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05 May 2023 22:29:10
Bradley Stevenson, Billericay Town. Name from way left field but told we have watched him multiple times last couple of months.


1.) 06 May 2023 06:46:40
Never played a pro game in his life
Would cost us, a steakpe, bottle a ginger, two packs a rizla, two teabags n, somdy too cut the grass next saterday before tbeir game.

2.) 06 May 2023 07:28:20
No way we’re going to sign a guy who is 25 in a few months from a provincial league down South. That on top of giving new contracts to Jack and Arfield, and a guy from Norwich who has done in his knee ligaments? You’re having a laugh ?.

3.) 06 May 2023 07:31:49
Billericay town? They’re non-league … surely that’s not the level for us ? we’re going to get battered in Europe next season if we’re signing guys from non league.

4.) 06 May 2023 09:17:50
My thoughts exactly. Just passing on what I was told. Apparently heavily scouted by dozens of clubs. Supposed to be a terrific talent but surely not at standard required.

5.) 06 May 2023 10:21:58
Ikm sure the lad is playing well, and many clubs from the lower leagues of English football are interested in him. He could be laying League 2 football next season if he’s lucky. Rangers have Champions League qualifiers coming up and I don’t think there’s any way we go on to those with guys who are semi-professional.

6.) 06 May 2023 10:27:43
He could maybe have been involved in other things rather than football but still be a talented player, plenty of things can happen in any lads personal life.

7.) 06 May 2023 10:28:48
Jamie Vardy came on late from non league. Not saying this boys going to be another Vardy but sometimes lads just need a chance.

8.) 06 May 2023 11:11:43
Would cost little in transfer fee low wages, highlight reel looks decent worth a punt who knows he could be a hidden gem.

9.) 06 May 2023 13:04:06
Look at Jamie Vardy for example. Some players just need a chance to shine.

10.) 06 May 2023 13:13:29
We got battered in Europe this season anyway with signings we made so what's the difference.

11.) 06 May 2023 13:46:13
Verdant he only pulled his Ligaments it's a level 1 injury it's basically equivalent of a hamstring strain. Making it sound like he's torn his ligaments and he'll never play again .

Very common injury.

12.) 06 May 2023 17:16:31
Can't see this deal happening, there's better options in our reserve team.

13.) 06 May 2023 19:33:28
Laudrup you seen this lad play?

14.) 06 May 2023 20:21:41
@Beale about for 56

Seen him play where? In a semi professional league? How can anybody judge his ability against that opposition. A few years ago Celtic signed a guy from the Scottish Championship called Lewis Morgan. He was ripping it up at that level and looked a world beater. However, he was absolutely crap. I think he’s playing for some American team now after a number of failed loan spells.

There’s no question that you need to be looking at guys who are playing at a certain level. Semi-professional means he’s playing against guys who work full time jobs all week. Playing fro a team filled with internationals looking to qualify for the Champions League is so far removed from anything he’s ever done it may as well be a different sport.

15.) 06 May 2023 20:33:23
Were not signing a non league footballer guys if we do then please admin 2.

16.) 06 May 2023 20:48:48
Verdant that is last thing that Lewis Morgan is.

17.) 06 May 2023 20:50:07
Don't like sound of this if true.

But was Erik Bo Anderson not a late starter too.

18.) 06 May 2023 20:51:51
Abyss Lewis Morgan would cost around £10million to buy now ? he’s been ripping up the mls and it’s a better league than the spl.

19.) 06 May 2023 20:52:23
What would you do if Lewis Morgan signed for out club verdant? you do realise he is valued at about 5m now? Rangers fan.

20.) 06 May 2023 21:06:17
Correct Rfc getting linked with over a dozen European sides, will be in the national squad very soon i believe.

21.) 06 May 2023 21:15:37
# our club.

22.) 06 May 2023 21:16:30
Callum I'm not saying sign him.

23.) 06 May 2023 21:51:36
After saying that probably not in the national squad because Ryan Gauld should be in it.

24.) 06 May 2023 22:51:20
Bradley Walsh played at a higher level than this Billysickly rovers rumour.

25.) 07 May 2023 09:36:12
I get it n yeah there are gems out there playing but they are called gems for a reason as very hard too find,
But with that he's semi pro for a reason n yeah maby he's had a brillant season, but n big but
(Could) this guy take a step up into a professional career, handle the trainning, is he fit enough,
Have the mentality to play infront of potentially 50-70 thousand fans wek in and out, its not just a dream its a career, n i don't doubt he's good, but is he pro,

Look at guys like Barton, big english hard nut, was pish up here, even professional guys lapse up here under the pressure ,

Its a very low risk as no majour fee
Or big wage involved,

But surely he would be looked at in the b team to see how he copes or loaned out, cause where would a guy like this fit in, as he's pushing no first teamers out the squad ?

Stranger things have happened
In todays football nothing suprizes me guys

Probability, thoo i just don't see it

But a super cheap risk too take.

26.) 07 May 2023 12:51:50
Verdant, I've known Lewis Morgan's dad for nearly 30 years and knew Lewis when he was a wee lad. He's doing fantastically well in the US and has a growing reputation and value. He should never have signed for Celtic as he wasn't treated very fairly due to green tinted specs where others got more opportunity. I'd take him at Rangers any day.



25 Apr 2023 16:22:05
Jack butland
Kiran dowell
Christian kouame
Chris Willock
Jeison murillo
Tom davies
Told this is is our list of of beales no 1 targets for the new season by a guy who doesn't give much but usually has good info.


1.) 25 Apr 2023 17:08:48
Murillo/ Kouame seem out there given our usual market, any links to Beale in there?

2.) 25 Apr 2023 17:12:04
Don’t know much about kouame but stats don’t look great.

3.) 25 Apr 2023 17:14:13
Herewego good info. Fiorentina knocked back 13 million last summer from brighton for koutate.

4.) 25 Apr 2023 17:31:49
Is that your contact not giving much away Herewego? ???.

5.) 25 Apr 2023 17:34:11
Great news from companies house this afternoon.

6.) 25 Apr 2023 17:47:45
Not a contact as such mate, guy who runs the supporters club but he doesn't say much lol was surprised when I woke up off the nightshift to a list of names ?.

7.) 25 Apr 2023 17:59:17
This the same contact that’s plastering the same names all over follow follow ?.

8.) 25 Apr 2023 18:01:28
Am sure MB stated he had around 5 No1 targets in January?
I'll wait and see what happens.

9.) 25 Apr 2023 18:08:46
Murillo would be a decent centre half signing but a bit over the hill I reckon, Butland would also be welcome I think. Need someone whos going to command his area and actually attack crosses etc.

Dowell and Willock would be great additions, Davies probably couldn’t kick his own arse these days.

10.) 25 Apr 2023 18:15:54
Tbink everybody got that whatsapp rumour sent all those players.

11.) 25 Apr 2023 18:38:50
Storm scored 16 times last season mate basically 1 goal in every 2 games played 33.

12.) 25 Apr 2023 19:39:14
The exact list was all over twitter and Facebook last night/ morning.

13.) 25 Apr 2023 20:27:24
Personally I doubt Murillo is a target. Just doesn’t seem to fit the criteria that Beale has been looking at / suggesting. Yes he’s only 30 which isn’t that old but we tend to be looking more at players in their mid 20’s at max. Also Beale seems to of hinted at wanting a big powerful dominating CB and at only 6ft Murillo is shorter than Davies. i'm more expecting a 6ft 3 / 6ft 4 strong in the air, ball wining CB to compliment Goldson. Someone in the mould of Helander (with less injuries obviously! )

14.) 25 Apr 2023 20:29:37
Nailed, I disagree on Davies, I reckon that Beale would bring the best out in Davies. His development hasn't been helped at Goodison given the entourage of Managers and poor quality acquisitions over the past few years.

15.) 25 Apr 2023 21:21:08
Not sure about the league now after Sakala Matondo both 11 storm, can't mind of seeing him.

16.) 26 Apr 2023 15:55:26
4 goals in 30 odd game sis hardly brilliant ?.

17.) 26 Apr 2023 15:58:28
Beale why do you keep making up scoring stats totally wrong numbers again.

What stat site are you using.

18.) 27 Apr 2023 09:32:23
So Sakala scored 13 then gofor and he scored 16 that's worse.



20 Apr 2023 22:39:45
Told tonight we had scouts at Union St Gilloise game watching 2 Union players for summer transfer list.


1.) 21 Apr 2023 01:04:19
I liked the look of the boy Lapoussin, i think his name was, he was a great player. I know they have a few english players in there team right enough.

2.) 21 Apr 2023 04:24:37
Again lazy always going for players we come up against.

3.) 21 Apr 2023 06:38:31
Gofor, If some one impressed while playing us why wouldn't we follow it up. as long as continue to scout and not sign on the back of one game. That's like saying celtic were lazy because they only signed players Ange had come up against.

4.) 21 Apr 2023 06:38:57
What is lazy about it if they are decent players.

5.) 21 Apr 2023 06:39:08
Nothing lazy about that Goforbigcf2.
It worked out ok for plenty of good Rangers players in the past and present. Kris Boyd, Naismith, Kamara, Barasic et al.

6.) 21 Apr 2023 07:47:36
What's lazy about it, a good player is a good player whether we have played against them or not.

7.) 21 Apr 2023 08:20:57
So Gofor we just ignore all opposition players we play against, no matter how good they are because its being lazy ?? Have a word with yourself pal?.

8.) 21 Apr 2023 08:59:15
Gofor lol here so good players but take nothing to do with them.

9.) 21 Apr 2023 09:09:38
Lazar Armani in midfield maybe?

10.) 21 Apr 2023 10:23:06
Imagine if Man Utd didn’t sign Ronaldo because they played against him first haha.

11.) 21 Apr 2023 11:00:41
It's juat lazy criticism.

12.) 21 Apr 2023 13:30:40
You play against someone who is sh*t hot it would be madness not to follow it up if the opportunity arises ??????.

13.) 21 Apr 2023 13:57:20
Lets be honest - there will be loads of players out there at end of contracts who can improve our team - its getting the right blend in at right age with a potential for improvement and future sell on - that's the way of the business for us now . Hopefully our day of buying duds and over the hill pension seekers is behind us - ONCE AND FOR ALL!

14.) 21 Apr 2023 15:33:33
Humph prefer his brother
Geogio Armani
He'd be a good fit ?.

15.) 21 Apr 2023 16:28:55
??? blue dreamer.

16.) 21 Apr 2023 20:58:02
Boy who told me seems to think teddy teumu? Deep lying midfielder. I admit I know very little about him, can't even recall him him playing us.

17.) 21 Apr 2023 23:29:47
Sir Walter it's our whole approach to recruitment opportunism rather than actually scouting for what we need that's why we sign frees a lot but at least with the frees we've been tracking them for a while

Yilmaz opportunism didn't need an expensive left back

We will hopefully not make same mistakes with Wilson offski if board haven't pissed money away.



13 May 2022 18:44:19
Been scouting french forward Wilfred kanga I've been told. Can play anywhere across front 3 apparently. Must admit never even heard of him and from a euick search doesn't look too impressive stats wise. Only passing on a message I was sent but I'd much rather have amazu if possible.


1.) 13 May 2022 21:08:14
Kanga has a goal or assist ever other game how are they not good stats.

2.) 13 May 2022 21:09:22
Stats are better than the boy from Belgiums lol.

3.) 13 May 2022 21:58:53
His stats are cracking, Jesus, what on earth are you expecting I don’t know the player however, I do like the idea of getting at least one player who can play anywhere across the front three. I think a player like that will be gold dust.

4.) 13 May 2022 22:25:08
Sakala can play any three at the top.

5.) 14 May 2022 00:11:59
10 goals this season and 2 last unless I looked at something else.

6.) 14 May 2022 06:38:50
From I could see his scored 12 goals in 17 games this season? Although small caveat, that’s in the same league Itten score 20 goals so that might not be saying much .

7.) 14 May 2022 11:50:59
23 goals in 100 appearances.
12 in 25 this season.

8.) 14 May 2022 12:38:17
In fairness 8 of them where international games, he’s 12 from 17 in the league and cup.

9.) 14 May 2022 13:44:01
Wiki is not a good source of information
If that’s where you checked.

10.) 14 May 2022 13:53:43
He has played 29 games this season of people are on wiki page that is not a good source for stats transfer market is better.

11.) 14 May 2022 18:35:18
I’m still being told we have big interest in Shon Weismann.

12.) 14 May 2022 20:14:04
Did someone say this last week or so as well John? Infact it may have been you?

13.) 14 May 2022 22:37:49
John25 - is that competition for Morelos or a replacement do you know? I seem to remember you saying he was in the £5m bracket. so would assume that's with a view to him getting plenty game time.

14.) 15 May 2022 03:24:31
Shon Weissman would be a very estitute signing great back up to Alfie who i think we will keep this summer who offers us a different option. Aribo, kamara and kent new contracts yo be announced after EL final i’ve heard.

15.) 15 May 2022 07:16:39
I did storm. My info not a replacement. Strong believe Alf will sign three year extension.

16.) 15 May 2022 07:17:21
Ac Kamara signed his deal.

17.) 15 May 2022 07:47:42
I have that you are right on both of these John this would make me very happy indeed.

18.) 15 May 2022 08:33:25
Morelos is the key for me,

19.) 15 May 2022 10:37:51
100% agree john, kent and aribo can be replaced, morelos different gravy.

20.) 15 May 2022 12:18:27
Fully agree John. Keeping Morelos is key. So long as we secure a good fee for Kent and Aribo and Gio is given what ever it takes to bring in his first choices I will be happy. I just hope we can sign two quality centre backs assuming Goldson goes.



02 Feb 2022 14:10:35
See that nonsense lot ibrox noise saying fewer ache have bid 4.5m for morelos. Claiming rangers are"angry as they value him at €8m" 8m euros aye nae bother 🤣🤣🤣.


1.) 02 Feb 2022 15:10:13
Fewer ache lol.

2.) 02 Feb 2022 15:35:42
Again, please don't confuse Ibrox NEWS with Ibrox NOISE. Noise put out an article today estimating Morelos' value at £20M+. Agree Ibrox NEWS are absolute nonsense, and their similarity in name to Noise is a real problem.

3.) 02 Feb 2022 15:38:21
They are the worse that lot.

4.) 02 Feb 2022 16:00:59
rfcrb1872 Maybe time for a name change from Ibrox Noise, to stop any confusion maybe consider "Noise from Ibrox".

5.) 02 Feb 2022 17:23:33
Ravers 🤣🤣🤣 couple of early nerve settlers and predictive text don't mix 🤣🤣.

6.) 03 Feb 2022 11:04:51
@Buz Nah, Noise been around since 2011, News showed up last year. They chose their name deliberately in response to Noise' criticism of football insider (who created Ibrox News) and fair play, it's working. Look at all the confusion on here!




Herewego55's banter posts with other poster's replies to Herewego55's banter posts


14 Mar 2024 21:51:15
very proud of my team tonight, thought yo a man they gave it everything. bit of naievity cost us. everybody sitting round me couldn't believe how high we were at our own corners, leaving no one back. and tbf it looked only a matter of time like we got caught with one. our corners were probably benfica best chance of scoring weirdly.


1.) 14 Mar 2024 22:41:14
Agreed, we gave a good effort, but some odd tactics defending.

2.) 14 Mar 2024 22:59:44
We missed the players that are out injured but that doesn't excuse the fact that Dessers was poor, never a goal scorer, Goldson needs to be rested and Lundstrum didn't exactly play like a midfield player that is desperate to get a new contract. We will be a much better team next season with all our injured players back and with those that stay seeing a full close season's training with Clement but we need reinforcements and a few that were on display tonight won't be there next season.

3.) 15 Mar 2024 05:07:30
Harsh on lundstrum- thought he was one of better performers. Very lacklustre performance against a poor Benfica team. Dessers not good enough, Wright has no end product and Matondo is waste of a jersey.

4.) 15 Mar 2024 05:27:28
4th I think it is in scoring charts in Scotland BB, but hey he's never a goalscorer, seriously just blame him for the bad weather too.

5.) 15 Mar 2024 09:20:04
Thought Lundstram was excellent last night. Souttar outstanding as was Tav. Ironically Butland had little to do. Onwards to Dens and then a chance to rest and reset.

6.) 15 Mar 2024 12:01:22
Agree Ibrox couple of brain farts for lunny? but overall fine?.

7.) 15 Mar 2024 17:47:27
BB3 I think the guy gets it stinking, agree he needs to up his goals tally, he's done well with limited service imo, and as said earlier where would we be without his goals, I have seen u give him credit and I'm aware your not having a pop bud, just wish more would get behind the big guy he's what we have??.



03 Jan 2024 19:32:00
Surprise surprise, nothing in the audio about an offside. So the offside images put up 40 mins later looking more like a cover up by colum. Rangers pushing for the audio to be made public. End of the day it would gave ultimately been offside but if colum has been caught trying to cover up an error by going back later to check the app there must be consequences for him and whoever else was on var duty.


1.) 03 Jan 2024 21:13:05
I see the club have requested that he has no involvement in any of our games for the remainder of this season either as an official or as part of the he VAR team. Wether it happens or not is a different story.
Watch this space. ?.

2.) 03 Jan 2024 21:27:22
How hard is it to understand that they would have only checked for offside if the pen was given ?‍♂️

Collum didn’t think it was a pen ?‍♂️ it was but it wouldn’t have mattered as they would have checked the passage of play.

3.) 03 Jan 2024 21:50:13
Storm u r totally missing the point, rangers are challenging the cover up and lies.

4.) 03 Jan 2024 21:52:45
Quite Right on Rangers calling out the authorities running our game as some of the decisions against us have been horrendous in recent seasons treated with pure contempt it’s got to stop.

5.) 03 Jan 2024 21:57:38
You are correct storm but it seems he is the only person that saw it that didn't think it should have been a penalty as he said no handball offence. If penalty had been decided then they would have reviewed the offside. They didn't because collum is the worst official in Scotland.
The 3 options open to them were, penalty, offside or corner. Why did they award a goal kick.

6.) 03 Jan 2024 22:19:56
Storm don’t think you're getting it. Why didn’t he give the penalty that’s what people are asking then the offside would’ve come into play what part is it you don’t get as you keep repeating yourself.

7.) 03 Jan 2024 22:22:57
Storm, how hard is it for you to understand they were trying to cover it up which is an act of cheating, simple ?.

8.) 03 jan 2024 22:41:03
aye, you are going to repeat to everyone,

oh well, don't you think one reply would do without repeating it every 2 minutes

the point is not about offside,

9.) 03 jan 2024 22:45:09
storm, try to get this, the point is clear, collum said no penalty when a clearer pen you will not find, then looked fir another reason, the pics need to be examined, the time scale needs questioned, and collums competance and, / or his integrity are now facing the biggest questions of his career, the audio has obviously not been good for him.

10.) 03 Jan 2024 22:45:38
He used the excuse it was offside to get him out of saying it wasn’t a handball and pen, no one is arguing it was or wasn’t a pen but the fact he lied about it.

11.) 03 jan 2024 22:45:39
its you who clearly doesn't understand, very clearly.

12.) 03 jan 2024 22:53:47
honestly, you have a long long history of not understanding the point, but to accuse others, constantly, when you just don't get it is surreal really, firget the offside, nobody is interested in the offside, if we were offside, we were offside

its not about that, so you don't have to say that to everyone who sees the bigger picture.

13.) 03 Jan 2024 22:56:13
Storm you’re missing the point as to why we’re all angry at the decision, we know it was offside. We seen the lines
It was given as NO HANDBALL, goal kick
when it blatantly was!
The game should have been stopped, checking for possible hand ball, then the decision should have been offside and free kick awarded!
But he’s not done his job properly! Then tryed to cover his tracks! He never knew it was offside when he made his instant decision!

14.) 03 jan 2024 23:31:37
irv, there's still a debate as to there ever being an offside, it will all come out in the wash

but collum faces really difficult questions now.

15.) 03 Jan 2024 23:07:09
Storm your ether trolling at this point or just plain ignorant. The club are raging taking things further but you can see why? You couldn’t find the point on a knife. Biased refs who hate us should be nowhere near our games.

16.) 04 Jan 2024 06:09:30
Honestly think storm is just at the wind up with this.

17.) 04 Jan 2024 09:45:27
During the passage of play no offside was mentioned until 20 minutes later rangers should at least have been awarded a corner.



31 Dec 2023 19:16:54
Unsurprisingly, the sfa not handing over the audio or making it public. Willing to meet Wednesday, wonder if this gives them time to record a whole new version of events?


1.) 31 Dec 2023 20:56:39
You only had to see who the officials were on Saturday to know we were up against it.

2.) 31 Dec 2023 21:12:27
Don’t think even them are stupid enough to try and doctor the audio.
Think the manager has every right to highlight what happened and the club to ask for audio if the explanation given for disallowing the goal does not match the referees actions at the time.
Nothing changes now so hopefully after Wednesday var learn from it and we move on.



17 Dec 2023 17:30:06
Get in there ? absolutely buzzing, delighted for every one of them. Special mention to Borna snd Dujon Sterling, Borna gets some stick on here people saying he's a bottle merchant but thought he was tremendous today, and different class for the goal. Sterling was everywhere also, what a shift he put in for his teammates playing out of position. WATP.


1.) 17 Dec 2023 17:37:33
Also big Balogun was immense.

2.) 17 Dec 2023 17:50:19
Deserved his mom, also Balogun played great.

3.) 17 Dec 2023 18:29:26
HWG just because he mentioned him and they all done their job but I disagree agree don’t think BB had anywhere near a good game.

4.) 17 Dec 2023 19:40:58
Do not agree Storm, I thought BB played well as did whole team.



14 Dec 2023 19:14:52
Ed, can I be added onto list for the livechat please?


{Ed033's Note - Ok added.

1.) 14 Dec 2023 20:34:30
Hi Ed. My previous username was bobby1901 and was on the approved list for the live chat. i have had to re register for an account . can I be added plz.

{Ed033's Note - Added

2.) 14 Dec 2023 22:14:58
For God's sake guys, cut out the negativity, ALL our players combined for this magnificent result.




Herewego55's rumour replies


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24 Jul 2024 23:07:57
Mistake imo the most talented player we have, there's simply been a personality clash there from day one.




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14 May 2024 16:52:38
Nonsense. Already confirmed by club and souttar it was an injury. Sky did The usual at ht, didn't have the correct info so made stuff up regarding it being tactical.




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09 Feb 2024 15:05:38
I said i didn't think it was a red wsl, if that was aimed at me. What i said was in real time I can see why ref thought it was, I also said I was surprised it wasn't downgraded when ref had chance to see it again on monitor.




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09 Feb 2024 09:27:18
I'm a qualified referee and tbh I don't think it's a red, however I can also see why the ref did give red in real time due to speed sterling went in at. I'm surprised he didn't overturn it at the monitor tho.




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29 Jan 2024 20:15:17
Dint think we have saw last of him. Definatelyba player in there.





Herewego55's banter replies


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30 May 2024 10:10:32
Couldn't afford any, young academy players down there going for ten million a time. The market is insane.




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14 May 2024 21:25:30
all the best Tt.




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12 May 2024 19:19:57
Why is Jack reluctantly? The guys hardly played in 3 seasons.




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11 May 2024 20:05:05
He has to play rb next season, take any Saudi money on offer for tavvand goldson. A pacey agressive cb a fit box to box midfielder and a striker is where the bulk of any funds should go.




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11 May 2024 19:17:58
stupid tackle in a nothing area of the pitch however no way he delibarately got sent off.




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