker simpson and hastie go, no future with us imo.

6.) 14 Jan 2022 20:39:51
Mark you couldn't give them 4 away in a lucky bag just now.

7.) 14 Jan 2022 21:49:55
Sweep who do you actually rate. Kelly is a player, have you ever watched him play.

8.) 14 Jan 2022 23:29:20
Kelly would walk into the Ross County midfield. Celtic never beat Ross County last season with Kelly starring in the midfield. A classy young cm with bags of talent, easily play for any other Scottish team, easily has a more intelligent football brain 🧠 than ferguson at the sheep, all that is against him is he is built like most 15yr old school boys. That's what's holding him back, there is a reason the famous haven't let him go yet. They can see the talent in the boy, reverse Benjamin Button they hope!

9.) 15 Jan 2022 08:59:32
Simpson if he leaves you would expect it to be to a team in the Championship down south.

10.) 15 Jan 2022 10:01:31
Can’t believe we brought in barker and Simpson and there obviously and it’s plain to see they err not going to make it at our club
Why on earth did our scouting system etc think they would make a difference
wages goi g out on players wasting clubs cash
that will be another couple players end up leaving on a free

Feel for hastie young bright prospect obviously didn’t or hasn’t went on to what we thought he could become?

11.) 15 Jan 2022 12:49:08
Stig mark allen sold candeias and brought in barker, gerrard never knew this at time hence why mark allen no longer at rangers.
Simpson was brought in for cover for katic on less than some our reserves. Never worked out, certainly won’t be freed as has deal to 2024

Hastie was a strange signing for me.



13 Jun 2020 15:14:29
All is becoming clear now as to why Doncaster has been pushing reconstruction, allegedly the SPFL could get a claim for up to £6 Million from the relegated clubs, if all was above board, why all the panic.




12 May 2020 14:01:45
On Rangers News 24/ 7, meeting now concluded and all votes cast, to reconvene in an hour with the results, I guess if it's 74%, the SPFL will have to go their SPAM FOLDER for a check.


1.) 12 May 2020 22:25:25
Irvger rangers only got 13 votes 27 voted against us.




irvger's banter posts with other poster's replies to irvger's banter posts


04 Sep 2023 08:33:54
Ed Good Morning, can I ask for some assistance please. I was in Rangers Banter page yesterday reviewing what was said and also commenting. I have now got a message saying my Browser sent a Bad Message and showing Error 400. You will see that I have never sent anything obnoxious or hurtful on any of this website, can you advise me how this problem can be rectified to allow me access to the Banter page again.

Many Thanks.


{Ed033's Note - A 400 error is not a ban from this site, it's just an error somewhere and is usually temporary.



30 Aug 2023 22:42:21
Well, we're at our level in Europe in the EL, our squad wouldn't have coped in the CL. Thank God we have a class Goalie or it would have been unthinkable. Cifuentes was hopeless, and, I've yet to see what Dessers and Danilo bring to the Team, Lammers looked better when he came on, but Raskin was anonymous again, well done Matonda he at least caused them some problems. Let's see what happens on Sunday now, chins up I hope and show more mettle than tonight.




22 Aug 2023 23:19:26
I am a happy man tonight with that performance against an excellent team. I'm very hopeful for next Wednesday.




17 Aug 2023 13:17:23
I see the PSV Manger Peter Boschz is talking things up also, saying he is going for his 3rd win at Ibrox with different clubs. No harm in that, but allied to the comments from his players my message is simple, RAM IT RIGHT UP THEM RANGERS, and welcome to Ibrox, there you go I can be nice also.


1.) 17 aug 2023 14:40:29
your an absolute gentleman irv,

2.) 17 Aug 2023 15:53:22
Pin his comments on the dressing room walls!

3.) 17 Aug 2023 17:24:56
To be fair some of our team have a habit of shouting there mouths off and having to eat humble pie.

4.) 17 Aug 2023 21:12:11
Why tank you Tom, it's in our genes mate, I sometimes think we're too nice at times, take care my friend.

5.) 18 Aug 2023 02:21:34
The Dutch always implode with over confidence, it’s why our record against them is immense watp.



12 Aug 2023 17:17:53
I'm a very happy old man tonight, more like it boys, I never saw the game today, just on the BBC Web Page, they say Matonda did very well today when he came on out wide and the 4th goal sounds terrific. MB may have got his answer on the striking role, as the pundits were saying Danilo looked very good in the Central Striker position. I'm feeling a lot better today that's for sure.


1.) 12 Aug 2023 18:00:49
2 very happy old men tonight irvger! Delighted for the lads in blue and I believe we will only get much Better as time goes on . Given the chance.

2.) 12 Aug 2023 19:55:34
The 2 guys at the back were terrific today. Souttar fantastic again and Balogun was just as good if not better.

Danilo looks a bit lost stuck out left to me. Worked hard and is clearly happy to do a job for the team but for me he looked more interested and certainty more effective through the middle.

Midfield had lots more energy with Cifuentes, Raskin and Cantwell. Would expect that to be our 1st choice midfield 3 for most games moving forward.




irvger's rumour replies


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04 Sep 2023 07:26:14
I agree with John on this, the costs related to sacking him so early based on his Contract and also the contracts of those players he signed on decent wages who may not be acceptable to any new Manager would, in my opinion, be very expensive and push us back financially as a Club, it's a very difficult scenario, which may appear simple, but certainly isn't.




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04 Sep 2023 07:20:33
Good Morning Verdantabyss, he may have 20 years coaching experience, but that could also be interpreted a 1 years experience 20 times, he certainly appears to be showing a naivety in what we're now seeing from Rangers. I'm not a coach, but played and was coached at Amateur level until I was 27, and we always knew what was expected of us on the field. Something isn't right with the connection between Michael and the players, and that is a bad mix.




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17 Sep 2022 23:28:11
You're some Fisherman John, hope you enjoyed The Players Lounge today.




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04 Jan 2022 14:52:32
John, wasn't Maxwell involved in something outside of football that saw us wanting shot of him, I may be wrong though, otherwise, he sounds a good prospect though from what you say.




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16 Nov 2021 22:43:19
Hi John, I think what you say makes sense on counts, it would allow the New manager to have contact with the Team, and be able to get them motivated for Sundays match, although no motivation should be needed, it's a Cup Semi Final. We'll just have to wait and see.





irvger's banter replies


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23 Jun 2024 22:29:15
Laudrup, 100%, Clark hasn't got a clue and for a team supposed to fully focussed on winning, that was total crap tonight, no creativity, no goal threat and certainly no urgency.




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03 Sep 2023 16:03:31
I now agree 100% with you John, he has wasted good money on players who are not good enough to wear the jersey, my fear is the cost of replacing him, and would a newcomer get any more out of some of those players.




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03 Sep 2023 15:58:43
Surely not Butland Abu, he's been terrific for us since he came in.




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03 Sep 2023 15:37:31
My only worry with getting shot of him, the compensation, the players he brought who are not working out on long contracts, and, who is available that could get a tune out of that squad.




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03 Sep 2023 15:35:00
Well, another non event for us, can I ask a serious question folks, what creativity do Raskin and Cantwell bring, yes, both run about a lot, but NO killer pass. I would also say Kyogo is street ahead of any striker on our books, he could've had a hat trick, they pass the ball better, and as someone else said, the showed urgency on the break.

Where we go now, I don't know, I have stuck up for MB, but I am now thinking he's clueless TBH, he shouldn't have taken off Roofe or Matonda, they were the only two players who looked dangerous, just my opinion folks. The Board will be unhappy with what they're seeing as are most of our support. they will take confidence from today and go on a run, we may also, but I have no confidence, and, I'm not normally like this.




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