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Millerbrandwilson's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Millerbrandwilson's rumours posts


19 Dec 2023 23:24:00
Shankland to gers gathering pace. 3M plus Lowry who apparently has thrown toys out pram absolute steal.


1.) 20 Dec 2023 06:29:08
MBW - Firstly I do like Shankland and am not averse to getting him but dunno if that is a steal given that big PC has not had a chance to evalute Lowry at close quarters and with his management skill POTENTIALLY get the boys career back on track and he alone could be worth many millions to our club alone (creative mids we need at present! ) - time will tell.

2.) 20 Dec 2023 07:30:07
Seems a bit steep for shankland 3m plus Lowry, agree with blue, surely if pc got to see Lowry potential then he might think otherwise as he could be an asset long term. I wouldn’t be adverse to Scott wright going opposite way or maybe a loan of king, Devine etc but still 3m plus seems extreme.

John or anyone is there any info about Lunny and a new deal in pipeline it seems we have our europe Lunny back playing consistently.

All you guys are well be a while since posted but on checking up daily just forgot the login details.

3.) 20 Dec 2023 07:37:21
If skankland can shoot us to the title then 3m is cheap.

4.) 20 Dec 2023 08:32:43
3 million and no Lowry that’s plenty.

5.) 20 Dec 2023 10:48:19
3million and extending Lowrys loan for another year but not a swap.

6.) 20 Dec 2023 13:02:24
First thing they’ll need to do is make shankland lose some beef he’s done after 60 minutes.

7.) 20 Dec 2023 13:20:24
I agree with the others, if they are getting £3 million cash there should not be any swap deal as well, personally I wouldn`t pay anymore then £2million for a 28 year old who is unproven at the top level . If they want the likes of Devine or King on loan as part of the deal then that would be okay, benefits us, them and the players involved.

8.) 20 Dec 2023 13:45:08
£3m for a player we could have got for free while at Ayr. He wasn't good enough then though, apparently.

9.) 20 Dec 2023 14:19:35
I don't think shankland is done after 60 minutes mate ?.

10.) 20 Dec 2023 14:45:06
Another player who apparently wasn't good enough in the past! As for Lowry, I don't begin to understand all the issues he apparently has . but surely he should be given the chance under Clement and Co?

11.) 20 Dec 2023 16:09:48
Gc he will not be a starter.

12.) 20 Dec 2023 16:58:18
Have to agree GC, although still strong and great at holding the ball up I do think he’s put on a lot of weight and looks far slower than previous seasons. No doubt he’d get himself in better shape if he got the move though.

13.) 20 Dec 2023 17:20:09
When he was at Ayr, I heard he had a trial at Rangers and was not up to standard, - John might be able to confirm this, I think 3m is a good price with no swap deal.

14.) 20 Dec 2023 19:07:17
No way lowry involved in deal, unless he has personally requested a transfer. Like another poster mentioned, he hasn't even been evaluated by big Phil.

15.) 21 Dec 2023 02:17:29
MBW. it would be a steal all right, Hearts would be stealing our money.

16.) 21 Dec 2023 12:03:31
If swapping Lowry for Shankland is what it takes, then I'm all for it.

I haven't seen anything from his time at Hearts that makes me think he'll improve our Team.

Granted he's young and may have sell-on potential. I just don't think he'll succeed at Rangers though!



31 Aug 2023 00:19:32
On bright note, spoke to Callen McKenna today. Know he and family big bluenose and gers preferred option. Never seen him because boy so young but Goram his idol. At 16 gers desperate for him but so are Man City, Arsenal, and Foreigners. Boy supposedly best young keeper around. Here's hoping.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 07:55:34
I did see yesterday we were linked with this young goalkeeper mckenna who's got a good few big clubs chasing his signature ?Meant to be a cracking young goalie and didn't realise he was a bluenose ?.

2.) 31 Aug 2023 08:45:06
Does the bluenose really matter when the bigger clubs can triple the wages lol.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 09:32:32
At this age the lad should choose the Club with the best youth set up where he can develop. I saw too many youngsters go to Liverpool and Everton when I was coaching at Boys Club Level only to see them on the scrap heap at 21, when if they had chosen Tranmere or similar they would have been given better one on one youth team coaching. Biggest isn't always the best.

4.) 31 Aug 2023 09:47:13
Maybe he should ask mcrorie for advice b4 making a decision.

5.) 31 Aug 2023 10:36:37
Youth doesn’t get a chance at Ibrox. It gets loaned out, or punted.

6.) 31 Aug 2023 11:59:09
Don't come to rangers do yourself a favour and sign for a team that will actually play and develope your career.

7.) 31 Aug 2023 14:35:51
Lol gofor.

8.) 31 Aug 2023 20:29:44
Sign him and leave him playing with Queens Park on loan is the smart move .



04 Aug 2023 04:58:39
What's happening re Panzo? Deal on/ off daily.


1.) 04 Aug 2023 05:47:39
What I last heard is Rangers told Forrest to do one re the price.

2.) 04 Aug 2023 08:00:09
Deal is off. Panzo is unsure of a permanent move. There is interest from some Championship clubs over another loan move.

3.) 04 Aug 2023 11:20:18
I don't know if forest would accept reduced offers? Report in press yesterday that they owe millions in players wages and agents fees? A group of agents talking about forcing a winding up order on the club?

4.) 04 Aug 2023 15:56:40
If there is any truth in the rumour Scotty then we should be looking at other Forest players!

5.) 04 Aug 2023 17:35:27
Berkshire forest r not skint, just bid 21million for ch from roma.



25 Nov 2022 17:00:45
Who is this Mihajilovic name keeps cropping up?


1.) 25 Nov 2022 17:07:20
Was helander manager in Italy.

2.) 25 Nov 2022 17:22:18
A world class free kick taker in his day. Scored hatrick free kicks for lazio one game. Very good player. Unsure managerial career.

3.) 25 Nov 2022 17:27:56
was he not the manager at bologna.

4.) 25 Nov 2022 17:49:18
He was a brilliant player.

5.) 25 Nov 2022 17:56:54
Was manager of Bologna and still managed them week in week out whilst he had leukaemia! Top player in his day!

6.) 25 Nov 2022 19:03:18
So what Gio was a class player look at the mess he's left us in.

7.) 25 Nov 2022 19:34:54
He was a decent player, but also a total sc@#bag! He liked to gob on players, as well as the odd over the top tackle or two If memory serves me right.

8.) 25 Nov 2022 20:28:58
812 I never said he should be our next manager.

9.) 25 Nov 2022 20:45:52
Gonna pull a coops here and say I me turned Sinisa Mihijalovic on here days ago ??.

10.) 25 Nov 2022 21:16:53
Was good player . headcase at times though. Sounds perfect lol.

11.) 25 Nov 2022 22:32:13
If you have never heard of Sinisa Mihajlovic then you should be doing your Maths homework and not posting in here!



21 Nov 2022 23:10:41
Word is SG in London at Lloyd's meeting with John Bennett. Not Bennets decision but maybe reporting back.


1.) 22 Nov 2022 10:57:47
Miller any idea why sg would be meeting Lloyds on rangers behalf if that’s what you mean.




Millerbrandwilson's banter posts with other poster's replies to Millerbrandwilson's banter posts


26 Jul 2024 15:40:17
Keep wright? OMG he's bang average and that's saying something. Get rid for fee start ball rolling and give PC maximum advantage. Think Cerny class act and great piece business. If PC lands class CH now I'll be in wonderland.


1.) 26 Jul 2024 16:06:17
Get shot of him he’s not good enough.

2.) 26 Jul 2024 16:32:29
Agreed Wright must go so what he scored against Birmingham 2nd string - have we not seen this guy enough to know he is not rangers quality - he stays I’m worried unless he is nothing more than a sub when we are already 2/ 3 up ??????.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 17:56:45
Was Birmingham strongest team but anyway I agree he should go.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 18:04:22
I am not too fussed on Wright. He seems to perform better with time and space than most of our forwards. Certainly better than Matondo. I would want higher wage underperformers out the door ahead of him. I also can’t question his effort/ speed and general fitness, unlike others. To me he’s an ideal backup and will keep the tempo up for starters during training. Again won’t be bothered if he goes but I’m certainly not bothered if he stays either.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 18:08:47
On Wright, he is fast, robust, good attitude and an eye for a goal. Could he be coached into a better palyer or a number 10. I think he is great on the half turn. I personaly think if the manger can imrove him and make him into an effective player, i'm not fussed either way, not at the top of the list of palyers I think should move on.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 18:15:39
It's PC who wants to keep him.

7.) 26 Jul 2024 18:33:29
Off course he should go, but what’s your view if manager wants to keep him.

Mb no great claim but he is better than matondo mcausland and Lowry.

8.) 26 Jul 2024 18:54:07
Agree blue north, wright is least of our worries.
Wright- low wage, Scottish fits quota, rarely injured, use sparingly, decent option off the bench.

Matondo, really high wage, injured constantly, brings next to nothing at times. I feel matondo needs a really good run in the team, but how can we do that when he plays like he does? Catch 22.
Like you you say blue north let's get guys like that out the door before worrying about wright. Am not a fan of wright BTW, just got bigger problems than him atm.

9.) 26 Jul 2024 19:06:02
Wrights half turn in midfield and speeding away is top class to be fair, his final decision is amateur at times tho, far from first to go at moment.

10.) 26 Jul 2024 19:09:45
Watp they brought on about 10 subs that’s what I meant as that is when wright scored - started first team didn’t finish with it ??????.

11.) 26 Jul 2024 19:11:29
Wright is not better than McCausland who is just breaking through but still outscored and out assisted Wright who is a truly terrible player who never lifts his head and can't finish.

He runs about more than Lowry but has a lot less talent. The fact that some on here think that Wright and Dessers are good enough to play for Rangers shows how far our standards and expectations have fallen.

12.) 26 Jul 2024 19:24:11
My view is John that the manager is wrong with wanting to keep wright. No manager gets every player right. He had never been good enough and never will be good enough.

13.) 26 Jul 2024 19:25:08
John, what players have you been watching if you believe Wright is better than Macausland, Matondo and Lowry? Or was that a typo?

14.) 26 Jul 2024 19:30:07
TJBB, i said the same as yourself yesterday mate ? Could scott wright be more effective for us moved in one and more central where undoubtedly he can cause damage to opposition defences ? There's no doubt he has talent and attributes ? Could he be that no.10 position we crave ? Our manager clearly likes and rates the boy.

15.) 26 Jul 2024 19:41:13
I’m happy for Wright to stay, as with the rest mentioned lacks composure with the final pass, cross or shot but either PC likes him or putting him in shop window. I think PC thinks he’s a good squad player that can be coached to improve.

16.) 26 Jul 2024 19:52:36
Rabbi had more goals and assists last season but yeah wright is better ?.

17.) 26 Jul 2024 20:15:04
All about opinions. Matondo we pay 28k a week, wright 7k.

18.) 26 Jul 2024 20:27:01
We would all like matondo to go as well john but currently there is interest in wright its not like there's a choice take 1 or the other. Both terrible.



23 Jul 2024 13:05:49
I'm a patient guy and feel Cantwell will come good. You could say not most physical for Scottish game nor fact he tends to get involved in own media too much but ball at feet I think he's a gem and still think he's played outta position. Believe he's a no 10 in waiting.


1.) 23 Jul 2024 13:25:01
I also think there’s a player there, but sadly there is also an immature young man there. I think sometimes he concentrates on things around him rather than focusing solely on winning the football match, I think clement just thinks he cannot trust him simple as that.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 13:33:16
What position has he been playing then if not a 10?

3.) 23 Jul 2024 14:10:12
Mbw, there is a player there but how often does he turn up? Not very often imo. We need winners at our club, not we we boys who want to be as popular on sm as they do on football park. I honestly think coming 2nd is OK for some of these players, posting scoring meaningless goals when we've just lost the league and all heartbroken, then when he gets stick for it he tells us to go eat a shush burger. Is this honestly the type of players we want? Who's attitude is who cares if we lost the league, I scored a goal, me me me.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 14:20:16
He has a bit of skill about him, but he's an idiot who is too wrapped up in himself to see what he's throwing away. I want him gone, and hopefully he will be soon.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 14:24:29
I’m beginning to think he might be the slightly more skillful sibling to Joey Barton ?.

6.) 23 Jul 2024 14:29:06
Waste of talent as he's a head full of broken bottles. Had the same issues at every club he's ever been at, he'll never change. Moving him on is the right decision.

7.) 23 Jul 2024 14:51:03
No10 in waiting he has been
Playing as a 10.

8.) 23 Jul 2024 15:06:54
Has he not had a few different positions
A 10 playmaker through middle behind Dessers
An 11 i'm sure he’s played left once atleast. Could be wrong someone clarify?
and a 7 on the right? A few times.



15 Jul 2024 01:22:45
We know players to leave but think generating 15m wide of mark. Maybe dumping players will make one off saving 15m but not in loop.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 09:22:10
A few on here say players are nowhere near good enough to play for rangers then want £5m for them ?.



08 Jul 2024 13:01:46
If we make money on Goldson to Bham City great otherwise I'd pay them to take him.


1.) 08 Jul 2024 13:21:36
Can’t seen us making money on goldson if he’s miving to league 1, we paid 3.5m for him. Getting him off the wage bill will be good.

2.) 08 Jul 2024 17:34:02
In fairness we've had 5 good years service from goldson.

3.) 08 Jul 2024 18:10:42
Agree SWS Goldson has been a good servant for the club, and we only payed £3.5m as quoted by a previous poster.

4.) 08 Jul 2024 19:31:03
Still value him at £2m and that’s a good deal for but g club:
If we need to negotiate a free transfer due to his wage demands that would be understandable.



26 May 2024 07:40:30
Went to game full trepidation, thought going get stuffed. But apart goal tic created sod all. Like lot on here not going to slate Cantwell. Might be prima Donna but lovely on ball and a real threat. What p@@@@@ me off is watched dozen times still can't see what's wrong with our goal?


1.) 26 May 2024 08:06:30
Felt only one team was going to win - maybe I’m seeing something different but for me we are in another attacking phase when ball played to wright who is sleeping as usual - we lose possession and are wide open then nobody bothers to shut down Riley - felt as fired right at Butland not much he could do - so I’m blaming wright yet again and then defence for not coming out and closing shot - imo wright needs to go he is not the quality needed ??????.

2.) 26 May 2024 08:16:24
Clear 2 handed push.

3.) 26 May 2024 08:42:11
Then go to Specsavers millerbrandwilson.

4.) 26 May 2024 08:43:40
Raskin fouled Hart.

5.) 26 May 2024 09:33:39
Not a thing wrong with our goal, Walsh was like a kid at Christmas with excitement to chop off our goal. Shocking decision but one we’re used to now. Other than offside when was the last time Celtic had a goal chopped off against us? Strange but I guess that’s Scotland for you. No doubt our board will remain radio silence.

6.) 26 May 2024 10:06:16
It was a clear foul on hart.

7.) 26 May 2024 10:15:05
Completely disagree Storm.

8.) 26 May 2024 10:35:13
The slo- mo or still makes it look like a foul but happens at every corner, if hadn’t been on the goal line might of got away with it as actually not any force involved, don’t go with pen all day long rubbish.

9.) 26 May 2024 10:53:47
Never enough in it to be chopped off, raskin also being fouled and hart isn’t in contention for the ball.

10.) 26 May 2024 10:54:51
100% a foul on Hart. If that's at the other end and not given we're going crazy.

Not to mention we could easily (and have had previously this season in similar circumstances, i. e. Benfica away and Souttar) a penalty given against us if it was some refereeing conspiracy (for the record, I don't think it was a penalty in either case, but those calling "conspiracy" against us can't have it both ways. If we were being conspired against, that's easily given and justified as a penalty based on others we've seen this season) .

Too easy to use referees as an excuse for our own failings, both Raskin putting his hands on Hart in the first place (why? ) and just not being good enough again.

And to counter the "what about Scales on Sterling first half" - Walsh didn't give either of them as pushed on first viewing and VAR can't review the Scales one as it's outside the box. If it's inside the box he gives both as pushed on review. So at least Walsh was, for once, consistent in not giving either on first viewing. But that doesn't mean both weren't pushes on second viewing, they were.

11.) 26 May 2024 11:37:29
It wasn't a foul, ridiculous decision.




Millerbrandwilson's rumour replies


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25 Jul 2024 01:34:43

More relieved with expected leavers than who's coming other than club business moving. Bit upset on some posts bout City game because we had experimental team out, they played full force 11 so not that worried. Just hope.




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30 Jun 2024 17:48:49
How much longer Miovski left on contract? Sheep going to have to fold sometime.




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30 Jun 2024 16:57:46

What's all this problem re Cantwell, on game cracking player. He's made of chocolate and think he needs bit of positive energy. I'll give him season because ball at feet and passing different class. Let's wait see.




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30 Jun 2024 16:35:08

Playing him lot? Not in any do or die matches. Maybe just putting him in window.




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30 Jun 2024 16:30:12
Sima looking more likely. Brighton want rid and we want buy. So much so Brighton prepare haggle. IMO 7m will bag him.





Millerbrandwilson's banter replies


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26 Jul 2024 16:09:27

Fans not disrespectful, just using this forum for honesty. I'll be first to rush Goldson out door because he's bombscare and never class required. A better, class c/ h give our rebuild cherry on cake. I think PC doing great job with limited funds.




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24 Jul 2024 14:37:01
Tav quoted at for sale for 1m this am. Know we're trying offload but bit throwaway no?




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20 Jul 2024 09:36:30
Bit ironic Walter. There's no negativity. In short time PC transforming team with more to go. Ibrox transformation and deadwood moving on will take time. Perhaps 2 win̈dows. Others quicker, just depend cash as ever. My own thoughts amount useless deadwood, if we get 15m for approx 20 players to go I'll be happy, then try recoup in CL.




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13 Jul 2024 10:19:28

Rangers will place cost/ plus contract on desired result. On this basis contractor will foresee scope works required and get item required and give final contract direction and finalisation data. It is in contractors interest to give detailed scope and itemisation as cost/ plus will mean more money for contractor.




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08 Jul 2024 14:18:12

Bit short thinking. We all know it's not just seats, but good meaning upgrade of handicapped fan area, and may I say in doing so it puts Ibrox in top 5 venues in Europe. Main reason why Ibrox not being used as venue for other events was lack handicapped toilets. It is not just venue upgrade but marketing ploy to use Ibrox future events. Time to think out box.




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