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27 Jun 2024 19:56:09
Looks like tav is staying. I hope so.

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27 Jun 2024 20:40:01
You "hope so"? Why? He's a woeful captain whose record is abysmal in a 2 horse league. If Tav was a manager at any other business, and returned pathetic stats like the ones he has as our captain, he'd be out in his arse.

27 Jun 2024 20:42:22
Well Partick be prepared for more of the same for new season - the sell by date has now arrived and if we want true change he needs to move to pastures new- so I hope he leaves with our thanks.

27 Jun 2024 20:42:35
Hope not.

27 Jun 2024 21:03:06
I've never had one shred of doubt that james tavernier would be staying with rangers as our captain and that pleases me as fellow posters on here will know ??I just don't understand we will not win nothing and be second best again if tav stays, that's absolutely absurd that our captain staying means there's no chance of us becoming no.1 absolutely crap! If clement keeps tav as he is doing and improves most parts of our team with better players explain to me then how keeping tav would mean we're excepting second best ? That's absolutely crazy to think/ accept that because our captain is staying ?If never heard anything like it ?.

27 Jun 2024 21:08:13
Sunshine tell me more about Tavs 'pathetic stats' titles are won by teams. I do think we need to change things at the back but noone can deny his consistency with goals and assists. Wasn't a problem when we had a solid CB pairing and settled midfield, not that that lasted long.

27 Jun 2024 21:12:23
Baffles me that anyone that watched tav last season would want him to stay. I get we all see things differently, but it's blatantly obvious that tav has lost at least 3 yards, can't defend, 2 things that will really go against him being a defender. I'll tell you one group that will be over the moon if he stays, celtic fans, the way maeda goes past him like he isn't there is tragic. I can't put up with another season of watching that. Good luck james thanks for the memories ?.

27 Jun 2024 21:23:10
Fair enough lads it's just a rumours site all about opinions. As for stats sunshine, tav has dome very impressive ones. All I want is for rangers to be successful again. I just hope tav is part of it all.

27 Jun 2024 21:29:48
What makes you think that?

27 Jun 2024 21:34:37
More of the same then.

27 Jun 2024 21:38:59
Floyd I'm sure if there is an offer from Saudi, he will obviously consider it as would the board. Just giving my opinion mate. I hope he stays.

27 Jun 2024 22:00:47
He’s the worst captain? His stats are terrible? The team’s stats are terrible, his are outrageous for a right back! That’s the same argument as saying Steve Clark’s the best Scotland manager in 25yrs! For qualifying for a competition where it’s actually harder now not to qualify.
For me Tav’s best days are behind him and should move on but to suggest he’s the reason we haven’t won more trophies when there are 10 other guys on the pitch is actually ludicrous.

27 Jun 2024 22:06:14
Sunshine it's not just down to tav because he's our captain regarding the trophies he's lifted pal think about it for god's sake ?If the players in general are not good enough that can't all be blamed because tav happens to be captain just give it some thought for a second ?.

27 Jun 2024 22:25:54
He was a great player, he isn't anymore, better players around him won't help, he's the dodgy link in our defence, it baffles me why we get aye he scores goals, fair enough he does, bb4 is right his pace is gone and he can't defend, it's blatantly obvious, so 10 men and a passenger next year, superb.

27 Jun 2024 22:27:38
Tav will get clement the sack.

27 Jun 2024 22:44:13
Tavernier isn't even the best RB at the club and if he keeps playing he will be a weak link that other teams will continue to target especially that other lot . Playing him against maeida is practically handing them 12 points.

27 Jun 2024 22:57:43
Papers know as much as anyone on here about tav.

27 Jun 2024 23:07:11
Paulydon, nobody can deny his goals and assists, but you left one thing out, the one thing he's supposed to be a defender first and foremost, you left it out for a reason, because you can't defend his defending it's atrocious mate. Nobody's blaming just tav, lundstrum borna goldson cantwell etc etc are all just as bad. Tav has had his time here mate, to keep doing the same things and expect different results is crazy, let someone else have a chance.

Can anyone who wants tav to stay honestly say he's good at defending? No! So would would you want a forward that can't score goals but is an amazing defender? No, of course you wouldn't so why is tav different?

27 Jun 2024 23:29:23
Hope he leaves before he tarnishes his reputation further, he is targeted by other clubs because they know defensively he is weak. Its time for a full makeover, if he stays he will be slower and even more vulnerable.

28 Jun 2024 00:34:36
The way Butland conducted himself in speaking to the press and fans screams captain more than Tav did last season. I like Tav, but I do agree with some posters on here I don't think having a refresh and clearing out some of the old guard would be a bad thing, plus seeing sirwalter have a wee greet instead of a gloat would be nice.

28 Jun 2024 01:18:19
Poor passer of ball, slow, ripped apart constantly by Maeda, aye keep him and play him and clement will be gone by October.

28 Jun 2024 06:10:27
Maeda gives tav sleepless nights.

28 Jun 2024 06:33:21
Gers88 Walter may yet be ? nothing is concrete yet bud, we're scrambling around in the dark just like the media, promoting a strip is part of his job while Rangers are his current employer. Confirmation will come either way soon enough. Got to admire Walters faith though, can't fault that. ?.

28 Jun 2024 06:34:16
Or is it lunacy ??.

28 Jun 2024 06:35:20
Mate you ripped the guy to shreds as if he's done nothing for us. No he's no the best defender, he's a modern day full back. I always said he'd be better as a wing back in a back 5 but that's not how he's been used. You can't put our lack of success down to his captainship. Successive managers have kept him as captain and our No1 RB he can only play the game to his strengths.

Aye his defending has been even more exposed and his form has seriously dipped in that respect so I want a new RB or Sterling to be given a chance but just felt you were overly harsh on him.

28 Jun 2024 07:14:50
Why do I continually read these platitudes re Tav? When he arrived he was lauded a failure. 10 injury free seasons and no leagues the argument goes on. Certainly he stayed during bad times but some might say his services weren't exactly in high demand. Personally now see him more a liability than probability. Surely his presence curbing younger better talent.

28 Jun 2024 07:28:17
They do say there is a fine line between genius and lunacy fork, ?.

28 Jun 2024 08:46:07
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope" applies to Tav.

28 Jun 2024 15:34:17
2 horse league were you been for the last 13 year mate you just out a coma?

28 Jun 2024 15:36:32
No one bought Scott brown he won everything must be crap tho because English didn’t come for him? same stupid arguments make no sense.

28 Jun 2024 15:41:03
If tav is the dodgy link what is Goldson? Didn’t see Goldson up for player of the year 3 year in a row lol tav fell apart after the split his time is up but some a the comments are crazy like he’s no kicked a ball all year nonsense.



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